Mage Network

Chapter 204

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 204: A fortune, Astronomy

Tang Jun’s expedition, the Shuhua Kingdom is also a earth-shaking change.

On the Tang Jun side, there are soldiers who are brave and fearless, the farmer and merchants who struggle for ideals, the vast resources and wealth, and the influence of Turtle City and the ten giant spirits. The Tang army forces are expanding like snowballs. Extending to a certain extent, more and more warlords have been heard. Except for some self-reliance, the real bloody battles encountered by Tang Jun are few.

Not long after, Tang Jun’s site expanded again and became a giant belonging to a quarter of the country.

Arrive at this step.

Among them are the merits of the soldiers fighting bravely, the merits of the generals’ excellent ability, and the hard work of the industrial and commercial farmers. The governance of Luo Weng and his group, the intelligence of Wei Ying’s Jin Yiwei, the joint venture of Iron Chang Ying and the merchants, all of which are great help.


I have to say that if all of the above species account for three points of work, the other seven points of credit belong to another group of people: experts from Zulong State!

Start with sea salt.

To the loom, to the simple gunpowder, to the cement, to the glass, to the high-quality rice, if this is a big crossing, then the Tang army has enough technical support to support the entire Emperor. On the battlefield, when other warlords did not even know the glass, Tang Jun was already using the telescope. It can be imagined how far the gap between the two sides is.

In addition to people’s livelihood technology, Tang Jun’s steelmaking and calcining also far exceeds all opponents, weapons and armor crowns the world.

It can be said.

The only thing that was not used in the Tang army was medical experts.

They don’t know the magic energy, and they can’t understand that the world of magic energy is only big and small, and there is no big snack. Therefore, they cannot understand why people are not sick. The medical experts took blood and went back to the laboratory. The final result is… The Constitution of the Chinese people is so good! The gene tends to be perfect, and it will naturally become a little sick.

Finally, medical experts don’t even mention the advice of ‘Don’t drink raw water’.

I have studied the Constitution of the Shuihua people with one heart and one mind, and can see whether this ‘perfect’ can be copied to the people of the Emperor.

“At present, the fastest progress of the Tang army is to build roads.” There are also intelligence personnel in the experts, who reported the development of the Tang army to the landlords.

“Because of the ten giants?” The giants of the various forces are not surprised.

“This is half the reason. Ten giants can open the mountains with empty hands, which really helps the road. But the giants occasionally look for food, or crack the mine, they are not completely used to repair the road. The real reason is that a group of workers who never take off their armor, they are getting more and more, and they have a feeling of ‘not being human.’

“How to say?”

“You also know that we have countless analysts. Just look at the stove and you can estimate how many people are in a place. The road workers who are heavy and heavy are very strange. They never bring food and never drink water. It’s just like a robot. Because Jinyiwei has been around, we can’t find out more.”

“Do you suspect that Liu’s ancestral door secretly supports Tang Shidao?”

“It’s very possible. If you make bold assumptions, I will judge that those workers are not people, because no one will wear heavy jobs. They almost never eat or drink, do not see rest, and do not sleep. For another demand, they are obsessed with fanaticism. To the point.”

“What needs?”

“Singing and dancing.”

“What are you talking about? Is this a joke?”

“No, 1% is right. All armored workers need songs and dances to accompany them. It’s just that they would rather not have food.”

“You mean they need that…”

“No, it has nothing to do with sex. We boldly assume that those armor workers only have the feeling of ‘listening’ and ‘seeing’, and the sense of smell and smell disappears. In another very unscientific way, we suspect that armor is a shell. Son, there is a ghost inside.”


The giants were speechless, but they did not doubt that the experts were swearing.

Because of the nine black gates, they know that this World is full of mystery.

Is the werewolf turned unreasonable?


Does it exist?


Is it unreasonable for a person to wear a ring to become a dragon? Unreasonable, but it is there. Until now, countries still can’t think of the power of the ten giants. Why can they work like a perpetual motion machine?

“It seems that Liu’s sect is indeed supported. Yes, what is Tang Shidao doing during this time?”

“He has been studying the graphic materials found in Turtle City. We don’t know what it is, because Xiaojin has warned us not to steal those things, otherwise it is not welcome. She also said that she has the confidence to fight the giant spirit to steal, otherwise Don’t courting death. We have also seen Mr. Tang, who often meets, but can’t get the information.”

“Is it related to the other four planets?”

“It is estimated. We speculate that Mr. Tang is studying where the other four planets are, and how they have passed. We think that it has nothing to do with the spacecraft, it should also be a portal. Talking to Mr. Tang, I heard that the study of permanent portals is almost the same. Mr. Tang also allowed some of us to enter the water star, but he resisted pollution, such as cars.”

The giants did not speak, and they thought we would resist.

If we are retired and can live in the superb environment of Shuihuaxing, we don’t want the bad things of cars to enter the water star. Sacrificing the environment to develop the economy is just a helplessness. If you can choose, everyone wants the best environment.

Turn back.

If the aliens come to the emperor and the water star, the water star with the ten giants may win even higher.

and so.

Shuihuaxing does not lack force… At least Tang Shidao is not lacking.

“The last question, how long do you think Tang Jun will unify the water bloom?”

“If Roon agrees that the warlords are kings, all Envoy will be able to represent the warlords in one day. Koroon does not want to, this is Xiaojin’s order. She said that she does not need to show these crowing dogs, do not want to drop Just go to death, Taiping is not asking for it, Tang Jun does not need to pray for anyone.”

“and so……”

“We estimate that the Tang army will rule half of the water-producing countries, and all hostile forces will naturally collapse. Even if some people are eager to call the king, they will not be able to sustain themselves in the economy. If they insist on persistence, their subordinates may also bring order out of chaos. They cut their heads and donated them. At the time of the calculation, we estimate that it will not exceed five months.”

After the meeting, everyone has an understood answer.


Truth and estimation are two different things. It is also different to evaluate the ancient people with the mentality of modern people. It is not the military Strength, but the message that really makes the water Hua Kingdom enter Taiping. When the warlord city in the distance heard the immortal world, I heard the establishment of the Tang army, and heard that a quarter of the water blooms ended the war… All the people were silent.

They can’t fight the soldiers of the warlords, but they can fight against themselves.


The clan began to shrink the civilian power, the merchants began to reduce trade, and even the fireworks will gradually close the door… In less than a few days, the city against the Tang army entered a state of ‘dead water’. At the beginning, the warlords who possessed the sword and the sword could also be pressed, forcing the merchants to open stores and forcing the farmers to work. But as time goes by, more and more people are entering the ‘turret’ state.

The warlord of the killer ordered that he would not listen to the commander.

However, this is the approach to Abyss.

To know that the soldiers they commanded are the sons of these people, grandsons, you let the soldiers slash their clan … In a blink of an eye, not only are more and more people escaping, even the soldiers begin to secretly flee.


This is no longer the rhythm of the escape. The soldiers are all fully loaded, and they are dragged into a group of accomplices during the day to join Tang Jun.

The generals can also whipping some people at the beginning.

Later, the soldiers who used the punishment waved their whiplessly, and the sticks were weak. In the Ming Dynasty, they opposed the order, and the generals were completely chilling. They know that they will force the punishment, and the next second is the moment when the soldiers change.

“The general trend has gone.” The enemy warlords sigh the most.

Listening to the counselors also went out of the city overnight, they began to understand that they are not confronting Tang Xianren, but a desire called ‘Tai Ping Sheng Shi’. This kind of desire is in every heart of the Chinese people who have a… they are fighting against the whole world.

“Let’s go. I don’t want to be normal, I don’t want to be evil. I hope I can leave a whole body.”

The hearts of the people can still persist, and the military heart is really powerless.


There are more and more cities that have bowed their knees and are like an avalanche. The trend of the Tang army is like a broken bamboo. Some of them would rather die than be killed or killed by soldiers. They were all tied up by the generals. In short, everyone understands that Tang Jun’s unification is unstoppable.

Soon, more distant forces heard a good news.

Unless there is a normally vicious and wicked person, there is a little bit of a bad name. Tang Jun also gave him a chance to convict him.

Less than half a month.

The people of Shuihua are full of people, and the farmers and peasants have come to the streets to petition, so that the warlords who cut the land will return to the Tang army in accordance with their destiny, and the people of the world will be peaceful. This is not a petition, it is clearly … you will rebel without falling!

The warlords everywhere also knew that it was an intelligence organization called Jin Yiwei. However, they were unable to compete against the Tang Jun who ruled the majority of the Chinese. Even if they can’t win together, even the advisers are not willing to contribute to them.

Face this result.

The experts and giants of Dihuangxing are once again dumbfounded. This is illogical. Thousands of troops, thousands of cities, like this, it seems like playing with family wine is gone? Tang Jun has hardly exerted his strength. Is everything melting like a fire in the snow?

Industrial technical support from experts.

The temptation of the golden apple.

Tang Jun’s invincible soldier’s front.

The peace of the world is longing for.

One of the biggest reasons… The strength of the warlords is too loose. The ruling of a city is called the king. This kind of ‘king’ is comparable to the Tang army, which has thousands of cities and nearly 10,000 cities. It feels like a small shop with hundreds of big supermarkets, the other side has not made a move, the small shop first admitted.


Only one-fifth of the time estimated by the experts, the Tang Junjun flag was erected in all the cities of the Shuhua State.

The Shuihua National Calendar has been in the war for more than 1800 years and once again entered the real unification.


The days of celebration of the people have come.

Luo Weng and others also prepared the throne, full of joy to the Tang Xian to the Wanli Mountain River. At this time, some discordant voices appeared. The aliens of the northern and western Xinjiangs came to make the Clippers in the east and the south. They almost had the same voice: first, congratulate the Tang Emperor, and then ask the Tang Emperor to give the brothers a blessing, give some aid to the treasures, and give some aid to the craftsmen. Give the beauty a number.

They also expressed a meaning: If you don’t give it, we will join you!

Luo Weng and others heard a slight discoloration.

Xiaojin smiled.

In the case of everyone stunned, a slap in the face of hundreds of robust man torn into a Fragment.

The sword is sharp, the hammer is strong, and there is no harm to it.

At last.

Xiao Jin left one of the most arrogant Northern Envoy, tearing off his hands before icily said: “What do you think you are? A group of ants ants, actually dare to threaten my Master. If not Master is not willing to intervene, I let the giants Let’s crush you. Roll! Go back and tell your leader, Tang Jun is not closed. Anything that is not welcome will be killed. I have to see if your neck is hard or our knife is sharp.”

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