Chapter 180 I’m here to declare war!

“Does this guy really dare to chase?

“He is so courageous?”

When Yu Cheng saw Moore actually chased the steel barrier, his face showed incredible expression.

“Does this guy really think he’s here, so he can retreat safely?”

Yu Cheng looked at Moore, surprised.

And Chu He and Lin Sen, the two of them also reached the steel barrier before.

Lin Shoumin was told about the two of them.

After Lin Shoumin learned about it, he was preparing to organize manpower to rescue him.

Now I heard the soldiers shouting for an enemy attack.

He, Chu He and Lin Sen also rushed to the watchtower of the city wall immediately.

When seeing Moore, Lin Shoumin said with a gloomy expression, “This time, we were slammed by a stranger!”

“Old Lin, sorry, it was all my negligence!” Chu He apologized.

“You are not to blame for this!”

“After all, none of us would have thought that foreigners would be so cruel!”

“Unexpectedly, we used the lives of thousands of strangers, and they were all the elites of the strangers, in exchange for our trust in the red ape!”

“Although I didn’t have complete trust in Red Ape before, I never thought that Red Boy would actually perform such a play with a foreigner!” Lin Shoumin said with a cold face.

In Lin Shoumin’s view, foreigners used thousands of powerful and talented foreigners as bait, and sacrificed them all in order to make them trust the human beings. This is simply incredible.

If you change to him, let alone sacrifice a thousand human beings, even if you sacrifice a hundred human beings, you can’t do it.

The foreigner’s heart is cruel, beyond his imagination.

“Captain Lin, shall we do it now?”

“If you can catch this stranger, maybe you can use him in exchange for Father Xiao!”

“Elder Xiao stayed behind, and with the strength of Elder Xiao, there is no way to escape!”

“Once Elder Xiao is caught, the foreigner will definitely try to find out information about our human beings from Elder Xiao’s mouth~!”

“With the character of Old Man Xiao, although he will never speak, he is not allowed to have magic card creatures that can read minds among strangers!”

“If Elder Xiao falls in the hands of a stranger for a long time, not only will his life be in danger, but human secrets may also be stolen by the stranger!”

“If we can catch this stranger, then we can use him in exchange for Father Xiao!” Lin Sen said in a deep voice, looking at Lin Shoumin.

As Lin Shou said, he shook his head slightly, “Don’t rush to shoot!”

“I’ve dealt with this guy many times. He has always been an old fox, old treacherous, and cunning. Now he is coming to jam outside the steel barrier by himself. Unless he is tired of his life, otherwise he still has a back hand! ”

“If we act on him now, I’m afraid there will be trouble!

Hearing what Lin Shoumin said, Lin Sen didn’t say more.

At this moment, Yu Cheng walked to the Chu He trio.

“Old Lin, Lin Sen should have told you what happened!”

“What should we do now?”

“Master Xiao may be captured now!”

We “must do something now!” Yu Cheng said, looking at Lin Shoumin.

Lin Shou took a look at Yu Cheng and said, “I have my own arrangements!

After Lin Shoumin finished speaking, he left the steel barrier alone and walked outside the steel barrier.

“Lin Shoumin, it’s been a long time!”

“I heard that the people around you killed my clone last time and made you happy for a while!”

“Now that you see me again, do you feel disappointed?” Moore looked at Lin Shoumin and sneered.

“I am not disappointed!”

“But I really didn’t expect you to be so cruel!”

“Can sacrifice thousands of Inhumans!”

For this, I underestimate you!” Lin Shoumin looked at Moore and said indifferently.

“Those who have sacrificed are their honor!”

“Their sacrifices can make our family win, that’s enough!”

“As long as you can destroy your human beings, any sacrifice is worth it!” Moore said coldly.

“But your plan this time has failed!”

“Although among us humans, there is also a strong person who has fallen into your hands!”

“But in terms of losses, your aliens have lost more!” Lin Shoumin said in a cold voice.

Hearing this, Moore sneered, “Do you really think that our family has lost more?”

“Wait, the war will start soon!”

No matter how hard the bones of the human being caught by our family are, it is useless!

“The people of our family will dig out everything he knows from his head!”

“When the time comes, it’s time for our all-out attack!”

“I’m here this time, not just to chase the guy who ran away!”

“The real purpose of my coming here is to meet you!

“Tell you that the war is about to begin!”

…”In one month at most, this steel barrier of yours will become history!”

“Your steel barrier will become a real purgatory!

“All of you will die under our attack!”

“By the way, you can help me tell the guy who escaped, and when our family attacks in an all-round way, I will kill him with my own hands!”

After Moore finished speaking, he left directly.

Seeing Mo Er leave, Lin Shoumin’s face became extremely gloomy.

Originally, they launched an all-out attack on the Inhumans.

But because Chiape played Infernal Affairs, the current situation was completely reversed.

The Inhuman side got the wild beast as a fighting force.

And Xiao Chang might be captured now.

Once the aliens have interrogated some human secrets from Man Chang, it will be troublesome.

Thinking of this, Lin Shoumin had a headache.

The real war is about to begin.

Although Lin Shoumin didn’t know Mor, he still knew (Nuo Hao) very well about Mor’s character.

Moore wasn’t so gullible.

Since the other party said that the war is about to start, it means that the war between humans and aliens is really about to start.

Lin Shoumin took a deep breath and turned back to the steel barrier.

Lin Shoumin’s deputy walked to Lin Shoumin’s side and asked in a low voice, “Captain Lin, what should I do now?”

Naturally, he also heard what Moore said just now.

“Let everyone in the steel barrier be ready!”

“It won’t be long before the aliens will launch an all-out attack!”

“Must be on the defensive!”

“This attack is different from the past!”

“If we don’t hold it, the steel wall will be history!”

“The aliens will be able to enter our world!

“Now the order goes on, everyone is not allowed to leave the steel barrier, always be ready to fight against aliens!” Lin Shoumin said solemnly.

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