Chapter 105 That human being is too scary! (3) (required)

When Nan went out of the house, Chu He and Lin Cheng walked out of the back room.

“Chu He, why did Nan do this?” Lin Cheng asked.

“To make him feel less guilty!”

“He felt ashamed of us because he exposed his identity!

“Doing this can reduce his self-blame!”

“Make him feel like he’s still useful to the squad!”

“And I also hope to use this time to change his character!”

“His character is too arrogant, arrogance is a good thing, but sometimes you still have to learn to be patient. If his character doesn’t change, the three of us will continue to act in the future, and we will suffer because of his character!”

“Let him spread rumors this time, but also to let him put down his arrogance!” Chu He said.

Lin Cheng nodded slightly when he heard the words.

“Okay, let’s go to rest first, have a good night’s sleep, and we will continue to hunt Inhumans at night!” Chu He said.

After that, Chu He and Lin Cheng went back to their rooms to sleep.

Before going to bed, Chu He naturally asked the shadow horse face to stand guard for them.

Once an alien enters the house, the Shadow Horse will notify him.

And Nan, after he left the house, he rushed towards the place where the natural people and aliens gathered.

Because of the fight between Jiutianhui and the City Lord’s Mansion last night, naturally some people are worried.

in a teahouse.

The most favorite place for natural people to gather.

When Nan walked to the teahouse, he heard the discussions of the natural and alien people, and found a place to sit down.

“What happened last night, I saw the owner of the slaughter shop next door fighting with the soldiers of the City Lord’s Mansion!”

“I heard that it seems to be related to the Nine Spirits Association!”

“The Nine Spirits Society? Is it the Nine Spirits Society that wants to overthrow the aristocracy?”

“It would be great if the Nine Spirits Association could really overthrow the nobles!”

“Are you dying? Dare to say such things?”

“If you are heard by the people of the City Lord’s Mansion, you will be dead!”

“By the way, I also heard that humans disguised themselves as us and infiltrated the city. Is this true?”

“Impossible? How do humans disguise the spirit crystals on our family’s foreheads?”

“If human beings can really disguise themselves as our family, that would be terrifying!”

Naturally, the aliens were discussing, and after hearing their conversation, Nan said, “I heard that there is a couple on the street next door. The man is a human in disguise. The other party killed his husband, then disguised himself as a husband, and Killed his wife while she was sleeping!”

Hearing Nan’s words, the natural people in the teahouse turned their heads and looked at Nan, all with a look of astonishment.

“Brother, is this true?”

“No way, the husband who gets along with each other day and night, can’t the wife recognize him?”

“That’s right, how could the wife not recognize the bedside people who get along with each other day and night? It’s a leave of absence?”

Nan heard the doubts of the natural and foreign people, and said in a deep voice, “It’s true!

“Humans are extremely scary, they can perfectly disguise themselves as our family, I even suspect that there are humans disguised in this teahouse, eavesdropping on intelligence!

Hearing Nan’s words, the expressions of the natural people in the teahouse turned a little unsightly.

Originally, there were some natural people who were sitting together, and they were all separated by a little distance.”I suddenly remembered that there is something in my house, I have to go first!”

“My stomach is a little uncomfortable, I have to go first!”

The two natural people suddenly stood up, made a random excuse, and walked away nervously.

Obviously, they were afraid that there were humans disguised as Inhumans in the teahouse.

But Nan saw the two natural people leaving with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, looking at the other natural people and said, “I just said that there might be humans disguised as our family and mixed in the teahouse, and the two of them left in a hurry! ”

“Maybe, the two of them are human disguise~!”

Hearing Nan’s words, an alien immediately retorted, “No, Mipu is my neighbor, I am very familiar with him, he is absolutely impossible to pretend to be a human!”

Nan looked at each other and said solemnly, “Even a couple who get along day and night, the wife can’t recognize that her husband is a human disguise, and he is just your neighbor, how can you confirm that the other party is not a human disguise?”

“Maybe, he just disguised himself well, and when he finds the right opportunity, he will kill you!”

Hearing this, the expression of the foreigner who spoke became a little ugly. He lowered his head and looked at the teacup on the table, not daring to speak again.

“Be careful all of you, especially the people you are most familiar with, who may be disguised by humans!

“As long as you relax your vigilance a little, you may be killed by the opponent!”

After Nan finished speaking, he took a sip of tea, put down a copper coin, got up and left the teahouse quickly.

After leaving the teahouse, Nan did not go far when he saw the aliens in the teahouse leave one after another.

The corner of Nan’s mouth showed a successful smile and walked towards another teahouse.

In order to make up for his mistakes, after entering the teahouse, Nan is doing his best to spread rumors.

Let natural people know how terrifying human beings are.

Make them fear humans!

Let them worry that the people around them most familiar are human in disguise.

At noon, Nan returned to the house.

Chu He and Lin Cheng also woke up.

“Did it go well?” Chu He looked at Nan and asked with a smile.

“Very well!” Nan nodded.

“It’s hard work, we should change places to hide now!” Chu He said.

“Change places?”


“Now that we are hiding so well, do we need to change places?” Lin Cheng wondered.

“It’s very necessary, Nan spread rumors this morning, and this rumor will soon reach the ears of the Nine Spirits Association and the aliens of the City Lord’s Mansion!

After “they both know, they will definitely investigate that the rumors started spreading from here!!

“As long as they find out that the rumors are spreading from here, they will definitely send people to hunt us down!”

They “may use some special means to force us out!”

“In order to avoid trouble, we hide in another place to be safer!” Chu He explained.

Hearing Chu He’s explanation, Lin Cheng nodded again and again.

For the sake of safety, Chu He realized the Variety of Painted Skin Ghosts and re-camouflaged the three of them.

After that, the three of them went out and walked quickly.

After walking for a few streets, the three of Chu He broke into the house of a natural alien. After the aliens in the house were resolved, the three disguised themselves as each other again and hid.

Inside the City Lord’s Mansion.

Moya was sitting in the study, and in front of him stood an alien red soldier, reporting the situation respectfully.

When Moya heard this, his face was terrifyingly gloomy.

“You mean, among the natural people, there are rumors that there are humans disguised as ours and infiltrated among them to kill the natural people?” Moya said with a cold face.

“Yes, Lord City Lord!”

“Because of this news, there are now quite a few fights among the natural people!”

“Some natural people with grudges, they all suspect that the other party is a human disguise!”

“And there are some couples, even fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, who suspect that the other is a human disguise!” Yiren Chibing said respectfully.

“Damn!” Moya slapped the table with a gloomy expression.

“Lord City Lord, what should we do now?”

Moya thought about it for a while and said, “Organize manpower to patrol the streets to increase the sense of security for the natural people!”

“Lord City Lord, there is one more thing!” Yiren Chibing hesitated and said.

“What else?” Moya asked.

“Last night, there were humans who disguised as the Red Soldiers of our City Lord’s Mansion and killed many of our soldiers!”

“Now among the soldiers, there are also some people who are worried about human beings mixed in!” said Yiren Chibing.

Moya took a deep breath and said angrily, “Damn it, if it wasn’t for the bastards of the Nine Spirit Society, mere humans, even if the city was turned upside down, they would be found out!

Last night, in the battle with the Nine Spirit Society, a lot of aliens were killed or injured on their side.

And he didn’t leave Kathu behind.

Kathu’s strength is beyond his imagination.

Neither of them could do anything to each other, and finally had to stop.

“By the way, what about Jamu?

“Have you found him?” Moya asked.

“Lord Zhamu has not been found, but the soldiers are still looking for it in the city!” said Yiren Chibing.

“Strange, where did that guy Jamu go?”

“After the battle this morning, he should be back!”

“How can I not find him?” Moya thought to himself.

Suddenly, a thought came into Moya’s heart.

“Last night’s Zhamu, could it be a human disguise? Moya” thought to himself.

“Luo Shan and Zhamu both disappeared at the same time, but only Zhamu came back, is Luo Shan dead?”

“If Luo Shan is dead, where is Luo Shan’s body?”

“Even if the members of the Nine Spirit Society killed Luo Shan, is it necessary to destroy his body?”

“And when Mo Mu was killed, his body was disguised as Luo Shan!

“The maid serving Mo Mu said that Luo Shan came to look for Mo Mu alone and wanted to report on the Nine Spirits Association. After that, Mo Mu asked the maid to retreat and meet with Luo Shan alone, but the result was that Mo Mu was killed and disguised as Luo Shan. The appearance of a man, then speaking of this, the Luo Shan who saw Mo Mu at that time should be a human disguise!

“And Mo Mu was disguised as Luo Shan, so it is very likely that the human is disguised as Mo Mu!”

“J Zhamu has also disappeared. It is very likely that he was disguised as a great human being and took Zhamu away from the back door. Then Zhamu should be more fortunate than fortunate!”

“It seems that my speculation is correct. Zhamu last night was indeed a human disguise!”

“Last night, the human disguised as Zhamu came to tell me that Katu was the leader of the Nine Spirit Society in this city, no doubt to provoke a war between us and the Nine Spirit Society and give them the opportunity to sneak attack on our clan!

Moya thought of this, and his face became more and more ugly.

“Among the human beings in our city, there is a guy with a very secretive mind!”

“The development of the situation is under the control of the other party, and the other party also has a magic card creature that can change the appearance of anyone!””Fortunately, a human being exposed his identity last night. If the other person did not reveal his identity, it would be too dangerous!”

“And this morning, a rumor suddenly spread among the natural people, it is very likely that the human plan!”

The more Moya thought about it, the more terrifying it became!

“My Lord, My Lord?”

The other person Chibing saw Moya deliberately thinking about the matter, and whispered.

Moya came back to his senses and looked at the stranger Chibing and said, “Now, with ten people as a team, patrol the city to soothe the people!”

“At the same time, send people to search the whole city, looking for the Nine Spirits Association and the humans who have sneaked into the city!”

Alien Chibing nodded.

“Okay, go down!” Moya waved his hand and said a little irritably.

After the alien Chibing left, Moya took a deep breath, his face gloomy and terribly gloomy.

“Human, Nine Spirits Association!”

“You all have to die!” Mo Yahan said.

At this time, in the secret base of the Nine Spirits!

The wounded army knelt in front of Kathu, with a frightened expression.

The leader, “I really didn’t betray you!” The wounded soldier knelt on the ground, looking at Kathu with a frightened expression.

“You didn’t betray us?”

“The identity of the senior leaders of the Nine Spirits Association is only known to you, me, and other senior leaders!”

“Other Gao (Qianqian Zhao would not be stupid enough to expose his identity if he rebels!”

“Only you, only if you rebel, will you speak out the identities of other senior leaders!”

“Tell me, Nine Spirits will treat you well, why are you betraying you!” Kathu said coldly.

Chief “I really haven’t betrayed!”

“It’s all human tricks. Those humans have magic card creatures that can be disguised. Humans pretend to be our clan and provoke the battle between our Nine Spirits and the City Lord’s Mansion. Chief, you can’t be fooled by them!”

“I have always been loyal to the Nine Spirits Association, and I have never thought of betrayal!” the wounded army said loudly.

“Even if humans can pretend to be our clan, even if that Zhamu was disguised by humans last night, how does he know the identities of other high-level members of our Nine Spirits Association?”

“Wounded army, answer me!” Catuhan said.

“I do not know either!”

“But I really didn’t betray the Nine Spirits Club!”

“Brother, you have to believe me!” The wounded soldier looked at Kathu with a grieved expression.

“If it weren’t for you to be my brother, you would be dead now!

Although “I don’t want to doubt you, but our Nine Spirits Association top executives have exposed the fact that their identity is true!”

“Even if you really didn’t betray our Nine Spirits Association, but I have to give other high-level people an explanation!” Kathu said coldly.

After Kathu finished speaking, he lost a knife in front of the wounded army.

“One finger, you make your own decision!” Katutu said.

Hearing this, the wounded army took the knife in his right hand, took a deep breath, and cut off his left little finger without hesitation!

“Okay, go down!

“Since we have been exposed, there is no need to hide!”

“Tonight, continue to attack the City Lord’s Mansion!” Kathu said coldly.

Today’s update is over! Tiger,

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