Chapter 158 How is it possible that Xie Wenfei’s strength is so strong? (2) (seeking full list)

An hour’s time came soon.

When Xie Wenfei checked the captain’s watch, he saw that his red dots representing the other three team captains were all far away.

“Chu He, it looks like you were right!

“The captains of the other three teams are now on the edge of this mountain!” Xie Wenfei said.

Chu He did not say more.

“Then I’m going to act!”

“You stay here!”

“Senior Xie Wenfei, remember, once your disguise is invaded by external forces, it will become invalid!”

“At that time, because of the rules, you have to embody your magic card creatures for battle!”

“As long as you don’t reveal your identity, the generals and post officials will protect you!” Chu He exhorted again.

Xie Wenfei nodded, “I understand!”

Chu He didn’t say much anymore, taking out the dead soulsounding bird to realize it.

After Xiao Ling appeared, she looked at Chu He aggrievedly, “Master, why haven’t you let me out to play for so long!

“Little Ling, my master has very important things now!

“You become the real body first, okay?” Chu He smiled.

Xiao Ling nodded, his body changed, and he became the real body of the dead soul-wounding bird.

Chu He jumped to the back of the Necrowound Bird and hurried towards the position of the captain of the other team.

Just now Chu He has memorized the position of the captain of the other teams.

Although when he rushes past, the opponent may continue to move.

But if you search, you will be able to find the other party.

The flying speed of the Undead Soul Smashing Bird is very fast!

In just a few minutes, Chu He reached the edge of the mountain.

Chu He realized the blood demon Rakshasa and asked him to use the blood bat clone to search for the hidden team leader “Nine Seventeen”.

Soon, the blood demon Raksha found the opponent.

Chu He turned the blood demon Raleigh into a magic card and took it back, and let the dead soul-wounding bird rush over.

When Chu He found the other party, the other party also looked at him strangely.

The other party is from Jiutian Academy.

“Fortunately, the person who came is Xie Wenfei, not Chu He!

“Gao Wen’s guess is correct, Xie Wenfei handed the captain’s bracelet to Chu He!”

“But this Xie Wenfei is really courageous, he dare to attack me alone!”

“It seems that I was really underestimated!” The Jiutian Academy student wearing the captain’s bracelet was relieved after seeing Chu He.

He realized his magic card creature.

His magic card creature has three golden nine-stars and two golden eight-stars.

In his opinion, Xie Wenfei in front of him is not his opponent at all, and defeating Xie Wenfei is a breeze.

But when he saw him Chu He took out the evil evil impermanence master magic card and realized it, the whole person was not good.

“How is it possible? Isn’t this Chu He’s magic card? Why is it in your hand?”

“You are cheating, team battles do not allow players to exchange magic cards!” Chu He shouted loudly when he saw him.

Chu He heard the words and looked at each other with a smile.

Chu He rubbed his hands vigorously on his face.

After a while, Chu He’s face returned to its true face.

When the other person saw the big change in front of them, their expressions were different.

This “answer, are you satisfied?” Chu He sneered.

After Chu He finished speaking, he directly let the Evil Wrath Impermanence Master do it.

In front of the evil evil master, the opponent’s magic card creature was not an opponent at all, and was defeated by the evil evil master.

And the opponent was eliminated as the captain of the Jiutian Academy, and the Jiutian Academy was also eliminated!

After that, Chu He took the dead soul-wounding bird again and rushed to the next location.

A few minutes ago!

Xie Wenfei where they are.

Now Xie Wenfei and the others are surrounded.

As Chu He expected, Luo Wu, Chang Kang and Gao Wen, each of them brought three of them.

Want to eliminate Tianwu Academy first.

However, Xie Wenfei now pretends to be Chu He.

Adding to the rear and generals standing next to Xie Wenfei, Luo Wu and the others did not act rashly for a while.

Luo Wu and the others have embodied their magic card creatures.

Xie Wenfei and the others don’t even have a way to retreat now.

Xie Wenfei felt a little nervous.

But he remembered Chu He’s previous instructions, which made him delay time.

Xie Wenfei took a deep breath, looked at the people surrounding him, learned Chu He, sneered, “Do you want more people to bully fewer people?”

“Chu He, are you scared?”

“If you are afraid, lead the team to withdraw from the game!”

In this way, “You can still leave a little face!” Zhou Mo laughed.

Now that Chu He is surrounded, everyone has to join hands to deal with Chu He. This situation makes him feel very relieved.

Xie Wenfei looked at Zhou Mo and sneered.

“You… Zhou Mo gritted his teeth when he heard this.

“Chu He, no matter how strong you are, you are alone!”

“We are fighting, you will definitely lose!”

“And your teammate, the three of them Luo Wu spoke, but he didn’t finish speaking, he reacted.

“It’s weird, where did Xie Wenfei go?” Luo Wu asked “Chu He, Bingxue, Wang Meng and Liu Chao in front of him, wondering.

This made Luo Wu feel a little uneasy.

“Could it be that Xie Wenfei went to attack others?”

“But some of Xie Wenfei’s strength is not strong, no matter who he attacks, he can’t succeed!”

“Then where did the other party go?” Luo Wu secretly said in his heart.

At this moment, a mechanical sound suddenly came from the sky.

“The captain of the Jiutian Academy was eliminated, and all the members of the Jiutian Academy were eliminated!”

Hearing this sound, everyone looked up.

In the air, there is a drone.

The sound just now came from the drone.

In this team battle, there are a large number of drones monitoring the game.

Therefore, in this competition, no one dared to violate the rules. Once the rules were violated, they would be photographed by drones, resulting in disqualification.

Every time someone is eliminated, the drone will make a sound.

“How is it possible? What happened!” Gawain showed a surprised look on his face, a different way.

But no one answered Gao Wen’s doubts.

“Students from Jiutian Academy, please leave as soon as possible!”

The drone in the sky once again heard mechanical sounds.

Gao Wen and they had no choice but to leave.

“Chang Kang, something is wrong!” Luo Wu said, looking at Chang Kang with a solemn expression.

Chang Kang nodded, and his face became solemn.

“Chu He, the one who eliminated the captain of Jiutian Academy, is Xie Wenfei from your team?” Luo Wu looked at Xie Wenfei and said solemnly.

“Guess what?” Xie Wenfei said with a faint smile.

Hearing this, Luo Wu and Xiao Chang looked at each other, and both saw incredible expressions in each other’s eyes.

Xie Wenfei’s strength, they have seen in the previous individual battles.

Xie Wenfei did not even enter the semi-finals and was eliminated in the preliminary round.

With this kind of strength, how could it be possible to eliminate the captain of Jiutian Academy? Even if the person wearing the captain’s bracelet is not strong, he is stronger than Xie Wenfei.

“Could it be that Chu He gave Xie Wenfei the Evil Impermanence Master Magic Card?”

“But it shouldn’t!”

“If Chu He gave Xie Wenfei the Magic Card of Evil Impermanence Master, then the drone would definitely capture it, and they would be eliminated because of cheating!

“If Chu He hadn’t handed the wrathful teacher magic card to Xie Wenfei, how did Xie Wenfei get rid of the captain of Jiutian Academy?” Luo Wu thought to himself, he really couldn’t understand.

But in the current situation, he has to act.

“Chang Kang, let’s join forces to defeat Chu He first!” Luo Wu chose to join forces with Chang Kang in order to win the championship.

Hearing this, Chang Kang hesitated.

Although he wants to eliminate Tianwu Academy first, if he chooses to join forces with Luo Wu now, once Tianwu Academy is eliminated, only their Gangyi Academy and Military Theology Academy will be left.

When the two academies are fighting, he also knows that he is not Luo Wu’s opponent, so there is a high possibility that they will be eliminated by the military seminary.

“Chang Kang, if you join forces with Luo Wu, then you can think clearly!”

“If you eliminated us, what should you do?”

“Do you want to hand over the team championship to Luo Wu?” Xie Wenfei looked at Chang Kang and said loudly.

“It’s better that we join forces now and eliminate Luo Wu and the others first!” Xie Wenfei continued.

Chang Kang, you have thought about it clearly, Chu He has already won the championship in the individual battle, if Tianwu Academy wins the team battle again, then their ranking of Tianwu Academy may directly rise to the first!”

“Don’t you think about the dignity of our two universities as military academies?” Luo Wu shouted loudly.

“Chang Kang, do you want Gangyi Academy to be overtaken by Military Theology Academy forever?”

“As long as we join forces to eliminate the Military Theological Institute first, then maybe the ranking of the academies this time, the Fortitude Institute will rise, but it will overwhelm the Military Theological Institute!” Xie Wenfei continued.

Chang Kang looked at Chu He and Luo Wu with a hesitant expression.

Just when he hesitated, the drone in the sky made a mechanical sound again…

“The captain of Gangyi Academy was eliminated, and the entire team of Gangyi Academy was eliminated!”

When he heard the sound of the drone, Chang Kang was dumbfounded.

“what happened?

“how is this possible!”

“How could Xie Wenfei’s strength defeat Wu Zhai!” Chang Kang said strangely.

Wu Wei is the captain of their Fortitude Academy, with five golden nine-star magic card creatures.

He couldn’t believe that with Wu Wei’s strength, it was impossible for him to be defeated by Xie Wenfei!

“Students of Gangyi Academy, please leave the venue as soon as possible!”

The drone in the sky made a mechanical sound again, urging Chang Kang and the others to leave.

With a helpless look on Chang Kang’s face, he left with his team members.

Now only Tianwu Academy and Military Theology Academy are left.

Luo Wu did not hesitate, and immediately launched an attack.

He didn’t use the environment card.

Once he uses the environment card, it will affect his teammates.

But when he started, he saw that Chu He” did not order the generals and the queens, and the generals and the queens were just passive defense.

“Strange, this doesn’t look like Chu He’s style?””Could it be that Chu He is delaying time?”

“Want to let Xie Wenfei defeat the captain of our school?”

“But Xie Wenfei’s magic card creature is the strongest Golden Seven Stars, and it should not be able to defeat the people of our academy!” Luo Wu wondered in his heart.

But what makes Luo Wu care about is, “Chu He only manifests the generals and the post-queen, and does not manifest the Xiesha impermanent master.

“Forget it, don’t care!”

“The most important thing is to defeat the Qing Dynasty and the generals first!” Luo Wu secretly said in his heart.

“Turn on the restricted skills and untie the shackles!” Luo Wu shouted loudly.

And the other three people in the Military Theology Academy also put out their full strength.

But for a moment, in addition to the Houqing and the generals, Mu Xue, Wang Meng and Liu Chao and their magic card creatures were defeated, and the three of them were eliminated.

Now the queen and generals are besieged.

With the defense of the general and the offensive power of the post, it is not so easy for everyone’s magic card creatures to defeat them.

Instead, the Queen killed several magic card creatures.

This situation did not last long.

Until the drone in the sky heard mechanical sounds again.

“The captain of the Military Theology Academy was eliminated, and the entire Military Theology Academy team was eliminated!”

Congratulations to “Tianwu Academy for winning this team battle championship!”

Hearing the mechanical sound from the drone, the people in the Military Academy were all dumbfounded!

“how is this possible!”

“Xie Wenfei’s strength is so strong?” Luo Wu couldn’t believe it, saying different things.

Luo Wu didn’t expect them to lose so inexplicably!

“Hahaha!” Xie Wenfei laughed loudly when he saw Luo Wu.

“Chu He, what the hell is going on!”

“Did you hand over your evil evil impermanence master to Xie Wenfei 5.4.” Luo Wu looked at Chu He and said in a deep voice.

Xie Wenfei smiled, and put his hands hard on his face.

After a while, Xie Wenfei’s face began to change.

When Luo Wu and others saw that “Chu He became Xie Wenfei, they all froze.

“What the hell is going on?”

“Why do you Luo Wu look at Xie Wenfei with a different expression.

Xie Wenfei did not answer Luo Wu, but looked at Luo Wu with a smile.

Luo Wu also reacted.

The Chu He in front of him is Xie Wenfei, and the leaving Xie Wenfei must be Chu He.

With Chu He’s strength, wanting to eliminate the captains of their Military Theology Academy, and the captains of Fortitude Academy and Jiutian Academy, it is indeed easy.

After all, how powerful the Xie Sha Wuchang Master was, he had personally experienced it.

There is a big reason why he would lose to Chu He in a personal battle, and the Xie Sha impermanence master.

But he didn’t expect that among Chu He, some of them had magic card creatures that could change the appearance of people.

So much that they were all deceived!

Now the team battle is over.

Luo Wu didn’t rush to leave either!

After waiting for a while, he saw that Chu He came back on the dead soul-wounding bird!

“Chu He, you can hide so deeply!” Luo said with helpless expression when seeing Wu Chu He return.

“There is no way, in order to win the team battle, how can I not hide it a little bit deeper?” Chu He laughed.

Luo Wu sighed lightly. He thought it was a team battle, and they had a great chance of winning the Tianwu Academy.

But I didn’t expect to lose so frustrated.

Their captain was stolen by Chu He, causing them to be eliminated, leaving him very helpless.

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