Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Four

“Chu He, go get the captain’s bracelet!” Wang Meng said to Chu He.


“Senior Xie Wenfei or Senior Sister Mu Xue can’t help being the captain!” Chu He smiled.

“I can’t, my strength is so weak, once other teams target me and eliminate me, then our team will lose!” Xie Wenfei shook his head.

“I am not very suitable for being the captain either!” Bingxue said indifferently.

“Chu He, don’t be humble, you must be the captain!” Xie Wenfei smiled.

“I’m serious, Chief Literary, go get the captain’s bracelet!” Chu He said sternly.

“Why let me get the captain’s bracelet?” Xie Wenfei asked in confusion.

“Because of the rules!”

This time “the rules are very strange. If the captain’s bracelet can’t be exchanged, then I will cheekily pick up the captain’s bracelet!”

“But this time the captain’s bracelet can be exchanged every hour, I think there may be other meanings hidden in the rules!” Chu He said.


“Although the rules are a bit strange, do they have other meanings?” Wang Meng muttered.

“Wang Meng, Chu He is not like you with well-developed limbs and simple mind!” Liu Chao laughed.

Wang Meng glanced at Liu Chao contemptuously, and asked, “Then tell me what is hidden in the rules?”

Liu Chao’s laughter stopped abruptly.

“Then I’ll get the captain’s bracelet, don’t you have any comments?” Xie Wenfei asked Wang Meng, Liu Chao and Bingxue as he looked at them.

Wang Meng shrugged and said with a smile, “Since Chu He asked you to pick up the captain’s bracelet, I naturally have no objection, go!

Liu Chao also followed with a smile, “I don’t have any comments!

Bingxue shook her head slightly, expressing no opinion.

After that, Xie Wenfei went to receive the captain’s bracelet and put it on his left hand.

The captain’s bracelet looked like a black wristwatch, nothing strange.

This “team battle will be carried out in this mountain!”

This time “the team battle has no time limit until the final winning team is decided!”

“If you leave the area of ​​this mountain, it means surrender! 08”

Li Guoshi said loudly after everyone received the captain’s bracelet.

Hearing this, everyone’s expressions became a little surprised.

“There is no time limit, so speaking of it, this team battle will probably last a long time!”

Even “It’s possible in a few days, so what shall we eat?” Wang Meng said in astonishment.

Chu He touched his chin with his right hand and looked at the mountain again.

Chu He said in a deep voice, “Although this mountain is not a barren mountain, there are absolutely very few things to eat on this mountain!

This time, “After the start of the team battle, the team that will win the final victory will be decided at once. This process, as Senior Meng Wang said, may take several days!”

“Then our top priority is to find food first. Without food, we simply can’t last that long!”

Hearing Chu He’s words, Xie Wenfei nodded in agreement.

“But it’s weird. Since this team battle may last for several days, why didn’t the organizers of the competition inform us in advance and let us prepare food?” Liu Chao wondered.

“Perhaps looking for food is also one of the content of this team battle!” Chu He said.

“is it necessary?”We “have no shortage of food, why is finding food one of the content of this team battle?” Wang Meng asked in confusion.

“In human society, we are not short of food, but if we are in the devil’s cave, we can’t tell!” Bingxue said suddenly.

Chu He glanced at Mu Xue and smiled, “Sister Bingxue is right!”

“In human society, we really don’t have to worry about running out of food!”

“But it’s different in the devil’s cave, especially in the devil’s cave, after the steel barrier is far away, all the food needs to be found by yourself!”

It was like Chu He, Lin Cheng, and the three of them sneaked into Inhuman City.

Thanks to Chu He’s foresight, he got coins from a lot of foreigners, otherwise in the city of foreigners, the three of them would have to starve to death, or else they would have to grab food.

Chu He vaguely had a clue about the purpose of this team battle, that is, it was related to the magic cave.

Lin Shoumin came to him before.

As the commander-in-chief guarding the Devil’s Nest in Devil’s Capital City, Lin Shoumin was no idler.

However, Lin Shoumin came to find him specifically, talked with him, and said that he had something to tell him, but he wanted him to win the team battle first.

Combined with the strange rules of this teamfight.

Chu He is very sure that the purpose of this team battle is absolutely inseparable from the magic cave.

“No fighting is allowed for the next hour!”

“An hour later, the team battle is about to begin!” Li Guoshi said again.

After Li Guoshi finished speaking, he turned and left.

Leaving behind the crowd watching.

Many people are wondering what the hell is going on in this team battle.

We “Let’s go!” Chu He greeted and left with Bingxue and Xie Wenfei.

Seeing Chu He and the others leaving, Luo Wu touched his chin with his right hand, and there was a gleam in his eyes.

“Chu He, did you guess something through the rules?

“It seems necessary to ask him carefully!” Luo Wu secretly said in his heart.

Let’s “Let’s go too!” Luo Wu greeted and left with everyone from the Military Theology Academy.

The direction that Luo Wu and the others were leaving was the direction that Chu He and the others were leaving.


“How did Luo Wu lead people to follow Chu He and the others in the direction they left?”

“Could it be that the two of them had already reached an agreement to join forces before the game started?”

“If the two of them join forces, then this time the team battle champion will be out of the game again!”

“And maybe they will be the first to be eliminated by the two of them!

“Absolutely can’t let this kind of thing happen!” Chang Kang thought to himself when he saw Luo Wu leaving with Chu He and the others.

Chang Kang thought about it for a while, and also led the people from the Gangyi Academy, chasing in the direction where Luo Wu and Chu He left.

“Strange, what are they doing?”

“Why did Chang Kang and Luo Wu take people from their respective colleges and follow the direction Chu He and the others left?”

Zhou Mo watched Chu He, Luo Wu, and Chang Kang lead people one after another and left in the same direction, with a puzzled expression.

“The three of them are probably teaming up!” Gao Wen said solemnly.

“Impossible?” Zhou Mo said strangely.

“Why not?”

“By joining forces with the strength of their three teams, it is no exaggeration to say that they can sweep all teams!”

“Even if we also unite some teams, it is not an opponent at all in the face of the three teams of them joining forces!”

After all, “Chu He, Luo Wu, and Chang Kang, the three of them are the only three in this competition who have environment cards!” Gao Wen said.

“Then let’s go after them now and join forces with them?” Zhou Mo suggested.

Hearing Zhou Mo’s words, Gao Wen frowned and thought.

Although “Zhou Mo and I were defeated twice by Chu He, it is undeniable that Chu He is very strong!”

“Although the winner of this team battle is only one team, as far as the current situation is concerned, I also agree to temporarily join forces with Chu He and the others!”

“Otherwise, the three teams of them join forces and solve us first, then it will be troublesome!”

“Even if you are eliminated, at least you have to wait until the last few are eliminated, otherwise it will be too embarrassing!” Fang Zhuan said.

Hearing Fang Meng’s words, Gao Wen glanced at him and said helplessly, “The key is that we are not familiar with Chu He!

“If we have the cheek to go to Chu He to join forces, and if we are rejected by Chu He, it would be too embarrassing!”

“Whether it works, you have to try it to find out!” Zhou Mo said.

“That’s right, even if we are rejected by Chu He, we have to give it a try. Otherwise, if they join forces, we might be eliminated by them first, and then it will be even more embarrassing!” Fang Meng said.

“Let’s go, let’s follow!” Gawain said no more, and took Zhou Mo, Fang Meng, and two other students from Jiutian Academy, chasing them in the direction where Chu He and the others left.

And Chu He, the five of them, are now following the mountain road in search of food.

Suddenly, Chu He heard footsteps behind him.

When Chu He turned his head and saw the person chasing behind him, his face changed slightly.

“Luo Wu, do you want to decide the winner with us now?”

“But it hasn’t been an hour yet!”

If you “do it, it’s a foul!” Chu He said solemnly.

Bingxue, Xie Wenfei, Wang Meng, and Liu Chao, all four of them are now looking like they are facing a formidable enemy.

After all, the overall strength of the five of them is too far from the overall strength of Luo Wu and the other five.

If this fights, their side is very likely to lose.

“Chu He, I didn’t come here to fight with you!

“What do you think about this team battle?” Luo Wu asked.

“Why do you ask that?” Chu He asked rhetorically.

“I think you should have guessed something, so I followed someone with me, just to talk to you!”

“If you don’t want to say it, then forget it!” Luo Wu said.

Chu He shrugged and smiled, “Then you can go back now!”

Hearing this, Luo Wu hesitated and said, “I hope our two teams can join forces and kill the other teams first!”

“When there are only two of our teams left, how about our two teams play again?” Luo Wu looked at Chu He and asked with a smile.

Hearing Luo Wu’s words, Chu He was a little surprised.

As the team leader of the Military Theology Academy, Luo Wu actually asked to join forces with him, which really surprised him.

However, before Chu He could reply, a loud laugh came from not far away.

“Sure enough, I knew that the two of you must have discussed joining forces before!”

“Since the two of you are going to join forces, can you count me as one?”

Everyone’s eyes turned to where the laughter came from.

Chang Kang also walked over with the four people from Gangyi Academy.

“Chu He, Luo Wu, I’m also one of the top three!”

“How about joining forces, including our Gangyi Academy?”Chang Kang looked at Chu He and Luo Wu and asked with a smile.

“Chu He, what’s the situation?”

“When did you discuss the joint venture with Luo Wu?” Liu Chao whispered in Chu He’s ear.

Chu He looked at Liu Chao and shook his head, and whispered, “I haven’t discussed with Luo Wu about joining forces!”

“I am a little puzzled now, why Luo Wu came to me to join forces!”

“Furthermore, Chang Kang has also come. He wants to join forces. This is completely unexpected!”

Luo Wu glanced at Chang Kang, then at Chu He, and asked with a smile, “Chu He, how do you think about it?”

“Joining 917 with our two teams, with the strength of our three teams, it is enough to sweep other teams!

“After we have eliminated all the teams from other universities, our three teams will fight again, how about?”

Chu He heard the words and glanced at Xie Wenfei and them.

“Do you have any comments on joining forces?” Chu He asked.

Xie Wenfei shook his head again and again, “No comment, working with them can at least ensure that our team is in the top three!”

“I have no objection!” Wang Menghan smiled.

“I have no opinion either!” Liu Chao followed.

Bingxue also shook his head, expressing no opinion.

Since the four of them have no opinion, Chu He also thinks that joining forces with the three of them is a very good choice.

Just as Chu He was about to speak and agreed to join forces with Luo Wu and Chang Kang.

Five more people rushed over.

When Chu saw the five people coming by He, his expression was a little surprised.

“Why are you here too?” Luo Wu also looked surprised when he saw the five people who came.

Chang Kang was also the five people who looked at him curiously.

The five people who came were Gao Wen and others.

Gao Wen looked at Chu He and the others, and asked with a smile, “Can you count us in the matter of joining hands?”

Hearing Gao Wen’s words, Chu He, Luo Wu and Chang Kang were all a little surprised.

The three of them did not expect that Gao Wen would bring the people from Jiutian Academy to express their hope to join forces with them.

Chu He considered it for a while, looked at Luo Wu and Chang Kang, smiled and asked, “What do you think?”

Luo Wu shrugged, spread his hands, and said indifferently, “I don’t care, one more team, one less team, for us, it will not have much impact!

Hearing Luo Wu’s words, Gao Wen showed a bitter smile on his face.

Luo Wu’s words mean that Gao Wen and their strength are not enough in the eyes of Chu He, Luo Wu and Chang Kang.

After all, this is the case!

Chu He and the three of them all have an environment card. The magic card master who has an environment card has an absolute advantage in the face of the magic card master who does not have an environment card.

“My opinion is the same as Luo Wu!” Chang Kang followed.

Seeing Luo Wu and Chang Kang kick the ball back to himself, Chu He smiled helplessly.

Chu He looked at Gao Wen and the others, Fang Meng lowered his head embarrassedly when he saw Chu He’s gaze.

After all, he threatened to teach Chu He before, but was defeated by Chu He instead.

And now he is embarrassed to follow Gawain to seek cooperation.

“There are so many people and powerful, I agree to join you!” Chu He smiled after a long silence.

Hearing this, Gao Wen breathed a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, Chu He, Luo Wu and Chang Kang would join forces first and eliminate their team, it would be really shameful.

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