Magic card gods

Chapter 166

Takashi Komuro was sitting in the car depressed, beside him were his best friend Hao Yong Ii and his childhood sweetheart Rei Miyamoto.

At this time, Miyamoto Rei was nestling in Jing Haoyong's arms, and the two clasped their hands tightly, appearing very close.

Takashi Komuro was very uncomfortable, this feeling is hard to describe. Because he has never been a person who is very sensitive to emotions.

He watched his close friend and childhood sweetheart show affection from the corner of his eyes, but Saya Takashiro beside him was a little angry.

Obviously he has a crush on Takashi Komuro, but this guy is only paying attention to his childhood sweetheart.

Miyamoto Rei also quickly discovered Komuro Takashi's abnormality, and took the time to show him a comforting smile.

Rei Miyamoto felt a little tired, who knows how to pack a fish pond? But there are two big fish in her fish pond that can hardly fit, which is a bit exhausting.

In the back seat sits military-eyed chubby Hirano Toda with his little girlfriend, former traffic cop Asami Nakaoka.

Originally, Hirano Toda was the licking dog of the young lady Takashiro Saya, but in the end of the world, capable men will start to wake up.

Although not as good as Takashi Komuro and Hao Yong Jing, Hirano Toda is still an awakened person.

The aspects of his awakening are long-distance vision, dynamic vision, neural reflexes and other bonus shooting-related qualities. Now that he holds a rifle in his arms, it is also a combat power that cannot be ignored.

The driver was Takashi Saya's mother Takashi Yuriko.

She was aware of Takashiro Soichiro's white meat plan, because the two of them were a little alienated in the past, and this escort commercial vehicle was her secret preparation. So even if she was decisively abandoned by Soichiro Takashiro, this strong woman didn't panic at all, and escaped with her daughter and several of her daughter's powerful awakened classmates.

On the second day that Worrying Country Yixin would be destroyed, they discovered the search and rescue convoy of the shelter.

Many survivors who were drawn from the Concerning the Country and One Heart Association were picked up by the convoy. They also posted leaflets and maps on the streets and alleys.

The group discussed for a while, although they didn't want to rashly seek refuge in this unknown refuge, but because they escaped in a hurry, and there was not much food, water and oil, they really didn't know what to do if they didn't go and look.

So, on the third day, that is, the day after Wei Yuan and the others came back from "wilding", this car found the refuge's convoy and followed them back to the refuge.

At this time, the number of survivors accommodated in Wei Yuan's refuge has approached a thousand.

Under the leadership of the "old men" before, those who have experienced the doomsday world for more than 20 days began to abandon their illusions and obey the shelter that allowed them to survive.

The experimental product and machine called the shelter that Wei Yuan built has already begun to speed up.

There are now six convoys attracting dead bodies on a large scale in the main city. They didn't have anything to do until the dead body was led all the way to the underground parking lot of Wei Yuan's mobile cemetery.

Basically, 30,000 to 40,000 dead bodies are attracted from distant urban areas every day. After entering the dark underground parking lot, there was no more movement.

Many people are very afraid of this, never mentioning the underground parking lot, never mentioning where the countless dead bodies that can fill the underground parking lot several times went.

In order to prevent the convoy from encountering powerful monsters such as special infected people and Kabane, each convoy has firearms, walkie-talkies and seven or eight strengthened Yakuza members.

These people are much stronger than normal people! Strength, speed, reaction, physique, plus the mass-produced equipment that Wei Yuan trained on his body, even some special infected people can win the battle when they have an advantage in numbers.

After a few days, the dead bodies in the bed master city began to become scarce. Every time you lure a monster, you need to run seventeen or eight streets!

A person in charge of guarding the entrance to the underground parking lot asked his companion, "What's the day?"

His companion looked at the notebook in his hand, "Today is the eighth wave, just over 3,000."

"So, the number of dead bodies is decreasing rapidly?"

"I think so. Now the guys who attract the dead bodies go out for a longer time than before, but the number is not half of the original. They have to go farther to find enough dead bodies."

"That's really good news."


"...That's right, this is my rule. If you want to stay in the shelter, you must abide by the rules of the shelter."

Wei Yuan, you looked at Xiaoshixiao and the others in front of you, and said: "If you want to leave, you are free to do so. But if you want supplies, you need to exchange them with contributions. You have also seen that the shelter is very busy now, and we are busy Cleaning up the dead bodies, trying to restore peace to the city..."

Komuro Takashi, Jing Haoyong and others all know Wei Yuan. After all, when Wei Yuan was still in Fujimi Academy, he was almost the focus of the students. If you don't know how to click his message, you can't get in the conversation with your friends.

Among the people present, only Takashiro Yuriko and Nakaoka Asami did not know Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan has already briefly explained the rules of the shelter to them, which is roughly: concentrate on production and obey orders, follow orders and pay more for more work.

Although Takashi Komuro and the others feel that in some aspects, they are really suspected of oppressing survivors, and in some places they are too dictatorial. But the world is like this, there is no way.

If you pay attention to democracy and freedom, go talk to the dead body and don't stay here to waste food.

During this period of time, it wasn't that the idiots who hadn't had their brains in the water babbled and gesticulated, and as a result, they were lightly injected with a spirit infusion stick, and then they were locked up and starved for a few meals. Those who were serious were beaten up by Fatty and thrown outside the shelter.

Some were even directly bitten to death outside the gate by dead bodies, and no one on the high walls dared to lend a helping hand.

Power grows from the barrel of a gun!

Seeing that these young people were a little hesitant, Yuriko Takashiro stood up and brushed the loose hair around her ears, bowed gracefully, and said, "We already understand what Mr. Wei means, please allow us to discuss it, okay?" ?”

Wei Yuan nodded... By the way, Mrs. Gao Cheng has such a good figure! Tall and exquisite, concave and convex! The temperament is also good, with the charm of a mature woman and the special temperament of an independent strong woman!

When the other party bowed and saluted just now, Wei Yuan couldn't help but wait and see for a while.

Mature woman flirts with teenagers~


Takashiro Yuriko and her team were discussing their next plans outside.

Takashi Komuro and the others were out of ideas and didn't know where to go. But you let them stay, and they're a little uncomfortable.

Yuriko Takashiro just glanced at them and knew roughly what was going on.

Previously, he had defected to Soichiro Takashiro, who was the father of a classmate and an adult of the older generation. But now he has to defect to a former classmate who is the same age as himself, and a classmate who is not particularly famous and has a normal relationship. They're kind of stuck.

Takashiro Yuriko has her own ideas.

In this world, one cannot live long without being attached to a gathering place of survivors. Either join one, or build one yourself.

Originally, it would be good to worry about the country, but I didn't expect to meet such a terrible monster.

Now this base is bigger than the previous Worrying for the Country, and I heard that they have a lot of "awakened people".

Summon moving plants, cats with three tails, mighty ghosts from hell, and more.

Although I don't know how true or false the rumors are, it is true that this refuge is killing a large number of dead bodies.

In the past few days, the density of dead bodies in the main city of Bed has dropped almost visible to the naked eye. In some places, the entire street was several hundred meters long, and not a single dead body could be seen.

If you must attach to a place, this is a very good choice.

It's just that the huge luminous corpse fusion monster has always made Takashiro Yuriko terrified. Being in the same city, if that monster attacks, can this shelter stop it?

After thinking for a while, Takashiro Yuriko began to enlighten Komuro Takashi and other young people.

Although they are top awakeners and powerful, they haven't grown enough mentally. They attached great importance to the suggestion of the adult Yuriko Takashiro.

"Anyway, we don't know where we are going in a short time. Even if we want to leave the main city of beds, we have to make enough contributions here in exchange for some supplies, right? So why not stay and take a look for now."

The joining of Xiaoshixiao and others is exactly in Wei Yuan's arms.

Now the refuge is very short of manpower, especially the ready-made combat power of Takashi Komuro, Hao Yong I, and Hirano Toda.

There are not too many dead bodies in the main city of Bed now, Wei Yuan wants to move the large cemetery and open a mine in a nearby city!

For example, in Meguro City, if you find a suitable place, start harvesting dead bodies while gathering survivors. It won't be long before Wei Yuan can even open the third mine!

This requires a large amount of combat-effective cannon fodder. Now that the protagonists who are very capable of fighting have arrived, they can hold a lot of strengthened cannon fodder, and they can save a lot of material cards.

Two days later, Wei Yuan led a small group of people to start the mine division in Meguro City...

A week later, Wei Yuan brought a small group of people to Chiyoda City to open a sub-mine...

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