Mage Network

Chapter 302

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 302: Lesson 2, Floating Astronomy

Everyone knows that aura is a spell that doesn’t need to be cast, and research is very difficult to derive. The ability to derive spells from the aura proves that the innate talent is very good.

Tang Shidao did it.

The magical pattern of a spell is a special existence that acts in a certain sense as much as the realm of the Holy Land. Derived from the gods and proved the Aptitude Ultra-Grade crane.

Tang Shidao did it too.

The Million Mantra is the spell with the highest demand for spellcasting, and it also represents the spell of the World Class. A million spells can be derived, proving that the talent is already inhuman.

Tang Shidao still did it.

The heaviest.

There are countless such great things in the book of Wanfa. Everyone knows that it comes from the Master’s certificate, but there is only one book in history, one in the hands of the Scarecrow. In the recent period, Tang Shidao won the second book.

The Scarecrow and him, the only two!

Innate talent.

No one has ever doubted that the Sixth Sage is stupid and Aptitude is very poor.

However, it took only half a day to derive targeted “drugs” from the treatment, and the results were still stupid for everyone. This is not an unsuccessful relationship, but the time is too short. In the battle, in front of the enemy, in a small half-day time, a spell against the enemy was derived… This result is incredible.

It can be said.

Everyone saw that Su Feng had a card with no solution and basically won. But as soon as he turned around, the sixth sage derived a cracking method.

He did it in the battle.

Although everyone knows that Tang Shidao has done a lot of unimaginable things.

For example, he was the first to repair the Far Ancient Devil image. The first one received the Sage Master’s certificate before the Holy Land. The first one completed the Sinister Star River mission. The first one was the five major curses. Despite this, everyone still can’t imagine that he actually spawned a new spell in front of the enemy.

At this moment.

Not to mention the unfamiliar people shocked, as the charm of the boys, Lan Ji and Wu Yueer were also scared. .

This lesson…

Until the class was over, with the answer, the three were still a bit embarrassed.

Tang Shidao has a special feeling for the outside world. Aura-derived, god-pattern, million-man curse, are these the most difficult of their own? certainly not! Even if the ‘complete Constitution’ is derived from the transformation of the rock, it is not the hardest. Even the book that derives the law from the Master’s certificate is almost inconsistent.

The hardest part of my own experience is: colorless!

I found colorless from the eclipse and the lunar eclipse, and I even suspected that I was crazy.

Tang Shidao doesn’t know how to decide his innate talent.


Since the success of ‘colorless’, Tang Shidao has no doubt about his ability. In the midst of it, Tang Shidao is confident that there is only time to finish things, and there is no time to do anything. On the other hand, I know the life of the weaving of the human body, wisdom revelation and Soul painting… Sorry, I am cultivating with the Creator as the blueprint.

“The second one is my battle.” At this time, Jin Chen and others who had a slight tremor of the body had not been able to answer the words. The tall and strong man, Zongheng of the iron arm stood up.

The red peak of the fire eye was stunned, and I wanted to reach out and stop.

Everyone is not a fool.

The discussion is good, it should be the second battle of Chifeng.

Zong Heng appeared in the arena and said to Tang Shifu, “Tang classmate, I am sorry, I can’t help but play in advance.”

Tang Shidao indifferently said: “It doesn’t matter.”

Zongheng swayed and said: “After reading the last game, I know that I can’t win. I can win the Soviet wind in the face of the contest, but I can’t do it on the battlefield. Su Feng won’t win you, I have no chance to win. However, I also have confidence in melee fights. Please don’t be merciful, come on, Tang classmates.”

Tang Shidao nodded slightly.

Zong Heng is also welcome, the body can be shocked, and the whole body begins to appear innumerable gold. In a blink of an eye, Zongheng’s body seems to have risen by three points, and there is an inexplicable sense of strength in the body. No need to guess, Zongheng must have a super strong Strength.

“Do you use the field?” People outside the field whispered softly.

A lot of teachers like Tan Luo are also strange.

Continue watching.

“Don, be careful.” Zong Heng voiced the police, throwing a punch, like a meteor to the chest of Tang Shidao.

Close to the head, everyone is looking forward to it.

The war has just proved that Tang Shidao’s melee ability is very strong.


Broken chest.

Zong Heng’s punch is running through Tang Shidao’s chest.

Everyone is strange, Zong Heng himself is very strange.

At this point, I heard: “The corpse exploded.”

Then, an earth-shattering explosion stunned, and Zong Heng and ‘Tang Shidao’ pieces exploded into a blood mist. On the other side, Tang Shidao slowly stepped out of the invisibility. Looking at the blood mist, not chasing, quietly watching the situation change. At this point, the blood mist came out and said: “If it is a real battle, I have lost a regenerative instrument. Very good, I understand, no domain is not qualified to fight with you.”

Tang Shidao does not speak.

The people outside the stadium also realized how powerful the first person was under the Holy Land.

“Gangli field.” Zongheng showed his means, and at the same time, he reminded me: “Be careful, I have different derivations, speeds, strengths, and blows in addition to the rigid spells. I have different methods from the Soviet style. I have the advantage of Strength.” Just use Strength to deal with you, I won’t test you.”

Get out of the blood mist.

Zong Heng raised his fist again.

This time, unlike before, there was no bombardment and no charge. When Zongheng threw his fist, his fist had already hit Tang Shidao’s chest.

Tang Shidao flashed and his figure appeared 100 meters away.


Did not escape!

At almost the same time, Zongheng’s fist was still on the chest of Tang Shidao. Because this flashing Tang Shidao reduced the chance of reaction, Zongheng smashed the chest of Tang Shidao for the second time. Zong Heng felt that his opponent had used the same means, and he could not help but scream, and he used his fist to shake the disguised body of ‘Tang Shidao’.

In theory.

Zong Heng can say “the same move is not useful for my Zongheng”. However, at this time he found himself wrong again.

It’s not Tang Shidao, but a group of locusts.

After this punch, Zongheng discovered that he was caught in the ocean of locusts in a flash. The impact of the boxing force, the locusts naturally smashed and died. The center is marked as dust, and there is no residue left. But the distant ones barely became ‘corpses’, and then these bodies became a series of corpses. Of course, Zongheng does not care about the corpse explosion of a group of locusts, even if Tang Shidao injects a powerful magical energy, it will not hurt him.

However, Tang Shidao is not a juggler.

The slight pain rises, Zongheng has felt that he has been shredded by the claws… The corpse explosion of the locust is just an interference tactic.

A burst of magic flashes.

Zong Heng was resurrected through the hidden rune. Re-emergence, trying to barely fight another round.

Furious and straight.

This time, Tang Shidao did not dodge, and raised his claws and fists. Zongheng possesses the strength of the 1st Ring, and is also a field of strength. He certainly has the confidence to win Tang Shidao’s fist. Two fists were blown, and Zongheng’s accident was smooth, and the punch broke Tang Shidao’s arm. No surprises, the next second, Tang Shidao’s arm returned to its original state.

In this slap in the face, Zong Heng’s head was shredded.

Three rounds.

Three dead.

Three times, it was ‘making a swindle’ to win… The people outside the court did not think that Tang Shidao did something wrong. He only thought that Zongheng had to hone more and he was too tender.

“The last time, the three life-saving implements were used up.” Zong Heng finally appeared, and his expression was still very stable.

Tang Shidao did not attack, and now only the left hand is turned into a tiger arm.

Zongheng swings openly: “Be careful, Tang.”

No movement.

Just set the spot, Ma Bu, hit with a punch. At this time, Tang Shidao’s blood fluttering, as if there is a Strength directly in the belly. The people outside the stadium were very surprised that the strength of Strength could not become a field. Strength is not a spell, if the monk can beat someone else’s heart out of thin air.

There are also spells in Defence, and the boxing power can be played against the air.

“The Wushu Secret Scripture has 10 skills, Chen Xing broken, empty Zen Shou, Shenguang Hyun, Ning Soul Net, more and more interest, Heaven and Man, Instant Shadow Step, Zhenyandu, Mingxinwu, Causal Report. Just one The boxing is the glare of the gods. I hit you with the invisible glare. The effect is similar to the spell. Because I have the field of rigidity, I can use my fist to display the light and hit you with the air.” Zongheng indifferently said.

At this time, everyone outside the scene secretly guessed.

It is not Jin Chen who really slams Tang Shidao, but this unnamed Zongheng?

It seems that the apostles are also very brainy.

“You have no chance to win, Tang. Even if you retreat from my field, I may catch up with you. I am a physical speciality, you are a mage, your endurance is better than me. In the field, I can always look at it from any angle. Attacking you.” Zong Heng then slammed the boxing, and Tang Shidao in the distance burst into flames and was beaten into a half-bone state.

At this moment.

The ‘Tang Shidao’, which is mostly ruined, turned into sand and slowly sprinkled.

“Don, you can’t escape, you can’t beat me.” Zong Heng’s fists are right and left, and the air oscillates with a slight sway, which can detect the hidden objects of the entire small planet. Zongheng knows that Tang Shidao has no cards to use, but he is currently dominant. Tang Shidao, who does not try his best, will lose.

Boxing, turbulence, wind blowing.

At this moment.

The wind of the boxing blows away the sediment of the ground, revealing a chilling situation. After blowing off the ground, everything under Subterranean is: Rat!

There is no doubt that this is what 1 points mana can call… the rat!

At this point, I only heard one: “The corpse exploded.”

Then, the whole small planet became a green world, and it suddenly exploded. The audience also watched the last bitter smile left by Zongheng. After that, he has already returned to the magic seat.

The fourth death is still a corpse explosion.

This situation is the same as Su Feng’s loss to healing spells, which can be regarded as defeating the same spell.

Tan Luo looked at Zongheng.

He knows that this student is not lacking in strength, but that ‘Knowledge’ is not enough. Tang Shidao is able to ‘cheat’ him with small spells again and again, because Zongheng is an apostle. He used to get a punch before, and there was no setback. In the case of Tang Shidao, he could not be as smooth as the previous ‘Shinko’, so he was miserable.

in case.

Once again, Zongheng’s eighty-nine will not be killed by the corpse.

But… there is no such thing as the world.

He has lost.

“Chifeng, Lan Lan, you two together.” Tang Shidao waved again, this time Jin Chen and other three complexion stunned.

When I heard the scream, the three did not react.

“Go! I am afraid of anything, and I will not really die. Lose and lose, what do you mean by this complexion. I am gone, I am going to find the Father, I want 2nd Ring… No, I want the Strength of 3rd Ring I don’t believe that I can’t win Tang Shidao.” Not far from the Su Feng roar, he said that he turned and left.

Can the apostle change from 1st Ring to 3rd Ring?


But the price must not be small. In order to win Tang Shidao, Su Feng has ignored this.

Chifeng and Blue are stunned.

Subsequently, the two nodded at the same time, while sitting in the magic machine seat projection into the fighting field. Seeing that there was a two-on-one, the apostles also had a little confidence.

The mage of the mage has a weakness in the crispy chicken.

But there are two people, if one left and one right surround each other… the odds are still quite large.

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