Mage Network

Chapter 240

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 240: Magic Ocean 4, the name of the sage, floating astronomy

Seeing that Tang Shidao went out to sea in just one day, with an old ship and a group of old and weak, the eyes of other mages passed a glimmer of light.

Too young!

This is not a speed race, not who wins first.

This mission is without a winner. Everyone has taken advantage of this opportunity to take advantage of it. Therefore, the final 100 meter end point is meaningless, only the previous 1 to 99 is the focus. It is undoubtedly a waste for the Sixth Sage to be so impulsive.

“Hehe, the people of the Dragon Fleet actually asked him to show their mercy. I want to see, when he needs everyone to save lives is not necessarily.”

“It’s possible. Only one spell is allowed. One time does not exceed 10 points. If you are not prepared enough, you will not be able to protect yourself.”

“Oh, the name of the sage is empty.”

“The legendary mage here also has the name of the legend. It is not dead. It is not clear. We can get a little more from a competitor.”

The mages have been talking about it, and the fleet of 30 people who formed the team is also very strange.

They can’t guess the actions of Tang Shidao.

It’s too rude.

This is nothing like the things that smart people do.

“What do you think, Captain?”

“I can’t figure it out. He probably has his own intentions. Forget it, don’t worry about him. Since he promised his mercy, he will definitely not say anything. Unless there is a huge gain, he will not finish this task. If there is The name of the sage, the reality of the sage, it does not matter, anyway, our goal is not to complete the task.” The temporary leader of the Dragon Fleet does not care.

The more incompetent the participants, the more they can harvest.

Waiting for this ‘mine’ to be dug, the captain of Black Hu has no use value, and everyone does not need him.

at this time.

“Stop the boat, wait.”

Tang Shidao commanded to stop the boat, opened the book of Wanfa, and immediately four crows flew out. Before the crowd responded, the four crows moved again in four directions, scouting the islands that could be replenished and settled in the air. The crew did not know what it was, only knowing that these outsiders had extraordinary skills.

In a blink of an eye, four crows flew out.

Lift off, fly and reconnaissance.

This magical ocean has mission limits that can’t exceed 10 point spells once. Summoning a crow is an 2 point, and Tang Shidao can only call four at a time. After a few waves of crows, Tang Shidao closed his eyes and waited for the news of the crows.

“When did you find out?” Lake Xian asked softly.

“What?” Tang Shidao is waiting for the news.

“It’s best not to use spells on the first island. When did you find out?” Lake Xian asked again.

“Is there such a thing? I don’t know. I just don’t use it. I think it might have some meaning, so I don’t want to do it.”

“Terifying intuition.”

“Does this work?” Tang Shidao asked.

“Yes, there is no magic in the first island. It is easier to open some treasures. If you use it, some treasures cannot be opened. Of course this is not an absolute advantage, because some treasures must be on the first island. Let’s let go of the spell, and people who haven’t let go can’t open it. Don’t underestimate the legendary mage, even if he is dead, he can leave a lot of means.” Hu Xian reminded.

Tang Shidao only smiled and didn’t have much to say.

Less than ten minutes.

“Going in this direction.” Tang Shidao pointed to the southeast and said: “Move all the logging tools out and the boatmen are ready to guide the shipbuilding work.”

The steeringman listened to the orders, but the crew heard it.

Even if there is an island in that direction… we have no one.

What can people do this?

Besides, is shipbuilding so easy? I don’t know how long it takes and how many skilled workers. Quite different from everyone, he doesn’t have to use his brain, just pick up the log axe and start cutting trees at any time. He does not have to doubt the boss’s order, right, wrong, does not matter, first finish it.

Both Tang Shidao and Hu Xian entered a state of meditation.

This is the same as the one-third Master who stayed in place, trying to feel the magical energy fluctuations here, trying to resonate with the traces of the legendary Master.

Four hours later.

The group slowly came to a big island full of jungles. It is also very pleasant to see the crew of the forest. The crow’s reconnaissance ability is very powerful. Waiting for the inquiry, Tang Shidao waved his hand and four erect avocados appeared. They are close to two meters tall, humanoid body, long head of the bird, thick claws, strong claws, and a cane wing can fly and fly slowly.

When the monster appeared, the crew took a step back.

“They are arak people. If you don’t understand, imagine that I am the monster that I called out from the book. They can understand your simple actions. You can imitate what you do. For example, if you cut trees, they will follow them; you Saw blades, they also know how to copy. Too fine work can’t be done, and they can be learned by general woodworking apprentice.”

“Only four are a little less, the captain, how long can they work?” The woodworking foreman asked.

“The strength of their strength is similar to that of the strongest. Stamina can’t use it. It can be automatically replied. They don’t need to rest, they don’t need to eat or drink, they can work all the time. The number is… I can call hundreds of thousands if I need it. But it is not necessary at the moment.” Tang Shidao A faint sentence, the crew are stupid.

I thought about what book you are, and can hold hundreds of thousands of monsters.

I saw a crew member picking up handcuffs and swords.

Tang Shidao waved again, and four more large shadows landed: “You don’t have to bring weapons, I have security monsters.”

Demon-type crow.

They have an altitude of about 4 meters, erect, humanoid, and their arms are long and slender, and they feel like a gorilla with a bird’s head. The demon-type crow has wings that cannot fly, barely gliding. It has giant hands and sharp claws. The plumage is also Demon Transformation deformed to form a layer of armor-like protective layer.

Seeing the demon-type crow, the crew were even more scared to step back three or four steps.


This guy has a giant bird head, it will not eat people? It feels like you can kill a person at a glance.

“You don’t have to think about it, start working.”

Tang Shidao continues to summon a raven, and does not need to summon too much. In this ocean is the ‘ship’ unit, and many more people need a boat to load. On the other hand, Tang Shidao feels faint… The more you use the spell, the easier it is to attract some attention, and there are some disadvantages.

The crew are still a bit embarrassed.

However, as the giant trees fell, they finally realized that the captains did not need their labor ability and only needed their Knowledge.

Look again to the person named Hu Xian Er.

No wonder, she recruits people who don’t want strong seafarers, as long as they have experience and old sailors with Knowledge. It turns out that the captain holding the odd book does not need soldiers at all. He has combat power and some staff.

At this time, the old woodworkers have already smiled.

A lumberjack who has wings to fly, a smart apprentice that doesn’t get tired and doesn’t need food… It’s so happy. In addition to the initial demonstration, they only have to stand and point to the point, and the crows know how to work. What materials need to be prepared, open a head, and the Ark can do everything behind.


There are beasts roaring in the jungle.

Without waiting for everyone to panic, the demon-type crow has already come out with a beast that is half dead. Sky has crows everywhere, and the beasts can’t get close to the kilometer.

Just a little half a day.

“Captain, we bring out too little material, and we can only build up to four large ships.” The woodworking foreman regrets, knowing that the ship is full of nails and ropes.

“Send someone to sail, sail to the West for a long time, have a seaport, go there to buy materials.” Tang Shidao said while meditating.

Did not wait for the boatmen to answer.


“The northern cliff of the island has four wrecks on two kilometers, with some gold and jewels on it.” Lake Fairy is also meditating, only indifferently said.

“We will send people right away…”

“No, what can you do with this frail old man. I have already let my men ship to the shore. You send a few people who know Appraisal and come back with a crow.” Lake Fairy interrupted. Said that I have finished.

A lot of people are speechless.

Your forefoot said that there was a shipwreck, and the back foot went ashore… Would you be so fast?

We are senior seafarers. Can you leave a face for you?

No matter what you think.

A group of crew quickly acted according to the order, dragged back to the shipwreck, found the treasures, then moved onto the old ship and headed for another harbor to exchange some of the necessary materials for shipbuilding. The most irritating, the clerk asked the ship elder big: what goods to operate to make money? The captain answered: No need to make money, but also the cost of hundreds of people, the arak people do not need wages and do not need to eat and drink.

The clerk is speechless, and the hundreds of old and weak people themselves, a treasure chest is enough to pay for decades of compensation… The captain still does not need to make money!

Think about it, are we really sailing trade?

This is simply a play.

“Boss, cock, treatment is not the most suitable for this task?” Pretty stupid and stupid, seeing the group of arak people work also understand that they made a mistake.

“Summoning is best for this task.” Tang Shidao faintly responded and continued to meditate.

“Summon a raven is the best?”

“This is not a summoning arak, it is a derivative spell.” Lake Xian answered, and said: “And the summoning flight Devil-Beast is not the most suitable, summoning Water Lifeform is better. Forget it, you don’t understand this brain. I directly said that the spell that best fits this task is called the Summoner. 5 points, just like the summoning wolf.”

“Hey, second child, are you good at summoning fish people?”

“I am good at … summoning sea monsters.” Lake Xian thought and did not hide. The key is that the child’s eyes are too pure, and it is a bit embarrassing to lie to him. Plus what you are good at is not a secret, every famous wizard has its own sign.

“Well? Summon the sea monster is not a spell of 500 points, like the summoning dragon?” Pretty.

“I didn’t say use, I’m just good at… forget it, I use the primary spell that summons the little monster, 8 mana, right?”

“No, the little monster is very weak, it can afford it…”

“I fell asleep, don’t make a noise.” Lake Xian was completely convinced, and some people could not chat.

“Hey, you are going to sleep slowly.” Pretty swearing said that you must not be noisy when you fall asleep. If you fall asleep, you don’t like others to call, or an axe will hack him.

No one spoke.

I don’t know what to do.

Tang Shidao kindly called a ‘practice meditation technique’, and the savage singer also started… Ten seconds less than the snoring sound, this speed is no one.

The crew can do whatever the three leaders do.

They are already old people, this is the last chance to shine. And this is also the best chance, you can’t waste it, you have to take out 2%. With the help of the Arak, there are also treasures to search for the treasures of the nearby seabed, and there is no shortage of manpower and money. The next round of the fleet came back, not only bringing back a boat material, but also several boats and a group of equally old crew members.

Needless to say.

They were persuaded to come over or be jailed by money.

The second time to sail again.

Come back, there are three more big ships and dozens of boats.


It is like snowballing.

A steady stream of crows enters the work mode, a steady stream of water monsters search for seabed treasures, and a steady stream of ‘old seafarers’ joins… Unconsciously, the island’s forests have been flattened in half, and dozens of large ships have started at the same time. Not long after, the nearby sailors heard the news and they also requested this big fleet.

Not long time.

“Weird, these days are cutting trees, how can we…” When the savage is back to God, the coast terminal is already a huge fleet of hundreds of large and small ships.

The masts are lined up and the white sails dance.

The original old crew looked incredible. In just a few months, a Big Mac fleet was born.

What is the speed?

“There is more than one such marine planet. My crow flies all over the place.” For a few months of meditation, Tang Shidao blinked for the first time.

“Yes, the transmission points of those illuminating vortices are different.” Lake Fairy also has the same insight.

Meditation for a few months.

If there is no gain, the two should also find a noodle to hang.

Tang Shidao waved his hand.

Four of them were armed with a machete, and the crows with their black armor appeared… the chopper and the crow, summoning the crow’s eighth derivative spell. Tang Shidao knows that the Avatar can’t be used because it is cast by a million spells, which does not match the 10 point. Therefore, you need a more suitable derivative spell.

Hit from the beginning.

Tang Shidao didn’t want to find any treasures and implements. What I really wanted was: the secret of the legendary mage!

When you start, you start from the sea.

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