Chapter 118 Waiting for you to grow up, we will have a real battle! (1) (Please complete the order)

“Damn, what the hell is going on!” Shan Mo felt like he was going crazy!

Why did Kathu and his brothers come to the woods?

Why did the city lord know that the two Kathu brothers would come to the woods and bring him in advance?

Shan Mo couldn’t understand.

But the current situation is very bad for him.

His mind flipped.

Now he has only two corresponding methods.

The first method is to unite with Katu and kill the Inhuman City Lord.

Although he didn’t know what was going on, he could say that he lured the alien city lord to come here, just to kill the alien city lord together with the other party.

The second method is to tell the alien city lord that he tricked Katu to come here, just to get rid of Katu.

Two corresponding methods, he was thinking about the pros and cons in his mind.

After a moment, he made a decision.

He looked at the alien city lord and sneered, “Lord city lord, I have followed you for thirty-one years!”

“The position of the city lord should also be replaced by me!”

“Katu, I lured him here!”

“The two of us join forces to kill him first!”

Hearing this, Katou showed a sneering look on his face, and said coldly, “Do you really think I’m an idiot?”

“Shan Mo, I told you that if you betray me, I will kill you!”

“But now is not the chance!”

“If you survive, I will come back to you!”

After Katu finished speaking, he and the wounded army retreated.

The alien city lord did not stop him!

He looked at Shan Mo jokingly, and said coldly, “Shan Mo, it seems that you have forgotten the horror of me!”

After the alien city lord finished speaking, he materialized his magic card creature.

The magic card creature of the alien city master is the “eight eight seven” magic card creature.

Nine-headed python, dragon-winged monitor lizard, three-headed black dragon, two-headed hellhound, and tyrant giant energy.

The strength of these five magic card creatures is not only the platinum nine stars, the combat power of any of them is not inferior to the Yemeng King Snake.

Seeing the incarnated magic card creature of the Inhuman City Lord, Shan Mo’s face showed a solemn expression.

The alien city lord no longer trusted him and was going to kill him.

Then even if he knelt down and begged for mercy, it would be of no use at all.

Only fight!

Shan Mo also materialized his magic card creature.

But Shan Mo’s strength is too weak!

Facing the attack of the magic card creatures of the alien city lord, it is not an opponent at all.

But within a few minutes, three of Shan Mo’s magic card creatures died in battle, and he had to retreat and escape.

In order to escape, he gave up the other two magic card creatures, and dragged the magic card creatures of the Inhuman City Lord to death.

When he just ran out of the woods, he saw an alien red soldier waiting for him.

When he saw each other, he was stunned.

“Didn’t you get killed by me?” Shan Mo said in amazement when he saw the other party.

“Lord Shanmo, I came back from hell to seek revenge for you!” Yiren Chibing said with a grin.

The words fell, and behind Shan Mo, a magic card creature with a horse face slowly drilled out of his shadow, twisting his neck.

“Shadow Horse Face, come back!”

He is naturally Chu He.

However, Chu He did not expect that the fighting power of the alien city master was so sturdy.

The magic card master who is also a platinum nine-star, Shan Mo was actually crushed.

The battle starts and ends, but it only takes a few minutes.

Now that Shan Mo has been killed, Chu He’s Magic Card Master level has also been raised to Silver Nine Stars.

It has to be said that the Alien Magic Card Master of the Platinum Nine Stars is powerful.

Killing one is enough to be worth hundreds of gold-level alien magicians.

Chu He waited outside the woods, and after a while, the alien city lord came out.

He sneered when he saw Tian Shanmo’s body.

“Human, where did the guy from the Nine Spirit Society go? The Inhuman City Lord looked at Chu He and asked.

Hearing this, Chu He’s face changed greatly, he immediately stepped back, and looked at each other vigilantly.

“Don’t be nervous, I’m going to kill you, you’re already dead!”

“Do you really think I’m a fool?”

“I can sit in the position of the city master, not only relying on strength!”

“I know exactly what kind of person Shan Mo is!”

“If he decides to betray, he will never leave anything behind!

“If he goes and kills all the soldiers, then you won’t survive!”

“But you survived, and you came to report to me!

“It doesn’t make sense at all!”

“I was reminded of the theft of the materials in the material library. According to Shan Mo, there was a guy who disguised himself as him and entered the material library and stole all the materials!”

“That means that among you there are magic card creatures that can disguise their appearances!

“You should be the one who stole materials and possessed disguised magic card creatures. Since you can disguise as Shan Mo, you can also disguise as a soldier who should have died to report the situation to me!

Hearing the words of the alien city lord, Chu He’s face sank.

“Since you already knew I was human!”

“With your strength, it should be easy to kill me?”

“Why didn’t you do it?” Chu He asked.

The alien city lord laughed loudly, “Humans, we all get what we need!”

“You want to weaken the strength of our family, and I want to find out the traitors around me!”

“Since a few years ago, I have discovered that there are traitors by my side, but they are well hidden!”

“I have doubts about Shan Mo, but Shan Mo is very cautious, and he does everything without leaking, and I can’t find the reason for his betrayal at all!

“I just wanted you to help me force him out, but I didn’t expect you to actually do it!”

“Human, you are indeed powerful. If you continue to grow, you will become the great enemy of our family!”

Hearing this, Chu He said coldly, “Are you going to do it?”

“No no no, I said it, if I wanted to do it, you would be dead long ago!”

“I have no interest in killing the weak!

“You are too weak, when you grow up, we will have a real battle!”

“As for that guy from the Nine Spirit Society, I’ll deal with it!”

“Human, remember my name, my name is Caesar, see you next time!” The alien city lord laughed.

After that, he left on the three-headed black dragon.

“Damn, it’s such an unpleasant feeling!” Chu He clenched his hands tightly, a gloomy look on his face.

Although survived from the opponent’s hands.

But if the opponent does something, he doesn’t even have the power to resist.

The reason why the other party spared him is because the other party thinks that even killing him is of no value.

“Strength is everything!” Chu He took a deep breath and said solemnly.

Now there is no need to continue to stay in Inhuman City.

After Chu He found Lin Cheng and Nan, he left the Foreign City directly.

After the three returned to the steel barrier, Chu He left the magic cave directly.

Lin Cheng and Nan also left the magic cave with Chu He.

After the three of them left the magic cave, they found a hotel and were ready to have a good meal.

After all, after so many days in the Devil’s Cave, the food is mainly dry food, and the mouths of the three of them are almost out of the bird.

During the dinner, Lin Cheng and Nan saw that Chu He’s expression was a little wrong, and they were all a little confused.

“Chu He, what happened when you acted alone before?” Lin Cheng wondered.

“Yeah, Chu He, when you found us in the Foreign City and asked us to leave the Foreign City, I also felt that something was wrong with your state. What happened?” Nan also asked.

Chu He heard the words and smiled bitterly, “It’s a long story!”

“I pretended to be the Inhumane Red Soldier, and revealed the news to the Inhumane City Lord, to make the Inhumane City Lord suspicious of Shan Mo. If you want to borrow the Inhumane City Lord, I will get rid of both Shan Mo and Kathu!”

“But I didn’t expect that I would also be placed by the other party!!

“The other party knew that I was a human. I used him to kill Sam Mo and Kathu, and he also used me to unearth the traitors around me!”

Upon hearing Chu He’s words, both Lin Cheng and Nan looked different.

“Chu He, the Lord of the Inhumane City knows that you are a human?”

“Speaking of which, didn’t you have a fight that broke out, and you escaped from his hands?”

“The Overlord City Lord is a platinum nine-star alien magic card master. With his strength, you can actually escape from his hands. You are really amazing!”

“This is obviously a good thing to prove your strength, why are you still frowning?” Lin Cheng asked curiously.

Chu He heard the words and smiled bitterly, “The Lord of the Other City didn’t attack me!!

“He said he was not interested in killing the weak, and he planned to fight him evenly after I became stronger!

“You look bored just because of this?”

“You survived from the hands of Inhumane City Master, this is a good thing!

Although “the opponent is a stranger, it is undeniable that the opponent’s strength is stronger than most of the magic card masters on the human list!”

“The other party recognizes you, it means you are great!” Nan smiled.

“Yes, Chu He!”

“Nan is right, the other party is a stranger, but also a powerful card master!”

“It’s also a good thing that card masters of this level recognize it!”

“He wants to fight you evenly. This is recognition of you. Why do you sigh?” Lin Cheng followed.

Chu He heard the words and smiled, “You seem to be right!

“If this is the case, then I have to work harder, strive to become stronger as soon as possible, and have a fair fight with him!”

“But before that, you have to win the championship of the National Advanced Magic Card Master Academy Competition to be held a few days later!

Upon hearing Chu He’s words, Lin Cheng and Nan both looked at Chu He with different faces.

“You want to participate in the National Advanced Magic Card Master Academy Competition?”

“That’s a competition in which the top students in an institution are eligible to participate!”

“Now that the college entrance examination is still complete, you can participate in the competition without even entering the Advanced Magic Card Master Academy?” Lin Cheng Yidao.

“Uh, didn’t I tell you?”

“I entered Tianwu Academy, and I have completed the admission procedures, and I am now a freshman!” Chu He smiled.

“Tianwu Academy?”

“That school is really good, but with your abilities, you can enter the third-ranked Jiutian Academy in the country. Why did you choose Tianwu Academy?” Nan asked curiously.”If I enter Jiutian Academy, can I still sit here and eat with you?” Chu He asked rhetorically.

“It turns out that this is the case. Jiutian Academy implements closed management. Based on your personality, you should not accept closed management!” Lin Cheng smiled.

“By the way, which university do you plan to enter in the future?” Chu He asked curiously.

“I plan to enter the 16th Wanmu Academy!”

“Although Wanxuefu is not ranked high, it focuses on creating magic cards of the forest department!”

“I think after entering Wanmu Academy, my magic card group ability should be improved a lot!” Lin Cheng smiled.

“I plan to enter the eleventh Baigang Academy!”

“Baigang Academy is also a magic card that focuses on creating the steel element. For me, it helps a lot!” Nan said.

“Then I wish you two successfully pass the college entrance examination and enter the ideal university!” Chu He smiled.

“That must be a must!” Lin Cheng said with a smile.

During the conversation between the three, the hotel’s food came up.

The three of them ate a large table of food, and the waiters in the restaurant were dumbfounded.

After the meal, Chu He checked out.

The materials he obtained in the Demon Cave this time would not be used up for ten lifetimes if they were exchanged for money.

The gold and silver materials alone are worth hundreds of billions.

And there are eighteen platinum-grade materials, which are of higher value.

After all, any platinum-level material must be obtained from platinum-level beasts, or from rare wild resources.

You can’t buy it with money.

Platinum-grade materials are priceless and extremely rare.

In a sense, Chu He is a nouveau riche. Compared with those who have been demolished, they are hundreds of times richer, or even more.

Of course, the magic card master is also very expensive.

However, in a short period of time in 5.4, Chu He should not have to worry about money.

After the three of them had eaten, they separated.

Before leaving, both Lin Cheng and Nan told Chu He that if Chu He needed help, they both rushed there immediately as long as they made a phone call.

Chu He also told Lin Cheng and Nan that he could call him if necessary.

After all, the three of them all had a fateful friendship.

After the three separated, Chu He returned to Andong City by car.

I haven’t seen Chu Yun’s girl for so long, and Chu He misses her a little bit.

Of course, the more important reason is that Chu He wanted to see Chu Yun’s girl, and after not seeing her for so long, Chu He also wanted to know what Chu Yun’s wild girl became crazy.

Andong City, at Xie Yuanyuan’s home!

“Sister-in-law Yuanyuan, does this dress look good?”

“very nice!

“How about this one?

“It’s also pretty!”

“What about this one?”

“Very beautiful!

“Sister-in-law Yuanyuan, don’t just say okay, do you think I look good in a dress?” Chu Yun pouted while looking at Xie Yuanyuan.

“Xiaoyun, you look so good, you look good in everything!” Xie Yuanyuan smiled.

“Sister-in-law Yuanyuan, although I am indeed naturally beautiful, I have a very important meeting today!” Xie Yuanyuan said sternly.

“Very important meeting, you girl is not attending any important meeting!” Xie Yuanyuan smiled when she heard the words.

“No, Sister Yuanyuan, I…” Before Chu Yun finished speaking, the doorbell rang.

“Come on!” Chu Yun yelled, and ran to open the door.

When he saw Chu He standing outside the door with a little dirty body on his body, he said in astonishment, “Brother?”

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