Chapter 228

Chapter 228

“Jingle Bell”

The bell rang in the school, and with the roaring sound, the student party happily rushed out of the classroom and walked down the road to go home.

“Chu He, let’s go to my house for dinner today.” Wang Zuo and Chu He said to Chu He rushingly on the way home.

“No, although Auntie made it delicious, I can’t go there often. Besides, the sweet-scented osmanthus before the “Nine-Nine-Three” in my house is blooming. I will pick them when the season is just right and make it into sweet-scented osmanthus stuffing. Well, Chu He quickly raised his hands to express his rejection.

Hearing Chu He said that the sweet-scented osmanthus at home was blooming and it was going to make sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus stuffing, Wang Zuo’s eyes showed gleaming eyes, and he stared at Chu He closely.

Alright, “Don’t look at me like this. It looks strange and uncomfortable. When the sweet-scented osmanthus stuffing is done, I will send it over for you and auntie to taste.” Chu He looked at Wang Zuo helplessly.

“No, no, no, how can Master Chu come to deliver it, I…I will come in person” Wang Zuo subconsciously licked his lips and said to Chu He.

Hearing Wang Zuo’s words, Chu He’s face turned black, “Go go, don’t bother me, I made so many sweet-scented osmanthus stuffed last year, you guys drank it directly at my house, and just got up the next day. Drink it, I am puzzled, you can’t drink like this when it’s delicious!”

Wang Zuo muttered embarrassedly: “You don’t know the taste, what I heard, it is like drinking Xuanmai, it can’t stop at all, it is fragrant and sweet, sticky, and I still want to drink a cup. Drink, I am not to blame!” Chu He was taken aback by it.

“If it is to be blamed, I will blame you for making it so delicious, yes, yes, no, no blame, all blame you.” Wang Zuo suddenly found confidence and spoke righteously to Chu He.

Chu He said helplessly, “I blame me for giving you a drink. I didn’t drink much myself last year. Okay, don’t cheat me. This year I will brew a little more.”

Hearing Chu He said that he should brew more, Wang Zuo nodded quickly, “Yes, yes, more brews, too little is not enough!”

“Okay, then I’ll go back first. “Well, goodbye.” After the two greeted each other, they separated and went home.

Under the shining of the setting sun, the alley where Chu He walked seemed even more quiet today.

Chu He walked in the small alley that was familiar to him, and suddenly there was a tinge of blood. And that bloody smell is not like the bloody smell of poultry.

Chu He gradually felt uneasy and walked quickly towards the depths of the alley…

As soon as he entered the alley, Chu He saw his neighbor Fan Guo, who fell on the ground, his head was alively twisted by 180 degrees, his eyes staring at the front, and blood was squeezed from the corner of his eyes. But the body is slightly dry.


Chu He looked at Fan Guo with glaring eyes, and hurriedly rushed to his side, but what started with was a cold corpse.

Fan Guo usually takes good care of Chu He. He has no children and no daughters. He lives alone on his pension. Although Fan Guo’s own life is not easy, he still treats Chu He with some small dishes from time to time. In order to let Chu He accept it at ease, Fan Guo always said that he bought more.

But now Fan Guo’s body is in Chu He’s hands…

After Chu He settled Fan Guo’s body with 5.4 eyes red, he hurried to several other houses.

Looking into the eye, the surrounding families were all turned around to death, and the corpses almost went on with cancer.

Just as Chu He was immersed in grief, a voice rang from behind.

“Hey, there is another fish that slipped through the net. It’s not bad, it’s pretty much what I need to kill you.”

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