Mage Network

Chapter 1489

Magic dome turned into a magical dome, suspected of possessing the entire sky.

The winner is holding.


这片天穹里的真正主角不是天穹,而是数不清的闪耀星辰。它们的rays of light 无比强烈,每一颗都胜过太阳万倍。它们的数量无比密集,挤满了整一片天穹,几乎看不到空隙。它们在闪耀生光,它们在汲取能量,它们在破坏也同时在重塑这片天穹。

Hey, a little less! People are invited to collect: ( the fastest rate of updating the Ramadan Court.

Some are human.

Some are demonic beast.

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court, update the latest chapter!

They’re not lives, but they’re alive. They exist in the way of life ‘Totem’, while having the skills and force of the original human race. They can be said to be helpful, but more is for the ‘watch’ to watch the battle between the empty Mage and the caster.


They’re all a little disappointed because they’re most likely to be casters at all imagination terrifying.

I had to say.

God, I can't see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court (


This is still not an amazing means. It may be coincidence or intelligence superiority, and the ability of a magical dome is just about the role of a ‘similar’ star. But his means were stuffed to death by stars.

That feeling, the devil dome was just crushed by the Force of the Devil Rosa, very ‘coincidence’.

“You can’t win me on the count alone.” At this point, it’s not surprising that the dome doesn’t understand.

No coincidence.

Only plot against.

Magic Rosa knew that… no, it should have been said that he knew his abilities. That’s why she moved on to deal with herself. This Forbidden Curse is not a human Sovereign but a creative cloud. In one way or another, the stars do not count as full powers, Forbidden Curse, and individuals use formidable power to make a discount. But this force is used to deal with itself ‘right’.

“One pair, you too.” Is there only ‘stars’ in Devil Rosa?


More than that.

Tang Shidao taught the stars to all the apostles, as well as the raw eclipse and the raw moon erosion.

Magic Rosa is one of them.

Not like eclipse, when the gods are taught, they’re just one or more magic. Tang Shidao doesn’t have to hide his closest friends, they can learn as much as they can. Innate Skill of Magic Rosa is not the top, but the research capacity of Po is definitely the top. Together with the most top-level ambassadors studying simultaneously, there is Tang Shidao’s shared pool.

In battle strength, the chief of intelligence, Rosa, is absolutely beyond everyone’s imagination.

She didn’t show up, because she didn’t have to do it, and she just had to give instructions. The second is because the “cleaning up” of the devil Rosa was clean and there was no trace left.

It’s impossible to be active at the top of the intelligence circle without battle power.

It was because she was good at intelligence that she knew more about battle power.

Right now.

Suddenly a new voice rings.

“Magic dome, you finally ‘invited’ me. Looks like this time you really can’t solve things, so, what’s my bonus?” The sound of a tall silhouette slowed down from the dome height. People are a very funny man, as if nothing ever bothered you. At the time of arrival, the surrounding situation had been seen, but the eyebrows were still frozen.

“Remuneration is a secret.”

“What secrets can you please touch my star?” Somebody named himself, as if it were to the devil Rosa.

After the fall.

I saw seven transparent stars around De Rosa, and the stars laughed.

Nice tip.

Give me your hand.

Shake the fist.

There was no boxing, no rush… and seven stars were torn apart just when they were shaking ’em. I can’t imagine what Force did, but a pair of magic domes can’t take advantage of cheap and transparent stars, and they can’t afford it in front of the stars.

“Are you all right?” Seeing Devil Rosa is intact, and the stars are slightly surprised.

“No, I’m hurt, just a moment back.” Nor was it surprising that Devil Rosa saw the Star, and it would be weird if it was the only way to do that.

“Did you call me to deal with her?” Sky Star heads up and asks.

“Yeah.” The magic dome should do it.

“So your reward is not worth it.” Sky lightly said with a smile.

“What I just heard from her is certainly not worth it.”

“Well, why don’t I ask her?”

“She can’t tell you.”

“Why not?” And the stars turn to the devil Rosa, as if they were asking, “Which one do you choose between death and leakage?

“Because she’s a professional intelligence agent, a kind of intelligence agent that the enemy can trust.”

“But you lied to her?”

“I’m not a liar, I just didn’t say.”

“Now you’re asking me to come here for a second time, right?” Sky Star insisted on the magic dome lying.

“I didn’t say it had to be my fight, of course not a lie. Sky Star, you want to know how seven people have become creatures? If it is, then do it, take it down or kill this man.” Devil dome doesn’t want to delay, it feels so calm, it’s kind of cool.

At this time.

I didn’t wait for the Star to respond, De Rosa did something.

Slow the side.

Looking at the stars, quietly opening up: “The master’s allies tell me one thing, a man called Star Star is looking for Yu Nine, ready to fight. That star is you, isn’t it?”

“Right.” Stars don’t rush to know that this man is not his opponent.

The opponent.

There’s someone else.

“I did an investigation as soon as I heard it.”

“Investigate me?”

“Yes, investigate you. There’s nothing that can be found, either by stars or by celestial stars, that’s just a name. It’s just that there’s an unexpected intelligence that I’m interested in. The information says that at some point a group of people found the original erosion of this Forbidden Curse. At that time, they all wanted to have it. However, the original erosion has its own choice.”

“And then what?”

“I don’t know who the original erosion chose, but I heard that the original erosion was not a choice but another person.” Devil Rosa, slow down.

“She’s dragging time, Star, do it now.” The devil dome suddenly snatches.

“She didn’t.” Sky Star frowns, doesn’t like that tone.

“I feel…” The magic dome wants to speak.

“You don’t have to feel it. I’ll know when I get here.” The star interrupted the magic dome and said, “Your senses were too slow, and there were two people here, not one of her. Saturn, you’re an intelligence officer. Haven’t you noticed for so long?”

“What…” The Magic dome is out.


are two people here?


the other one… unaware of himself?

“You’re really sorry about this dome, not even the neighborhood.” Sky Star gently shakes its head and smiles at the hand of the devil Rosa: “I like people like you, even the strangest people believe. I do not believe in right, but in good faith. Do things on your own, don’t have to analyze right.”

“So you turned down the original eclipse?” Devil Rosa laughed too.

“Well, it should be said that I was not ready to accept it. You may not know that Forbidden Curse is special, you have to be qualified to use it, or it’s wasted. This‘ no good ’thing, I don’t wanna do. So I gave up. Fortunately, another ethnic brother worked hard to win its endorsement. Unfortunately, after being recognized, he was lazy.”

“Yeah, so. It seems that ‘cause’ in the world is amazing.” Devil Rosa sighs.

“What do you mean by that?” Sky Star is surprised.

Right now.

De Rosa let Jean go, as if he was making a position and whispering, “It’s you, this opponent is yours. I had little chance of winning him, and there was a lot going on out there, and I wouldn’t try. Believe that you’ve heard him, you can guess he’s not lying. So, the magic dome is for me, and the star is for you.”

when speaking, two groups of energy slowdown.



Silhouette is slowly transformed into a state of energy… formed by a black flame of one or two stars.

“Aren’t you Yu Yu?” There’s a slight disappointment in the face of the stars.

“Sorry, she’s not.” Devil Rosa should do it.

“You know, I deliberately accepted the invitation of the devil dome, and spent the Force Breaking Worlds on trying to lure out Nine. I’m trying to find her, I’m afraid it’s hard to find, but instead, it’s easier for her to find me. Well, I guess it’s time for you guys to show up.” The stars turn their eyes and smile, and they respond to the usual simplicity.

“Your mind is good, unfortunately not right. Olyn and Yu will not save us, nor will they avenge us.”

“Won’t you?”

“Maybe they’ll find you, but definitely not for revenge. In their minds, it is not a shame and a privilege to die because of the rivalry worth a war. It’s shame to fight someone who doesn’t deserve it. They’re serious, just like your sincerity. They treat themselves and their enemies‘ with ‘seriousness’ and no sense of mercy. They don’t hate anyone, but at best they feel a little impaired.”

“So it is. So this one could be ‘matching’ me?” Sky Star is not like a magic dome, he’s really cool.

“I’m not sure. I can only say that she’s much stronger than me. And there was a wonderful coincidence, and she refused Forbidden Curse. My master, Human Sovereign Tang Shidao, tried to give her the original eclipse at some point. But she didn’t think she was used enough, so she refused. Under that pressure, she forced herself to make progress. Now, with the original eclipse and the original moon erosion.” Devil Rosa, this is also for the devil dome.

People who are greedy will never understand the meaning of sharing.

Same thing.

And he will never understand that those who fear you do not have to be as greedy as you, nor do they have to take away your things. People who are really confident will get what they belong to themselves in their own force. Too easy to get, too lucky to get, but instead they refuse.

Hear that, Sky Star has become serious.

That is also his sincerity.

For yourself.


As long as it’s someone who’s serious about doing it, Stars feel like they need to be honest with each other. It’s enemy, it’s friend, it’s profit, it’s cheap, it doesn’t matter. And seriously do everything in front of you, and that’s how fantastic people treat life ‘in good faith’.

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