Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Seven: Clean Up the Traitors, Leave No One!

Among the people who participated in the melee of a thousand people this time, the heretics who took refuge in other people were actually mixed in, which Chu He hadn’t expected at all.

Thanks to Fang Lu for his own cleverness.” He wanted everyone to jump out because of his conflict with the Wild Beast Alliance.

If the other party secretly leaves the team and reports to the foreigner, then Chu He and the others really have no way to take the other party.

But now that the opponent is pulled out of the team, it is necessary to follow the vine and find out all the other heretics that may exist in the team.

After all, heretics are a group of lunatics, in order to gain strength to take refuge in strangers.

In Chu He’s opinion, this kind of person is simply-inferior to rubbish.

Xiao Kai, Li Ya, Zhang Dong, as well as other military personnel in the team, all looked at Fang Lu with indifference at this time.

They are the people who hate pagans the most.

They fought desperately with foreigners on the front line.

The heretics are doing things in the rear, making trouble for all human beings.

It’s also because Chu He is interrogating Fang Lu now, otherwise they would like to give Fang Lu this heretic farewell.

“I ask you, are you deaf?”

Luo Wu saw Fang Lu just yelling injustice and did not answer Chu He’s question. He kicked the opponent’s stomach, kicked the opponent to the ground, and then stepped on the opponent’s head.

“You are not enough to die a million times!”

“You still have a final chance to forgive your sins, and tell me how many heretics like you have mixed into the team this time!” Luo Wu said with a cold voice, looking at Fang Lu.

Fang Lu’s head was severely stepped on the ground by Luo Wu.

Upon seeing this, Chu He looked at Zhang Dong and said in a deep voice, “Captain Zhang Dong, now look at the other people living on the field!”

“Luo Wu, bring this heretic, and follow me!”

Hearing Chu He’s words, Zhang Dong nodded slightly. He raised his hand, and the soldiers in the crowd immediately surrounded the students of the college.

It is absolutely impossible for heretics to appear in the military headquarters.

If there are any heretics, they must be students who have been selected for a melee of a thousand people.

Luo Wu dragged Fang Lu up from the ground and followed Chu He.

Xiao Kai and Li Ya also followed Chu He.

When Chu He and the others got to a place with no one nearby, Chu He took out the Variety Painted Skin Ghost Devil Card and realized it.

Chu He made Variety Painted Skin Ghost apply [fear makeup] to herself, turning it into a terrifying and hideous appearance.

Under the pressure of Variety Painted Skin Ghost!

Fang Lu closed his eyes tightly and did not speak at all, putting on a posture that a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water.

But Chu He has a way to clean up the opponent.

Chu He took out the Demon Card of the Nine Sons and Demon Mother, and realized it.

The nine sons of the ghost mother enter the form of evil.

Then let Variety Painted Skin Ghost use [Fear Makeup] on Jiuziguimu.

After that, Chu He asked Jiuzi Guimother to take Fang Lu to other places to have a good conversation.

The Jiuzi Guimu lifted Fang Lu, her body turned into Yin Qi, used Yin Qi to transmit, and sent it to other places.

Less than a few minutes later, the Mother of Nine Ghosts came back carrying Fang Lu.

But at this time Fang Lu, he was completely different from just now.

His expression was horrified, and his whole body was trembling constantly.

When I saw him Chu He, I immediately climbed to Chu He, hugged Chu He’s feet, and begged, “I tell you, I tell you everything!”

“Please, forgive me!”

Seeing Fang Lu’s reaction, Chu He sneered.

“Know how, why bother in the first place!”

Chu He blocked the opponent’s collar and brought the opponent back in front of everyone.

“Acknowledge it!” Chu He looked at Fang Lu with an indifferent voice.

Fang Lu looked at Chu He in horror when he heard the words, and then pointed to a student from an academy in the crowd.

When the student was identified, he immediately took out the magic card to realize it.

He wanted to resist, but he didn’t have the strength at all.

Zhang Dong also realized his magic card creatures, and easily killed the opponent’s magic card creatures, then grabbed the opponent and found the stranger’s token from the opponent.

“Miscellaneous!” Zhang Dong looked at the opponent and punched the opponent in the face.

“Continue to identify it!” Chu He said indifferently.

Fang Lu raised his hand tremblingly, he had not had time to point out.

In the crowd, three people immediately rushed out of the crowd, trying to escape.

But they were all caught.

Zhang Dong and the others also found alien tokens from the three people who wanted to escape.

“Anything else?” Chu He looked at Fang Lu and said coldly.

“Not anymore!” Fang Lu looked at Chu He in horror.

“Is it gone for now?”

“Speaking of which, among those who have not yet landed on the island, are there any heretics hidden?” Chu He said coldly.

This really made Chu He a little unexpected.

Chu He didn’t expect so many heretics to come in.

To be able to get so many heretics into the melee of a thousand people, Chu He thought of a terrible thing!

Is it possible that there are heretics who have mixed into the upper human ranks?

Thinking of this possibility!

Chu He felt a little numb in his scalp.

If this is really the case, the pagan who mixed into the high-level human beings probably has a lot of power.

Otherwise, how could the other side shove the infidels into the melee of a thousand people?

But now is not to investigate whether there are pagans mixed into the high-level human beings.

The most important thing now is to end this thousand-person melee first.

Be optimistic about “him!” Chu He said to Luo Wu and Chang Kang, making them both optimistic about Fang Lu.

As for the other infidels, they have only one fate, and that is death!

Fang Lu alone is enough, as for the other pagans, there is no need to keep them alive.

After locating the infidels in the crowd, Chu He looked at Zhang Dong and said, “Captain Zhang Dong, you are now taking the others to hunt the infidels with the wild beasts!”

Be sure to “kill all the aliens and leave none behind!”

Zhang Dong heard the words, nodded, and immediately left with everyone.

Luo Wu, Chang Kang, Xiao Kai, and Li Ya followed Chu He and rushed towards the island.

When they waited for the people to arrive at the island, dozens of people gathered.

“Are there any heretics among this group of people?” Chu He turned to look at Fang Lu and asked.

Fang Lu nodded, then extended his finger to one of the students from the academy.

Xiao Kai and Li Ya walked towards each other.

The face of the person being pointed at by Fang Lu showed a look of horror, and he immediately turned around and ran away.

But in front of Xiao Kai and Li Ya, how could he escape?

“What’s going on?” A military official looked at Xiao Kai and Li Ya and asked.

“He’s a heretic!” Xiao Kai looked at the other side and said.


Hearing this, the military man’s face showed anger, he looked at the person caught by Xiao Kai and Li Ya, and stared at each other.

0…………For flowers. …

Xiao Kai, “The people who participated in the thousand-person melee this time were carefully selected!”

“How could there be pagans infiltrating?” Another person from the military looked at Xiao Kai and asked in a deep voice.

“It’s a long story!” Xiao Kai said.

“Let me explain!” Chu He said.

After that, Chu He told these people who had just landed on the island the ins and outs of the matter, including the matter of joining forces with the wild beast.

When they heard Chu He’s words, their expressions were all wonderful.

Alliance with wild beasts, this is completely unbelievable in their view.

But what they didn’t expect was that there were pagans in the team.

If it is not found early, it will be in big trouble.

“In that case, we are now teaming up with the wild beasts to deal with the aliens, and can we kill all the aliens who landed on the island?” Someone asked.

“That’s right!” Chu He nodded with a smile.

“I’ve long wanted to kill those goddamn Inhumans!”

“Although I’m a little uncomfortable with the Wild Beast Alliance, as long as I can hunt inhumans!”

Chu He heard the words, looked at the other party and smiled, “Then you can get your wish this time!”

“You can now hunt the aliens on this island!”

We’ll be here, and whoever new comes, as long as there are infidels, we’ll get rid of them!

Hearing Chu He’s words, those who landed on the island all left.

Chu He and the others are waiting here.

As long as there is a heretic, solve a heretic.

Things went as smoothly as Chu He expected.

After the people who newly landed on the island, after being identified by Fang Lu, the infidels were all killed, and the others went to the island to hunt and kill the infidels.

This time, the thousand-person melee has now completely fallen into Chu He’s control.

Originally, the melee of a thousand people this time was a fight between aliens and humans.

However, under the persecution of the aliens to the wild beasts, the situation may become that the aliens and the wild beasts join forces to hunt and kill humans.

But the aliens were too arrogant and forced the wild beasts too hard, so that the wild beasts started to resist, thus giving Chu He the opportunity to make Chu He and the wild beasts allied, and now they have become humans and the wild beasts to hunt and land on the island. Alien.

This time the melee, the casualty rate will be the lowest ever.

As the time goes!

The last group of humans has landed on the island!

Follow the large-scale melee between humans and inhumans in the past!

At this time, the melee will enter the most tragic situation.

But this time, the melee has come to an end.

Now on this island, there are not many Inhumans surviving.

They are now in dire straits, being hunted by humans and wild beasts.

Up to now, there are ten heretics who have been picked out from the 1,000-member melee team, counting Fang Lu.

Now all the heretics have been brought out.

Fang Lu had no need to survive.

Chu He gave Fang Lu a treat!

Next, it’s only left to hunt the aliens!

Chu He, Xiao Kaihe, Li Ya, Luo Wu, and Chang Kang also began to hunt down the remaining aliens on this island.

Kill a thousand gold-level alien elites.

This is definitely a fatal blow for the aliens!

The state is not very good recently, so I change it twice a day! Guang,

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