Mage Network

Chapter 228

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 228: The Information of the Snake Master, Astronomy

“Well, I am understood.” Tang Shidao is not surprised. It’s not surprising that the snake mage does things. It’s strange to not do it.

“Master is not surprised?”

“no feelings.”

“Master, please forgive Xiaojin bluntly, you seem to be a little different, what special things happened?”

“Do you feel that I am different?”

“Yes, Master’s sense of existence is completely different from before. Xiaojin used to follow the former Master Bronze Dragon, paying special attention to this kind of change. Master probably doesn’t know that the former Master Bronze Dragon once had the nickname ‘Master of Blue Sky’ because For some reason, losing Strength, the strength is weakened before giving up the name. For a certain period of time, it was once an important pillar in the dragon race.”

“Xiao Jin, what do you want to say?” Tang Shidao is ready to go.

“No, it’s just the impression of the Master on the Master. Nothing, let’s go.” Xiaojin didn’t talk much, it was a gossip.

As a magic Pang.

As long as the Master Master has a change, it feels more or less. Since the last time I got the black book, Xiaojin feels that the Master is very different, and today it is more obvious. Just like a special period of the former Master Bronze Dragon, it is clear that there is no improvement in strength, and obviously there is no benefit, but something is growing invisibly.

This is unclear and unclear.

Maybe the Master said it can’t understand, it’s like a feeling, even if it’s true or false. Xiao Jin only thinks that I don’t know when the Master is more realistic than the former Master Bronze Dragon.

One is a person.

One is a dragon.

In the realm of the Master Network, it is an incredible thing that a person is more real than the existence of a dragon.

Impression of this kind of thing.

Think about it, the general mage thinks of the first one who will think of the Master Network?


Definitely a scarecrow!

Xiao Jin also knows that there are people like the Queen of the Stars, Mr. Black Phase, and the Whitehead Headmaster. Too high level is also inaccessible, this type of person is the most conspicuous figure. Xiao Jin now has a feeling: unconsciously, the Master’s impression is more vivid than the second echelon of the Tie Zong and Han Shi, and the faint appointment, the Master seems to have surpassed this level.

Xiaojin knows that there is no comparison between the strong and the weak in the Master Network.

Not Void.

Not into the holy world.

You have to say that the contrast between strength and weakness will laugh everyone.


A mage does not exist, and everyone only looks at his impressions. This impression may be his strength, the things he did, the tasks he accomplished, the legends he created. But in the end, it is something that everyone can’t tell. Someone once said: When everyone thinks you are a mage, you are a mage. When everyone can’t see you, you are no different from a dust.

In flight.

Xiaojin tried to recall the answer of the former Master Bronze Dragon.


It is said this: Impression of this kind of thing, first of all, the mage must have its own position, and then look at everyone’s mouth. When everyone talks about something, they can’t get around a person anyway, and that wizard exists. If you can bypass it, it doesn’t exist.

Xiaojin knows.

When talking about hunters, no one can get around black and white.

When talking about refining techniques, no one can hang around the iron sect and the cold teacher.

When talking about the Void battlefield, no one can circumvent the Queen of the Stars.


Xiaojin just wants to understand, and now the Master has something special. It feels that the Master has reached this level, but it is not certain: when you are talking about something, everyone is absolutely unable to bypass the Master?


Tang Shidao and Xiao Jin rushed to the central area, the forest mountain range guarded by Kirin.

Fly down.

戾White Tiger is holding a big knife and a woman with a giant sword, and dozens of brocades are not stopped. 瞽White Tiger, 聩Azure Dragon and 媸Vermilion Bird are also watching.

Tang Shidao can see that 戾White Tiger only used 10% of Strength. She has unlocked the restrictions and gained a lot of magical tempering, and the Constitution has been more than ten times the previous one. Even if she does not change to White Tiger, she is still much stronger than the Giant Sword woman.

It is clear.

戾White Tiger is pressing against his own Strength, only to take out the normal Strength before she unresolved the limit.

Tang Shidao flew to the ground, and Xiao Jin sat on the shoulder of Tang Shidao.

Two people in the battle.

戾White Tiger’s Strength is a little better, but the Giant Sword woman is too fast, and she can’t take advantage of it. Tang Shidao noticed that there is a pair of machete behind the giant sword woman, it seems that it is her real killing weapon. Trying to blame White Tiger is also accustomed to combat on the mountain, against the Guardian hidden in the mountains all the year round, her open and big combat mode can not play a role.

Can take the upper hand, first, the actual strength of the White Tiger is ten times higher, and the second is that the giant sword woman does not dare to do their best.

“Your Majesty.”

When Tang Shidao flew down, everyone was busy bowing.

Headed by Wei Ying, he personally supervised the incident. After the arching, Wei Ying whispered: “She is called ‘Mer’, it is this Guardian. Everyone is called Mo, and every one can’t talk. There is a cave in the east, connected to a huge underground. Palace. There is a strange library, there are no treasures and weapons, only books. We have sent guards, Your Majesty can be viewed at any time.”

Tang Shidao nodded and quietly watched the two fight.

For a while.

“Nothing, you don’t try your best.” 戾White Tiger suddenly bounced the ‘Mom’ sword and shook his head and waved: “If you don’t hit it, it won’t be played. It’s boring. Your Majesty is coming, let’s talk.”

戾White Tiger finished, striding away.

Turn your head.

When I saw Tang Shidao, I subconsciously touched a pair of scimitars behind my back.


Get started.

“The scimitar is very special, isn’t it made by you?” In a twinkling of an eye, Tang Shidao was standing behind the silence, and his hands first pulled out the scimitar. Seeing that it is a secret silver material, my heart is definitely not a self-made item of the mountain people.

I heard the sound behind me and I didn’t see anyone in front of me.

In amazement, he also turned his back. She has already put on her claws in the lightning, and she is skilled in her movements, as if she has experienced numerous dangers. However, the silent claw did not work. The claws waved around Tang Shidao, and a small wing blocked her attack.

The movement was blocked, and the second claw hit the abdomen of Tang Shidao.


The same little man, only a small foot blocked the attack. Not waiting for the silence, the little man has already flashed to his face, and the claw-like hand stretched out, feeling that he had penetrated the forehead. As long as you are a little deeper, you know you have to die.

“Little gold, don’t care about her.”

Tang Shidao found a clue from the Mithril scimitar, more like the password of the treasure house of the snake master.

Retrieving Xiaojin, he said: “Are you called Mo? Is it that Jinyiwei has tried to explain the things of the Holy Beast to you? Let me say, what do you wish? I know that the underground palace is what you guard, but it belongs to I. It is useless to explain more. You can understand it if you unlock the restrictions. Let me talk about your wishes first, then we can talk about it.”

When I heard this, I suddenly took out three pieces of copper, which were three patterns of tiger, eagle and snake.

She waved to indicate which one you chose.

“You mean the Master of the Palace? Well, I know, this is… Snake.” Tang Shidao chose the snake.

Seeing this choice, the mer is also sighed in relief.


She also found three pieces of copper, which were three patterns of swords, books, and horses.

“Book.” Tang Shidao does not have to wait for her to plan.

The book represents the Master.

There is no relationship between the sword and the horse.

The third time, the copper piece was touched. This time, it was the three patterns of human, mermaid and fairy.

“Mermaid.” Tang Shidao thought about it and chose the mermaid. This is probably the meaning of ‘living chimerism’. Those who don’t know must choose the gods, but the gods are the wrong answer.

After watching Tang Shidao’s last choice, suddenly a whole body of radiance was released, and all restrictions were solved in a flash.

She was shocked.

In the blink of an eye, I also knew that I had the ability to be a “Kirin turned” and the identity of the goalkeeper. Her ancestral training is ‘Unlocking the three puzzles for the Master’, and the duties of the goalkeeper also tell her that the person in front of me is the new Master. Silence on one knee, seriously refer to your new owner. At the same time, the heart is relaxed, since the ancestors obtained the first revelation, countless years, countless generations, the responsibility that everyone has been shouldering has finally been solved.

“From today, you are called ‘Mu Qilin’, the unicorn breeding officer of the Shuhua Kingdom.” Tang Shidao harvested the summoning unicorn spell on the shoulder of Merlin.

At this time, 戾White Tiger is also anxious to come over.

Fingers hit the big knife.

Stunning buzzing sounds.

Mo Yanlin sideways, but also a face intent.

“Well, you haven’t tried to stretch your muscles. Since they are all in place, you should try it thoroughly. Don’t worry about injury, I have a way to save you. I went to the underground palace to take a look, you practice slowly. Remember not to fight in the vicinity, save a piece of Jinyiwei. “Tang Shidao left with a small gold, went to the cave.

Waiting for the end, 戾White Tiger has become the White Tiger Sacred Beast.

Similarly, Merlin is also the same size as the Kirin incarnation.

The two looked at each other.

In an instant, the mountains next to move towards are rushing. Jin Yiwei looked at some of the legs soft and subconsciously stepped back. The charge of two hundred-meter behemoths, the situation is simply the situation of forest catastrophe. I don’t know what kind of situation they will fight. It is a faint murder to describe this monster.

at this time.

Tang Shidao and Xiao Jin flew into the underground palace, and a group of Jin Yiwei had been waiting.

“See Your Majesty.”

“Well, you have worked hard.” Tang Shidao looked at the underground palace and found it very special. The huge hollow Earth-Core, a square of giant buildings stands in the middle. It has four gates, which require four giant things to open at the same time, and finally open the fifth door at the top.

“Master, 瞽Black Turtle, they are already open, there is a small library inside.”

“Yeah.” Tang Shidao doesn’t think too much.

As soon as he plunged, he quickly flew into the top door.


I found that the surrounding is really a 10-meter-sized cylindrical bookshelf, exactly the same as the Master Network Library. However, the four sides of the four sides are at a glance, and the range is much smaller.

Tang Shidao took out a book and looked through it. There was really no text on it.

“Master, is this a spell book?” Xiao Jin whispered.

“No, these books are made of some kind of blood.” Tang Shidao knows that this is specially prepared for the soul to fit.

These books are Knowledge, the artificially chimeric reverse-release of Knowledge.

Because I learned the ‘reverse decomposition’ step by step, the prompts that the snake mage deliberately left were useless.

Decompose a book.

Tang Shidao obtained a Devil-Beast data for the ‘iron-clad copper cow’ and found a trace of extra things. Tang Shidao can’t figure out what it is and can only be preserved first. After decomposing the second book, I got the information of ‘Gryphon’ and found another residue.

Is this the key to opening the other four sister planets?

Or is it the third basic material of life weaving?

Or both?

Tang Shidao is also uncertain for a time. I believe that all the books of Knowledge will be extracted, and this answer will naturally be revealed.

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