Magic card gods

Chapter 172 Here I Come, Senpai!

Because Wei Yuan was acting as a hindrance, the fight between Tokyo officials and the Ark Ghoul has been quite intense in the past few days. The battlefield spread to the north and west of the city, and seven or eight counties and cities.

After all, the Provisional Government and the Countermeasures Bureau belong to the human camp, and even if there is competition, it is internal. Facing Ark's crazy counterattack at this time, they can only let go of their prejudices and unite to the outside world.

At this time, Fang Zhou has completed his preliminary plan, basically gathering most of the ghouls in the three regions of east, west and north. Now there are as many as three hundred ghouls!

This is also one of the main reasons why Wei Yuan provoked Tokyo officials to fight Ark.

If the Ark continues to expand, they will extend their tentacles to the southern part of the city where the refuge is located.

In Wei Yuan's refuge, after one enhancement, there are one hundred and ten people whose strength is around the level of ordinary special forces. After two or more enhancements, the strength is much higher than ordinary people. There are about five or six people who have the strength of ordinary awakened people. ten...

And after a full set of enhancements, not only Ju Chuan Shizuka's local biotechnology enhancements, but Wei Yuan spent 16 of them using cannon fodder enhancements.

This kind of strength is already very popular in the entire southern part of the city. He has opened up mines many times, set up strongholds in nearby counties and cities, searched and rescued survivors, trapped dead bodies, and hunted special infected people... all based on this kind of manpower. over resource advantages.

But the current strength of the refuge is far behind that of Ark or Tokyo officials.

Wei Yuan learned from Yumu Wuzi:

The provisional government has countless guns and short cannons, and the self-defense force has more than 800 members. There are also some police security guards who have undergone basic training and can shoot with a gun. There are more than 4,000 survivors under his command... They even have a dozen tanks, seven or eight helicopters, and an unknown number of missiles!

There are more than 200 first-, second- and third-level investigators in the Bureau of Countermeasures, more than 60 senior investigators, 24 associate special officers (including the dead Hayakawa Yoichi), and eight special rank investigators.

Not to mention that the two are connected with each other, even if one is singled out, Sanctuary is definitely not an opponent.

And Ark now has more than 300 ghouls, more than 70 S-classes, more than 30 SS-classes, 11 SSS-classes, and now there are nine more.

In this situation, it is very unwise to expose the shelter to the sight of both.

That sentence goes like this: build walls high, accumulate grain widely, and become king slowly.

Let the two fight! When I started fighting, I couldn't care less about exploring the Tokyo Port in the south of the city.

Wei Yuan needs time, and the longer he delays, the more advantage he will have.

Moreover, once a fight broke out, Zhou Siqi couldn't move. Since she chose to join the officialdom and tried to take advantage of it, she would be restricted and assigned by the officialdom.

In the battle against the ghouls these days, she was not idle, and was sent to command or fight on various battlefields. It's just that many people now have resistance to working under her. Because the casualties will always be bigger!

The two-headed hellhound that Zhou Siqi domesticated through contracts and magical rituals actually didn't particularly listen to her.

She needs to use both soft and hard, do everything in her power to appease the two-headed dog. But this is a monster from hell after all, it's fine if you don't let it kill people at will, and you can't make it go on a hunger strike!

Normally speaking, eating a ghoul's bag or the investigator's heart for a few days can barely sustain it. It can even increase strength. But wars are never going to go smoothly. What should I do if I lose the battle and fail to kill the ghoul, or the corpse of the ghoul needs to be handed in under the eyes of everyone?

What's more, with Wei Yuan messing with her in the dark, it's a bit difficult for her to win the battle against the ghouls. Winning is also a miserable victory.

That Cerberus doesn't listen to your reasoning, it eats when you're hungry, drinks when you're thirsty, and fucks when you think about it... So Zhou Siqi often had to kill some teammates to make up for the Cerberus Two-Headed Dog.

After several times, even if many people didn't guess the specific reason, they were unwilling to fight under her.

Her influence and power declined further, and even the number of licking dogs began to decline dramatically.

Zhou Siqi even made up her mind in her heart that if it doesn't work, use some magic scrolls like "Imperial Curse", "Manipulation of Human Beings", and "Puppet Art" to directly control a group of people!

Just licking a dog, you actually want to get some cheap food and drink some soup, don't you have four heads?

At this time, Wei Yuan was in the dark, and the senior sister was in the light. Wei Yuan quietly arranged to constantly pull Zhou Siqi's energy and sight, making him run around and not have time to think and deal with problems.

Zhou Siqi felt something was wrong, but she didn't know what went wrong, let alone what to do.

After all, she is just a vicious, cruel young woman. Her ambition is only to become a high-level card player. on white lotus.

In some major events, major trends, and major situations, she is just an ordinary person who has mastered some special powers.

Tokyo officials and Ark have been fighting fiercely for two weeks, and both sides have suffered considerable losses.

Now they have played real fire, and they think that the other party is their sworn enemy, the only opponent to rule the world, and an enemy that cannot coexist in one Tokyo.

Almost every day, large and small battles take place, both sides are fighting wits and courage, all kinds of formations and intrigues.

It even happened that ghouls pretended to be survivors and wanted to break into the official interior.

However, the authorities had already prepared for it. Dong Shengyue, a genius researcher of the Countermeasures Bureau, developed a machine called "Ghoul Detection Gate". Like an airport security gate, once the Rc cell content in the human body exceeds the standard, an alarm will be triggered.

In order to prevent the mixing and assassination of ghouls, many official confidential locations have been installed.


On this day, Zhou Siqi received another mission to lead a team to round up a few ghouls based in a coffee shop. She has received such missions several times recently, winning and losing.

So she took more than 30 loyal self-defense members directly under her, and four newly joined dog-licking investigators, and went.

Recently, the discipline of the Bureau of Countermeasures has become stricter, and investigators are not allowed to join the search and rescue team of the provisional government in their personal names.

Although this order was actually aimed at the provisional government's poaching of the countermeasure bureau, Zhou Siqi felt that it was more like targeting herself!

Now for this reason, the only four investigators who lick dogs are already a rare resource, and no one has been killed in battle with Zhou Siqi for almost two weeks.

Zhou Siqi really didn't dare to feed the dog with licking dogs anymore, and if she died, there would be no one left, so she could only work hard to appease her.

The mission information given by the interim government was very accurate. Four B- to A-level ghouls were packed into the coffee shop and shot with submachine guns, and one of them died on the spot. There was another serious injury.

The remaining two ghouls immediately took the seriously injured members and fled from the prepared secret passage.

These ducks are full of mouths, how can Zhou Siqi let them run away? If she ran away, she would suffer again tonight. So immediately lead the team to pursue!

The secret passage prepared by the ghoul was connected from the basement to the sewer, and Zhou Siqi immediately led his men into the sewer.

About four or five minutes later, there was a slight explosion in the sewer, and the rear of the group collapsed!

Everyone present suddenly felt bad!

At this time Zhou Siqi hadn't realized the seriousness of the matter, and thought it was a means arranged by the ghouls to prevent pursuit.

Even if those man-eating monsters set up an ambush to fight back, Zhou Siqi was right.

After all, she herself is a third-level carder who is partial to the law system, and there is also a third-level hell dog! Even if two SSS-level ark apostles shot together, they couldn't take advantage of it.

However, she still thinks less, and the pattern is not enough. Did she enter this fantasy world to raise a dog?

Focusing only on the provisional government, countermeasures bureau, and ghouls in front of him, did he forget Wei Yuan and Hao Mengmeng? !

The devil's sewer is so spacious that two SUVs can drive side by side.

At this time, the dark and spacious sewer seemed a little empty, only the flashlights of the Self-Defense Forces emitted a pale light, and the surroundings were silent.

However, soon someone shouted. Because the six or seven people behind him are gone!

"Did it get hit when it exploded just now?" Someone asked.

"No! No! The family members were bombed just now, or did Akita give me a hand? And A Chai, he was right behind me just now, and he was still cursing!"

Everyone hurriedly searched with flashlights, but found no clues.

And at this moment, Zhou Siqi's two-headed hellhound suddenly yelled and rushed towards a corner ahead.

Zhou Siqi hurriedly followed with a few people, just in time to see a member of the Self-Defense Forces being dragged into the ditch at the corner of the sewer by something!

The two-headed hellhound bit the self-defense force member's foot with one bite, trying to tug of war, but the force was too strong, and the whole foot and ankle were bitten off with a "click"!

The faces of those members of the Self-Defense Forces changed at that time, and they looked at each other in the dark, fear mixed with resentment!

At this time, the Cerberus suddenly rushed to the back of the team again, and a member of the Self-Defense Forces fell silently to the ground! The hellhound snapped at a black figure next to it, biting a lot of straw in one bite!

The black shadow was gone, only the black, rotten straw spit out of the big dog's mouth.

When the rest of the people gathered around with lingering fear, they found that the member who fell to the ground had huge eyes and a blue face with horror, and he was already dead!

Zhou Siqi's heart sank, she originally thought that this was at best a trap set by the ghouls, there were ten or eight ghouls hiding here to set up an ambush, just to give her dog extra food.

In the end, she actually found a supernatural shadow?

Isn't this fantasy world biochemical? How could it be mixed with ghosts? Zhou Siqi felt a little uneasy.

Fortunately, she contracted a two-headed hellhound, which is not only powerful in combat, but also high enough in mystery to deal with ordinary ghosts and ghosts...

Already embarrassed to ask for votes, you understand what I mean? _(:з」∠)_

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