Chapter 120 My sister, I will teach myself, what qualifications do you have to talk about! (Please complete the order)

(3) The magic card battle between Chu Yun and Ouyang Wei has begun! Chu Yun took the lead in attacking and ordered the sword and shield angel to charge. Ouyang Wei also ordered the Rainbow Swordsman to charge. Both sides are black iron seven stars. Their skills are also very fancy. When the Sword and Shield Angel swings the sword, it can release a golden light blade. When defending with a shield, the shield will emit golden light, forming an illusory golden shield. When the Sword and Shield Angel charges, the golden light wings behind it will also emit golden light. As for Ouyang Wei’s Rainbow Swordsman, a rainbow will appear when attacking, and every sword swing has a splendid brilliance, which is very similar to the attack special effects in web games in the previous life. When you see their magic card creatures attack, the ‘attack special effect’ that appears. Even Chu He has to admit that Chu Yun and Ouyang Wei are still better than him in terms of the creation of the magic card creature’s shape and force. Magic card creatures like the Sword and Shield Angel created by Chu Yun and the Rainbow Swordsman created by Ouyang Wei are the most popular. After all, this is a society of beauty. Ordinary card masters do not know the cruelty of the wilderness, nor the blood of the magic cave. For them, the purpose of the waste card creatures, in addition to the magic card battle, is more to show off. Just from the magic card creatures created by Chu Yun and Ouyang Wei, it is enough to prove that the appearance is more gorgeous than the strength. In the ring, the Sword and Shield Angel and the Rainbow Knight are constantly fighting. Ouyang Wei’s Rainbow Fairy and Chu Yun’s Radiant Angel were just like the two spectators who did nothing. Really “it’s a fight of children!” Chu He said with emotion. Whether it’s a rainbow fairy or a radiant angel, even if it’s just an auxiliary magic card creature, they should at least do something. But the Rainbow Fairy and the Radiant Angel just stood there. Even if you add a buff to assist the battle, it is better than looking at it. “Is this really a 2V2 magic card battle?” “These two girls don’t seem to be good at magic card battles!” Xie Yuanyuan muttered. “Look at this, yes!” Chu He laughed. The duel between the Sword and Shield Angel and the Rainbow Swordsman lasted for several minutes. In the end, the Rainbow Swordsman was slashed by the Sword and Shield Angel and fell to the ground on the spot. Ouyang Wei looked like a big change in his face. “Ouyang Wei, you lost!” Chu Yunjiao smiled. Ouyang stomped his feet in anger. Seeing the Rainbow Swordsman fall to the ground, without his fighting power, she felt very unwilling. “Xiaowei, is your rainbow fairy a decoration?” a man next to her shouted loudly. Chu He heard the words and turned his head to look. There was a man two or three years older than him, looking at Ouyang Wei. Ouyang Wei immediately reacted when she heard the other party’s words. “Rainbow Fairy, use the rainbow blessing on the Rainbow Swordsman!” The Rainbow Fairy immediately waved her magic wand, and a rainbow flew out of the magic wand, surrounding the Rainbow Swordsman. The Rainbow Swordsman, who was injured and fell to the ground, immediately stood up from the ground. “Xiaoyun, let your radiant angel apply a buff to the sword and shield angel! Xie Yuanyuan also shouted loudly. Hearing Xie Yuanyuan’s words, Chu Yun also reacted. “Brilliant angel, use the blessing of light, and the holy light of bravery!” Chu Yun shouted loudly. The radiant angel also waved his magic staff, and two golden lights blessed the sword and shield angel. The sword and shield angel and the rainbow swordsman approached and fought together again. The effect of the sword and shield angel is better than that of the rainbow swordsman. Lu Qiang. The combat power of the Sword and Shield Angel is also stronger than that of the Rainbow Swordsman Lu. In the end, the Sword and Shield Angel defeated the Rainbow Swordsman.

After that, Chu Yun asked the Sword and Shield Angel to attack the Rainbow Fairy.

After defeating the Rainbow Fairy, Chu Yun won this battle.

After Chu Yun won, she excitedly looked at Ouyang Wei and smiled, “Ouyang Wei, you are still not as good as me!”

“It seems that even after so many years, you are still being crushed by me!”

“Ouyang Wei, you will never be my opponent|~!”

“I am the number one in ten thousand years, and you are the second in ten thousand years!”

Hearing this, Ouyang Wei was trembling with anger. She pointed at Chu Yun and wanted to refute, but she didn’t know what to refute.

“Xiaowei, it’s just a magic card battle!”

The man who reminded Ouyang Wei just now stepped onto the ring and comforted him.

“Brother, this is not just a magic card battle!”

“The key is that she keeps pressing me, I’m not reconciled!” Ouyang Wei said unwillingly.

Ouyang Wei’s brother smiled when he heard the words, he looked at Chu Yun and said, “Little girl, don’t be so proud of winning a magic card battle!”

“You still have a long way to go!”

“Be complacent, and one day you will suffer a lot!”

Hearing this, Chu He’s face sank, and he also walked into the ring, standing beside Chu Yun, looking at Ouyang Wei’s brother, and said with a smile, “I’m very curious, if a magic card master wins You can’t be proud of the magic card battle, is it possible that the magic card master who lost the magic card battle should be proud?”

“Oh? Are you her brother?” Ouyang Wei’s brother looked at Chu He and asked.

“That’s right, I’m Chu Yun’s brother, Chu He!” Chu He looked at him and said.

“I’m Ouyang Wei’s brother, Ouyang Jun!”

“Looking at your appearance, you probably haven’t gone to a high-level magic card master school. This world is very big, and you don’t know many things!”

“Such a mere magic card battle, what if you win, what if you lose?”

“In my eyes, it’s not worth mentioning at all!”

“I advise you to teach your sister well, there are people outside this world, and there are heavens outside!”

Because “To be complacent about winning such a mere magic card battle, you will suffer a lot in the end!” Ouyang Jun looked at Chu He and sneered.

“My sister, I will teach myself, what right do you have to talk about?”

“And now I’m going to the High Magic Card Master Academy, I’m a student of the High Martial Academy!” Chu He said.

“Gaowu Academy?”

“Hmph, garbage school!” Ouyang Jun said coldly.

“Gaowu University is a garbage institution, so I don’t know which institution you are studying in?” Chu He sneered.

“The eighth highest Magic Card Master Academy in the country, Luo Sheng Academy!” Ouyang Jun said proudly.

“Is Luo Sheng Academy?””Indeed, in terms of rankings alone, Luo Sheng Academy is indeed higher than Gao Wu Academy!”

“However, what qualifications do you have to say that Gaowu School is a garbage school?” Chu He said coldly.

“Aren’t you convinced?”

“Then do we want to have a magic card battle?” Ouyang Jun looked at Chu He and asked.

“Okay!” Chu He laughed.

“Girl, go down and wait for me first!” Chu He looked at Chu Yun and smiled.

“Brother, can you do it?”

“He looks great!”

“Can you win?” Chu Yun glanced at Ouyang Jun, looked at Chu He worriedly, and asked.

Don’t worry “Well, I can win!” Chu He laughed.

“Okay, girl, let’s go down first!” Chu He rubbed Chu Yun’s hair and smiled.

Chu Yun nodded, turned the Sword Shield Angel and the Radiant Angel into magic cards and took them back, and walked off the ring.

“Xiaowei, you also get off the ring first!” said Ouyang Jun.

Hearing this, Ouyang Wei nodded, turned the Rainbow Swordsman and Rainbow Fairy into magic cards and took them back, turned and walked off the ring.

“The broadcasting station is not big, how about the 1V1 method?” Chu He said lightly.

“The real magic card battle is 5v5, 1v1, what’s the matter?” Ouyang Jun sneered.

This “ring is a bit small, are you sure you want to fight 5v5?” Chu He asked.

“Afraid?” Ouyang Junxun laughed.


“You underestimate me too much!”

“I’m afraid your magic card creatures are not enough for me to fight!” Chu He sneered.

Ouyang Jun also stopped talking.

He took out five magic cards and materialized them.

Ouyang Jun’s magic card creatures are all gold-level.

“How about we set another rule?” Ouyang Jun said.

“What’s the rule?”

“Magic card life and death battle!” Ouyang Jun said coldly.

Hearing the other party’s words, a cold light appeared on Chu He’s face.

Because of such a thing, the magic card is actually going to be a life-and-death battle?

The other party didn’t take magic card creatures seriously, which made Chu He’s heart very angry.

“Okay!” Chu He said solemnly.

“Brother, there’s no need!” Chu Yun said loudly.

“Xiaoyun, it’s alright!” Chu He turned his head, looked at Chu Yun and smiled.

“Sister Yuanyuan, don’t you persuade my brother?”

“The opponent’s magic card creatures are all gold-level. Although brother’s magic card creatures are also very powerful, they are only silver-level!”

“If there is a life-and-death battle for the magic card, my brother’s magic card creature is not an opponent at all!” Chu Yun looked at Xie Yuanyuan and said anxiously.

“Trust Chu He!” Xie Yuanyuan didn’t say much, he looked at Chu He with confidence on his face.

It’s like a provincial youth magician contest.

In the provincial youth magic card master competition where the strong players gathered, no one would think that Chu He would be able to win the championship.

But Chu He won the championship.

But in that match, Chu He defeated one strong enemy after another.

For Chu He, Xie Yuanyuan believes very much.

Now that Chu He has proposed the magic card life and death battle, he believes that Chu He will definitely win.

“You’re not too timid!” Ouyang Jun was a little different when he saw Chu He accepting it. He thought that Chu He would refuse because he was afraid.

Chu He smiled lightly, ignoring the other party.

Seeing Chu He’s light-hearted expression, not taking him in his eyes, Ouyang Jun said solemnly, “If this is the case, then we will fight the magic card!”

“I want to see how good you are!”

Chu He didn’t say more, took out the magic card of Mingyan Bull’s Head, and realized it.

“Brother’s Mingyan Bull Tau has actually been upgraded to one gold star?” Chu Yun asked in surprise.

“I knew that since your brother dared to accept the magic card life-and-death battle, it means that your brother must be confident, don’t worry!” Xie Yuanyuan laughed.

“But what do you mean by only presenting a waste card?” Chu Yun asked in confusion.

“I don’t know either!” Xie Yuanyuan shook her head.

“What do you mean?” Ouyang Jun said coldly, looking at Chu He’s only manifestation of the Mingyan Bull Tau.

“To deal with you, it’s enough for him!” Chu He laughed.

Shadow Ma Mianke is always in Chu He’s shadow, which can trigger the fetters of Ming Yan Niu Tou.

Just relying on the Mingyan Bull Tau is more than enough to deal with Ouyang Jun’s magic card creatures.

Ouyang Jun did not expect that Chu He would say such a thing, and his face showed a furious look.

“Are you underestimating me!” Ouyang Jun roared.

“I didn’t underestimate you!”

“This flaming bull head, among my magic card creatures, is one of the most powerful magic card creatures!” Chu He said.

“Then let’s get started!

“Your magic card creature is dead, don’t blame me!” Ouyang Jun said coldly.

“Mingyan bull head, enter the bull demon form!” Chu He ordered.

Violent flames erupted from the body of Mingyan Niutou, wrapping his body.

After a while, the Mingyan Bull Head turned into a huge flame bull.

“Open the Mingyan Arena!” Chu He shouted in a deep voice.

Mingyan Niutou let out a low roar, and violent Mingyan erupted from his body, forming a Mingyan Arena, which surrounded all five magic card creatures of Ouyang Jun.

“A pair of five?”

“What an arrogant guy!”

“Soon, you will suffer the consequences!” Ouyang Jun looked at Chu He and sneered in his heart.

His five magic card creatures, although the strongest is only three stars of gold.

But in his opinion, it was an easy task for his five magic card creatures to kill Chu He’s Dark Flame Bull.

A minute later, the Mingyan Arena dissipated.

When he saw the corpses of the five magicka creatures on the ground, a look of horror appeared on his face.

“Is the strength of Luo Sheng Academy’s students like this?”

“I’m just a freshman at Tianwu Academy. Depending on your age, (Nuo’s) should be a junior or senior!”

“As a result, your five magic card creatures were killed by one of my magic card creatures!”

“For a guy like you, you dare to start a life-and-death battle with magic cards, and you are beyond your own power!”

“Luosheng Academy, that’s all!” Chu He looked at Ouyang Jun with an indifferent expression.

After Chu He finished speaking, he turned the Mingyan Bull Head into a magic card and took it back, then turned around and walked off the ring.

“Brother, your Mingyan bull head is too powerful!” Chu Yun ran to Chu He’s side, grabbed Chu He’s arm, and said excitedly.

“Chu He, would it be too much to kill his magic card creature?” Xie Yuanyuan walked to Chu He’s side and whispered.

“Killing his magic card creature can make him understand that there are people outside of people, and there are heavens outside of heaven!

“And my younger sister is being bullied, how can I turn a blind eye as a brother!” Chu He smiled lightly.

“Girl, what do you think of the way I handled it this time?” Chu Evil He looked at Chu Yun and said with a smile.

“Brother, it’s great!”

“In this way, Ouyang Wei will no longer dare to compete with me!”

“Even her elder brother was slapped by my elder brother. This time, she has no support, and she doesn’t dare to fight me any more!” Chu Yun said with a proud smile.

After Chu Yun finished speaking, she also glanced at Ouyang Wei.

She wanted to show off.

But Ouyang Wei now ran to the ring and stood beside Ouyang Jun with a worried look on her face.

Ouyang Jun is a little lost now.

Five to one, complete defeat.

For a top student like him in Luo Sheng Academy, it was definitely a huge blow.

He hasn’t recovered from the blow yet.

Chu Yun didn’t laugh at Ouyang Wei anymore. She stayed on Chu He’s arm and followed Chu He and Xie Yuanyuan out of the magic card battle against Guan Ming.

Update ends today!

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