Mage Network

Chapter 299

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 299: Void different sentimental, floating astronomy

“Sacred 1st Ring?” Tang Shidao was slightly surprised. Jin Chen looked ten times stronger than before.

“Well, Tang students have good eyesight.” Jin Chen tried to pretend to be natural, but he couldn’t hide his smugness in his eyes. If Jin Chen is not in front of others, this person is Tang Shidao. The sixth sage of the Master Network, the curse of the five masters, the wizard of the book of the law, is known as the first person under the holy world.

Can make such a person surprised, Jin Chen is like a hot day to fill a bit of ice soda, the whole body is comfortable.

“These are your friends. They are all 1st Ring mage?” Tang Shidao was surprised not because of Jin Chen’s strength, but that these 1st Ring mages were too far away from the law. Feeling that they are not able to resist half of the law.

Is the apostle so far away from the Master?

Or is it that the gods did not give all the Strength?

Still have a hand?

“Yes, they are all my friends. Starting from today, we are classmates. I will introduce you to you…” Jin Chen was slightly proud, pointing sideways to a red-haired youth with a fire pattern: “This is Chifeng.” He is known as the Chifeng of the fire eye. He is good at fire spells and his insight is very good.”

I heard the charm of the eyelids next to the introduction, but did not speak.

Tang Shidao only slightly indicated.

Jin Chen continued to introduce, another person is the cold man of the ice skin blue skin: “This is a blue dragonfly, known as the blue blood of the blood. He is good at water spells, calm, and often can play the command role in team battles.”

Tang Shidao Hearing a bit strange, Jin Chen’s introduction is too detailed.

It seems like selling intelligence.

The second blue dragonfly is somewhat similar to Lan Ji, but Lan Ji is a tentacle hair with a long tail and a light blue skin. Blue dragonfly is dark blue skin, human model, and the two are different. Think of the first Chifeng, it seems that this group of people is targeting their own small group.

“This is Zongheng, who is called Zongheng of the Iron Arm. He is the most powerful person in our body, and is a natural talented wizard.” Jin Chen smiled and introduced.

This time, I am a man with a strong body and I feel that it is aimed at Wu Yueer.

The last person.

The body is tall and thin, the legs are longer than the average person, and there are half masks on the face. Jin Chen gestures and says: “This is Su Feng, the person called the hidden wind. He is the fastest of us, good at Sneak and inquire about news, and also good at illusion.”

Everyone is in the same class.

Tang Shidao also slightly indicated that he did not understand what Jin Chen was doing.

You said so much.

Are we familiar?

“Tang classmates, we can’t be friends. Unless you are willing to be the apostle of the Father, we can only be an opponent.” Jin Chen also pretends to be a former gentleman, and said: “I confess that we are dealing with it. You come, including your friends. Of course, here is the old magic house, we can’t do it directly. But everyone is a classmate and there are many opportunities to fight.”

Tang Shidao is not strange: “You still want to sin the things of the Star River?”

Jin Chen nodded: “Of course. We don’t know what Yuan Ding Grandmaster has left. I believe it must be very important. If you can hand it over, I think we can return to the normal stranger state. Otherwise, we will try our best. Don’t let you be better.”

Tang Shidao smiled.

Master and apostle, when is not an ‘enemy’.

On the surface of Jin Chen, the appearance of a gentleman, in fact, once he played the means, he may be more vicious than anyone. Void is not a mage. It has never been too peaceful. The mage and the apostle will fight, and the apostles and apostles will fight, and even say that your left and right hands may fight.

A large number of people went to the class, and a group of Jinchen came again.


Tang Shidao feels changed… The seat of the Master group is more dense. Before they were half-spread, they are now more closely stalked, only about 20%. Even, they are slightly separated from the group of Tang Shidao.

the other side.

The apostles’ ‘helpers’ came, and their spirits were different. Their seats are more scattered, and there is a gesture of ‘we have gotten seven points in the world’.

“One class, three groups, this situation is also rare in the old magical courtyard.” Tan Luo saw the change in the class with a smile.

He didn’t mind what happened.

Do you expect students to be obedient?


These are the darlings of a world of wizards or gods, they will be ‘乖’ to blame.

“Before the lecture, say a digression, Tang, your competitors are coming, what do you think in your heart?” Tan Luo is not too big.

“Teacher, my heart is only learning.” Tang Shidao indifferently said.

“hā hā hā Ha…” Altar heard a laugh and continued to attend classes. He knows very well that once Void is reached, even if it is a place like Academy, there are some things that you can’t avoid if you want to avoid it. At Void, competition is everywhere.

After class.

Lan Ji took everyone to avoid everyone, looking for a private place to talk privately, opening the first sentence: “Don, we are in trouble.”

Tang Shidao asked: “What is it?”

Lan Ji smiled bitterly: “Many and many. Jin Chen’s attitude is difficult for you. This is a kind of declaration of war. Then everything we encounter will be on the line with Jin Chen. Now look at the attitude of other wizards, they will not help We. So we need to face their blows independently.”

“Can you make it clear?” Tang Shidao is not worried, even if the other party is the 1st Ring.

“There are a variety of competitions in the Academy, and you can challenge anyone at will. They are now the 1st Ring in the Holy Land. You are under the Holy Land and they will not challenge you for the time being. But there are still many ways to hit us. The simplest one, one month after the class starts, the Academy will conduct a class ranking. In January, there is competition within the class, then competition at the full level, and there is a chance to fight.”

“Do you have to fight?” Tang Shidao is strange.

“Well, this is equal to the exam. The winner has a very precious spell prize. This kind of assessment will not die, because it will be played through a special instrument. You can abstain, but no one has ever abstained from history. Our camp is The mage will not retreat to the apostles, no matter which side.”

“Yeah.” Hearing will not die, Tang Shidao knows that he can’t abstain.

“But, there is a very big ill in not abandoning the power. In the game, the strong can ruthlessly ‘torture’ the weak, and the abusive sling can do it. Since Jin Chen declares war, he will never leave his mercy. As long as he is right, he must Try to humiliate you. Tang, here is Void, no one here sympathizes with the weak, you have to think clearly.”

“Well? You mean I want to change my class?” Tang Shidao was surprised.

“Yes, if you step back, Jin Chen will not keep up. After all, he is the 1st Ring of the Holy Land, chasing the characters in the Holy Land and biting them.”

“Lan Ji, Charm, Wu Yueer, are you so afraid of the field?” Tang Shidao asked.

“We are under the holy world, there is no field, there is no way to confront.” Lan Ji nodded gently.

Tang Shidao is silent.

The realm of the Holy Land is really strong, but it is not unsolvable.

In the last mission, I have been with the law for so long, I know how strong the 1st Ring is. I really want to do it. As soon as the mission is completed, I can directly break through and promote the 1st Ring. Did not do this, just want to know more and make a decision.

did not expect.

Lan Ji, Charm and Wu Yueer are so afraid of the field.

Tang Shidao has no more words.

I only want to think inside: I can’t do this. I have to do something to change the idea of ​​Lan Ji’s charm, and the fear is not the mood that the Master should have.


The next lesson.

Before the altar opened, Jin Chen raised his hand: “Mr. Tan Luo, a new class ranking competition after one month, must select the strongest seed player in the month. I suggest that warm-up exercises should be carried out from today, prepare in advance, and screen The classmate who is most likely to win the championship. I have already asked all the apostolic students about it. There are already 60% students in the class.”

“Yeah.” Tan Luo was not surprised at all. Turned his head: “Don Tang, what do you think?”

“I object.” Tang Shidao indifferently said.

When I heard this, Jin Chen’s mouth smirked, and the students of the Master’s group were slightly scornful. They know that Jin Chen is coming to Tang Shidao, but this is definitely too straightforward. If you are timid, you can change to a class.

“Tang classmates do not agree? Do you have any opinions?” Tan Luo was slightly disappointed inside, and his face did not change.

“I have no interest in warm-up exercises. Teacher Tan, I propose to start the knockout directly and directly select the seed players.” Tang Shidao has a dull tone.

When I heard this sentence, everyone was shocked.

Open it?

Directly dry?

Don’t try a warm-up drill?

“Jin Chen’s opinion?” Tan Luo could not see his expression, calmly asked.

“Hey…” Jin Chen was a bit stunned. He didn’t expect Tang Shidao to go straight to war. This is my own sniper, why is it taken back by the other side. Turning his head to look at the blue dragonfly, the latter is also amazed, but the blue dragonfly nodded lightly.

“We also agree, Teacher Tan.”

“Well, the group of students who don’t know the name, what is your opinion?” Tan Luo really don’t give face, no skill, no name, no shouting.

The mage group nodded, they were originally passers-by.

The rest of the apostles were too lazy to ask, and Jin Chen’s opinion was their opinion. Tan Luo reached out and gestured to everyone’s attention: “Tang, since you proposed to start actual combat. Then, when do you recommend starting?”

“After class, today.”

“Oh…” Hearing this sentence, Tan Luo was also shocked.

What does it mean?

No need to prepare? Don’t need to collect intelligence? No need to test level… just do it directly?

This is not a play!

The winners of the new class battle can really win the ‘heavy treasure’, it is likely to be a turning point in life. Why, do you feel like a child playing a house wine?

“Jin Chen classmate…”

“Ah, hehe…” Jin Chen stunned for the second time, subconsciously looking to the most calm blue dragonfly, the latter also suppressed the nod.


Jin Chen nodded, and Instinct swallowed a sip: “Mr. Luo, we have no opinion.”


Tan Luo submitted the application and prepared to play after the class.

At this time, the apostles and the mages were a little embarrassed.

Say it is Jin Chen slamming Tang Shidao, why… feels slammed in turn?

at this time.

Lan Ji charm Mo Wuyue three people also taste a little unusual: wrong! Why did you react in the morning, but Tang was as calm as usual? Ming Ming Jin Chen, you are the 1st Ring Master, Tang is only the general Master who does not understand the field under the Holy Land; Ming Jinchen is the person who is plotting to attack, Tang is just the person who has just known the attack.

Why… The strong is trembled, but the weak is calm.

Tang is an extraordinary figure, he can calm down, but Jin Chen, you are the 1st Ring mage, how can you behave in a loss?

What? Chaos? The rhythm is gone?

What are you doing?

Give me the feeling of ‘the holy place is very big,’ and give me a trick.

It seems that it is a bit wrong.

Don, is he going to give us a class?

Everyone has different minds, but the news spreads through lightning… The first day, the bar is open, and this is no one.

1st Ring is a half ring.

The sixth sage is this to find?

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