Mage Network

Chapter 258

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 258: organized, planned, ideal, floating astronomy

After sending away the Empress Queen, Tang Shidao once again summoned everyone to inform them that they were going to Muhuaxing.

It is true that all the ministers have opened their mouths to discourage.

“You don’t have to worry about my safety. Often, Wei Ying, Xiang Meng, you pick some people to follow, but there are some things that can only be discussed with Xiao Jin and the Empress Queen. You really don’t trust, I send two giants to follow. In the past.” Tang Shidao did not want to explain more, the appearance of the Wood Huaxing Elf family faintly opened a window.

Originally, everything the snake master did was very vague.

Now Tang Shidao sees it, and the snake master has an ‘unfinished major event’ waiting for the successor to take over.

No matter what this is.

To be sure, it is not leaving this legacy for no reason. It has a purpose, it also gives the only ‘passive’ curse of the big sputum. If the successor does not have the strength, relying on this passive curse can also enhance the strength of 10,000 years. Tang Shidao can even guess that if the successor takes advantage of it and does nothing, the snake mage will have the means to ‘stop’ the benefits.

For example, after 10,000 years of sputum, it took effect, gave Strength, and then suddenly entered a certain ‘pause’ state.

In this way, the younger generation does not want to lose this benefit and must work hard to complete this matter.

Tang Shidao did not want to rely on Dahua Chemical.

Waiting for 10,000 years to arrive, waiting for passive promotion… Really like this, you should also find a noodle hanging.

One day later.

Tang Shidao Official has started. Surprisingly, the white beauty ran.

“A road, is it very dangerous?” Bai Meiren was worried.

“Well? How come.” Tang Shidao smiled.

“But they are not humans, why do you want to go?” Baimei people worry that the other party is not human! In her concept, the elf is roughly equal to the alien. Therefore, the person you like is to go to the alien site to take risks.

“What do you want, beauty. They are not dangerous, I am going to go.” Tang Shidao suddenly understood.

From a person’s perspective, elves are indeed different races.

It can be dangerous.

But from the perspective of a mage, let alone the elves, even the devil is a small hitter in the bottle.

“I am waiting for you, I must come back.” Bai Meiren provoked the greatest courage, quickly slammed on Tang Shidao’s face, and then ran away with a red face.

Tang Shidao is a little happy when he is speechless.

The people next to it should not be seen.

They cannot understand this behavior, especially the officials of the Shuhua State. In their minds, whoever looked at the Emperor Your Majesty, you quickly took off your hair and sent it to the bed. Where it takes so much trouble, it takes half a month to get on the waist. There are two people in front of Your Majesty who are always so special, Lei Da Zhuang Lei, Bai Meiren Bai, they never become despicable because of the word ’emperor’.

It is conceivable that their attitude is the same as before.

It is also conceivable that Tang Ma Youry has no slight change in their attitude towards them.


The large units entered the portal and stepped into the strange land of Muhuaxing.

World in front of you.

Wood Huaxing is not the name of the word ‘wood’, here is a forest World. Everyone stood on the alpine platform and looked down at the earth. Except for a very small number of narrow roads and rivers, all the places were forests. Farther from the mountains, there is also a thick layer of wood. There are no deserts, no wastelands, and no large grasslands.

I can see everything with greenery, and even the big lake on the ground is green.

In the endless forest.

At intervals, a giant kilometer of ultra-grade trees stands tall. It is faintly visible that residential areas are formed around these giant-Grade giant trees. Some of the tree houses are under the trees, some are on the trunks or on the tops of the trees. It seems that this giant tree is the ‘city’ of the elves.

“Welcome to the Tang Emperor, the Queen has been waiting for a long time.” The female Hunters received instructions to wait early.

They are not running or riding.

The elves are riding the same kind of means: Winged Dragon, a Wyvern with a dragon like a dragon.

Even more surprising.

These Winged Dragons are not meaty, they like hard-shelled fruit.

Tang Shidao took the first few people to ride on Winged Dragon and flew to one of the giant trees. The rest of the people followed the marching line of Tang Jun slowly. Not long after, Tang Shidao and his party flew to the top of the giant tree, which has a city-like complex. The Winged Dragon group flew down the central square, and the elf soldiers around immediately ran over and took Winged Dragon.

Seeing that there are countless Winged Dragons around, Tang Shidao understands that the Winged Dragon here is equal to the human car and belongs to the most common means of transportation.

Entering the Queen’s Hall, a number of ministers were left behind.

Xiao Jin said, “The apse is the palace of the Elf Queen. You are not suitable to go in, wait. Let’s finish and we will come out in a minute.”

“Yes, Jin Xianzi.” All the people were in agreement.

They are not worried about the force of the Tang Emperor Your Majesty. The name of the immortal is not blown. Everyone knows that the Tang Majesty Strength is extraordinary. At the same time, they also believe that the elves do not dare to come, otherwise the two giants may be able to remove the light here.

Enter the apse.

Close the temple door and isolate everyone from listening.

at this time.

“See Master! Welcome to the Master!” The Elf Queen took the lead and bowed, followed by more than 5,000 elite female Hunter.

Seeing this scene, Tang Shidao suddenly felt a move.

This seems to…

“In the understanding of the landlord, this is like the difference between a good person and a bad person, Master?” Xiaojin said.

“Well, indeed.” Tang Shidao knows where he is different from other rulers.

“Organized, ideal, planned, and practical. The elves here are always ready to enter a certain war mode. Master, Winged Dragon Have you seen it? They have the fighting power of the beast, but they are good. Vegetarian beasts. Being able to fly and tame and obedient is a great tool for dreaming.”

“Yeah.” Tang Shidao saw the traces of the creature’s chimerism from the body of Winged Dragon, which was Devil-Beast deliberately cultivated.

“Wood Huaxing is not really a safe land. There are two Continent on this planet, one of which is completely ruled by the elites, and no beast threatens to be safe. On this Continent, the elves can live peacefully and develop smoothly. A piece of Continent, it is full of fierce giants. So the elves are training at all times.”

“Is there a threat to the giant worm?” Tang Shidao couldn’t help but ask.

“They don’t have the ability to fly long distances. So the sea becomes the absolute defense of the elves. The worms can only be defenders, and every day they will meet some elf warriors coming by boat. Because of the Winged Dragon, the elf warriors will fight once. Unfavorable, you can retreat immediately. Master, you understand, the giant Continent is like a low-risk training ground.”

“Yeah.” Tang Shidao certainly understands.

This condition is too favorable.

The Continent of the elf life is not arrogant, safe and stable. However, this is not a life of drunken dreams, because there are giant worms.

Outrageous is.

God gave the elves Winged Dragon, and did not give the giants the ability to fly long distances.

In a sense.

Wood Huaxing is the training ground for Elf Warriors. In other words, this is a ‘barracks’ left by the snake mage and the moon god to the successors of the younger generation. You don’t need any war, as long as you prove that you are a mage, you can receive this legacy.

Of course, the elves are only stronger by the influence of the magic spring, and they are not counted in the World of Master.

But don’t forget, Luna leaves her legacy: to be the apostle of the Master!

This represents…

As long as the successors are willing to accept, they will soon be able to obtain the most elite ‘Apostles’ servants selected from a large group of ethnic groups. Different from the good people’s casualties, this is the bad guy mode: there are plans, organizations, and actions. The snake master is not an empty shell.

“Elves Queen, are they sure of their choice?” Tang Shidao figured it out.

Really figured out.

This is not a question of good people or bad people, but it does not need to hesitate, and some things are straightforward to do.

“Yes, Master, please give us Strength.” The Elf Queen nodded.

“Please give Master a Strength.” A group of female Hunter also screamed.

“it is good.”

Tang Shidao opened the book of Wanfa and revised the apostle’s master-servant contract. At this time, Tang Shidao found two strange things. First, with regard to spells, you can allow all apostles to borrow their own spells and curses, including instruments and alchemy potions. However, he can’t authorize innate talent spells to reincarnate and curse.

It doesn’t matter if you borrow it, but you can’t borrow it. Innate talent and curse, neither can be included in the contract.

The second thing.

At present, he has more than two million mana. Once the elves become apostles, they use their own mana every time they cast spells. Now the elves have no mana, so the payers can only be themselves. The strange thing is that you can put more than one million spells into the ‘shared pool’ for the elves to use. One million points that are exclusive to the Sage Master’s credentials are not.

This 100 10,000-point mana can only be used by one person at a time. If you want to borrow it, you can’t borrow it.

In other words.

If more than 5,000 elf apostles cast spells and emptied their mana at once, this 100 will remain.

Innate talent, curse, mage voucher, all three are not included in the contract.

Tang Shidao thought about it.

The final decision: more than one million mana shared pool does not matter, anyway, there are still one million old. Moreover, he owns the Ao Neng and the Constitution, and has a mana to restore the aura. The mana recovery is several times faster than the average mage.

on the other hand.

Spell sharing pools can’t be too casual and must be chosen.

First of all, the curse must be excluded.

Never borrow!

Even the little curse, its undisclosed mana recovery aura and Magic Power harmony aura, both must be retained; the most commonly used tigers transform and derive, retain; signature Strength summons crows and their derivatives, reservations; No special summoning, summon Azure Dragon, summon White Tiger, summon Black Turtle, summon Vermilion Bird, summon unicorn, all to keep.

The rest of the unimportant spells are put into the shared pool.

Including millions of gods and gods… This spell needs to remind the apostles that it is best not to use them easily, regardless of confidentiality, because the consumption is too great.

that’s it.

all of a sudden.

In addition to several mantras and common spells, these ‘Apostles’ have the same strength as the General Sage Master. Of course, they only use the same mana shared pool, only a million mana squander. More than 5,000 apostles, one person and one giant have lost 500,000 mana, and one dragon can’t afford it.

If anyone uses a radiant light, the rest will have to wait for the mana to reply.

and so.

Strictly speaking, they are not equal to the Sage Master.

“In addition to being familiar with spells, you must choose to practice monks or hunter training. Self-meditation cultivation, it is best to only study one spell. In the future, I will improve my mana and further enhance the shared strength of the pool, including some new studies. The little curse can also be shared for you to use. However, the curse cannot be used by you, and some secrets I don’t want other masters to know.” Tang Shidao commanded.

“Yes, Master! Your gift, we are endlessly grateful.”

From zero to yes.

From the general life leap to the Sage Master, the elves have long been stupid by the Knowledge of their minds. The aura of great effect, the powerful dragon of the powerful power, the madness of summoning, the incredible resurrection, the rebirth and the sacred retreat… The elf apostles now understand why the mage calls it God.

Now, I am also a general presence of ‘God’.

Master does not give all the spells, they understand them completely.

With the bond, they can’t sell the secret of the Master.

But if the Master borrows the curse and uses it by himself, it is difficult to ensure that other mages will not find any clues. The big curse is the master’s card, and even if the Master gives it, he should not accept it.

The elf apostles still don’t know… The curse is Tang Shidao’s card. However, the word “forbidden” is not mentioned by Tang Shidao.

After all, this stuff is too crazy.

In order to facilitate the operation, Tang Shidao granted Xiaojin the same rights to use the spell and mana to share the pool’s permissions. Because Xiaojin is a magical pet, there is no need for an apostolic contract. With Xiaojin to guide these elf apostles, they can also learn how to be a mage apostle and know how to hide and express.

“Master, two stars, we must have a reasonable excuse for external.” Xiaojin suddenly suggested.

“what do you mean……”

“Marriage, the Empress Queen married the Emperor of the Shuihua Kingdom.”


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