Mage Network

Chapter 217

The latest chapter of Master Network, Chapter 217: Unusual summoning spells, floating astronomy

The turtle-derived ‘Black Turtle’ has not been completely perfect, and the next sergeant has changed one step at a time.

It may be that her wish has already been settled, and the premise of the snake mage has also been lifted. For a moment, the sorcerer’s back reveals a strange light, a Black Turtle image is displayed, and quickly back with the light. Tang Shidao saw a special god pattern on the back of the sergeant. It has three functions: ‘transformation, smashing, and transmitting the door’.

If it is a piece of instrument, it is already a complete set of instruments.

The snake mage can carry such things into one person, Inheritance, and the ability has reached an unimaginable level. In addition to the Master Network platform, no one can directly cast a spell Inheritance to the general. This is not just a spell learning, it can also be inheritance between people.

The sergeant was a snake woman before.

Therefore, this god pattern is more bizarre than a living thing.

Moreover, a god pattern has three different effects, which is also incredible. Tang Shidao Seen and heard the strong, except for the unclear of the scarecrow, the Queen of the Stars has never seen this, even the dumb old bottle and Mrs. Wuyun can not do.

No need to guess.

The skill of the snake method must be above them.

At this moment.

With just one change, the sorcerer is completely different.

The back reveals a lot of magic energy, overflowing the whole body, and then quickly produces a snake-like skin. Soon, the skin is cracked, the pieces are broken, and eventually the sputum falls off. After that, the whole person was so colorful that she not only became stronger in an instant, but also suddenly got a certain kind of Knowledge.

“Your Majesty is a fairy?” The sergeant was suddenly asked.

“Is there really a difference between the fairy gods? People are used to distinguish between good and evil. If the immortal is evil, the monster is good, who is the real immortal?”

“The woman knows, Your Majesty is a person with Strength. Others think that it is a fairy or a fairy. It is a demon.” The teacher said, “The husband is a Chinese man, and it is Your.” Majesty’s people, the women are not concealed. Just now, the woman knows how to become a ‘Black Turtle’.”

Tang Shidao nodded: “I know.”

The sergeant added: “The women also have a period of hard memory. They can continue to cultivation with reference to Black Turtle’s method and strengthen themselves a little.”

“Well, I know.” Tang Shidao thought of the degeneration.

“The women can open a door. The opposite side of the door is the home of countless Black Turtle. But the women are very strange. The opposite is not like the land of our water China. It is an unimaginable place. Even the stars seem to be close at hand. Your Majesty, can you understand?” asked the sergeant.

“I know where it is.” Tang Shidao thought of Void and said, “What else?”

“There is one more thing. The woman feels that her body is a special ‘container’. There are some voices behind the door to tell the women, they are grateful to the women who guard this door, they can provide a certain degree of protection. If the women face Death, you can ask them to descend on the women and then defeat the enemy. Your Majesty, the women can talk to them, but they seem to be unable to enter.”

Upon hearing these words, Tang Shidao frowned. “Can’t they come out?”

The sergeant gently shook his head: “No, the women don’t know, maybe they can’t come in, or they may not want to come in. They want to appear, they must be the women as yin. And they just lend the strength to the women, not Control the women.”

Tang Shidao is silent.

Secretly asked Xiaojin.

Xiao Jin said: This is normal, Devil-Beast will not easily break into the Master’s World. Even more powerful, the Master has a backer: Master Network! So without the Master’s own consent, Devil-Beast will not be tough. If Devil-Beast does this, it is equal to the enemy of the Invasion Master.

Hear it here.

Tang Shidao thinks of the Void invasion of the beasts, they are not tough enemies.

“Can you open the door?”

“Of course, Your Majesty, this has become the responsibility of the women. There is a voice telling the women, the women can only open this door for Your Majesty.” The sergeant knew that he could become Black Turtle, she believed this A kind of Fate is also an arrangement, she believes she is in contact with a fairy World.

Slightly inhale.

The sergeant slowly opened his hands and created a portal in front of him.

Tang Shidao reached out.

Just about to enter.

In the next second, Tang Shidao’s entire arm was shocked by a certain Strength and turned into a bloody flower. In the twinkling of an eye, even blood smoke disappeared, and complete energyization disappeared.

“Your Majesty?” The sorcerer was shocked. She saw ‘Tang Shidao’ and broke the whole arm.

“Don’t be nervous, it’s not your business.” Tang Shidao’s shoulders move, the black flames rush, and the arm is reorganized with the original ‘black energy” energy structure. Looking at the portal again, Tang Shidao smiled slightly… he was not qualified. The Portal has a rejection of Strength, which requires at least the power of the Holy Land to enter.

In other words.

At least you are an 1st Ring mage, otherwise you will not be able to enter.

on the other hand.

Tang Shidao has just acquired a spell called ‘Summon Black Turtle’. Surprisingly, it has no fixed cast points. It is a free-casting spell, like the big phantom, the big replacement, and its own curse.

Normal summoning does not have this pattern.

At least 1 points are cast, or a large number of scorpion spells are summoned. In short, there are no spells with ‘no fixed’ points.

Tang Shidao also knows.

The price of the Master Network is the point of casting. Even if the price is high, for example, the dragon of 500 points will increase the price by ten times. In fact, its prototype remains unchanged. It seems that this kind of spelling needs to be ‘? ‘The spell, Master Network can’t be priced. Therefore, Master Online can not buy and sell this spell, only exchange.

“Your Majesty, your hand…recovered?” The sergeant knew the other out of the ordinary and was still shocked.

“Well, I am fine. Right, do you have a name?”

“When a woman has a parent, she is called a three-headed man. No parents are called Xiaoyan, and the grown up is a sergeant. The surname and the name are not the same.” The sergeant shook his head.

“In this case, I simply added a special job to raise Black Turtle’s official position, such as taking care of the newly born Black Turtles. In private, you are the one who guards the door for me. The name is meaningless, you will call it later.” Black Turtle ‘is a name and an official position,” Tang Shidao said.

“many thanks Your Majesty Name, 瞽Black Turtle feels five inside.” 瞽 师… No, 瞽 Black Turtle is a salute.

Tang Shidao raised his hand.

He now knows the meaning of the snake mage.

瞽Black Turtle does take control of a Void door leading to the Black Turtle home.


The snake mage did not give her too much Strength.

Because the snake mage is a mage, it knows that the strength of the original World is too strong for the mage itself. On the other hand, the Black Turtle behind the door is also ‘borrowed’ to Strongself, not to send Black Turtle Strength to do things. This shows that the Black Turtles know who the Lord is the servant, and they cannot help the Black Turtle, the ‘servant’, to deal with this ‘master’.

If Black Turtle does this, it is estimated that the Strength on her body will disappear immediately and then pass on to another suitable person.

As for how many Strengths Black Turtle can ‘borrow’?

Tang Shidao is not sure.

Think about it, the Holy Land is possible above. Because the Portal does not allow the Master below the Holy Land to enter, the opposite Black Turtle home must have Devil-Beast at the Holy Land level. Void is an energy World, and Devil-Beast across the door is even more powerful than the Holy Land.


The snake mage raises five kinds of spirit beasts in Void. In fact, it is also a warning: weak successors are better to be far away. As they have not seen, Anan has stabilized your own life and reserved for the next one. The strong mages inherit this. Otherwise, it is to die.

This moment.

Tang Shidao also suspected that the snake master did not completely complete its work, it needs a descendant to complete. Believe that it is not the Snake Master’s Strength is not strong enough, but it has too many things to do. Because it is alone, there are not many things that can be done. Later, I made friends with Yulong Xianren, and the two sides joined hands to do more things.

Deliberately leaving behind the characters of Black Turtle, it is worthy of a reminder: for the younger generation, you need your partner to run this.

Because I understand this kind of mind.

Tang Shidao sealed a ‘Black Turtle’ official position. In addition, you really need an official who guards the gate, and you need someone who raises the Black Turtle from the very beginning. Different Vod homes, the group ‘Black Turtle’ was just born, it is too weak.

“Your Majesty, is the transformation of the savvy job a kind of auspicious?” 瞽Black Turtle changed his mouth and praised him.

“Small, you don’t have to talk like this, just use you and me to call it. Your transformation is not auspicious but a fighting tool. It is probably a Black Turtle behemoth with a hundred-meter body. The snake’s head plus the long tail is close to two hundred. Rice bar. It has super strong Strength and Defence. You don’t have an opponent in Shuhua, and the giants can’t beat you.”

“Ah…” 瞽Black Turtle was really surprised. She is not a mage, nor has she tried to change her body.

I am scared myself.

“I will let Xiaojin guide you, and you will slowly understand these things. Now let’s go back. These Black Turtles still need food. They are not spirits, just an optimized beast. Your job is to raise your future. They are assured, not difficult, for some reason you have understood what they are saying.”

瞽Black Turtle nodded, and I just understood the meaning of these Black Turtles from the beginning.

Other turtles can’t understand, but this Black Turtle can understand.

Not a while.

When all the turtles and snakes melted and derived Black Turtle, Tang Shidao also returned to the city with the Black Turtle and a group of Black Turtle beasts. In order to create the immortal effect, 瞽Black Turtle deliberately sat on the back of a Black Turtle, sitting sideways, as if returned by Black Turtle carrying her back.

Seeing this scene, the people onlookers are full of avenues.

A group of Black Turtle returned.

People can’t help but madly cheer, I believe this is the gift of Black Turtle. When Tang Shidao announced the appointment of Black Turtle and added a special job to raise the ‘Black Turtle’, the people were even more excited. They believe that the age of the immortals has come, and the Black Turtle Sir is the first immortal to belong to the immortal.

Tang Shidao can be whatever you think.

Slightly indicate.

Jinyiwei will turn this thing into a big advertisement and win the biggest people’s hearts for Shuhua.

Isolate other people.

Tang Shidao said: “Is there any new information? I don’t have to avoid the shackles. She will be the handler for such things in the future.”

Jin Yiwei led the former archer: “Return to Your Majesty, there are two new information. The first is the South China witch, Lin Wu just replied that he might find the right person. She is called ‘媸’, a witch with a face on fire. It’s not painting, it’s a fire pattern that can’t be erased. Among the Nanhua witches, she is disguised as a ugly person.”

“What are the shortcomings?”

“It doesn’t count, it is said that she looks good, but the fire pattern is scary.”

“Well, keep going.”

“The other is a fisherwoman on the East China coast. She is called ‘聩’. The name is because she is born, but she can talk. It is rumored that she is a drowning person, and she can hear the sound on the seabed. There are more than a dozen such people on the coast, one is dead and the other is the other, known as the dragon king’s daughter.”

“Hey, is it a shortcoming?” Tang Shidao listened, and couldn’t help but think of something.

瞽Black Turtle is blind, 媸 witch is scary, and the fisherman is a scorpion… It is a coincidence that does not believe.

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