Mage Network

Chapter 219

The latest chapter of Master Network, Chapter 219: The role of general people, floating astronomy

Tang Shidao takes a dip in the sea to find out if you have a Lifeform like Flood Dragon.

Although it can be seen with a single thought, Tang Shidao still insists on checking it once and see if there is a miracle that can be triggered by 100. However, there is no, really no, the nearby ocean except for the fish and shrimp is a little more point, there is no special Lifeform. Of course, some extinct fish that the Emperor Star does not have can be found here.

Back to Bailangyu City, the Black Turtle greeted the first time.

The bitter smile said: “I can’t do it at all. I can’t do it with the housekeeping skills. The younger sister can’t communicate at all. I tried even the method of energy resonance. She still didn’t care. It felt like she was immersed in her own World, completely. Don’t listen to the outside world.”

Tang Shidao nodded and was not surprised by the result.

The fisherman is a special state of mind, not something that Strength can control. This is the same as if you are stubborn like a person or a thing. It is useless to be persuaded by others. The fisherman’s stubbornness shuts everything down and does not open up to anyone.

It didn’t take long for Jinyiwei to come back.

They also looked up a lot of relevant information, but still can’t find valuable clues. Tang Shidao thought about the decision to send a small gold, let it ask the experts of the Zulong country to ask. In theory, the psychological problem is that the psychologist is better at it, even if he is a mage, not good at it is not good at it.

A few hours later.

Unexpectedly, the experts of Zulongguo gave a special answer: we can’t understand this extraordinary thing, but one person has a knot, and the people around her may provide more clues.

Tang Shidao knew what he had overlooked.

“Zhao Yi.”

“Being a good job, Your Majesty, please.”

“Zhao Tongling is a local, most familiar with the people here. I want to ask you, what do the residents living in Bailangyu City want most? I mean what I can give them, what they want most. What is something?” Tang Shidao asked.


Tang Shidao’s voice fell, Zhao Yi immediately responded.

Chop nails and sever Iron.

There is no hesitation in reply.


“Because it is Bailangyu, Your Majesty, because we have lived here for thousands of years, we have been suffering from salt.”

“You should know that salt is no longer worth the money.”

“Know, everyone here knows, so everyone appreciates the virtues of Your Majesty. But the people here have seen, heard, and eaten since they were born. Everything has nothing to do with salt. We don’t care. Salt is not expensive, it is the history written by Bailangyu ancestors with blood. We fight with water thieves, fight with warlords, and fight with strong thieves, every salt is soaked in the blood of our loved ones.”

“So, is salt the belief here?”

“Yes. If Your Majesty wants to exchange something, probably only a salt field squad can make everyone desperate. Don’t ask for money, don’t ask for a name, don’t ask for power. People who are Bailangyu just want to shoulder their ancestors and always keep Inheritance. history.”

Listen to this.

Tang Shidao understands the meaning of salt here, and has nothing to do with money. This is a kind of belief: “Well, I understand. Help me to convey a reward message. As long as anyone can provide clues about the ‘closed self’, I will allow Bailangyu Law has a ‘salt festival’. You can set your own time and set up a history museum to set up a priest. As long as you don’t take a live sacrifice, I will recognize your culture Inheritance on behalf of the Shuhua Kingdom.”

Just finished.

Immediately, more than a half of the Jinyiwei slammed into the ground, and the amount hit the ground, and it was dōng dōng.

At this time, the parents of the fishermen are also the same.


I got blood in my head.

The Shuhua Kingdom has cancelled the rituals, and Jinyiwei and civilians do not need to bow down. However, this time they are really sincere. They know how important the commitment of the Tang Dynasty Your Majesty to a ‘Salt Festival’ is to Bailangyu. Although salt is not worth the money, this promise will make their ancestors’ souls last forever.

In addition to the original festival of the Shuihua Kingdom, how many emperors have newly approved festivals? Just one, the military soul sacrifices the day, the military soul festival.

The news came out.

The whole city bows.

Some distant guests are still a bit strange, but understand the explanation as soon as they are explained.

At this moment.

Everyone in Bailangyu City and nearby is acting. They don’t know how important Your Majesty ‘seeking dragons’ are, but they know how important the festival is. This is where their ancestors used countless lives to hold their lives. Over the years, the blood under the water thief and the robber can stain the red sea.

No one in the city does not move.

Everyone only wants a clue.

Tang Shidao is waiting, for the first time to put success or failure on the general.

It was sensed that the whole city was fighting, and Tang Shidao suddenly thought of the snake weaver’s life weaving. In a sense, colorless is a flash of UFO, as long as you don’t seize the opportunity, it disappears. Whether you doubt your own eyes or not, you missed the opportunity. Life weaves differently, it is like a book. It is handed to you from the beginning, but if you don’t understand it, I am sorry, you have no slag for qualification.

The two are different extremes.

Colorless requires you to have 99 points, it will give you 1 points.

Life Weaving gives you 1 points, you need to learn 99 points.

Therefore, life weaving is not something that has great use in getting it. It is different in direction from the powerless color.

Tang Shidao believes that other mages have found the legacy of the snake mage, and he is not the Second Generation. The Emperor has some ruined labyrinth traces, and the Shuihua State has some mythological Legends, which proves that there have been some Senior efforts, but in the end they are all failed. Maybe they think that there is strength to do it, maybe they have no patience to finish.

In short, they failed. Tang Shidao feels that the meaning of life weaving is not only getting it, how to perfect it, to improve it, and finally how to achieve it.

Less than a day.

Jin Yiwei’s resident door was full of fathers and relatives. They jointly listed three important news.

First, the fisherwoman closed her self after a water thief entered the country at the age of nine.

Second, the fisherwoman lost the closest Grandfather in the chaos.

Third, the group of water thieves are still alive, just in an island overseas.

“The old townmen have sent all the bravery, and each family has given their own fishing boats. As long as Your Majesty makes a sound, we will desperately kill those water thieves and retaliate against the bloody revenge of the day.” Jin Yiwei led Zhao Yi to kneel down A group of folks also bowed to the ceremony.

“Give me the record of the battle volume of the day.” Tang Shidao faintly knows it is wrong.

After viewing the volume.

Tang Shidao is more certain that this is not the most correct answer.

The Grandfather of the fishing woman is a boatman.

In that battle, he drove his own building to meet the water thief. However, the building has not been completely completed and failed to play a big role. If the fisherwoman had witnessed the sulphur school on that day, what she imagined in her mind was not victory, but…

“I will go to the sea again.” Tang Shidao flew out.

Dive into the sea.

Seabed, countless tattered wooden boats form a special cemetery, and their existence reflects what kind of bloody battles have taken place on the sea. Tang Shidao According to the record of the volume, find a ship that matches the description, the manufacture of the squid female Grandfather.

Then he closed his eyes and entered the Master Network.

Extracting another moving castle that transforms itself is also a model of the turtle carrying the city. It was originally a gift from the Earl of Blood, as if the giant worm had a bloody nest, and 1 was used to force the Scarecrow to change shape. Now I don’t need anyone to help, and I can transform myself by stretching my hand.

Finished it all.

Tang Shidao once again let the golden giant Puppet move from the ocean to the new moving castle: a super-large ‘building ship’ moving castle.

Enter the seaside near Bailangyu.

The city-sized ‘building boat’ shocked everyone. Everyone saw that the ‘Giant Spirit’ moved in, and immediately thought of the more huge ‘Kameto City’ Kyoto. As expected by Tang Shidao, the fisherwoman who did not respond to anything saw the castle on the building immediately radiant, just as Black Turtle untied the restrictions.

Then, everyone was stunned.

An ‘Azure Dragon’, which is more than 500’s slender figure, appeared in the sea with a sad cry. Move towards the castle. People who have experienced the war also remember that this is the building ship made by Grandfather. Although it was not finished, it was destroyed by the thief, but it did exist. Of course, the castle in front of this building is a lot more numerous.

This is already a sea city.

瞽Black Turtle flew into the air and said to everyone: “You, Your Majesty’s ‘shipship’ has arrived. What are you waiting for, go on board, find the water thief to settle accounts. You can rest assured that we will take the lead.” ”

Everyone should drink, no fear.

How many people can this kind of city-class giant ship hold? It’s just the number of people who can crush those water thieves. What’s more, Jin Yiwei and Chengchi Shou will have elite troops. Not to mention, the Azure Dragon, the incarnation of the fisherwoman, has a lot of combat power, and she can kill countless water thieves by rolling over.

Everyone pushed the boat into the sea, and some people were also preparing to board the castle.

at this time.

瞽Black Turtle also flew into the sea, incarnation of the Black Turtle behemoth.

Yang Xiaoyun.

The fisherman’s woman is happy and the person is normal. 瞽Black Turtle communicated with her and talked about some things on the way to the water thief Lair. Less than half a day, the war of the biggest Strength gap in history began. Azure Dragon and Black Turtle, the city’s giant ship and a city soldier, dealt with a small water thief stockade, almost even the entire island was flattened.

After the war.

People are not happy to laugh, but they cry. They know that the blood of Bailangyu is no longer. In the unified Shuhua country, they no longer need to worry about the thief in the middle of the night, and the suffering of the war has gone forever.

Return to Bailangyu City.

Tang Shidao announced two things, one is the law of the Salt Festival, and the other is the birth of ‘聩Azure Dragon’.

Like Black Turtle, 聩Azure Dragon also uses the name and official title. In addition, her portal is the same as the Black Turtle, which is a limit that cannot be accessed under the Holy Land. Tang Shidao got the ‘Summon Azure Dragon’ spell, and decided to find a time to put the ‘Cloud City’ and hand it over to the Azure Dragon.

This castle is not to be taken back, placed on the sea, or placed in the Great Lake next to the city of Turtle.

Stay for two days.

聩Azure Dragon temporarily handles things at home. Tang Shidao gave her a glimpse of the light, and the three flew to the South China Department to find the news of the third sacred beast.

These days, Jin Yiwei also passed the news to the world.

Anything that increases the prestige of the Tang Emperor, Jin Yiwei must be vigorously promoted. With ‘Black Turtle’ and ‘Azure Dragon’ protecting the country, people’s confidence has also exploded. When Tang Shidao arrived at the target location of the South China Department, Lin Wu, the head of Jinyiwei, had already welcomed the witch.

Compared to the closed self-deficient Azure Dragon, the witch is a very talkative person.

“Your Majesty’s wish is the self-will of the woman or the common wish of the sisters of the women?”

“Do you think that one is the most important?”

“The wish of the woman, if Your Majesty can remove the fire pattern on the face of the woman, the woman is willing to die. The common wish, if Your Majesty is reached, the woman will be willing to die for Your Majesty even if it becomes a ghost.”

“What is the common wish?”

“Please ask Your Majesty to defer the ceremonies of the ‘Witches’ Living Festival’ for more than four thousand years.”

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