Mage Network

Chapter 224

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 224: The most useless thing on the Master Network? Floating astronomy

It is a matter of course that the servant leader is a matter of course. Tang Shidao does not think how long it takes to be with an ancient mountain woman leader. However, the scorpion leader was sealed as a ‘White Tiger’ official and became a new sacred beast gatekeeper. His eyes were a bit wrong. It may be that the mountain people are born to worship the strong, and the White Tiger expresses his enthusiasm to himself.

Seeing this situation, the mountain people did not have any dissatisfaction. In their eyes, the strong should have everything.

After that.

戾White Tiger didn’t immediately fight Black Turtle, 聩Azure Dragon and 媸Vermilion Bird, because Tang Shidao has promised that she can make a quick fight after finding the unicorn. I think there is still a unicorn that has not yet arrived, and the belligerent 戾White Tiger is also pressing the battle intent. Most importantly, Tang Shidao won her, she must follow the strong Will.

In order to speed up the search for the last goalkeeper, 戾White Tiger took the initiative to ask.

“No one knows more about the mountains than our mountain people.”

This is her reason.

Tang Shidao nodded, and I knew where it was when I felt it once. But Tang Shidao will not do everything personally. Finding Kirin is a very small thing, and Jinyiwei can do it well. Even if you own Strength, you have to give yourself the opportunity to play your skills. If everything is done by yourself, then what should the water country do?

At this moment.

The Chinese people are also guessing the origin of the Holy Beast.

In terms of quantity, the water star and the four sister stars are in five different places. The holy beast also has five kinds of Azure Dragon Black Turtle White Tiger. The number of the two is the same, and there must be a reason for it. I don’t know what the meaning of the five or five is, but if the holy beast is four instead of five, then it is tangled.

戾White Tiger led the migration of the mountain people, some of them moved to Huajing, some of them joined the army directly, and some elites followed the mountains to find unicorns.

Tang Shidao gave the White Tiger a light wing, and the other three women also helped find it.

Watching these people act.

Just like the mechanical gears, Tang Shidao feels very inside. In the past, I was no different from these people. The difference was that I got the platform of Master. If you haven’t found it, after a few years or decades, the sorcerer is still a sorcerer, and Azure Dragon is still a self-closing fisherwoman. The sorceress may not burn, but may die for other reasons, swearing or dying or Old and dead, the heroic position will not last long.

Now they have changed.

This is not because they did not work, but they did not have such an opportunity.


This is the most important point.

Similarly, 瞽Black Turtle et al. also think of this. No Tang Mayery was found, and they did not have qualification to contact this strange World. To put it another way, even if they are dead now, there will be new successors and new guardians. So I am not indispensable, just a lucky person who is envied by everyone.

戾White Tiger strives to demonstrate that it is useful and can be used as a force.

Everyone is busy.

Tang Shidao rested again and entered the Master Network for a new round of training. Charm Mo Lan Ji and Wu Yueer also rushed in immediately. They obtained the Master’s certificate and completed their own training, but Tang Shidao’s practice has not yet been completed. Whether they are grateful or friendship, they must spare no effort to help Tang Shidao complete the cultivation.

on the other hand.

The gods are really strong, this is their best combat opponent. The more they compete, the more they gain.

as usual.

The Shenyi Ravens once again began the killing journey. Even though the charms of the blue and the Wu Yueer have been challenged numerous times, this opponent is still not the one they can overcome. They feel that unless a certain degree of Strength strikes and kills, the damage of half-and-a-half injury will not kill the gods.

There is a feeling of faintness: this is not a summoning thing, this is the limited version of Tang Shidao.

After half a day.

The three people lay down again and rested. Seeing Tang Shidao also found something wrong.

Tang Shidao, who is sitting still, is no longer a light character, but a page of Rune. This is a change, and this is not a change, because the three can’t feel the slightest improvement of Strength.

“Don, have you derived a new spell?” Lan Ji lay on the ground and gasped.


“what is this?”

“I don’t know. I felt like I could change this before, so I have been exploring this road. It has become like this, I haven’t figured out what it is.” Tang Shidao really doesn’t understand, there is no way to go this step. It is. Seemingly completed, the actual is not completed.

“Go to the Scarecrow.” Lan Ji mentioned a versatile character.

The only staff member of the Mage Network.

Tang Shidao nodded.

Although the Scarecrow is a profiteer who wants money, he never pays for it.

Take a break.

The four people left the multi-person training ground and had not waited for a question. Suddenly a wave of light flowed. The Scarecrow looked up and was about to raise his hand to create a protective cover to isolate and listen. In the blink of an eye, he stopped the spell and a special smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Tang Shidao also wants to use the Fabry Shield and see that the Scarecrow’s movements have stopped.

At this moment.

The bookshelf around the big library fell black and slowly, and a black book was born in front of Tang Shidao.

At this time, there were some shocking voices that could not be forbidden.

Blue Ji Meimo and Wu Yueer were also shocked.

what is this?

Master Web will take the initiative to give the Master what? Do not! Never heard of it! The Master Network is fair and treats everyone the same. Even if you have a voucher’s credentials, Master Network will not look at it differently… It is just a platform, it has no emotion at all.

“What is this?” Lan Ji saw Tang Shidao catching the black book and couldn’t help but ask.

Didn’t wait for Tang Shidao to speak.

the other side.

The Scarecrow said with a smile: “It is called the book of Wanfa.”

Lan Ji turned his head: “Mr. Scarecrow, it is called the book of Wanfa. What is it used for?”

The Scarecrow is still laughing: “It’s useless.”


“Yes, the book of Wanfa is just a book that records my spells.”

“But the Master could have recorded the spell.”

“So it’s useless to say it. There are a lot of useless things in the Master. The book of Wanfa is the most useless one. Just give a bird wizard flight, give the fish mage the same. All the wizards themselves. It is possible to record spells, and the function of the book of the law is also to record spells, which is repeated with my own role.”

“Is this thing useful for extranets?” Lan Ji once understood, and immediately thought of a pseudo-mage who could not directly buy a spell.

“Hehe, it’s useless. Why don’t you ask if this thing is derived from something?” The Scarecrow laughed.

Lan Ji, Charm, Wu Yueer turned to look at Tang Shidao.

Tang Shidao turned the black book of Wanfa into a crow, and transformed it into a little black wolf, a mouse, a small mammoth, a small mountain ridge, a small Wyvern, and finally a pure black crow. Type.

I saw the three women’s eyes asking for a soft voice: “It is derived from the sage certificate.”

“Well?” Lan Ji’s shock: “Can the Master’s certificate be derived?

Tang Shidao has a hand.

The Scarecrow said: “With the exception of innate talent, nothing can’t be cultivated. Didn’t I tell you?”

Lan Ji was shocked: “But, no one is deriving something in the Master’s certificate?”

“Yes. You are still too weak to touch this level.” The Scarecrow reached out and a pure black bat flew out, turning into an identical book of law. Needless to say, the Scarecrow said by action: I have this kind of thing.

Blue Ji is dumb.

If it is derived from the Master’s certificate, the book of Wanfa is really ‘useless’.

The reason is simple.

Lifeform must have the characteristics of the original. What is the nature of the Master’s Voucher? It is not tradeable, it can’t be lost, it can’t be destroyed, it can’t be deceived, it can’t be stolen, etc. In short, the Master’s certificate can’t be changed to another person. Even if a mage uses some means to occupy the body of another person, the Master’s voucher can’t be taken away.

Wu Yueer looked at Tang Shidao with a little sympathy.

After working hard for so long, the result is nothing.

Tang Shidao has no special feelings.

The pursuit of cultivation does not necessarily mean that Strength is stronger, but it can also accomplish something. At this time, Tang Shidao also found one thing, something that no one knows: the book of Wanfa records all his spells, and even the Magic energy is stored instead. However, it did not contain a curse.

The colorless book received the eclipse and lunar eclipse.

The three curses are separated from the book of Wanfa… or the book of Wanfa can’t record his curse.

just now.

I own two ‘books’.

“Mr. Scarecrow, is the book of Wanfa really useless?” Lan Ji did not give up, and wanted to ask something to give Tang Shidao a little comfort.

“Why don’t you ask your parents.” The Scarecrow waved and buried the work and ignored it.


“It doesn’t matter. I can gain a lot during this time. If I don’t mind, will I continue next time?” Tang Shidao really doesn’t mind.

The pursuit of Strength is the pursuit of Strength.

Cracking the puzzle is to solve the puzzle.

As long as you know what it is, the rest does not matter.

After Tang Shidao exited the Master Network, Lan Ji first reported to his parents, and Mei Mo and Wu Yueer were listening, hoping for a little comfort. However, the blue father replied: “Ji Er, how is this topic interested? Yes, the Master’s voucher can be derived from other things, such as the Queen of the Stars has derived a weapon from the Master’s certificate.”

Lan Ji was shocked. I heard this kind of thing for the first time: “Father, is there a lot of wizards to do?”

The blue father listened and laughed: “No, Jier, can have several characters like the Queen of the Stars. You have to know the characteristics of the Master’s credentials, don’t lose it, don’t destroy it, don’t lie, this thing is more than your deity. To Eternal.”

Lan Ji asked the book of Wanfa.

Blue Father is strange: “You don’t even know this? Master has information to check, just look for it. It is public information, everyone knows. The book of Wanfa has no effect, it can be said that the Master Network is the most Use something.”

Lan Ji and Mei Mo and Wu Yueer looked at each other and asked: “father, is this a lot of things?”

Blue Father smiled: “Of course not. Have you ever checked this information? You have to find it. It has a complete record. Only one of the known characters has a book of Wanfa. It is the network of Master. Staff, Scarecrow. Understand? Scarecrows don’t need to hide their information, so the message of the book of Wanfa is treated as public information.”

Blue Ji charm Mo Wuyue three people listen to stupid.

I checked it immediately.

It is really a completely open source to discover that the book of Wanfa is really nothing.


They always feel that something is wrong.

What is completely useless… Is there really something completely useless in the Master Network?


The blue parent blue mother also received the news, and instantly understood why the daughter asked this question. Tang Shidao has derived a ‘useless’ book of Wanfa? Following the second person of the Scarecrow? Is it true that the second person is unclear? At present, among all the masters, the Scarecrow and Tang Shidao are the only ones who have the book of Wanfa.

Information matter.

The Scarecrow must not lie, but it does not necessarily disclose all the information.

Is the book of Wanfa really useless?

I don’t know… because everyone has no hands!

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