Magic card gods

Chapter 134 Doomsday Shelter

Standing in front of the gate of the refuge, holding a ghost gold rod, Wei Yuan smashed the dead bodies by himself for 40 minutes, smashing a total of 126 heads of the dead bodies.

The stick fell from the hand, and the head was smashed. Just being scratched by that horrible ghost's golden stick will cause bones and tendons to be broken.

The fallen corpse covered the ground, and thick black blood pooled together.

Many members of the jiudao on the wall of the shelter, as well as ordinary people watching through the monitoring screen, have been dumbfounded.

Many people were already trembling just looking at the screen, and seemed to smell a strong smell of blood in a trance.

The one standing among the corpses everywhere is not human at all!

Drenched in blood, Wei Yuan, who was dripping brains and blood from the ghostly gold stick in his hand, had already turned into a devil of hell in the eyes of everyone.

This bloody and terrifying scene is destined to be deeply engraved in everyone's hearts until the day of death.

This is what Wei Yuan wanted. After all, the Advent Day is short. Although these extreme organizations were suppressed by force and smashed with gold bricks, people are complicated. Especially in this doomsday environment, it is not surprising to make any move.

Although these guys basically couldn't threaten Wei Yuan, if they really had evil intentions or other intentions, it would be troublesome to deal with them. It is more likely to cause damage to the hard-working shelter, which will affect Wei Yuan's plan.

Therefore, he wants to frighten these people with an unshakable and terrifying image.

If he had the guts to betray after seeing such a ghostly scene, then Wei Yuan would really admire him.

It's not that he's not afraid of death anymore, it's simply a rebellious nature, and he has to betray something no matter what.

Among her own people, although Ai Xi felt that this behavior was a bit cruel, she felt sorry for Wei Yuan more.

She felt that she and others were of no help, so Wei Yuan had no choice but to kill a group of dead bodies by himself, scaring the survivors with blood stains.

Hao Mengmeng didn't think much of it, it didn't matter whether it was covered in blood or eating watermelon naked, wasn't that all Brother Wei? no difference ah?

Saeko Busujima is frenzy and excitement! She was holding the Taidao [Fang of Vengeance (Green)] at her waist, with an inexplicable smile on her face, which looked a bit creepy.

When she was in junior high school, she was raped by a pervert on the way home from school, but because she was carrying a wooden knife, she deliberately let the pervert approach her, and then severely injured her with the wooden knife, breaking her leg bones and shoulder blades. In fact, she had defended herself Done.

Although the police felt that this situation was not her fault, she knew that at that time she deliberately let the pervert approach, and when the other party lost his resistance, she still broke his bones with heavy hands.

She was so happy and excited when she hit that pervert!

If there is no legal constraint, I will definitely kill the other party with joy and a smile on my face, right?

She has always felt guilty and guilty for the bloodthirsty and violence deep in her heart.

This is the tearing between nature and humanity, and the collision between id and ego.

No one knows that Saeko Busujima, who is very good on the surface and makes people enviable, has low self-esteem deep in her heart. She felt like a monster!

However, since the battle with Wei Yuan, she no longer has to endure such suffering. Because she lost...

At that time, she drew her sword and attacked with all her strength, but even though her sword skills were superb and her physical fitness was close to the peak of ordinary people, she still couldn't hit Wei Yuan even once.

Wei Yuan didn't have very advanced body skills, but after returning to Tianyuan City for a change of clothes, his agility attribute reached 20 points, twice that of ordinary people. The speed of nerve reflexes, coordination, and flexibility are far beyond ordinary people.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Saeko Busujima's slashes were as fast as lightning, but in Wei Yuan's eyes, they could see everything at a glance. Because his perception attribute is also very high, and his dynamic vision is very strong...

This is the crushing of attributes. Although the technique is very rough, it can break through everything.

Saeko Busujima made a fierce attack with more than a dozen swords, showing all his skills, while Wei Yuan avoided all the attacks just by dodging.

In the end, Saeko Busujima put all her eggs in one basket and chose the most powerful sword to slash. Only this lightning strike has a chance to hit the opponent.

In the end, it hit...or in other words, Wei Yuan caught Saeko Busujima's oak knife with his neck.

After all, Wei Yuan's real high attribute is physique, coupled with defense and damage reduction attributes, ordinary people can basically not hurt him with blunt weapons. But to be honest, it still hurts. But he pretended to be B, and he had to pretend to be in pain. He had no expression on his face!

Wei Yuan successfully played B this time, and Saeko Busujima's eyes widened in shock, and her muscles stiffened from shock.

When she was in junior high school, Saeko Busujima used this white oak knife to cut off many bones in that pervert's body, even big bones like shoulder blades could not be spared.

Although this is a wooden knife, it is extremely hard and heavy. It is no different from a real knife except for its sharpness. It is extremely lethal in the hands of Saeko Busujima.

However, the other party resisted the knife with his neck without changing his expression, without even moving at all!

Saeko Busushima returned with more than a dozen swords without success before, and she didn't shake her mind in the slightest, but the scene in front of her really made her unable to hold on any longer.

Such an opponent... how to defeat?

With a wave of Wei Yuan's hand, the white oak knife flew away, and then he grabbed Saeko Busujima's neck with one hand and lifted him into the air.


Being strangled by the neck, not only can't breathe, but also will fall into a coma in just a few seconds due to the compression of the carotid artery.

Saeko Busujima knew that she didn't have much time, she tried to shake Wei Yuan's palm, but she couldn't shake it like cast iron.

So she contracted her core muscles suddenly, put her legs on Wei Yuan's arm, and used all her strength to fight against Wei Yuan's arm!

Once this joint technique is successfully used, the opponent is very likely to have broken bones and tendons!

However, even though her whole body was tensed and exerted all her strength, she couldn't shake that arm at all.

That arm is like a pillar made of iron, it cannot be shaken by human power!

In just two seconds, Saeko Busujima began to fall into a state of hypoxia in her brain. At the same time, her whole body was twisting and rubbing against Wei Yuan's arm. The combination of the two sensations gave her a strange feeling...

Saeko Busushima: No! no! I...uh~

When Wei Yuan felt a hot and humid feeling on his arm, he said in his heart: Not good! Could it be that I played too far and made this beautiful girl incontinent? This is not my original intention!

Wei Yuan originally saw Saeko Busushima aiming at his own neck and using the Iai Slash, so he was a little more serious. I hope it can bring some pressure to her, so that it will be easier to operate later.

I didn't realize it was a bit too much.

He quickly put down Saeko Busujima, while the other party was panting heavily, his eyes were blurred, his body curled up and twitched slightly, and the corner of his mouth was even drooling...

Only then did Wei Yuan realize that the wet and hot water marks on his arm were not what he thought...

Hao Mengmeng on the side asked curiously: "Brother Wei, did you cheat and use your 'cruel gloves'?"

The ruthless glove is Wei Yuan's [Mithril Lightning Grip (Blue)] that can release an electric shock.

Wei Yuan was wronged! I did nothing? !

Wei Yuan said to Saeko Busujima, who was panting on the floor and had not fully recovered his consciousness: "You have failed, and you will be a member of our team from now on. I know your worries and the desire in your heart. You don't care at all. You need to think about this, and soon you will be able to unleash your desire to fight to the fullest. Fighting and killing are unavoidable, and all the crimes are attributed to me as the leader..."

Saeko Busujima, who fell on the ground, looked up at Wei Yuan, feeling an unusual sense of satisfaction.

Thinking of the battle that day, Saeko Busujima felt hot all over her body. She didn't even know if it was because she was excited about the killing outside the door or if it was something else.

However, she has already made up her mind: I will never let go of this man!


Wei Yuan decided to build a large shelter, or even a survivor camp, in order to accomplish three goals.

First: solve Zhou Siqi, and even Xie Huishan's mother and daughter in this fantasy world.

Second: Maximize benefits as much as possible. This is a world full of monsters, so the focus is on improving energy levels.

Third: Experiment!

Since Tier 5 masters can conduct experiments to the point of destroying this fantasy world, why can't I also experiment a little?

Wei Yuan wants to try a series of experiments such as changing the plot direction of the fantasy world.

Anyway, this fantasy world is like this, so I might as well let go.

There was some mobilization at noon, and Wei Yuan checked the shelter.

This shelter was transformed from an old prison in the suburbs. This prison has been abandoned for more than a year. It was originally planned to be demolished, but the construction has not started because of insufficient funds.

Wei Yuan found some officials of Bed Lord City through the channels of those extreme organizations, spent more than a dozen gold bricks to open the way, bought it and started to renovate it.

Less than a week is actually not enough time for a large-scale renovation. But closing some entrances and vents, strengthening walls and tearing barbed wire, stockpiling supplies... these can still be done.

Especially Wei Yuan spent a lot of money, and three shifts of workers took turns to work. Although the concrete poured in many places has not yet dried completely, the main enclosure wall of the shelter has finally been completed.

Wei Yuan added 30% of the price to sweep up the materials in the market, and he also owed a large amount of construction money. However, it is no longer necessary. Because the creditors are gone~

Wei Yuan was very proud of completing the renovation of the shelter with only a 20% deposit.

Nowadays, the food in the shelter is full of underground warehouses, as well as necessary equipment such as commonly used medicines, oil, generator sets, and radios. In order to prevent the electromagnetic pulse caused by the nuclear strike that appeared in the original work, Wei Yuan also purposely filled the instrument warehouse with large iron cages made of thin steel bars. Faraday cages can effectively prevent electromagnetic pulses from damaging electronic equipment.

A short middle-aged man with glasses next to him quickly followed Wei Yuan, flipping through a small book while explaining to Wei Yuan.

"According to your plan, we have completed the storage of food, oil, vehicles and survival materials. In terms of food, we have enough food for five hundred people to survive for three years, and eight large warehouses have been filled. Although they are all simple military rations that are easy to store and cannot guarantee the taste, we should not have to worry about food in the short term..."

This little eye is called Hirata Yukio, and before the dead body broke out, he was an accountant and lawyer of the Oegumi of the local Yakuza organization. It can be regarded as a dog head master.

He wiped his sweat while talking, trying his best to suppress the tremor in his voice.

Before the dead body erupted, Hirata Yukio was already terrified by Wei Yuan. So much so that he tossed and turned day and night and couldn't sleep, but he didn't dare to run away. Fortunately, he didn't escape, otherwise he would probably have turned into a dead body and wandered on the street by now.

After watching Wei Yuan's "Slaying Hundreds of Dead Bodies", he couldn't think of anything at all.

The only thing he hopes for now is that his work results will satisfy the other party, otherwise, even if the other party pulls out the ghost gold rod that the evil spirit would use to smash his head, he will only dare to beg for mercy and dare not resist.

"You did a good job!" Wei Yuan said, "Although we didn't bring in too many guns, at least the supplies are sufficient."

Yukio Hirata breathed a sigh of relief, his feet were weak and he couldn't stand up.

"Go, call everyone, I want to hold a meeting!" Wei Yuan said.

Fujio Erxiong on one side responded loudly, and ran out to inform everyone.

The end of the day, the tyrant mode is activated~

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