Mage Network

Chapter 236

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 236: The third foundation of life weaving: wisdom revelation, floating astronomy

Tang Shidao has always overlooked an important thing: Bloodline Strength is just a strength to strengthen the body!

The white ginseng queen’s move gave a reminder: Bloodline Strength also has a spell effect!

This also proves that knowledge is really important.

In the past, I was not a Strong without the ancestors of Yuanzu. It was just not enough to see and hear, and I could not understand this advantage. If the Master Network is a school, it has a total of subjects such as Chinese mathematics history, geophysical chemistry, music and sports. You can specialize in one kind, but you can’t know anything about other subjects. From another perspective, understanding other subjects may also help you improve your specialization subjects.

The more you practice Bloodline Strength, the deeper your understanding of spells.

The more research strokes, the higher the utilization of the Bloodline features, the two are complementary.

After a few days of study and study.

Tang Shidao is very certain that Jinwu Bloodline has a lot to do with light spells. If the spell really has an origin, then the special skill of the Yuanzu Yuanling is probably the origin of the spell. Of course, this is just a personal guess, not necessarily the correct answer.

In the past few days, the people of the Imperial Star have also exploded.

I heard that it was a lucky man to be the emperor of the Shuihua Kingdom. However, no one thought that it was actually a general university student. The people of Zulongguo are even more crazy. On the Internet, the famous phrase “My classmate is the emperor” is also being brushed out. Moreover, the 314 classmates of the Chacheng Five Schools, which are not too big, really took out the graduation photo, and some of the more familiar ones were photographed with the ‘Emperor’.

Someone shows, naturally someone will doubt.

The sprayers started to take the rhythm first, indicating that you dreamed a bit early.

Forced to climb and falsify.

Forcibly, shameless.

When talking about the quality of the Zulong people, it is not good, education is not good, morality is not good.

In short.

You can smell the taste of a sour grape across the screen.

Seeing this kind of questioning and the accusation of the 314 class students are angry, saying that we can still bear, even the ancestral kingdom can not bear a piece of black. If you are in a hurry, call the company to seek support from the mouth. Lei Dazhuang said directly: “You pull a wool thread with them, bring a video recorder, and go directly to Huajing. The Taoist priest just changed his career, and he didn’t grow three heads, six arms, and he was afraid that he would eat you.”

I heard this.

Decisive, a group of old classmates set off and went to the palace.

Tang Shidao hasn’t seen these old classmates for a long time, just hanging out with them for a day. At the beginning, I went to the treasure house for a long time, and then I went to the barracks. Originally planned to visit Huajing and Shenghu, but see the unspoiled song and dance paradise, a group of people can not walk directly. Have to say that the beauty and beauty of the clothes have the power of men and women to kill.

Men look at people, women look at clothes.

Since the portal of Shuhua China has opened, the retro Hanfu is the front line of fashion. Now come to the place of origin, they can still be mad at their legs. Tang Shidao was also noisy by them, and some of the fabric makers made several sets for them.

On the surface, it seems that the status of the two sides is too far apart.


Tang Shidao didn’t feel any different, but the same classmates. The white ginseng queen can play with a flower for a long time, use a tree as a companion, and even play with a butterfly for a whole day. Do not say the identity, who is not a human with two eyes and a nose.

“As a classmate, let me interview. Tang, you are crazy with us all day, do not need to deal with the national government?” Zhao Qi is playing a treasure, still a crazy child.

“What should I do with the cabinet in my handling of the country?”

“Well, we believe that you are ignorant of the national government. Excuse me, what diplomatic strategy do you have for other countries in China?” Wang Hui, the squad leader, is more serious.

“That’s too much trouble. I decided to level all other countries first, so I don’t need a diplomatic strategy.”

“What instructions do you have about culture?” The language represents Song Shu or a fat man.

“No matter what the performance, let the crush first come on stage.”

“The banned soldiers are very strong. Is there any training secret?” Sports Commissioner Hu Dong is more concerned about physical fitness.

“I don’t know, I only said that I would like to enroll 2 meters tall.”

“What are the white beauty doing?” A group of male students also remembered the school flowers that were not deleted in the hard disk for a lifetime.

“She is teaching the servant and the mermaid.”

“There are mermaids… great, no need for you, take you, let’s see the mermaid.” When the students heard that the mermaid was decisive, don’t want the emperor classmates, no matter the men and women, all of them have a virtue with Lei Da Zhuang.

Tang Shidao smiled.

He also knows that this group of people is a little stressed with themselves, it is easier to find white beauty to play. With Jinyiwei leading, Zulongguo sent a commissioner to follow, and Tang Shidao did not worry about any trouble.

A group of students rushed over to see the mermaid, and Tang Shidao returned to the palace.

At this moment.

Xiaojin flew over, said with a slight smile: “Master, you should get along with your friends. They don’t help your cultivation, but Master, your mental state is very good.”

Tang Shidao nodded: “No, not only is the spirit good, I can enter an unprecedented “easy” state.”

Xiao Jin was surprised: “Is it good for training?”

Tang Shidao smiled: “Only in terms of spells, it is better than meditation. You remember that I have Magic Power Harmony Aura. The current state is a spiritual harmony, which is very helpful to Bloodline Strength. I began to understand that Why the white ginseng queen can communicate with some flowers and trees, and this ‘natural state’ is a great complement.”

Xiaojin wakes up: “I heard that some mage have a ‘Dual Cultivation’ state, which can complement each other, even sorrow and joy.”

Tang Shidao heard the eclipse and lunar eclipse: “Well, I believe. Right, you have something?”

Xiaojin nodded and said: “Black Gate was opened yesterday, in the northern federation. I heard that it is a beast star, the ground is mostly big rivers and jungles, very dangerous places, the mortality rate is extremely high. The countries are worried about your safety, I am negotiating what to do, and I guess I want you to use the dragon ring.”

When I heard this, Tang Shidao smiled.

It is not surprising that the kings of the Earth are not aware of their own strength.

Of course, Tang Shidao does not explain.

Invite Jinyiwei leader Wei Ying, then return to Zulongguo and go to the Northern Alliance to enter the Beast Star behind the Black Gate. Because of the ‘key’, Tang Shidao knows where to look for when he sets foot. The snake mage is really pitted. If you don’t find the key from the small library, you can come in and turn the whole planet over and you can’t find anything.

“Wei Ying, the dragon ring is handed over to you for a while, and you and Wuge people protect them from studying the animals and plants here. There is also 98 day time, make good use of it.”

“Yes, Your Majesty! Your Majesty, please be careful.”

“I also have the Strength of the Five Sacred Beasts, rest assured.” Tang Shidao became an owl flying into the air. Enter the cloud, and immediately a transfer will go away. Strength is at this level, it is too simple to find an energy point on a planet.

Less than two hours.

Tang Shidao has harvested the third foundation of life weaving: wisdom revelation!

This ‘Knowledge’ came to the hand, Tang Shidao thought of the Master Network for the first time… because the candidate of the Master Network has this kind of ‘open wisdom’ effect. If you enter such a human being, the Master Network will give you the ability to recognize the language. If a tiger goes in, the Master Network will also help it open its mind and let it pretend to be its own existence.

Of course, this kind of wisdom is not to make the tiger into a magic, but to force the input equal to the intelligence of the primary school students.

Otherwise, it’s not courting death to see the scarecrow shoot a paw.

Although there is such a stupidity, the ‘opening wisdom’ of the Master Network is just to let the candidates know themselves and understand their status. Tang Shidao once saw the idiot of the Master Network Kaizhi and asked him to return to the level of half a normal person. Therefore, the impression of this kind of wisdom is very profound.

“Wisdom revelation… Snake Master, what do you want to do?” Harvesting, Tang Shidao is a bit unconcerned.

Life weaves itself to get three.

Nirvana rebirth is the basis for ensuring that you are not dead, not to mention.

The creatures are chimeric, the wisdom is revealed… Both of them are related to foreign objects. It can be said that both skills are the key to making Devil-Beast. Think about it, you will put a lion into a mosaic, and then a wisdom revelation. Even if it can’t be very smart, at least it’s sensible. There are wisdom revelations and no wisdom revelation, probably the difference between big fish and monks.

The big fish is aquarium, the monks are also aquarium… The latter is not as good as humans, but also has a good learning ability.

I suddenly thought about it.

Tang Shidao can’t help but feel a bit stunned: the power of wisdom revelation is a bit more than his own imagination, such as throwing one on the white ginseng queen.

Hidden, this is the power of the gods.

do not know why.

Tang Shidao suddenly remembered the mythology Legend of the Western Confederation, the snake that granted ‘wisdom’. Think deeply, unlike the history of the Emperor, the snake master did not know how many years of death. Is it possible that it is the descendant of the snake mage, or the apprentice of the snake mage. Even said that the second king has appeared in the second king?

The mage heritage is proof of the existence of the mage.

If a mage does not stay, the younger generation will never find a clue, which means that they do not exist. Tang Shidao believes that there are many candidates between the snake master and himself, as well as many mages. There is no legacy, they are too ignorant, and they are gone. So leaving Legend is not necessarily a snake mage, but it may be someone else.

Think about it, Tang Shidao is looking forward to it.

With Nirvana rebirth.

With a living chimerism.

With wisdom revelation.

Life weaving ourselves has gained a third, the actual role, the soul mosaic and wisdom revelation is enough to do a lot of things.

If you think deeply, the combination of living and wisdom can be improved. Does it mean that one day, you can create a smart Lifeform with just a ‘Fairy Man’?

Does this kind of wisdom revelation have anything to do with its own Knowledge?

Will it be more learned because of itself, and the better the effect of wisdom revelation?

Can it be used for people and animals, and not for plants?

If you can, can’t you do the stone gold and iron?

If you can, can’t you do it on the planet?

Think hard.

Tang Shidao herself is sucked in a breath of cold air… I seem to be holding a very indecent skill!

With a little respect for the snake mage, Tang Shidao tried to cast a ‘wisdom revelation’ on a big tree, and the result was… failure. Tang Shidao knows very clearly that it is not that wisdom can’t do it, it can’t be done by itself.

Changed a wolf test… succeeded.

However, the wolf had the first time to come up with wisdom and seemed to want to get more from himself. It doesn’t want to kill itself, just want to catch yourself and provide more benefits for it.

“Oh, unfortunately, it is not smart enough.” Tang Shidao did not cast a spell, and the wolf directly turned into a fly ash.

Two trials.

Tang Shidao knows that this kind of giving is like a teacher teaching a student.

Giving a wild wolf seems to educate a person and can do it.

Giving a big tree seems to educate a cow, no… unless you are more sophisticated, know how to teach this ‘bovine’ wisdom.

Do this step.

Tang Shidao suddenly thought of a spell: God Wings, can it accept wisdom revelation?

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