Magic card gods

Chapter 105 Full Firepower to Hit the Turtle

It turned out that the five people knew that the blood bird was bound to attack themselves and those who tried to climb to the fourth floor, so they made preparations early.

The deadly arrow of the blood bird charging up in the dark for a sneak attack exploded the scarecrow that Bipbab had disguised as five people with magic props.

At this time, the five people were in the building, hiding behind a wall that was out of sight, while the blood bird was on other floors outside.

Although the blood bird is already a demon undead at this time, it has not become as disgusting as those monsters.

It has a graceful figure, long legs with tight vest line and muscles, and the right curve is full of strength.

It is dressed in a red and white bone armor with strange magic lines. There are some hideous and beautiful bone spurs and sharp blades on the joints, but the obvious muscle outline of the abdomen is exposed.

It wears a curved sheep's horn helmet, which is more arrogant than the one in Wei Yuan's hand.

Its facial features are beautiful and heroic, but pale and expressionless.

It holds a gorgeous red longbow hurricane in its hand...

The long-awaited arrow failed to accomplish anything, but it remained expressionless, staring quietly at the opposite building.

At this time, it is no longer a person, without human thinking and emotion. It doesn't get annoyed by defeat, nor impatient when its prey hide and a ruthless hunting machine.

It's just that Wei Yuan and others have already planned it.

Zhu Huamei made a gesture, and Wei Yuan and the others nodded.

Without seeing any movement from her, a ray of light spread out, and the defense power of Wei Yuan and others increased by 5 points at once.

After Zhu Huamei activated the firm aura, she rushed out from behind the cover in a flash, and a long arrow shot over in the next instant. The shield in Zhu Huamei's hand was very flexible to protect her chest, and the moment the arrow hit it, there was still time to tilt it to release the force. This is the muscle memory formed by thousands of times of training.

On one side, Zhu Huamei blocked the blood bird's long arrow, and on the other side, the arrow of the handsome elf had already shot at the blood bird.

Blood Bird dodged the Frostbolt by rolling over on the roof opposite. The arrow with azure blue light landed on the floor and immediately turned into a large sheet of frost...

Under the cover of Zhu Huamei and suppressed by the firepower of the handsome elf, Wei Yuan began to send his summoned creatures to rush up the stairs on the fourth floor!

The remaining five scarecrows, four-armed skeleton warriors, wolf spirits, and little Peggy...

As expected, the blood bird got anxious, and began to leap towards this side while fighting back. It cannot allow five people to ascend to the fourth floor.

The bow of the hurricane came with four arrows, and the blood bird didn't know what skill it used. One arrow shot out and turned into five arrows, and the five arrows turned into a rain of arrows in the blink of an eye!

Zhu Huamei hurriedly hid behind the bunker with a shield, and the elf brother was even more alert and jumped behind the wall at the first time, but felt sorry for Wei Yuan's summoned creature.

The five scarecrows were blown up on the spot, like straw targets with more than a dozen arrows sticking out of them.

The wolf spirit hid behind Little Peggy, and only got hit by one, so it wasn't a big problem. Although Little Peggy was hit by four or five arrows, the problem of rough skin and thick flesh is not a big problem. On the contrary, the four-armed skeleton warrior is a bit miserable. Now there is only one arm left in the four-armed headgear. If it weren't for the large gaps in the bones all over his body, he would have been shot!

The blood bird's arrow rain should increase the frequency and range of attacks, but reduce the damage, otherwise the skeleton warrior would not survive, and Little Peggy and Wolf Spirit would not be injured so lightly.

As expected of the former elite of the Houyi clan, he has quite a few fancy moves.

However, no matter what the blood bird said, it has already stopped everyone's plan to storm the fourth floor, and he himself took the opportunity to jump through several times and got into the office building.

This is exactly what Wei Yuan and others want to see.

Deliberate pressure is to force it in.

With its terrifying speed and agility that was almost parkour between the buildings just now, if you really want to fight it outside, that's enough. Even if the battle is won in the end, it is estimated that he will be shot with arrows, like a hedgehog.

"It's done!" Wei Yuan shouted. At the same time, he yanked a rope, and "DuangDuangDuang" dropped debris on more than a dozen windows, blocking the windows. The chicken leg next to it struck a match and threw it into the fire oil next to it. A fire line spread and formed a huge fire wall to block the other dozen windows.

Bipbab spilled a handful of soil, and a wall of earth was raised at the bottom of the stairs.

Zhu Huamei switched to the pale holy fire with aura, and the elf brother shot a refraction arrow enchanted by the holy fire. After the arrow hit the stone pillar, it turned into a dozen or so light arrows that scattered and refracted in all directions! It was like more than a dozen pale holy flames were shooting indiscriminately.

Wei Yuan and Hao Mengmeng also rushed forward brandishing the sacred fire weapon.

"Okay! Let's have a good time!"

Wei Yuan gave an order to Peppa Pig in his heart, and the two master pigs launched a pig attack at the same time! Paige was the meat shield in the front, and Wei Yuan was the main attacker later!

Zhutu is really fast, and it is not inferior to the warrior's natal skill charge.

Wei Yuan and Little Paige literally rushed over with two afterimages.

Although it is said that because of the invasion of hell, the building has also changed, with a huge area. But the space in front of him is only about thirty meters by eighty or ninety meters. Moreover, Wei Yuan and Blood Bird were not on either side, and the distance between them was only thirty or forty meters, just a blink of an eye.

Little Peggy rushed over like an unstoppable bronze tank, but was held down by the blood bird with its fangs, picked up and sent, and slammed into a stone pillar with a diameter of one meter in the wrong direction.

Page's pig bump this time used all his strength to feed, so the bump was extraordinarily hard. Knocking the stone pillar down a big piece of stone, and then sat down on the ground with a dull smile on his face, and his tongue drooped from the corner of his mouth like Erha...

Wei Yuan lost a general in an instant!

Originally, Wei Yuan wanted Hao Mengmeng to charge together on Little Peggy, so that three people could quickly get close to the blood bird, preventing it from taking advantage of its long-range advantage?

It's just that he proposed this plan, although Hao Mengmeng didn't object, but as soon as she got on Little Peggy, she was so ashamed that she covered her face with her hands and couldn't even pick it off. Don't talk about holding a knife, you can't see this road, how can you fight? So I can only give up.

Luckily Mengmeng didn't ride Little Peggy, otherwise it would be the two who are sticking out their tongues and showing Ahei Yan's smile!

Wei Yuan didn't even think about it, who wants to be a Paige knight?

Only he, the long-haired savage chief, thought it was nothing, but he was quite cool!

He really should have brought all the equipment on his own, and then rode Little Peggy to charge, maybe he could scare the blood bird to death... or laugh it to death!

However, Wei Yuan didn't expect that this blood bird actually has more than 20 points of strength. You know, this blood bird is an agile monster!

Moreover, when Paige rushed up, he was afraid that there would be an impact force of several thousand catties. If he had no skill and just relied on strength, the strength must be more than 30 points.

So this blood bird is not only good at bow and arrow, but also quite good at close combat. At least this hand "receiving hair" is too strong!

It's just that there is no way to stop or turn a corner with this pig's sudden skill. This is no longer an arrow on the string, it is an arrow shot out! Wei Yuan could only bite the bullet and rush forward!

Fortunately, there were also Zhu Huamei and Hao Mengmeng fighting in close quarters. Although Hao Mengmeng couldn't catch up with Zhutu at this speed, he slammed a sword aura from a distance to help. Zhu Huamei even relied on her explosive power to chase behind Wei Yuan!

Wei Yuan's judgment was wrong before. With Zhu Huamei's explosive power, her agility is at least 20 points, and she is really not afraid of ordinary kites! Paladins may be afraid of kites, but Katus are not!

Hao Mengmeng's saber energy was the first to attack the blood bird. The blood bird didn't pick it up hard this time, but exuded blood-red magic power all over his body, and he rolled and flashed more than three meters away, avoiding the range of the sword energy.

Because he was concerned about Wei Yuan's safety, Hao Mengmeng used all his strength in this saber qi, so much so that the qi could not continue even after a single blow. But the power of this knife is strong enough, and it may be that the inlaid knowing blow really matches Wang Zhiqi.

When this saber qi went down, it literally smashed the stone floor and stone pillars of unknown material, leaving a terrible crack twenty centimeters wide and three meters long on the ground! The stones in the middle are all turned into powder!

Seeing the effect of this knife, even the teammates were stunned. Bipbab's eyelids twitched, and the handsome elf grinned in fright. At the same time, they both had a thought: Don't mess with Mengmeng, an honest kid!

It's just that no matter how fierce the attack is, it's useless if you can't hit anyone!

The blood bird is like the loach in the water, its speed is extremely fast and its movements are swift, slippery and steadfast.

Wei Yuan rushed so fiercely that he failed to hit the blood bird with three consecutive swings. The blood bird is like a piece of paper, as soon as one hand is raised, the other moves, and the gods dodge Wei Yuan's New Year's three sticks in sync!

As soon as the New Year's three sticks failed, Wei Yuan's face turned dark, knowing that he was in trouble. As soon as this idea came up, the bow of Hurricane Bow was drawn towards Wei Yuan, so fast that Wei Yuan didn't see it clearly, and felt a pain in his chest and abdomen, and he flew upside down by more than two meters. The breath in his chest was blown out, and he held his breath for several seconds, and when he breathed again, he felt the smell of iron in his lungs.

At this time, Zhu Huamei was already approaching the blood bird, and slammed the shield with a standing golden lion in her hand, forcing the blood bird to give up chasing Wei Yuan. Then the holy fire burned on the shining long sword in her hand, and she swung it open and closed!

Although Zhu Huamei's swordsmanship is simple, but the rhythm is excellent, every move makes the blood bird at a loss.

The blood bird's strength was not as strong as Zhu Huamei's, and the hurricane bow in his hand did not dare to block Zhu Huamei's sword, so he could only be forced to back and dodge, and fell into a disadvantage for a while.

It's just that the blood bird's agility attribute is so high that it can always dodge sword after sword attack at a critical moment.

For a while, Zhu Huamei only had the upper hand, but she couldn't beat the blood bird!

Even through calculations, the range of activities of the blood bird is limited to indoors, and it is even close to preventing it from using bows and arrows to attack from a distance, but it still cannot be solved quickly. This blood bird really has something!

Zhu Huamei knew that there was no room for delay, so she instantly activated the pale sacred fire aura, and a large area of ​​white flames burned, consuming the blood-like magical power around the blood bird.

While drinking the potion, Wei Yuan glanced at the data on the phone, because the strength of this blood bird is too much to be fully detected, but the attributes are already known.

Strength 24, Constitution 23, Dexterity 35, Spirit 28...

And Wei Yuan guessed that it must have similar features: strength enhancement, super agility enhancement, quick dodge enhancement, magic power enhancement, flame enhancement and other powerful features!

What a monster!

Zhu Huamei is already firing on all cylinders here!

Wide range of holy damage and pale holy fire aura of weapon enchantment, frenzied sword that increases attack speed more and more, buffs oneself to attack the enemy will reduce the opponent's attributes, the holy seal of justice, releases the holy fire judgment that triggers real damage when the blood bird is attacked... …

For a moment, Zhu Huamei's whole body was shining golden, dazzling like golden glitter, that's like a god coming down to earth, shining in the world!

Even so, relying on its bloody magic power, super high agility and few melee skills, the blood bird is still alive and strong!

It's just that Zhu Huamei is far more than just herself. The elf brother who has been secretly observing the blood bird's movement and dodging habits for a long time, the arrow has been hanging on the bowstring, and the dog-headed senior who has been preparing for the big move, are not fuel-efficient lamps!

Almost two people shot at the same time!

Brother Elf: Three arrows in a row!

Senior Dog Head: Gravity Technique, Magic Dissolution!

There is no chapter to say, and the codewords have no passion.

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