Chapter 186: We just need to wait!

Chu He didn’t expect to get the information he wanted so easily.

Now I know where Xiao Chang is being held.

But it is not easy to save Manchang.

And just now, the stranger also revealed that outside the death row, soldiers from the City Lord’s Mansion were guarded.

This also means that the stranger just now does not belong to the City Lord’s Mansion.

It’s the subordinate of another high-level foreigner who wants to seize the position of the city lord.

It seems that “the struggle for rights among aliens is more serious than I thought!

“But it’s still a bit difficult to take advantage of the power struggle between strangers!” Chu He secretly said in his heart.

After all, Chu He knows very well that foreigners and humans are mortal enemies.

Even if a foreigner is willing to cooperate with Chu He for his own benefit, Chu He must have this strength.

After all, the so-called cooperation means that the strength of both parties should be similar.

Not to mention that Chu He wants to use strangers, not cooperate.

The strength of Chu He is far from that of foreigners.

Want to take advantage of foreigners, there is no play at all.

But now the stranger on the side of the non-city owner provided him with a regular position.

But it is not easy for Chu He to save now.

Chu He is estimated to be a high-level person who is not the owner of the city, and wants to use him to save Manchang to accuse the owner of the city.

If he successfully rescued Xiao Chang now, the final result would be him and Xie Wenfei, plus Man Chang might be killed by someone other than the city owner.

Therefore, this matter must be carefully planned.

Chu He thought twice and decided to go back to the inn first, and discuss with them after Xie Wenfei and the three of them came back.

When Chu He returned to the inn, he saw that Xie Wenfei had returned.

“Chu He, I’m afraid you don’t believe it!”

“I have found out where the principal is being held!”

“And the situation is going smoothly!” Xie Wenfei looked at Chu He and said 933.

Chu He smiled upon hearing this.

“Senior Xie Wenfei, can you tell me how you got the news?” Chu He asked.

Xie Wenfei nodded and said, “It’s very strange to say that I was walking around in the street, and I was preparing to Kuma to inquire about the news!”

“As a result, a stranger came over and chatted with me!”

“During the small talk, he asked me what I think about the war between aliens and humans!”

“Then I asked him what he thought!”

“He told me that there are heretics in the steel barriers. As long as war goes, mankind will be defeated!”

“Although I am a little angry, I am still standing in the position of a foreigner, and I can only agree with him!

“I asked him afterwards, do you know the human being caught some time ago!

“Then he actually told me that Manchang was in the death row, and he also said the location of the death row, and also said that there are a large number of soldiers guarding the castle mansion outside the death row!”

“Chu He, is it weird to you?” Xie Wenfei looked at Chu He and asked.

Chu He heard the words, took a deep breath, and said, “It seems that our identity is indeed exposed!”

Hearing this, Xie Wenfei’s face changed drastically.

Our “identity has been exposed?” Xie Wenfei looked at Chu He in disbelief.

“Yes, our identities have been exposed!” Chu He nodded slightly.

“Why do you think our identities have been exposed?” Xie Wenfei asked curiously when he heard Chu He’s words.

“Because I also found out where the principal was locked up!”

“And my situation is the same as you want!”

“I was resting in a tea house in Injincheng!

“Then a stranger walked up to me and sat down, and took the initiative to talk to me!”

“The content of the conversation is exactly the same as the content of your conversation with a foreign person!” Chu He said.

Xie Wenfei said with a solemn expression on his face, “If our identity is revealed, how come the strangers still don’t do anything?”

“That’s the problem!” Chu He smiled.

“Tell us the enemy where the principal is being held, they should belong to the side of the non-city owner!”

“The one who knows our identity should also be the non-city owner!”

“Foreigners who are not on the side of the city owner, hope that we can rescue the principal and use this to make the city owner ugly!”

“But if we only rescue the principal, then the trouble will be big!”

“After all, even if strangers are fighting for power, we will not be allowed to rescue the principal!

“So even if we rescue the principal from the death row, people who are not the city owner will act on us!” Chu He said.

“Speaking of which, even if we rescue the principal, we won’t be able to escape at all?”

“Isn’t the current situation a dead end?” Xie Wenfei said in a deep voice.

Chu He smiled, “Naturally straight when the boat arrives at the bridge head!”

“There will always be a way!”

“Even if this is a dead end, there will be a small way to survive!”

“As long as we can find this way of life, then we can rescue the principal and successfully escape from Inferno City!”

Hearing Chu He’s words, Xie Wenfei curiously asked, “What is the path to life?”

“Don’t worry, when Senior Wang Meng and Senior Liu Chao come back, ask what they found!” Chu He smiled.

Xie Wenfei stopped talking, and waited quietly in the room with Chu He.

after an hour!

Both Wang Meng and Liu Chao are back!

Chu He asked about the two of them.

The situation of the two of them is the same as that of Chu He and Xie Wenfei.

They all met strangers who took the initiative to talk to them.

Then he learned of the place where Xiao Chang was detained from the strangers who took the initiative to talk to them.

When both Wang Meng and Liu Chao knew that Chu He and Xie Wenfei were in the same situation as them, they both looked wrong.

“I thought I was able to inquire about the information smoothly!

“Unexpectedly, we are all the same!”

“Chu He, what should we do now?” Wang Meng looked at Chu He and asked.

“Chu He, according to your guess, strangers now know our identity, let alone saving the principal now, even we can’t escape!”

“How about we fight now and save people from death?” Liu Chao looked at Chu He and asked.

“Don’t worry!” Chu (aife)he smiled.

“Not in a hurry?”

“Chu He, what are your plans?”

“Now our identities have been exposed. If we don’t do anything now and stay in this foreign city, it will become more and more dangerous!” Xie Wenfei said in a deep voice.

Chu He smiled and said, “People who are not from the city owner want to use us to discredit the city owner!

“Let the incumbent city lord lose face!”

“And the current City Lord must also know that his subordinates have ideas about the position of his City Lord!”

“If we don’t act now, there will be only two choices for the non-city owner!”

“The first choice is to catch us!”

“The second option is to force us to do it!”

“After all, only if we rescue the principal can we embarrass the current city lord!”

“Only the incumbent city lord has been embarrassed, and the strangers who are not on the side of the city lord can blame the other party!!

“At the same time, all the faults will be transferred to the city lord Ren!”

“In my opinion, the high-ranking foreigners who are not the owner of the city will choose the second method!”

“That’s forcing us to do it!”

“After all, if they want to do something to us, then we won’t be sitting here now!

Hearing Chu He’s words, Wang Meng asked, “If they force us to do something, wouldn’t it be troublesome?”

Chu He smiled and shook his head, “What I said about forcing us to do it is not that strangers are forcing me, but it will give us opportunities!”

“Give us a chance?” Liu Chao asked curiously.

“Yes, give us a chance!

“If we don’t do anything to save the principal, then the stranger who is not on the side of the city owner will not be able to blame the city owner!”

“Only when we rescue the principal, a foreigner who is not on the side of the city owner, can we attack the city owner!

“Moreover, the foreigner who is not the city owner already knows our identity, and our strength has been exposed!”

“But our strength is simply not enough to rush to death row to save people!”

“So in order for us to succeed, foreigners will inevitably start from the death row. The greatest possibility is to reduce the guards near the death row!”

“Let us succeed!” Chu He said.

“Then what should we do now?” Wang Meng asked.

“We don’t need to do anything now!

“Just wait!”

Wait until “the foreigner from the side of the city owner, give us a chance to save the principal!” Chu He laughed.

“Chu He, didn’t you also said before that if we rescue the principal, the stranger who is not the city owner will attack us? Xie Wenfei said.

“In the death row, there is more than the principal!” Chu He looked at Xie Wenfei and smiled.

Upon hearing the words, Xie Wenfei instantly understood what Chu He meant.

“Next, we are in this inn, waiting for the right opportunity!” Chu He said.

It was two days in a blink of an eye!

Moore was in his mansion, listening to his report.

“It’s been two days, are the humans who have mixed into the city still not moving?” Moore said with a cold face.

“Yes, Lord Mor!”

“It looks like those human beings already know our thoughts!”

“But their courage is really big, they are not afraid of us doing them!” Moore laughed strangely.

Moore “My lord, what should we do now?” Moore’s subordinates respectfully asked.

Moore smiled, “Since those humans are waiting, then we will create opportunities for them!”

“You find an excuse to remove the city lord soldiers near the death cell. The more the number, the better!”

“Let those humans have a chance to enter the death row and rob that human!”

“If the human being caught is robbed by several humans who have mixed into the city, the city owner will be ashamed by that time!”

“After all, the death row is the place where the city lord is responsible for the management!”

“At that time we can take the opportunity to attack!”

Hearing Moore’s words, his men questioned, Moore, “My lord, if the human being in the death jail is really robbed, wouldn’t it be a trouble?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t give them a chance!”

After “they robbed the human being we caught, we will do it and catch them again!”

“At that time, the city lord will be ashamed!” Moore sneered.

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