Mage Network

Chapter 286

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 286: The Last Task Before the Challenge of the Holy Land, Astronomy

The last mission of the five planets was completed, and Yuan Shidao couldn’t help but take a long breath when he got the mechanical eternal life of Yuan Zhong and the reorganization of two derivative spells and the evolution of the magic machine. Jin Huaxing’s Master privilege conversion, Tang Shidao immediately gave a name: Vajra!

There aren’t many reasons for this naming, just to cope with the name of the giant giant Puppet’s ‘giant’.

A giant spirit.

A Vajra.

Well, Tang Shidao decided to take the route of Yulong Xianren. Anyway, the snake master is ready, leaving the Azure Dragon White Tiger Vermilion Bird Black Turtle, and he is too lazy to bother, and continue to follow this model.

Besides, the combination of 鲲 and the Holy Ring is also called ‘鲲’.

A proper local route.

“Vajra, you built a ground country in the name of the mechanical Human Race, and reached the Alliance with the four brothers and sisters. The technical exchange is no longer needed. The Civilization and the Civilization are completely uncommon. If you have time, you can help them make some products. Yes, let me introduce you, this is ‘鲲’, the descendant descendants of the Grandmaster of Yuanzhong, a life-giving creature created by a man named Yuanding Grandmaster, say hello.”

“Yes, Master. Hello, hey.” Vajra is much smarter than he is. 鲲 Just Strong is strong, and intelligence is not much better than animals.

“噢wū wū ……” Reluctantly responded.

“Vajra, I need you to send a worker to sort out the things in your stomach. It has eaten dozens of planets, and I don’t have time to deal with them one by one. I have to sort it out a bit. Wait a minute, I will send an apostle to help you, don’t worry about Strength. Insufficient. The things about the Master and the Magic can’t be circulated for the time being, only you and the apostles know.” Tang Shidao commanded.

“Yes, Master.” Vajra immediately responded, there was no hesitation.

The life of the magic machine is different from that of human beings. They are the authority that represents everything.

As long as the Master commands, let it commit suicide.


Tang Shidao also confessed to him, calling Xiaojin and some apostles to deal with these trivial things. After finishing this small stage, Tang Shidao finally understood why the Master needed a magical pet, needed an apostle, and needed a magical machine… Because it was too hard for him to do all the things by himself.

Lan Ji once said.

As long as the Master who has the heart to attack the Holy Land, he is basically practicing honestly and rarely will be a fake person.


Once in the Holy Land, the Master’s helper will grow by a large amount.

For example, the Red Emperor, who is a revenge against himself, has a large apostle. The Red Emperor did not believe in outsiders, so he gave birth to a lot of children, and then spread the spells he had learned, and a spell was given to a child, so that each child only practiced one spell. No matter who has the benefit, the ultimate harvest is the Red Emperor himself.

Therefore, the sacred wizard is far from the general mages, and the help of the apostles is the difference between heaven and earth.

Tang Shidao also understands why the general mages do not intend to do so.

Because doing this before the Holy Land, the more you gain, the more difficult it is to advance. A certain challenge in the Holy Land is similar to that of the Xiaoguang Group, so the less the Master knows, the easier it is to advance. I am not afraid of having a curse, but also that the curse must be understood only by myself, including the phantom and the same energy.

Think of it here.

Tang Shidao thought again: After the promotion of the Holy Land, he seems to be ‘splitting’ his own Strength.

After all, there are too many possessions now, and one person can’t do it at all.

This time completed the five planetary missions.

One of Tang Shidao’s happiest things is to get a second small light group.


Zhenggao was happy to have a brain war, but finally found that the two ‘self’ still can’t win the solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse. The strongest Strength that can be copied by the small light group is the original black flame. On one side, it can be slightly better than the solar eclipse or the lunar eclipse. The single pair will not work. What’s more, I still have a third kind of curse that I haven’t used. I have tried it and I don’t have to die.

It was found that two small light groups were not enough, and Tang Shidao was not disappointed. This is already their strongest practice opponent, and they still have seven brothers.

Good things, properly collected and collected.

at this time.

On the other hand, because the Jinhuaxing group is in the column, the Five Planets Alliance has one more robotic ethnic compatriot. People were shocked and soon got used to it. Seeing the ‘ghosts’ have seen them. Seeing the ‘machine’ is not a problem. The five-line cabinet heard that Jinhuaxing is an Ultra-Grade factory, and I just thought that we just need a lot of new equipment and new technology products.

The Diwangxing network has only a wave of waves, and then it is calm.

People are busy making money.

Who cares if you are a ghost or a robot.

After completing the five-planet mission, Tang Shidao is not idle. The refining technology left by the Yuanding Grandmaster and the Civilization technology left by his grandfather, the Grandmaster, are enough to study their brains. Tang Shidao is not going to give up. After all, there are many things in life weaving that are similar to refining techniques.

on the other hand.

Strength has not been practiced, especially the sentient beings who have just gotten their hands. They haven’t been used for thousands of times without practicing.

With two small light groups, Tang Shidao is also not lacking in practicing opponents.

During this time.

One person is more diligent than Tang Shidao: Bai Meiren.

She gets up early every morning and starts eating after breakfast. She learns a lot and has everything to enrich herself. Because Tang Shidao likes to eat, Baimei people have recently cooked with the royal chef. The chef’s evaluation is: people who have never seen such efforts, and have never seen such a poor person in innate talent.

Tang Shidao likes what white beauty does.

Although it is far worse than the royal chef, it feels like she is doing extra 5 points.

Normally, it is not easy to catch the white beauty, Tang Shidao is also hug and hug. It makes sense, really, a button has not been unlocked. In the midst of it, Tang Shidao feels that Bai Meiren is one of the most incredible examples of education.

Her endowment is like a stone.

If she really relies on her efforts to change herself, then Tang Shidao believes that World has a miracle.


Tang Shidao secretly explored the white beauty, probably can be described as such: the beauty and beauty of Bai Meiren accounted for 99 points, and innate talent only accounted for 1 points. Such a person can be described as a ‘clumsy’. She didn’t look so bad, it was because of the hard work she worked hard. Change to someone else, to say that she will not make the chopsticks strange.

Seeing the reason, Tang Shidao did not want to ‘optimize’ Bai Meiren.


Soul painting can be done, wisdom revelation can help her, and even make her become smart. However, Tang Shidao decided to keep the white beauty as it is. This is not awkward, it doesn’t cost anything. Did not do this because Tang Shidao felt that she was ‘tampering’ and she was a kind of embarrassment for her hard work.

Similarly, Tang Shidao did not want to modify Lei Dazhuang.

If you really want to do this, Tang Shidao can turn all your friends into smart people like ‘computer people’. It is even said that killing a scientist, directly drawing his Soul, and then giving it to Ray, will soon become a scientist. However, no, Tang Shidao did not do this, and it is also very resistant to this Soul and memory tampering.

Feeling, there is always a red line in the heart that I don’t want to step on.

For example, Tang Shidao has never eaten so much meat, and he insists on not eating it in the future.

There is no reason for this insistence.

Just insist.

Resolutely not doing it.

Time passed slowly, more than two months later.


Charm, Lan Ji and Wu Yueer teamed up to send the last three materials, namely: the night magic hair, the water fairy’s teeth and the silver liquid arm. Plus the weightless bones of the former King, the blood of the starlight butterfly, the meat of the white ginseng queen, the seaweed skin, the third jewel of the gems, the dawn of the dawn and the dragon of the moon.

Ten tasks, all in one.

In this whole series of tasks, Tang Shidao himself looked for the empty king’s weightless bones, and the white fat ginseng queen.

The rest of the cause helped the friends, and they also tried to give back.

After receiving the material.

Mrs. Wuyun gave me three thousand mana and delivered a message: “I know that these things are not what you found, but it doesn’t matter. The mage can rely on friends to complete the task and prove that the mage has a higher existence value. The task I have to hand over to you is very special. It has something to do with summoning spells. You should prepare it and get ready to come back to the Stars Master Tower.”

Tang Shidao is also making final preparations. The next step is the sacred challenge.


Hu Xian also sent a message: “Tang, I am a member of the Star Master Tower, but not a member of the Astral Queen. Like most Masters in the Star Master Tower, I am free to join, so I don’t know much. Regarding the true follow-up of the Ten Mission, it is the legacy of a ancestor of the Astral Empress. The Grandmaster is only proficient in a spell, his own original spell. Explain the white point, it is a ‘single spell’.”

Tang Shidao is strange: “Why is the Queen of the Stars not doing it herself?”

Lake Fairy said: “The Queen of the Stars has tried, but she failed. The only spell is too important, but her ancestors left, she does not want a wizard to spoil this spell. So she deliberately released ten tasks, I want Find a suitable person to receive this spell. Tang, there have been many people tried, but all failed. You should be serious, because the opportunity is only once.”

When I heard this, Tang Shidao was really a bit strange.

Many people have tried it.

Can this task remain the same?

Hu Xian said: “I know that you are hard to understand, but please believe that you will start from the beginning. But you can take a step to see your choice and understanding. I don’t want to tell you how to start, because the more you The easier it is to refer to other people’s methods. It has no right path, only choice. Frankly, the Grandmaster finally failed, and his mission is to succeed.”

Tang Shidao smiled: “So, there is no correct answer to this task?”

Hu Xianying said: “Yes, even the Grandmaster doesn’t know what is right. You have to help him find the correct answer. This is difficult.”

Tang Shidao said with gratitude: “Thank you.”

Hu Xian responded: “You’re welcome, now we are already an ally of the Star Master Tower. It is very helpful to help each other. Prompt you, the Queen of the Stars, except for the four army leaders, other wizards are free to join. So, don’t get me wrong. Here is the private ownership of the Queen of the Stars. You want to pull a small team and do it with confidence.”

After the passage, Hu Xian did not say much.

Tang Shidao thought about it.

Finally, I sorted out all of my own and what I learned, and told Xiaojin before I was trained. Then, enter the Master Network again and go to the Star Master Tower opened by the Queen of the Stars. As soon as I stepped into the world of this ‘Cosmic Sky’, Mrs. Uyun suddenly flashed in front of me.

“This is your nameplate.” Mrs. Uyun handed a Magic nameplate, one on the side of the Star Master Tower, and one on the side of Tang Shidao.

“Yeah.” Tang Shidao took it.

After a spell flashes, the two are sent to a special planet.

This planet is a black energy.

Vaguely, there is a baby who sleeps deeply.

“Don’t care about it, the mission has nothing to do with the appearance of the planet. Go, after you enter, the mission will start on the first day of the mission.”

“Yeah.” Tang Shidao did not say much, flying inside.

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