Chapter 178 This guy is really like a mad dog!

Chu He looked at Xiao Chang’s expression, he knew that Xiao Chang’s decision to stay had been made.

No matter how he persuaded him, he knew that Xiao Chang would not leave.

Man often intends to sacrifice himself and let them escape!

“Go!” Xiao Chang looked at Chu He and said again.

Chu He didn’t say much anymore, and got on the colorful bird with Yu Cheng and Lin Sen.

The strangers like Mor and the others sneered when they saw the three Chu He escape on the colorful birds.

“Red Ape, you kill this remaining human being!”

“Dragon Tortoise, either you kill this human with Chi Therapy, or you will roll back to your lake!” Moore first ordered Chi Therapy, and then he looked at the Dragon Tortoise in the lake and said coldly. .

When the dragon turtle heard the words, he let out a low growl, and the wild beasts surrounding the red ape all returned to the lake and disappeared.

Chi Yuan, on the other hand, rushed towards Xiao Chang with the other wild “Nine Three Three” beasts!

“I’m staying and breaking, do you still want to pursue it!” Looking at the strangers, he roared.

Xiao Chang gave an order, and the three magic card creatures under his command rushed towards the strangers.

“Life and death!” Moore sneered.

“You all stay here, I will go after those guys alone! Moore” said indifferently in his voice.

After Moore finished speaking, he realized a magic card creature.

The magic card creature he realized was a phoenix whose body was made of crystal.

Crystal Phoenix, platinum nine stars!

He jumped onto the crystal phoenix, looked at Xiao Chang, and said coldly, “Human, do you really think the three of them can escape?”

“This is the world of our souls!”

“Not just them, all human beings in our world, there is only one dead end!”

“And your death is just the beginning!”

After Moore finished speaking, he took the crystal phoenix and left, chasing Chu He and the three of them.

Xiao Chang could only watch Moore leave.

After all, he only had five magic card creatures, and it was impossible to chase Mohr surrounded by aliens and wild beasts.

“Chu He, we must live!” Xiao Chang said with a solemn expression.

Moore rode the crystal phoenix, flew quickly, and hurried away in the direction where the colorful birds were fleeing.

With the speed of the crystal phoenix, it quickly caught up with the colorful flying bird.

“Someone is catching up!”

“I will stay and stop him!” Yu Cheng said in a deep voice, looking at Moore who was chasing behind him.

“Brother Yu, be careful!

“His strength is very strong!” Chu He looked at Yu Cheng and said in a deep voice.

Don’t worry, “Well, I am also a strong player in the rankings, even if it is not the opponent’s opponent, it will not be a problem to hold the opponent!”

“Lin Sen, Chu He will leave it to you!”

“In any case, send Chu He back to the steel barrier!” Yu Cheng looked at Lin Sen and said solemnly.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely take Chu He back to the steel barrier!” Lin Sen said.

Yu Cheng didn’t say any more, he realized his magic card creature again, and then he jumped from the colorful bird and onto his magic card creature.

“Trivial, do you want to stop me too?” Moore looked at Yu Cheng staying, and wanted to stop him, with a smile.


“You will soon know how terrible I am!” Yu Chenghan said in a voice.

“The chopsticks are chopsticks, not even a little self-knowledge! Mohr” said disdainfully.

Moore took out two waste card creatures again and realized them.

“Since you are looking for death, then I will give you a ride first!”

“Kill you first, and the two who ran away must die too!” Moore said.

“Chu He, are you worried about Yu Cheng?” Lin Sen asked with a smile looking at Chu He’s expression.

Chu He nodded slightly.

“That foreigner was called Moore!

“In the previous thousand-person melee, there were other strangers who pretended to be him and led the stranger team!” Chu He said.

Hearing Chu He’s words, Lin Sen said, “So, that foreign person’s status is not low!

“If Yu Cheng kills him, it will be good for us too!”

“Brother Lin, I am worried that Brother Yu is not that guy’s opponent!” Chu He said.

“Don’t worry, I know the strength that will be achieved!”

“Even if that Moore is very strong, but he wants to kill Yu Cheng, he still can’t do it!”

“You didn’t know that Yu Cheng had a nickname when he was in the Devil’s Cave, called Loach!” Lin Sen laughed.

“Loach?” Chu He looked at Lin Sen curiously.

“Yes, it’s a loach!”

“Do you know why that guy is called a loach?” Lin Sen asked.

“Is it because the hands are not slippery?” Chu He asked 0…

“Yes, it’s because you don’t slip your hands!”

“Let me tell you this, when I was in the Devil’s Cave, I teamed up with that guy Yu Cheng!”

“Once the two of us made a mistake and were surrounded by hundreds of strangers!

“At that time, Yu Cheng asked me to escape first, and I thought it was Yu Cheng who wanted to sacrifice himself!”

“As a result, when I ran away, many foreigners came to chase me, I thought Yu Cheng had already sacrificed!

As a result, “After I returned to the steel barrier, I found that the guy was already relaxing with a little wine!” Lin Sen laughed.

“Oh?” Chu He was a little surprised when he heard this.

Don’t worry, “Yeah, that guy Yu Cheng is very smart. With his strength and ability, even if he loses to Moore, he can still escape, don’t worry about him!” Lin Sen said.

After Chu He heard this, he didn’t say more.

After half an hour.

In a forest.

Yu Cheng hid in the forest cautiously.

“That guy shouldn’t catch up, right?”

“After fighting for such a long time, he should not be able to catch up with Lin Sen and Chu He!”

“Now just go back alive!” Yu Cheng secretly said in his heart.

“Damn chop, get out of it!”

“Do you think you can survive by hiding!”

“I will kill you today!”

Moll roared and roared.

Hearing Moore’s roar, Yu Cheng’s mouth showed a helpless smile.

“This guy is really like a mad dog at 5.4!”

“Looking at it, he is staring at me, this is a posture of not giving up if I don’t kill me!” Yu Cheng secretly said in his heart.

But Yu Cheng didn’t panic at all. He looked at a magic card in his hand, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

On this magic card is a fish wrapped in foam, and this fish has a pair of wings.

The bubble flying fish is his strongest life-saving card.

This bubble flying fish has four abilities. The first ability is clone, the second ability is magic bubbles, the third ability is explosive bubbles, and the fourth ability is extremely fast.

This bubble flying fish is just a magic card creature with six diamond stars, but its speed is not comparable to a magic card creature with nine diamond stars.

Just now he used this bubble flying fish to demand Moore so fiercely that Moore had to kill him.

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