Mage Network

Chapter 209

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 209: The Sixth Sage, Astronomy

“What’s the matter?” Tang Shidao has been to the Void battlefield and probably knows what kind of monster the Scarecrow is. The strength of the Scarecrow can’t even be imagined. It is the receptionist of the Master Network and the only staff member. When other mages carefully test the stranger, the Scarecrow can send and send the new ones like a takeaway.

Maybe it has special permissions, or it may be its own strength.

In short, at least one thing is proved: it is free to intervene in the myriad of World of the Master, but not worried about who backlash.

Give a simple example.

Regardless of the original calendar, if someone breaks into their original World, they will know immediately. For those who do not invite themselves, they will never be merciful. Whether they are mistaken or tempted, it is certain that they will be killed on the spot. Even if the scarecrow does not ask for self-entertainment, he will be very upset.

If his strength is above the Scarecrow, maybe he will drag it out and burn it.

Of course, the Scarecrow must have some kind of restriction that cannot be messed up.

In other words.

The Scarecrow does not worry about someone turning his face when he touches any plane. It has such strength, and does not worry that anyone suddenly turns into an anti-Mage and gives it a death trap. This feeling is like if you don’t worry about someone in the Imperial Star who can jump and give yourself a punch, because of strength, so ignore it.

“You have changed, boy.”

“If you are too busy to chat, don’t accompany you.” Tang Shidao knows that the Scarecrow is strong enough, but strong is one thing, it is another thing to play with you.

“Is it wrong? You haven’t consumed it for a long time. Your official, your deposit must be moldy.”

“Can you speak people?” Tang Shidao is speechless, this guy is crazy.

“Give me 1 mana and tell you a good news.”

“No.” Tang Shidao knew that the good news was originally free.

“Too sad, our friendship is not worth 1 mana.” The Scarecrow raised his hand, and a strange light transmitted Tang Shidao, and slowly said: “Okay, gossip less. Congratulations, just decided to upgrade your Master. The level of the voucher is raised from the Guru Master’s certificate to the Sage Master’s Voucher!”


Tang Shidao’s mana ceiling has also been raised to more than two million, even if the ‘signboard’ such as the Gods of the Ark can summon two.

The master’s certificate adds an additional 10,000 mana.

Sage certificate, an additional one million mana.

This time it is a jump upgrade.

“You can’t give a little reaction to the boy?” The Scarecrow waited, but Tang Shidao only looked at the face of ‘Uh, then I should dry up’, no excitement, no smile, no happy friends.

I heard this.

Tang Shidao is asking: “What is the reaction?”

“…” The Scarecrow is speechless.


The boy in front of me is really different.

In the past, no matter how much he had the ability to gain, he always expressed some curiosity about the new things. This time, when he was given a certificate to the Sage Master, he was natural. To what extent is it natural? It seems to be a degree of ‘take it for granted’.

Change the angle.

The boy felt that he was not surprised by the sage of the sage, and he thought he could afford it.

It’s not just the growth on Strength.

His spiritual growth has reached an incalculable degree.

The Scarecrow opened the shield and isolated all the snoops, slowly said: “When you first saw you, you created a record: the record of the slowest entry test in history. At that time I guess you have two possibilities. First, your skin is very thick, fighting is very tenacious, and the luck is very high, so you barely pass the customs. Second, your innate talent is very special, especially the turtle, especially awkward, but it also took a day.”

Tang Shidao is speechless: “What do you want to say?”

The Scarecrow is not in a hurry: “At that time, it seems that you will die in this slag for three or five days. In the Master’s net, you can’t use it, and you can use it fortunately. There is no good innate talent. There is no natural strength, you are not even a barbarian. The result is that you have been living well, even more bold than others, and doing a lot of things that others can’t do.”

Tang Shidao Helpless: “There are too many advertisements, can you directly enter the plot? Say that the high man is like this, will you say that the subject will die?”

The Scarecrow is still not busy: “When you first got the Master’s certificate, I have a bold idea: your innate talent must be very powerful and very efficient, otherwise you can’t grow up so safely. In the Master Network Innate talent There are not many good geniuses, you should be one of them.”

Tang Shidao is a staller and he is too lazy to say anything.

The Scarecrow continued: “I have only discovered until now: I am wrong! Your growth has nothing to do with innate talent, it is your own reason. Juvenile, I tell you a record, stand still and not scare the urine. This record is… since Since the establishment of the Master Network, there has never been a strong person below the Holy Land who has obtained the certificate of the Sage Master. You are the first and only one!”

“Hold the grass!” Tang Shidao heard a jump, and a thousand heads fuck your mother ran.

This is too pithy.

I didn’t know the Sage Master’s certificate.

“You, now, do you know what major events you have done? I believe that all the wizards are understood at this time, including the sacred strong. The Sage Master’s certificate, the familiar black and white are the owners. Of course. Now they are not only at this level. Inverse Master Qi Yingjie, Master Five Sage, these two groups of people have been famous. And you, before you entered the holy world, became … sixth sage!” Scarecrow face The banter shows that you have been grilled on the fire.

Tang Shidao also knows that he is too big.

The first case.

The only case.

Sage Master voucher under the Holy Land.

“Go, it’s dangerous to hide back to the Master Library. At least I can cover you here.” The Scarecrow said so much, this is the only good word.

Tang Shidao did not roll.

At this time, friends such as Charm and Momo have sent a congratulatory message.

The content is like this: Don, we don’t know if you congratulate or remind you to be careful. The Sixth Sage, the first and only sage certificate under the Holy Land, is a big thing. We see that those who are strong in the Holy Land are all complexion changes, as if suddenly there is something to worry about. Although this is very strange, but Tang, you better not come to Void recently.

With these messages, Charm and others also sent a gift: summon Wyvern.

This is the summoning spell cast by 100 Mana, which is the same as the cast of the Giant. The Master Network does not summon the dragon to sell, and summons the dragon to be an exchange spell like the dragon.

Blue Ji and Wu Yueer sent a total of 100 strains of life grass.

Other friends are sending precious refining materials. In particular, Emperor Jindi, on behalf of himself and the merchants, sent Shanghai’s quantity of refining materials, as well as the wreckage of a hundred distant Ancient Devil statues. It can be said that the merchants are doing their best to give gifts.

They also said that the trouble of the Continent disappeared in a second without a trace.

After the first division was promoted to the sixth sage, all conspiracy tricks were disappeared. Those who have deliberately embarrassed them are desperately asking for mercy. Half of these gifts are offered by them, and they are not asked to pursue the rudeness of the past.

Of course, Jindi also has a reminder: too dazzling, it is best to keep a low profile for a hundred and decades, let things fade.

Tang Shidao only thanked one channel.

At this time, Mrs. Wuyun came over and said: “Help me, don’t advance to the Holy Land.”

Tang Shidao strange: “What is it?”

Mrs. Wuyun said: “Make sure you know that joining a mage tower is not equal to who you belong to, and you don’t have to listen to anyone.”


“The Queen of the Stars has a mission and does not want to be handed over to a stranger outside the Star Master Tower. But this task is very troublesome. It has a restriction condition that is under the Holy Land. We can’t do it. The Star Master Tower has some elite talents. I tried it and all failed. If you complete the ten tasks and join, this task will probably be handed over to you.”

“This way, but my situation seems a bit bad.” Tang Shidao said the words of the Scarecrow, and the concerns of friends.

“Are you afraid, being stared at by the holy people?”


“Really not afraid?”

“I didn’t feel it.” Tang Shidao really didn’t feel that his own card was not a big curse. The original black flame ancestor spear and the snake mage’s Knowledge were all higher.

“Very good, you really don’t just have the surface so simple. Tell you the truth… Scarecrow scares you.”

“Yeah?” Tang Shidao was surprised.

“It likes to do this, warn the newcomers not to be proud, don’t be arrogant. There is one thing you don’t have to know. It doesn’t matter if you know this step. You probably heard that the 1 mana’s primary mage credentials are also better than 1 billion. The epic mage is good, right?”

“Have heard.”

“The average person can’t imagine, and I don’t know the reason. I can tell you the real reason now. It is: Master Network only files for those who have the Master’s certificate! In other words, there is a book called ‘Tang Shidao’ in the big library. The book. You are still alive, it can’t be found, maybe you may find it. When you die, it will be known to the public.”

“what do you mean……”

“Yes. Even if you die completely, smoke disappears, even people’s memories are deleted, you may still be ‘resurrected’. Unless the Master’s library is destroyed, this opportunity has always existed. I don’t know this. How many conditions are needed for ‘resurrection’, but I know one of them, that is, at least one mage needs life.”

“Kill one, resurrect me?” Tang Shidao was really shocked.

“No, it is he who sacrifices his life to you, and then adds a lot of harsh and unimaginable conditions. The ultimate resurrection is also the general.”

“Who is this stupid person who is willing to do?” Tang Shidao smiled.

“You are a junior mage certificate. Of course, no one is willing to do it. It is not necessary to change to the first master or the sixth sage. One of the Seven Masters of the Invaders, the burial, he is the leader of the Seven Masters. He has died. Dozens of times, there are now ways in which the reverse mage seeks to resurrect him. He is different from evil spirits, and there is a big replacement surgery to resurrect himself. The burial is purely natural and has a strong learning ability, so the rebellious master wants to revive. he.”

“Does this require the cooperation of ‘Real Master’? The Master can’t enter the Master Network.”

“Yes, the Master is constantly cultivating the Master to sacrifice his resurrection and burial. After so many years, they have succeeded dozens of times. If you are dead, Charm and Lan Ji and others will confuse Zhou Huangzi or Professor Xia Guoxin to resurrect you, plus them. Get enough conditions, how much might you say this?”

Tang Shidao listened to silence.

The Master’s Voucher can ‘create a file’ forever, and it means that it may never die.

Indeed, it sounds much better than 1 billion mana.

Since the burial has been resurrected dozens of times, and reincarnation as much as Devil-King in mythology, it proves that talent endowment is really a matter of great value. It seems that instead of being dangerous, it is safer. Whoever wants to deal with himself, he has to face at least one risk: someone raises his own risk!

in fact.

The Scarecrow did not lie.

I really have the possibility of ‘death’, it just doesn’t say that I still have the possibility of ‘live’… that half is not lying.

If you don’t give money, you don’t have to say it all.

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