Mage Network

Chapter 261

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 261: Attitude, Astronomy

The school is not surprised by the arrival of the Tang Emperor, because the Shuhua Guojinyi has already been notified in advance, and the re-entry of the Tang Emperor is also an early agreement.

Before the establishment of the school, the teacher Yang Shuren had been appointed by the Tang Emperor as the principal of the candidate.

People are also very clear about the reasons.

Tang Shidao, the youth lord of the Youth Alliance, and the women of the Emperor Star, all envy the hated love girl Bai Meiren, all of whom are students of Yang Shuren. In the three years of high school, Yang Shuren became their class teacher for three years. According to the description of the 314 class students in the past five tea schools in Yangcheng, Teacher Yang is not a high-level teacher, but a ‘friend’ in life.

Therefore, the teacher is employed by the students, not his ability. Because of this, no one can shake his position.

“Tang classmate, do you not need to deal with the national government as an emperor?” Yang Shuren didn’t feel much when he saw Tang Shidao. After all, this was a student he had taught for three years.

“Mr. Yang, what is your trouble as a principal running over to class?” Tang Shidao likes this mortal state, so that he can feel the taste of being human.

If it is a mage, everything in front of you is meaningless.

Masters like to go beyond everything, and the Constitution is like to return to the true self. The two can’t say good or bad, they can only say that the avenue is three thousand, each line is around.

“What can I do at this level of management? Everything is handed over to several vice principals.”

“Mr. Yang thinks that I have a good level of governance, and I have handed it over to the cabinet.”

“hā hā, no wonder many people secretly call you the Puppet emperor.”

“Ming Jun is exhausted, or it is more comfortable to be a faint.” Tang Shidao didn’t mind. It’s not surprising that others think that they are Puppet in their own way. In some people’s minds, you must always show up, often come out to guide the work to be the leader. It seems that this is dispensable. They feel that they are not in power.

Of course, a slightly eye-catching person will know who is the Master of the Shuihua Kingdom. The military finance Jinyiwei is in his hands, and what is a group of officials in the cabinet.

“Just a year.” Teacher Yang lamented.

“Yeah.” Tang Shidao also knows what he is sighing.

“Right, ask a foreign language, what happened to you with the white beauty? I can understand the marriage with the Empress Queen, but you are already the king of a country. There is no law of monogamy here. What awkwardness do you have? At this time, the young couple should not waste time on the quarrel.” Teacher Yang is indeed a bit unreliable. He used to be in love in high school.

I heard the couple’s white beauty complexion red, this is the classroom.

Tang Shidao does not know how to explain.

In private, the Elf Queen is her own apostle.

On the surface, the Elf Queen is the master of Muhuaxing. On the surface, you need a reason to legally rule the Wood Huaxing. Otherwise, it will be a problem if the elves are still obedient, without paying a single soldier. It seems that this marriage, together with the Tang army, can give people the appearance of a ‘military coercion plus marriage compromise’. It is not unexpected to take over the wooden Huaxing.

Hit the past, smash the Queen, receive power… This is the standard process for everyone’s brain.

“Well, we don’t say this, ask something else. Tang, I am a race student and an animal and plant science class. To be honest, I haven’t gotten too much. I seriously ask you, has the Elf been completely integrated?” Will it achieve different governance? If you can’t say it, you don’t have to say it.” Yang Lao asked again.

“There is no secret, the elves are a one-in-one model.”

“Do they have any special requirements?”

“No, I treat you equally. Teacher Yang, I will just say it. There is no harmony and stability, and there is no preferential treatment. The races of Shuihuaxing and Muhuaxing are the same. Everyone has the same status. I have to say that there is no grandfather here, I am probably The only one.” Tang Shidao guessed that some people in the Earth King need to know this attitude.

After all, Shuihuaxing and Muhuaxing do not algorithmize society.

Here the imperial power is supreme.

“The culture and technology between us are different. Do you have any protection policies? There are some differences between races.” Teacher Yang asked again.

“Well, Teacher Yang said this, I think it is necessary to clarify. First of all, I am not a Rende Saint, and I don’t need any good reputation. I once booked a Rule for the Cabinet: Don’t take the taxes of labor workers. Relief lazy people who have the ability to work but eat and drink. If they don’t give up, they will starve to death, then let them starve to death.”

“Oh…” Teacher Yang heard it, and did not know how to answer it.

“There is no democracy here, and I don’t need a vote. I give everyone the opportunity to work, and let the cabinet take care of people who have no ability to work. However, I don’t want to raise a group of people who eat and drink.” In my opinion, the water star It’s a natural World. Whether you are a tiger or a sheep, you need to find food yourself. If you are lying down and waiting for someone to feed, it’s not good, I am not interested in you.”

There was silence in the class and no one heard.

They know that this is the ‘attitude’ of the two planet Masters. This attitude is the wind direction of the two planets.

“I don’t want to be famous, I don’t want to be a nanny for everyone. I set up a school for everyone to learn. It’s completely free. It’s also convenient for me. If someone feels that they don’t need to learn, they like to do it yourself. I also follow Jin Yiwei said that no matter who he is, he will kill him as soon as he crosses the line. If all the populations are on the line, they will all be slaughtered.”

Everyone heard in ones heart trembled.

Tang Shidao simply said: “Frankly, I don’t particularly sympathize with anyone. There are people in the world who are smart and some are clumsy. I won’t force this gap. It is impossible for a tiger to give half a piece of meat to a dog. In my opinion, it is kindness for the tiger not to eat the dog. The water Huaguo guarantees the most basic rice and oil vinegar tea. If you want more, then go for it. Lazy and want to make a fortune, and pillow up the pillow. ”

Teacher Yang is a bit stunned and still asks: “If a group of people are born awkward, it is difficult to develop their own group?”

Tang Shidao said: “The monks do not like to develop technology, but they have their own way of living. I do not interfere, but also protect them from infringement. This is the normal way of life I agree with. From another angle, if the monks feel They are too poor, they want the cabinet to give them the wealth of the workers… If there is such an action, I will let the army kill them.”

“This…” Teacher Yang knows that monks will not do this because they love peace and can endure even in harsh environments.


Some people of other races may not be.

“I don’t feel lazy and dissatisfied with criminals. Now that Shuihuaxing and Muhuaxing are just two places, there are more places and more races in the future. I am not interested in taking care of everyone’s emotions. Teacher Yang, I hope You pass these words to everyone. In the Shuhua country, only efforts to obtain the harvest, no robbing to get the harvest. Whoever grabs the hand, I will lose someone’s hand.” Tang Shidao completely stated.

He knew that these words would soon be known to the kings of the Earth.


Soon, without waiting for a few classes, the words of Tang Huang Your Majesty have spread.

The Shuihua Domestic Pavilion also came forward: “Yes, this is the Rule. We don’t oppress anyone, we are not used to it. We can only say that we provide an equal platform, whether you are strong or weak, whether you are smart or clumsy. You must work hard to win the gains. If you let the lazy people share the fruits of the hardworking, we feel that this is the biggest unfairness.”

Both the emperor and the cabinet spoke.

Everyone understands that this is the weather vane of Shuihuaxing and Muhuaxing.

This ‘Rule’ can’t be right or wrong, only knowing that it must be executed, and no one is against it. Some people even think that there is only one country and only one Master. It is a good thing that he does not oppress everyone. If you don’t work hard, you still want to reach out and ask the emperor to ask for benefits. This dream is done early.

School, after class.

Tang Shidao decisively pulled the white beauty to the top of the building.

“If you agree, tomorrow you are the queen of the Shuhua Kingdom.” Tang Shidao does not explain much, simply and directly, in one sentence, shows attitude.

Bai Meiren listened to the whole person, and then the entire Face is red.

The mouth moved a few times.

Can’t speak.

Tang Shidao looked at Bai Meiren silently. The more she saw her, the more she blushes. The more she saw her, the more she couldn’t speak.

“Directly, the Taoist, what is this?” The two were silent, and the voice of Lei Da Zhuang appeared. Although he is still very unreliable, the whole person looks mature. If he was a big boy before, it seems to be a bit of a burden now.

“You have a big light bulb.” Tang Shidao is also loose inside.

I don’t need a human helper, but Bai Meiren needs a person to ease the atmosphere.

Lei Dazhuang has a hand: “Your palace is so big, I can’t do anything in the room. I have to be at the top of the school. Ok, I am asking the beauty to ask you: What is the elf queen? You are the Liu Zongmen Disciple, do you want to marry, I feel that our sect is very bullish.”

“I said that my tiger’s body was shocked, the king’s arrogance was scattered, and the elf queen was going to worship, do you believe?”

“Do not believe.”

“Well, very good, this is the truth.”

“Hold the grass! I understand, the things of the Liu’s sects are not publicly let everyone know, you just make a reason, this is just a propaganda?”

“Yes, the Chinese people need a reason, and the Elf also needs a reason.”

“What about the beauty?” Lei Dazhuang turned to look at the white beauty.

“What about her thinking? She nodded now, the afternoon is the queen.” Tang Shidao also looked at the white beauty.

Bai Meiren listened to the whole head and fainted.

Can’t think.

Decisively escaped.

“The beauty is really the old lady who lived in the ancient times.” Lei Da Zhuang was speechless.

“Yeah.” Tang Shidao doesn’t mind, Baimei people understand it.

When things are over, the days can be restored.

At this moment.

The Master Network also has a shocking news to blast: the friend of the sixth sage Tang Shidao, Charm, today used the Great Clouds in the Battle of Void. At the same time, it was a friend of the sixth sage Tang Shidao, Lan Ji, who used another great curse in this Void invasion of the beast, the great whirlpool!

When the news came out, all the mage were silent.

This is no coincidence!

The curse is not unique, and the Master has the same great curse. However, if the charm is the same as the sixth sage friend, no one believes in killing. The most outrageous, Lan Ji also ‘suddenly possessed’ the big whirlpool, which is too clever.

It is no coincidence that there is only one reason: borrowing a contract!

“There are several great curses in the Sixth Sage?”

“Big Puppet, big phantom, big cloud, I heard that he also got the big replacement of evil, four.”

“With the big whirlpool, there are already five kinds.”

“The Great Whirlpool may not be…”

“No, Lan Ji has no curse. If she gets one, her parents will definitely celebrate it. This is a loan contract, and even this is the attitude of the sixth sage to treat friends. He is not good at spell attacks. So, the attack spells are exchanged for use by friends. To be honest, the temperament of such people is really…”

Everyone does not understand what kind of trust is needed to change the curse.

To know.

If Charm and Lan Ji are sealed, the Sixth Sage’s curse will not be returned. It’s probably not enough to deal with Lan Ji. After all, there are father mothers who have a big cow. Can you charm it? She is just a demon who is not a higher race in Abyss. No foundation, no backup, no backing, and she is not the same as pinching a rabbit.

“In fact, such a move, the sixth sage has a second attitude.”

“Well. Not only the charm and blue Ji, the sixth sage is such a trust: he makes friends is a person who can really pay for everything! The potential meaning is… If anyone kills his friend, Who is the enemy of the Sixth Sage! He can borrow a great curse, and naturally he can do all the tasks for his friends for free, including revenge for dead friends.”

“Is he warning the anti-Mage? Good terrifying guy, how long has he entered the Master Network?”

“Is the general man going to have one man’s five curses? We don’t know above the holy world. There are a few masters of the five curses under the holy realm. Oh, no one!”

“Don’t say five curses, the double curse is already the elite.”

All the Masters have lamented.

I also think in my heart: Which, the sixth sage, are you still missing friends?

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