Magic card gods

Chapter 124 Write as Ito, read as scum

Relying on his "explosive personality charm", Wei Yuan integrated the bad forces of the private Fujimi Academy within ten minutes.

Originally, the person in charge of force in Fujimi Gakuen was the vicious bald-headed Fujinome Nio, and his best friend Suzan Kisaburo was also a famous figure, and now they all bowed down under Wei Yuan's sneakers.

Even a Luren ascended to heaven, pretending to be a liaison officer. Specially recruit people to run errands for Wei Yuan.

Shame Saburo, the head of the plane, also gave the protection fee collected to Wei Yuan very kindly.

But of course Wei Yuan couldn't take the student's protection fee seriously. He was looking for a safe channel in order to sell a few gold bricks.


How else to put it, the rooftop at noon is a holy place.

Wei Yuan just spread out the tablecloth and took out some delicious food. Hao Mengmeng also took out some drinks from the "space pocket" attached to her belly, and the two of them were about to start eating.

Three young students came up.

"Ah, no, it's the ultimate murderer Wang Weiyuan, let's go."

Taking advantage of Wei Yuan's back to them, the two women and one man quickly slipped away with the bento box.

Hao Mengmeng looked up curiously, and said, "Brother Wei, he is my classmate."

It turned out to be a second-grade student and Hao Mengmeng's classmate.

One of the little girls was the one who kindly brought Hao Mengmeng to the classroom this morning.

"Yan Ye! Yan Ye, I'm here!"

Hao Mengmeng didn't care that her three classmates were too scared to eat, but instead waved hello.

The cute girl who seemed a bit taciturn bit her lips: "It's classmate Mengmeng, no! We can't leave her alone to that scary guy." She even summoned up the courage to walk over as she spoke.

Another man and a woman didn't have time to call her back, so they could only grit their teeth and follow her in the end.

One of the girls' thoughts was a little ups and downs: "Yan Ye is so courageous... I can't lose to her!"

Yan Ye walked near Wei Yuan and the others, forced a smile, and said to Hao Mengmeng, "Mengmeng, are you okay? Don't be afraid, we won't leave you behind!"

Wei Yuan: Do you think I look like a bad guy? looks like? Pat your conscience and say!

Hao Mengmeng pulled her classmate Gui Yanye strangely: "Yanye, this is my brother Wei! Brother Wei is very nice..."

Gui Yanye: ...Should I go?

The other two were also very surprised. Wasn't it a scene where a bad student forced a cute female student XX on the rooftop? !

Hao Mengmeng introduced to Wei Yuan: "Brother Wei, this is my classmate Gui Yanye, Xiyuan Temple World and Ito, Ito... Ito Kuma!"

Hao Mengmeng: It doesn't matter what you call it, as long as you have a name! I'm so witty!

The boy muttered in a low voice: "I am Makoto Ito. Makoto Ito! Why can't my lovely Miyoshi Momoe always remember?!"

Hearing this, Wei Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and then showed a hearty and sunny smile: "Welcome, I'm Wei Yuan, nice to meet you."

In this way, the first rooftop dinner of Gui Yanye and the others was ruined, and instead they were left to have a hearty lunch with Wei Yuan and the others.

After leaving after the meal, the senses of the three couldn't help but change: Student Wei Yuan, isn't he as cruel as the rumors say? Although the first contact feels a little imposing, but in fact it is still very easy to get in touch with!

Of course, they were also frightened by Hao Mengmeng's amazing appetite. Even Makoto Ito, who had some small thoughts in his heart, was honest. Sure enough, those who can be with the ultimate murderer are not ordinary people!


In the afternoon, there was a small episode in the sports field, Wei Yuan took the opportunity to earn a wave of reputation.

It's a dark-skinned physical education teacher who caresses about the female students in physical education class. After being dodged by the female student, he was still dissatisfied and taunted, and even became angry and wanted to hit someone.

At that time, Wei Yuan was concentrating on researching the so-called "dead reservoir water", and happened to see this scene.

Punish evil and promote good, when it's time to act, act!

At a distance of more than ten meters, Wei Yuan went up to a can of Coke and knocked the old black down, and then went over and kicked him more than ten times.

At the beginning, the old black was still brave, clamoring that he was a teacher, and he also clamored that he was from Americo, and his family had a brother who was an officer in a nearby military base. The few female students who were teased by me before did not dare to speak out!

But after Wei Yuan kicked and broke two ribs, he began to howl and beg for mercy. Wei Yuan doesn't care about that, if he doesn't kick for fun, he won't stop!

In the end, Wei Yuan reflected the setting sun, stretched his arms independently with one leg and made a strange gesture, posing in a proud JOJO stand, and chanted loudly: "First! Absolutely don't act rashly! Second! Absolutely don't miss any judgments. Bad thing! Third! Absolutely fair and beautiful referee!"

All the onlookers were stunned. Under the golden sunset, the young man, who was as beautiful as a Greek marble statue, made a shameful and impulsive gesture, and said something he didn't know what to say. The enemy is wailing and begging for mercy at the foot...

"Oh my god! I'm going~~~" A group of girls grabbed the barbed wire fence beside the sports field, screamed and shook their legs together.

At this time, the aircraft head shame Saburo and the bald man Erxiong also ran over. The two of them were far away just now, and only saw that his boss seemed to be beating someone! How could the boss do this kind of thing himself?

They hurried over and saw the boss pretending to be B here!

Looking at the boss who was posing in strange poses and "exuding golden light all over his body", the two unscrupulous teenagers opened their mouths slightly and their eyes were blurred, as if they had found their purpose in life.

"It's been a long time since I saw this Brother Ni was upset, he's been messing around all day long!"

"That's right, return to Americo? People like this in Americo are not worthy of breathing!"

"How did Wei Yuan do it just now? His legs are so fast that I can't even see them clearly!"

"Yes, yes! I can't tell how many feet are out!"

"Could it be a super power?"

Wei Yuan smiled at everyone: "It's a double attack!"

Wei Yuan's identity card is still very powerful, he seems to be a wealthy second generation of the Chinese dynasty. So the school didn't punish him in the end, but a teacher said a few innocuous words carefully. After all, he had played in more than a dozen middle schools in the city before, didn't the school bear it?

One of the teachers named Zi Teng Koichi also said good things for Wei Yuan, obviously with the intention of making friends.

Wei Yuan nodded to him, and will "repay" this teacher Wisteria well in the future.

In the evening, Wei Yuan planned to take a few younger brothers to "visit" each of the surrounding schools one by one to establish his social status. It's just that Hao Mengmeng has club activities, so he can't follow her. Wei Yuan told her that he would pick her up when he finished his work.

It's easy to raise your social status. Wei Yuan beat five schools in a row, and the first four were quickly "convinced", acknowledging Wei Yuan's dominance in the bad circle of the bed master city.

But at the fifth house, something happened.

The bad guy in the school is actually the second generation of a jiudao organization in Bed Lord City.

In Japan, vigorous social organizations are legal.

Some have even worked for many years and passed down generations, just like big companies.

Of course, in a small place like Bed Lord City, there is naturally no large-scale Jidao organization.

But there are still dozens of members, all of whom have colorful and gaudy tattoos on their bodies.

Wei Yuan looked at it, didn't this rise from high school students fighting to social loafers gathering to fight?

That won't work! I have to obey the law!

So he asked many younger brothers who were obviously trembling nervously to wait outside, and he wanted to talk to that extreme organization in person.

Don't tell me, although this group of middle school delinquents is a little low, they are still very loyal. Especially that Tengnu Erxiong and Shoushan Huisaburo had to follow Wei Yuan in!

Wei Yuan looked at the eyes of the two who looked at death as if they were at home, nodded, and said in his heart: All right. Today I also have a knife to pull my ass-open your eyes!

The three of them entered the Jidao organization's residence like a dragon's pond and a tiger's lair, and then there was a "ding ding dong dong" that lasted as long as six minutes.

In the end, the blood-faced Ji Dao boss, with his upper body bare, kept bending at a 90-degree posture, and sent the three of them out of the door. More than a dozen members of the Jidao who were still able to move knelt at the door and paid respects to the God of Plague...

The Tengnv Erxiong and Shoushan Jisaburo following behind Wei Yuan seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit. They didn't recover for more than ten minutes. When people asked what happened, they didn't speak. Instead, they looked at Wei Yuan enthusiastically. deep. Where did the two of them have a chance to intervene just now? Be a spectator all the way...

This small episode allowed Wei Yuan to solve the initial funding problem.

All kinds of inhuman performances and violent beatings, even members of the Yakuza organization can't stand it.

Besides, Wei Yuan's hands can discharge electricity (glove equipment effect)! Is this something humans can do?

They prefer to believe that they have met the evil spirits of hell!

In the face of invincible evil spirits, surrender to them, sincerely surrender and serve each other, isn't that a matter of course? !

Besides, Wei Yuan didn't come to steal money, he left several big gold bricks for these gangsters to find a way to sell.

Wei Yuan handed over the matter of finding a shelter to these people, and it was like picking himself out.

He didn't know how long it would be until the plot started, so he had to hurry up.

When I went back, I hurried back, and finally when the club activities ended, I rushed back to school and picked up Mengmeng.

To Wei Yuan's surprise, he actually met a plot character.

That's right, it's the daughter of the famous kendo family, the poisonous daughter of the Pojima family, who won the national championship a year ago, the leader of the third-year kendo club, who has purple hair and a perfect naiko in both size and shape. Saeko Shima!

Saeko Busujima has lavender hair, beautiful features and a cool face. She is about 1.75 meters tall, tall and well-proportioned (the school uniform can't hide her good figure), she is very energetic and capable.

She looks very dignified with the wooden knife on her waist.

Saeko Busushima was already shocked by Hao Mengmeng today, she sighed: If Hao Mengmeng participated in the National Kendo Conference last year, I am afraid she would be her strong opponent!

But she never imagined that this girl who seems a little ignorant of the world, but has a far-reaching understanding and focus on kendo, would actually get involved with a recent figure in the school, the transfer student Wei Yuan, who is known as the ultimate murderer king. relation!

Wei Yuan: If anyone mentions this nickname again, I'm going to lose my temper!

Unlike other students, Saeko Busujima had complicated emotions when facing Wei Yuan.

One side is vigilance, not only the influence of reputation, but also the powerful oppression of Wei Yuan himself.

Even if Saeko Busujima faced her swordsman father or other great swordsmen, she never felt such great pressure. At this time, Wei Yuan still doesn't know how to put away his alluring aura.

But on the other hand, there was a restlessness in her heart.

What is the purpose of practicing swords these days? Obviously the guns are so powerful! This is the confusion in the hearts of many swordsmen.

Saeko Busujima has no answer for this either.

However, practicing swordsmanship all the year round has given Saeko Busujima a strong sense of self-confidence and competitiveness.

Moreover, she longed for fighting and fighting in her heart, longing for the feeling of a sword cutting into a human body, which was a demon she had never dared to face.

But now, this demon is urging her to challenge Wei Yuan, the man who puts so much pressure on her!

"If I can defeat such a man, I will definitely get the supreme pleasure, right? No, I can't think about it anymore, just thinking about it is already..."

Looking at the back of Wei Yuan going away, the eyes of Saeko Busujima, who was kneeling on the floor with a reddish face, seemed to be shining brightly.

The bigwigs of the author group said that no matter how poor your writing is, as long as you drive, the readers will scream excitedly: Come one more! Be stronger! I want to~~

Do not know is not true?

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