Magic card gods

Chapter 144 Big Fish Meat

The giant salamander is an amphibious animal. Although it is not a favorite behavior for it to go ashore, it is not impossible.

It saw its four short legs climbing hard, clumsily but powerfully climbed up to the bank, and trampled a lot of the stone guardrail by the river, leaving behind a slime path that glistened in the sun.

At this moment, everyone finally knew what had been tug-of-war with them for more than ten minutes. Some of the Yakuza were panicked while others were excited. Wei Yuan could see their performance and secretly labeled them.

In front of him was a huge monster with a height of over five meters in the upper body alone, the whole body was black dotted with gray spots. Its body is flat as a whole, especially its head, which is as flat as a pot lid, with a very small arc.

Its head is the size of an ordinary SUV car, with a mouth across its face, which can be said to run through the left and right sides.

When he was roaring just now, everyone had already seen that this guy's mouth can be opened to the maximum extent, and the whole mouth looks like a standard circle with a diameter of more than two meters. The fangs in the mouth, which are longer than fingers, are densely covered in the mouth like countless thorns. Anything that falls into it will be fixed by the barbed teeth that fall inward, and can only be swallowed downwards, and can no longer break free no.

The body of this thing is bulging, as if a bloated body is wrapped under the smooth skin, and the four short legs are very thick, much thicker than the waist of a normal man.

And the shortness is only relative to its huge body shape. In fact, the legs of ordinary people are not as long as its short legs.

But what Wei Yuan cares about the most is the giant giant salamander's terrifyingly large tail that is big and long, beyond normal proportions.

Just now, this big tail fanned a "huge wave" four or five meters high!

Moreover, it says "tail flick" in its skills, this big tail can't bear anyone who throws it, and if it doesn't die, it will have a large area of ​​fractures!

Wei Yuan raised his hand and shouted loudly: "Take up the wire!"

After receiving the order, a man in his thirties pushed the winch with a ferocious face, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Take up the line! Quickly take up the line for me!"

This person is called Kasuga Liuban, and he is a Yakuza who is in prison, but this time he was lucky and escaped from the prison while the dead body incident broke out. Because he is more capable of fighting and has a rough temper, he still has a status among this group of Yakuza.

This person is a bit dead-headed, or in other words, has a sense of ancient loyalty. His cellmates in prison helped him in prison, shielding him from a dead body while escaping at the same time, and finally asked him to help take care of his family before turning into a dead body.

He agreed, and then actually killed all the way to save the orphans and widows of the inmates when the dead bodies were all over the street. He even took them to flee in a car, and was finally bumped into by Wei Yuan who was collecting supplies and brought them back.

Coincidentally, one of the rescued mother and daughter was Wei Yuan's classmate. It was Kiryu Aika who was almost scared to pee by Wei Yuan at school!

It is also a coincidence that Kiryu Aihua's older sister Kiryu Ao is a member of the Kendo Club, and has a jealous personality. Two days ago, I caught a pervert on the tram, but I was actually followed by that pervert.

For fear of retaliation, the three of them, the mother and daughter, dare not leave the house these days, and Kiryu Aika also asked for leave and did not go to school. That's why I didn't get lost in school.

And their family is one of the few in Dongying who doesn't drink cold water directly, but boiled water. So there was no dead body virus infected by drinking water, which gave Kasuga Rokuban a chance to save their mother and daughter.

After this guy was beaten up by Wei Yuan, he respected Wei Yuan so much that he even turned into a green dot on the phone map. There is a sense of "the first dog leg under the head of the Wei University".

Currently, Wei Yuan is investigating him, and intends to develop him into the second batch of experimental characters for strengthening cannon fodder.


More than a dozen strong Yakuzas used all their breastfeeding strength to push the winch, and the three-centimeter thick nylon rope made a rattling sound, pulling the big salamander involuntarily towards the land.

"Go! Do it!" Wei Yuan saw that the distance was almost there, and rushed forward with a wave of his hand.

The big giant salamander was lying on the ground as tall as Wei Yuan, and it didn't compete with the rope at this time, instead it rushed towards Wei Yuan with its short legs, and wanted to swallow Wei Yuan whole with its big mouth!

What greeted it was a sharp arrow with blue light!

As the back row, Ai Xi had already left the melee range and returned to the high wall 50 meters away, but this ice arrow crossed a distance of more than 50 meters and directly hit the fist of the giant salamander. The size of the eyes!

Compared to the giant salamander's body, the eyes of this pair are too small to be noticed without paying attention. What's more, when this guy starts running, he sweeps his head back and forth, shaking constantly. But it was in this state that Ai Xi hit the eye of the giant salamander with an arrow.

In an instant, the frost spread from the eye sockets of the giant salamander to the surroundings. Even its movements froze, almost hitting the ground with its head.

At this time, Wei Yuan made a big jump, and the volley was a New Year's greeting stick technique that smashed his head!

He waved the ghost golden stick for a moment and let out a strange cry, and it hit the hardest flat skull of the giant salamander with a "pop".

If this is a sword or knife, it will definitely slide away because of the huge hardness of the skull and the slippery mucus on the skin of the giant salamander.

If it was used by a layman like Wei Yuan, he might lose his waist because of using too much strength.

But the ghost gold rod is different. It is a metal mallet with huge protrusions. Even if it can't crush the skull of the giant salamander, it can still cause damage through the skull.

Originally due to the rapid cooling of the brain, half of the big giant salamander's brain was blown out at this time, which is a severe concussion.

At this time, Uncle Drumsticks, who had been lazy for several days, felt that he should loosen his muscles and bones in the face of such a big fish, and jumped off the high wall of the shelter in the distance, and rushed to the big fish more than 50 meters away in the blink of an eye. On the back of the salamander. The speed is so fast that people can't see clearly!

And the back of that big giant salamander is extremely slippery, as the saying goes, a feather cannot be added, and a fly cannot fall.

If a fly landed on this back, it would have to throw a big split. But for chicken legs, it's not a problem at all.

Uncle Chicken Drumstick stretched out his ten claws, and directly dug into the meat of the big salamander, standing firmly!

At this time, its sharp claws have become longer, more than 20 centimeters in length!

Moreover, after such a "relaxation" of the chicken legs, I found that my physique has also developed a second time. What used to be the Big Mac of domestic cats is now almost the Big Mac of medium-sized cats. Its body is actually more than one meter long! How many chicken legs do you have to eat!

It also muttered to itself: "No wonder I always feel sore and weak recently. It turns out that I have grown up!"

Saying that, the claws of more than 20 centimeters "chuckled" out, facing the morning sun, they actually shone with a cold light!

"Follow me with this Fat Cat Cross Slash!" As he spoke, he waved his claws and scratched frantically on the big salamander.

Huge wounds tens of centimeters long and tens of centimeters deep appeared densely, and large bloodstains emerged from the back of the giant salamander, and then rolled to the ground.

Everyone on the high wall was stunned, it turned out that this lazy cat is so strong! Fortunately, I didn't grab its chicken legs these two days!

At this time, Lao Guihai Dafu also came to fight Taipingquan to avenge his almost being swallowed in one gulp.

Hai Dafu: "Take my turtle shell attack!"

The lightning-like tortoise shell slammed into the head of the big giant salamander with such force that the huge fish head was thrown back.

Seeing this excitement, Erha was even more unwilling to show weakness, "Aww~": I'm coming! Eat my head hammer!

Erha flew up with four claws and made a pounce in the air, using a "spiral-piercing dog head bomb"... just in time for the giant salamander to eat and open its mouth in pain!


Erha: What is this place? It's so dark in here!


Big Salamander: It seems that something got into my mouth?

Everyone: ...

"Damn it, give me back my dog!"

Wei Yuan inserted the ghost gold stick between the big salamander's teeth, and forcefully pried open the big salamander's big mouth, and pulled out the bewildered Erha.

This guy is really solid, and he didn't get hurt at all!

This guy still remembers to eat but not to fight. After being rescued, he gave up attacking the front and chose to bite his tail. As a result, he was shaken by the big salamander's tail and almost turned into a stupid dog!

In other words, such a leader monster on the second level is no longer worthy of Wei Yuan and his team. Basically, one person was killed in a few strokes.

It wasn't that the big salamander didn't fight back during the period, but Hao Mengmeng cut off the big tail with a frontal "tyrant rabbit bursting with qi" in the tail flick attack.

He wanted to open his mouth to spit out acid water, but Aixi pinned his mouth with arrows, and Wei Yuan slammed him with a golden stick.

The fluorescent green acid overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and a large amount of it dripped to the ground, instantly forming a puff of white smoke. Just smelling the white smoke, Wei Yuan felt his throat dry and sore!

If this is sprayed out by it, it would be really amazing!

This big giant salamander has extremely tenacious vitality, even after being beaten by various groups, it is still alive and kicking.

The recovery ability is also very good. A new wound will stop bleeding, scab and begin to heal in less than ten seconds.

It's just that if you are passively beaten, even if you can recover your blood, you are doomed to die!

Wei Yuan tried to use his wild communication to communicate with this giant salamander, but after all, this is an abnormal creature that has undergone biochemical modification, even the stomach pouch has been replaced. The big giant salamander only thinks about eating, without any other thoughts. In the end Wei Yuan had no choice but to give up.

I have enough food here...

In the end, the big giant salamander couldn't hold it anymore, and the blood flowed all over the place, and flowed down the river bank, dyeing a large area of ​​Meguro River red.

At this time it wants to run, but there is a hook in its mouth! All I can do is make miserable, weird baby noises...

It took about 30 minutes before and after, and the giant salamander died tragically. They were hoisted up with ropes and hung on a shelf outside the high wall of the shelter.

Die old miserably!

But death is death, and the debts owed to the capitalists still have to be repaid!

"This is to protect animals! Card friends, this thing is not good to eat on earth! Now is a rare opportunity, everyone hurry up and make up for it~"

While putting away the cards that the giant salamander exploded, Wei Yuan refined and purified the meat of the giant salamander with all things. Large pieces of fish meat weighing more than ten kilograms were cut off in large pieces and transported back in a logistics turnover box. refuge.

【Green salamander meat (Green)】

【Excellent grade item card/ingredients/food/materials】

【Nourishment: The meat of this biochemical giant salamander has been purified to remove the risk of virus infection and retain the essence of nourishment. Consume regularly to strengthen the body and possibly enhance the properties. 】

[(People with a constitution below 8 points may have negative effects of not being supplemented if they consume it)]

【"Nourishing yin and strengthening yang, the new version of the boat you have never eaten~"】

After the battle, the chicken leg returned to its original size. At this time, it was licking its tongue non-stop, staring at the big piece of fish and the big salamander.

Hao Mengmeng next to her was swallowing her saliva non-stop, and her eyes were about to glow green.

Wei Yuan had to pay close attention, because if he didn't notice these two guys for a while, he might pounce on them and eat raw fish. Salmon is not safe now, and this biochemical salamander cannot be eaten raw!


While the shelter was happily killing fish and cutting meat, a bionic camouflage detection plane the size of a dragonfly was watching all of this.

The red-tailed dragon hiding underground couldn't imagine how such a group of people killed the special experimental body that they worked so hard to concoct. Are you going to start eating now? !

Just when he was about to control the reconnaissance plane to get closer, a three-eyed crow suddenly flew over, took it away in one bite, and dismantled it into parts in a few strokes. The red-tailed dragon is black...

The Three-Eyed Crow flew away with a triumphant cry: "Fool~fool~"

Everyone vote for me, I will give you a few catties to replenish your body~

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