Magic card gods

Chapter 170

It can be seen from the battle just now that although Saeko Busujima's level is much higher than that of Hao Mengmeng, her attributes are much stronger. But in battle, Hao Mengmeng's performance was no worse than hers, and even slightly outperformed her in terms of explosive power.

Because Hao Mengmeng bound the profession card and mastered Qi!

Why is Katu so proud?

Cadets like Zhou Siqi seldom put the aborigines in their eyes. Because they have two advantages that the aborigines in the fantasy world cannot match.

The first is to walk the fantasy world of the heavens. No matter what kind of world it is, they have the opportunity to see it. If you are well-informed, you will naturally be arrogant.

The second is the card. Cards such as professional cards and skill cards allow card players to master the power system that belongs to the aborigines. And after binding, the growth rate and upper limit are much higher than that of the aborigines!

It's like Hao Mengmeng's Wangzhi Qi, which is a height that hundreds of warriors, assassins, and Qi refiners in Huanglong City have not been able to reach in the past ten years.

Moreover, Hao Mengmeng is also a genius in refining qi. Naturally born, with a natural state of mind.

After she bound the Wangzhi Qi professional card, she made great progress in the practice of Qi.

Even if she simply practiced Qi every day, she was still ten times faster than the warriors in Huanglong City!

What's more, when she kills monsters, upgrades, and advances, she will increase her energy. This huge advantage is basically irreparable for talent and hard work.

A card player with average talent, after binding a job card, can still compete with the aboriginal genius of that job type! And the longer the time, the bigger the gap will be!

It can be said that what you can do, I can do, and do better. Ten times better!

In this case, Katu is naturally arrogant. Because they are powerful.

Even though Saeko Dujima has been strengthened many times by Wei Yuan's careful planning, she is not a match for Hao Mengmeng in terms of potential.


For this sudden incident, Wei Yuan undoubtedly took the plate firmly.

As the leader of Tier 3, Longye Chiduo is quite generous.

The equipment card [Killing Devil Sword Captain Light (Blue)] has unparalleled material and sharpness, and is a murderous weapon.

This long captain is just a big sword, and it is five feet long, which is nearly 1.7 meters in length!

In the battle just now, Long Ye Chiduo wielded the super long sword with one hand, and every time he predicted the enemy's opportunity, he must save the enemy, forcing Hao Mengmeng and Busujima Saeko to be in danger.

Weiyuan felt that this sword was just a bit short of magical elements. When he returned to Tianyuan City and found a suitable source of magic power to strengthen it, there was a great chance that it could be upgraded to perfection!

Then there is the skill card [Natural Lixin Flow Swordsmanship Profound Meaning: Three Swords of Ignorance (Blue)], which is a swordsmanship that can aim according to the enemy's movement and perform rapid three-stage thrusts.

The natural mental flow is good at adapting to the situation and reacting naturally to the enemy's actions. This move can predict the enemy's opportunity first, launching three thrusts at the moment before the enemy's action, which is very powerful.

If matched with the length of the long captain light, the lethality and range of action of these three thrusts will be extremely huge.

Just now Long Ye Chido used the Three Wuming Swords with one hand, if it wasn't for Saeko Busujima who used Rc cells to form a round shield and blocked three thrusts for Hao Mengmeng, Hao Mengmeng would have been seriously injured.

Saeko Busujima also used the Rc Kazuko shield to resist the opponent's mystery, which almost exhausted her physical energy and Rc cells.

Although these two cards are very good, the one that is really useful to Wei Yuan and the others is Long Ye Chiduo's corpse.

Wei Yuan stretched out his hand, and the hand began to emit light. After a while, he extracted [Refined Kabane Metal (Blue)] from Longye Chido.

This is undoubtedly the reason why Longye Chido is stronger than other Kabane. The Kabane metal and energy heart in his body are also stronger. Even if others are dead, they are all emitting red light.

[Jianhe (blue)], this is the strange Hezi that Wei Yuan extracted from Longye Chiduo's body.

Long Yechi is not a ghoul at all, but absorbed the Hezi of those ghouls and the Quinker weapon of the investigator, forming a Hebao organization in the body that strengthens the body and swordsmanship.

It's just a pity that it was killed before it was formed. This strange Hezi, which is not in the original work, may become an absolute hit.

This is undoubtedly a good material for strengthening swords!

In the end, Wei Yuan did not expect the things extracted from his body by refining all things.

It was a ball of light. After being turned into a consumption level card by Wei Yuan, it became a consumption card.

[Longye Chiduo swordsmanship experience (green)]

[Excellent grade item card/consumption card/spiritual possession]

[Longye Chiduo's swordsmanship experience and experience: I feel Longye Chiduo's many years of swordsmanship experience. 】

[(requires medium swordsmanship)]

【(Use times 1/1)】

【"Records the natural Lixin flow swordsmanship master Longye Chiduo, his perception of swordsmanship before and after his death."】

Among the white light and this card is Long Ye Chido's swordsmanship experience. It allows the user to appreciate Long Ye Chido's swordsmanship experience once!

Wei Yuan looked confused, how could I extract the experience in other people's minds? Do I count as refining a corpse?

In the end, this card was given to Saeko Busushima, because Hao Mengmeng's sword technique is completely different from Long Ye Chita's.

She has no family, no school, no tricks, no style, how to use the knife is all based on her heart. In addition, the thick-backed ghost-head sword is used, which is completely out of sync with Dongying swordsmanship.

Wei Yuan, who picked up a big leak and took a big plate, did not leave in a hurry.

Now that Senior Sister Zhou Siqi has been discovered, she will be too sorry if she doesn't do something. I had prepared for so long before and didn't dare to make too much publicity, isn't it because this big enemy hasn't been resolved yet?

It's all right now, the enemy is clear and we are dark, how can an old Yinbi like Wei Yuan spare her lightly?

Kill her early, so you can let go and do a big job.

Since you pretend to be a white lotus in the crowd, and you still play your trick of licking dogs, I will let you taste the feeling of being ruined!


That night, Tamaki Maiko, who was crying silently while holding a photo of Hayakawa Yoichi, suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"Boom boom boom~"

"Who?" Tamaki Maiko wiped away her tears, and touched the box at hand. In this small alloy box, was her Quinque weapon, Hundred Heads Shooter.

There was no answer from outside the door, but a note slipped in from under the door instead.

Tamaki Maiko opened the door suddenly, wanting to see who was playing tricks and playing tricks, but there was no one outside the door.

She closed the door vigilantly and picked up the note. There are some words written on it:

"Miss Tamaki Maiko, I am very sorry for the death of investigator Yoichi Hayakawa. Excuse me, do you want to know the truth about his death?"

"Bastard!" Tamaki Maiko gritted her teeth. She couldn't allow someone to make such a nasty joke about Yoichi Hayakawa who had just passed away!

"Who is it?" She opened the door again and looked around ferociously. But there was still no one, just when she was about to go back to the house angrily, she found another note under her feet.

"When..." Across the door, Maiko Tamaki didn't realize that someone had left a note!

The investigator of the Countermeasures Bureau was the elite of all parties before becoming an investigator, and after possessing the Quink weapon, he was gradually strengthened in the long-term combined battle with Quink. Even without the Quink weapon, his physical fitness in all aspects is much higher than that of ordinary people.

However, Tamaki Maiko, who is a senior investigator, didn't hear any sound from the person who put down the note!

As an archer, her keen sense of hearing and vision is needless to say, but in the end she was fooled by the mysterious man.

She lowered her head and saw the note read:

"Please don't rush to get angry, because when you are angry, you are behind. Do you really have no doubts about Mr. Hayakawa Yoichi's death? How did a master of marksmanship be pierced through the chest from behind and take away the heart? Just Even the Quinker weapon was taken away. That's not Ark style."

Tamaki Maiko's face was very ugly, because she had doubts before.

A woman's intuition told her that although Zhou Siqi was crying very sadly, she wasn't telling the truth!

Now this note completely made her feel uneasy.

Suddenly a very strange voice sounded from the window: "Miss Tamaki, you don't want Yoichi Hayakawa to die for no apparent reason, do you? I can let you see Yoichi Hayakawa before he died. I don't know if you want to see it ?”

Tamaki Maiko took two steps forward, when a voice suddenly came from outside the window: "No, no, don't come here, let's communicate like this first!"

But Tamaki Maiko said very disdainfully: "You hide your head and show your tail, how can I believe what you said!"

The voice chuckled: "It's not that I don't want to show up, I'm just worried that you won't be able to accept it."

"Stop talking nonsense, show up!"

Then the curtain was pushed aside, and a huge black crow stood on the window sill, and it actually had an eye on its forehead!

"Miss Yumu, please don't be afraid, I have to remind you in this way." The three-eyed crow spoke!

Tamaki Maiko was already stunned. She considered the possible identity of the mysterious person outside the window, but she never expected that it was a crow who spoke, no wonder the voice was weird.

At this moment, the Three-Eyed Crow spoke again: "Let's gossip less, it's not good for that woman to find out. Please take a look..."

As he said that, the crow emitted a pervasive black smoke.

Tamaki Maiko took two steps back vigilantly, but the black air did not disperse, instead it formed something like a projector screen, and then the third eye on the top of the Three-Eyed Crow's head began to glow, and the black mist began to appear In the picture, it was the scene where Yoichi Hayakawa led Zhou Siqi and the big dog to chase down the apostle of the ghoul.

It's just that there is no shadow of the ghouls in the picture at all. The ghouls were already prepared to retreat very quickly, and they never caught up with the ark ghouls.

Instead, Zhou Siqi suddenly slashed through Hayakawa Yoichi's chest from behind, and then threw it to the big dog who was eager to try.

The big dog was no longer what Maiko Tamaki used to see, it became bigger and more ferocious, with sharp thorns all over its back, a poisonous snake tail, and it had two heads!

And Zhou Siqi's hand was dark and ferocious, like a ghost hand covered with black scales!

This is the ability of the Three-Eyed Crow. It uses magic power to restore the pictures it has seen before. This is a superficial illusion technique. In the eyes of the three-eyed crow, the disguise of the two-headed hellhound didn't work at all. So what is revealed is the body...

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