Mage Network

Chapter 226

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 226: Reverse Thinking, Floating Astronomy

The bronze dragon heart is a Magic material, and it is also a Devil-Beast flesh. The book of Wanfa contains all the things related to Magic, so Devil-Beast is not there? If the live Devil-Beast doesn’t work, can’t the dead Devil-Beast work? Or is it possible to live a dead Devil-Beast?

Tang Shidao is not sure.

If you have a specimen of a mermaid, you can try it yourself.

Still alive Devil-Beast is not going to try for a while, a little risky. Dead Devil-Beast is no problem, then how to try is also a corpse, is not afraid of can not hold its coffin cover. Suddenly giving birth to this kind of thought is not crazy. In the Master’s net, there is a weapon to load the living thing: the Alchemist’s demon seal bottle!

Since the demon seal bottle can be, the book of the law can also be done.

Change the angle.

Even if you can’t directly receive the record, it is no problem to put the book of Wanfa into the demon seal bottle. Now there are 10 empty demon seal bottles and 47 wrecks with far away Ancient Devil. Since these things can be included, the demon seal bottle with the devil must be included. Thinking of this, Tang Shidao simply sent a message to the blue-eyed fox to buy a seal demon.


The blue-eyed fox sent a message: “Don, I don’t have a powerful demon in my hand. What kind of kind do you need, I will do a task to catch one.”

Tang Shidao reply: “You don’t need to be strong, just do it, I will use it for experimentation.”

Qingyan fox did not ask much, sent a devil seal bottle of a three-headed dog.

It did not collect money.

Being able to promote the Alchemy Grandmaster relies entirely on Tang Shidao’s point of mention, and the Green Eye Fox will not bargain for this little thing. Unless it is something that the blue-eyed fox exchanges with other friends, its own alchemy products don’t mind the white-spot.

Tang Shidao is also not polite, and politeness is hypocrisy.

Received a three-headed demon seal bottle.


The book of Wanfa is easily included in the entry. However, Tang Shidao felt that he could not directly accept the three-headed demon! There is still a little bit of something, and there is a feeling of ‘can’t do it anyway.

“Master, the specimen of the mermaid was sent.”

Didn’t wait long.

Jinyiwei sent the mermaid specimens. This thing is too important, and I am always ready to let the Tang Emperor Your Majesty look. Therefore, Xiao Jin told them to send it. The specimens that are placed are not dry bodies, but specimens wrapped in special resin. In addition to the fatal wounds that can’t be covered by the back, the whole mermaid has no other damage.

Tang Shidao found that she is different from the monk, she is more like a human.

at this time.

Tang Shidao has another feeling: this is the undestructed underwater creature! She can’t fully adapt to life in the sea compared to the monks. The monks are not much worse than her, but the tails of the deaf people’s hands and ears are slightly changed, which is more suitable for life in the water. The mermaid adapts to a little more life on the shore.

Is the Yulong Xianren better than the Snake Master?

Or is the snake mage deliberately leaving this sample of ‘primaryization’?

Stretch out your hand.

The pure black crow appears, flips, and the book of the law opens. Just one thought, the mermaid was included. This corpse has no Magic energy, just ‘has been’ owned, but is still defined as a Magic item by the book of the law. It seems that the book of Wanfa is far more recognizable than its own imagination.


This result Tang Shidao is not satisfied.

The inclusion of Magic Lifeform’s body is taken for granted, and the bronze dragon heart has proved this. Originally, Tang Shidao thought it would be a bit different after it was included, such as showing some mermaid information. Unfortunately, no, she is just like a general object placed.

“Master, is there a problem?” Xiao Jin asked.

“Well, it’s a little different from what I imagined inside. It doesn’t matter, I will try another way.” Tang Shidao released the mermaid specimen.

Extend the palm of your hand.

Press on the body of the mermaid specimen and slowly cast the Spiritually spliced ​​Strength… Reverse execution!

at this time.

The mermaid specimens seem to infuse infinite energy, and the whole one is full of colorful light. Unfortunately, Tang Shidao did not succeed, and the mermaid specimen was not reversed. Chimerism and decomposition are not so easy to reverse.

“Master, Xiaojin has a suggestion?”

“Hey? You said.”

“Master wants to devour this specimen, or want to break it down? Xiao Jin remembers that the former Master Bronze Dragon said: The Master’s research is best to have magic, if not, I will find a way to attach magic to it. Once a thing has magic Yes, the mage wants to study the “twice the results for half the effort.” Xiaojin said softly.

“You gave me a reminder.” Tang Shidao knows this is a shortcut.

Things with magic power are easier to analyze.

However, this is not absolute.

The snake mage can do the perfect control without the magic energy. Well… well, there is still some lack of experience.

“The dead Su Sheng.”

A spell flashes.

The mermaid shook a few times and slowly stood up. At this moment she is already a special summon of Magic. Without order, she only silently waited for instructions. Even if it becomes Undead Lifeform, the mermaid is still used to water activities, and the vitality on the ground is relatively low.

Tang Shidao does not need her to fight or move.

the second time.

Against the magical mermaid Undead, the opposite of the creatures, and soon after, the mermaid’s body floated a divine light, quickly drifting into the book of law. In a blink of an eye, there is more information on the book of Wanfa, the most basic and simple information. These data show that the mermaid is what Magic Lifeform, what features, and nothing else.

Tang Shidao did not stop.

Continue to break down.

This is a good opportunity to practice life chimerism, and a good opportunity to reverse the ability of the snake wizard.


The body of the mermaid Undead is slowly detached, slowly shattered, and the whole body is turned into a stream of light into the book of Wanfa. Unlike the previous one, this time she was completely dismantled. From the scales, the skin, hair, flesh and blood, bones, organs and so on are all minimized and decomposed into energy books.

When a whole mermaid disappeared, the record on the book of Wanfa was much more detailed.


The above record also has a reverse analysis of life chimerism, including her initial birth. Even these materials can be traced back to her ancestors… The snake mage did not add a fish to a fish combination, but instead found a water elf that dive into the water and then used the big sputum to ‘catalyze’ the birth of the mermaid.

In other words.

The snake mage is not a crazy scientist who transplants organs. It only makes a kind of Lifeform ‘evolution’ that resembles a mermaid.

“Xiao Jin, go find a scorpion’s body and bring the Flood Dragon body in Yunzhong City.”

“Yes, Master.”

Xiaojin took the lead and flew out. This little thing is nothing. The monks have hundreds of thousands of people and die every day. What’s more, the Master needs to experiment, and people who are suicidal are not willing to offer one.

Not long after.

Tang Shidao decomposed the Deaf and the Flood Dragon and found that the deaf is not an evolutionary version of the mermaid, but a different choice. If their predecessors are water elves, the monks are living in the water, and the mermaid is living on the shore.

Decompose Flood Dragon.

It was quickly discovered that its predecessor was a special kind of snake. In the middle of the snake and the cymbal, the snake mage joined a lot of powerful elements. Now these Elements are still lurking in the body of the cockroach, and have not completely degenerated.

Interpret these.

Tang Shidao is also in a good mood and continues to study some animals in nature.

While waiting for the news while waiting for the news, I was busy for three or four days. I didn’t wait for the news of Kirin, but I received the news from the small base of Void. A very unexpected battle has taken place recently, and a group of migratory animals have discovered a small Void base. They invade and want to steal some energy crystals to increase supply.

This battle is not too dangerous, because there are too many strong people in the Void small base.


The charm of the performance is too powerful, the green eye fox is also not a small credit, the current Lei Shi and stone monsters are stimulated. They decided to leave for a while and both entered an important trial. Tang Shidao has a silver Puppet inspection, naturally knowing this battle. Because I saw no danger, I did not rush to help out.

Unexpectedly, this incident stimulated the stone and stone blame.

“Don, it’s okay. They just participated in the trial of ‘Stone Heart’, even if they fail, they will not completely die, and they will change back to their original appearance. Many Masters of Master Network will challenge themselves like this, which is the biggest challenge before entering the Holy Land. Let’s go.” The Green Eye Fox gave an explanation, saying that you don’t have to worry too much.

“How long does it take?” Tang Shidao asked.

“It’s hard to say, it’s a few years, and it’s not surprising that it’s tens of thousands of years slow.” The blue-eyed fox also thought that his combat power was gradually falling behind.

As an alchemist, it is really not a battle material.

It feels that there is no need to force to keep up with the big forces, just do the job of the alchemist.

After listening to the explanation.

Tang Shidao did not continue to ask. Masters are free and everyone can live the way they want. Thinking of the abnormality of the blue-eyed fox, the stone and the stone-evil, Tang Shidao felt that the Grandmaster of the refiner should do something, not for the present and for the future. In addition to the Master Network, your original World also needs a new Strength. There are a lot of Strengths available, the most effective… Large replacement surgery-derived Soul Replacement!

All the iron man soldiers in Shuhua are the result of the replacement of the soul.

However, this requires the soldiers themselves to die, and the lives are attributed to the soul tokens… This method obviously does not apply to the blue-eyed fox and others.

Think about it in turn.

Can you attach a powerful life Strength to the weak?

The way the devil possesses it is absolutely possible, but it is difficult to let the weak control the strong. The blue-eyed fox controls the demon fight because it has a seal bottle and the demon has to obey. In the normal way, the weaker being possessed by the devil is definitely the end of the bitterness.

Is there a strongman who is ‘obedient’?

Even if there is, is there a way to attach the strong Strength to the weak? In general, the weak can not only control the strong Will, but also can not afford the strength of the strong. For example, if you don’t practice the original ‘black egg’ of the original black flame, it is not lazy, and you are worried that you will burn yourself. How much appetite to eat, this is also common in the Master Network.

Obedient life Strength, the powerful Strength that the weak can withstand… This is harder and harder.

Fall into hardship.

Tang Shidao habitually flip through the book of Wanfa and see how much he owns. Every time you look at one, Tang Shidao tries to use it. Soon, one kind of veto. It is useless to have a suitable ‘carrier’ with a legal soul replacement, and it is impossible to test it.

In two or three days, there is still no gain.


A general news sent Tang Shidao a divine light: a friend in the light of Continent, a group of merchants such as Shanghong joined forces to acquire a hundred distant Ancient Devil like a wreck, ready to exchange some recharge rings with themselves.

Far Ancient Devil like?

Tang Shidao savours the term and suddenly remembers: it is alive!

Although it can’t be said that Far Decient likes to have life, it can’t be said that it is just a robotic puppet. In essence, it is a special weaving product! In other words, it is possible to reverse the application of the law soul replacement into an item. And, without losing its original Strength.

Change your mind.

Once the research is successful, this is his greatest help… Far away, Ancient Devil is like a godfighter, but it may be ‘quantitative’.

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