Chapter 150 Finals! Chu Hevs Luo Wu! (3) (seeking full order)

“Sister Xiao Yu, Sister Xiao Yu!”

“Huh?” Huo Siyu recovered when Xie Yuanyuan called herself.

“Sister Xiao Yu, what were you thinking about just now?”

“I called you so much!” Xie Yuanyuan looked at Huo Siyu, wondering.

“Nothing!” Huo Siyu shook his head slightly.

“Sister Xiao Yu, what is this environmental card, do you know?” Xie Yuanyuan asked.

Chu Yun also looked at Huo Siyu curiously.

We “the school teacher has never said about environmental cards!”

“Can you talk to us?” Chu Yun asked.

Huo Siyu nodded and told them what she knew about the environmental card.

After Huo Siyu finished speaking, he looked at Chu He on the ring, his eyes blurred.

“Some time ago, I told him about the environmental card!

“He actually created an environment card, and it’s still the ultimate middle-grade environment card!”

“This is too powerful!”

“Such a good man is really fascinating!”

Xiao Chang and Lu Jian, their expressions are very exciting now.

Especially Man Chang.

He looked at Chu He, his face full of appreciation.

“The kid Chu He hides too deep!” Xiao Chang said with emotion in his heart.

Chu He created the environment card, but didn’t tell anyone from the beginning to the end.

Until now, the use of environmental cards has surprised everyone.

“Principal, Chu He’s talent is terrible!”

“This can no longer be regarded as a genius, but the top genius among the top geniuses!”

“He is only seventeen years old this year, and he actually created the ultimate middle-grade environment card, which is incredible!”

“According to his current growth rate, he might be able to become a king-level magic card master in the future, and become a strong man on the sky list!” Lu Jian exclaimed.

“Yes, Chu He is indeed the top genius among top geniuses!” Xiao Chang agreed extremely.

“Chu He asked me some time ago about the creation of environmental cards. His knowledge of environmental cards was almost zero!”

“But I didn’t expect that he actually created an environment card!”

“This kind of talent is really scary!”

“Among his peers, he is already at the top!” Xiao Chang secretly said in his heart.

Chu He used Mingyan Volcano Hell, and everyone in Tianwu Academy was excited.

And Fang Meng and Zhou Mo, who were defeated by Chu He twice, their expressions were full of despair.

They thought they had a chance to catch up with Chu He in the future.

But now, they know that this opportunity is almost zero.

First of all, they didn’t even have a clue to create environmental cards, but Chu He created the ultimate middle-grade environmental cards.

They know very well that once Chu He uses the environment card when fighting them, they will lose faster.

But Chu He didn’t use the environment card to fight with them, which made them even more “sad”.

After all, they are so weak that they don’t even have the ability to let Chu He use his hole cards.

On the ring!

Chang Kang now looks dazed.

He looked at Mingyan Hell Volcano, and even wondered if he was dreaming.

“Chang Kang, do you want to continue?” Chu He looked at Chang Kang and asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Chang Kang came back to his senses.

He saw the environment on the field, and the Flame Demon and the Flame Demon had already surrounded his Naga Demon deck.

As long as Chu He gives an order, Yan Gui and Yan Demon will do it.

Moreover, Jiang Chen and Hou Qing also stood near his Naga Magic Card creatures.Chang Kang took a deep breath, instead of surrendering defeat, he chose to give it a go.

Chu He smiled when he saw Chang Kang’s decision.

Chu He directly ordered Yan Gui and Yan Demon to do it.

Several flame ghosts rushed to a naga magician.

When it approached, Yan Gui’s body suddenly exploded, turning into ashes and rushing to the water ball that wrapped the Naga Mage.

The water ball was instantly evaporated, and the fiery red ashes wrapped the body of the Naga Mage.

The Naga Mage screamed, but in an instant.

The Naga Mage was scorched all over and fell to the ground.

The flame demon was transformed into a giant python from a ball of fire, and moved towards another naga magician.

The flame demon entangled the naga magician with his body, and the water ball was instantly squeezed.

After that, the body of the Balrog turned into a dark fire again, swallowing the Naga Mage.

In the Underfire, the body of the Naga Mage was severely injured.

“Are Yan Gui and Yan Demon so strong~?”

A look of surprise appeared on Chu He’s face.

Relying on the flame demon and the flame demon, he could easily kill two naga magicians, which really made him unexpected.

As for the generals and the queens, they attacked the three naga fighters.

Facing the joint forces of the generals and the queens, the three naga fighters were completely lost and forced to retreat in embarrassment.

And when one of the naga fighters retreated, he triggered the Underfire Trap.

Under the ground, violent dark flames rose to the sky, swallowing the body of this naga warrior.

After the eruption of the dark flame disappeared, the body of the Naga warrior had become scorched and fell to the ground, with a dangling air.

The remaining two naga fighters were chased and beaten by the generals and the queen, and finally lost.

Changkang fiasco!

He looked at his Naga Demon deck with a bitter smile on his face.

He thought that with his dark deep sea environment card, it was enough to win Chu He.

But I didn’t expect that Chu He also had an environment card, and it was still an extremely middle-grade environment card, suppressing his dark and deep-sea environment card.

In this battle, he didn’t think he was wronged.

After all, in this battle, he has already used all his strength.

Losing to Chu He can only be said that Chu He is stronger than him.

In the first battle, Chu He won!

In the second battle, Chang Kang played against Luo Wu.

In Changkang’s Naga Demon deck, one Naga warrior and two Naga magicians were severely injured, and only two Naga warriors were still able to fight.

Chang Kang did not choose to give up a losing game.

Instead, he took out three golden nine-star magic cards to cooperate with two naga warriors to fight Luo Wu.

In this battle, Chang Kang still used the environmental card.

But it didn’t work.

The function of Changkang’s dark deep-sea environment card is to reduce the enemy’s perception and speed up the movement of Naga Magic Card creatures.

But to Luo Wu’s faceless assassin, it was useless.

The faceless assassin easily found the location of the two naga fighters, assassinated them, and wounded them seriously.

The remaining three golden nine-star magic card creatures were easily defeated by the faceless assassins.

Changkang lost again!

With a strong sigh, he took the magic card creature back and walked off the ring.

The final battle of the contest!

Chu He vs. Luo Wu.

In this battle, whoever wins is the champion of the competition.

The two stood on the ring and looked at each other.

“Chu He, finally I’m going to fight you!”

“I have been looking forward to it for a long time!

“Chu He, use your best!” Luo Wu looked at Chu He and said solemnly.

“I will use all my strength, and I hope you can give it all!” Chu He laughed.

“It’s natural!” Luo Wu nodded and took out five waste cards to materialize them.

The five magic cards Luo Wu took out this time were all platinum one star.

There is no faceless blessing and faceless archmage without the golden nine stars.

In their place are the Warrior-type Faceless Great Axe and the Assassin-type Faceless Hunter.

In terms of appearance, the Faceless Giant Axe and the Faceless Hunter are no different from other faceless magicka creatures, they all wear black faceless masks on their faces and grey robes on their bodies.

This time, Chu He, in addition to embodying the Houqing, the generals, and the yin-yang judges, also took out the evil magic card of the impermanent master to embody it.

“This is my full strength!” Chu He looked at Luo Wu and said solemnly.

“No, this is not your full strength!” Luo Wu shook his head slightly, and he took out a waste card again.

“Middle Grade Environment Card–Dark Domain!”

Luo Wu shouted loudly, and he used the environment card in his hand.

Darkness instantly enveloped the entire arena.

Chu He’s vision was obscured and he couldn’t see a meter ahead.

Chu He licked his lips, and took out the Underworld Volcano Hell Environment Card and used it.

The fire erupted, eroding the darkness.

After a while, the broadcasting station turned into an environment where the flames and darkness were intertwined.

The two environment cards are not separated, but intermingled with each other.

There are many dark areas in the hills of the Underworld Volcano Hell.

This is the environment fusion caused by the two magic card masters using the environment card.

Unless it is the environment card of one party, it can completely suppress the environment card of the other party.

Otherwise, two environment cards with similar strength will have environment fusion.

Although Chu He’s environment card is the ultimate middle grade, it cannot completely suppress Luo Wu’s environment card.

Now the environment card blending ratio in the ring is seven to three.

The proportion of the Dark Flame Hell Volcano environment card is seven, and the proportion of the Dark Domain environment card is three.

“Let’s start!” Luo Wu looked at Chu He and smiled.

Come on “!” Chu He laughed, showing war intent in his eyes.

At the same time, both sides order the magic card creatures to attack.

The yin and yang judge still blessed Houqing with the three souls possessed.

Houqing rushed towards the Faceless Swordsman and the Faceless Giant Axe.

The target of the generals is a straight fighter who is also a tank type.

The opponents of Xie Sha Wu Chang Shi are assassin-type faceless assassins and faceless hunters.

Impermanent Summons!

Ghost Army!

The evil spirit is impermanent and handsome growls.

Behind the Sha Wuchang Master, the evil evil black Wuchang and the evil spirit Bai Wuchang appeared.

At the same time, one hundred golden six-star ghosts will appear.

The ghost general is surrounded by black energy, his body is composed of black mist, he is wearing black armor, and his weapon is a long-handled Guan Gong knife.

“Oh?” Luo Wu had a surprised look in his eyes when he saw the Black and White Impermanence and Ghost Generals Corps summoned by the evil spirit impermanence division.

“But that’s not enough!” Luo Wu murmured.

The Faceless Hunter’s hands stretched out of his grey robes.

His left hand held a pitch-black bow and arrow, and his right hand kept pulling the string to shoot arrows.

One after another, black arrows condensed from the strings and shot towards the ghost generals.

The faceless assassin’s body disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, it was by the side of evil, dark and impermanent.

“”Do you want to solve the summons first?” Chu He secretly said in his heart when he saw that the Faceless Hunter and the Faceless Assassin first attacked the Black and White Impermanence and the Ghost General.

However, evil evil black impermanence is now the strength of the golden nine stars.It is not so easy to kill him!

Desire for killing!

Evil evil, black and impermanent body broke out with bleeding red evil spirits.

After that, the soul-suppressing chain on his body was like a black python, flying towards the faceless assassin.

Chain Soul!

And the white impermanence eyes of the evil spirit on the side radiated green light.


The faceless assassin was lost in an instant.

The soul-suppressing chain entangled the body of the faceless assassin.

Evil sickle!

The evil evil black impermanence held the sickle in both hands and slammed it down.

The black sword air flew out and slashed on the faceless assassin.

And the evil spirit impermanent master’s right hand waved the evil spirit aura condensed, forming a black giant sword in his right hand.

The evil evil sword is destroyed!

Master Xie Sha impermanence cut out with a single sword.

The black sword energy that almost turned into substance flew out, on the body of the faceless assassin.

The faceless assassin was hit hard.

Seeing this scene, Luo Wu’s face showed an incredible look.

“Ordinary summons have only normal attack capabilities!

“But the summon of the Evil Wrath Impermanence Master actually has control skills?”

“Oops, the faceless assassin was hit hard, and he can’t get out now. If this continues, the faceless assassin will definitely lose!” Luo Wu secretly said in his heart.

“Faceless swordsman, support the faceless assassins!” Luo Wu said solemnly.

Upon receiving the order, the Faceless Swordsman rushed towards the darkness nearby.

When his body rushed into the darkness, he emerged from the darkness near the Faceless Assassin, holding a gray giant sword in both hands, and slashed at the evil evil black impermanence.

After the sword was cut down, a hideous scar appeared on the evil evil black impermanence body.

When Chu He saw this, there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

(Nold Zhao) “Can the Faceless Swordsman attack regardless of a certain distance?”

“Furthermore, his environment card can actually allow the faceless magic card creature to teleport in the dark, it seems a bit troublesome!” Chu He secretly said in his heart.

But it’s just troublesome.

Several flame ghosts and flame monsters all rushed towards the faceless swordsman under Chu He’s order. Chu He was going to abolish one of the opponent’s combat power first.

After being severely injured by the Faceless Swordsman-sword, the evil evil spirit fell to the ground, and a powerful evil spirit erupted in his body.

After a while, the evil and impermanent body was wrapped in evil spirits.

When the evil spirit disappeared, the evil evil black impermanence entered the evil evil form.

Upon seeing this, Chu He showed surprise on his face.

“Unexpectedly, the black and white impermanence summoned by the evil evil impermanence master actually possesses the restriction skills. This is really a surprise!” Chu He said with excitement in his heart.

Heiwuchang, who had turned into the evil evil form, rushed straight to the faceless swordsman and launched a fierce attack.

The faceless swordsman faced the black impermanence attack in the evil evil form, and although he could deal with it, several flame ghosts and flame monsters were approaching him.

“Oops!” Luo Wu’s face sank when he saw this.

“Faceless swordsman, turn on restricted skills!” Luo Wu shouted.

The faceless swordsman received the order, and black energy gushed out of his body.

After a while, the black faceless mask worn on the face of the faceless swordsman shattered, revealing his true expression.

The face of the faceless swordsman is a bit strange. There are six red eyes on his face, arranged in two rows on his forehead.

The speed of the faceless swordsman suddenly increased, and the number of swords continued to force the evil evil and the black impermanence back. Faced with the approaching flame ghosts and flame demons, he slashed out several swords continuously in the air.

Yan Gui’s body collapsed, turned into ashes and dissipated.

The flame demon’s body was also chopped and twisted, and finally turned into a Mingyan collapse.

“It’s really interesting!” Chu He licked his lips, with a look of excitement on his face.

Fighting the strong is what Chu He wants!

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