Mage Network

Chapter 1484

With Tang Shidao, the white man conveyed to Mage who had the strength and the courage to participate in the distant journey. Among them are the scarecrow and Ninety-nine, which are largely notifiable except for the Orient that is temporarily unavailable. As for how they choose, that white man doesn’t care.

“Little Missy, where is the circle world?” The scarecrow have made it clear that they do not participate.

However, it is interested in this expedition.

White Wing Man doesn’t think it’s cowardly, dead profiteer guards Mage Network, and he’s never moving, and he believes it’s not going to be the exception.

Hey, a little less! People are invited to collect: ( the fastest rate of updating the Ramadan Court.

“This is very unreliable.”

“Well, come on, and you’re not afraid to be clear, actually, the circle world is still empty. If each other attacks in and Don knows the trail, it’s possible to trick people into the circle world. The circle of the world is not at all extinct, just saying that it seems to be out of nowhere. Rice, why don’t you go? The White Wing Man directly stated that, while the current person was not involved, it was not important to tell it.

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court, update the latest chapter!

“He’s not dead. Are you upset?”


“Well, a man and a woman in the mythology of the world, they could be seven, don’t you have to deal with it?” The White Wing Man is asking.

“The God of Arcane, that little Laurie has been ‘dealing with’ em, and now I don’t have to worry about it. They are different from the erosion, and they will not directly affect the vacuum for the time being, but the erosion will. It is my duty to protect Mage Network, not against the powerful enemies of dust. For me, protecting Mage Network is more important than anything else.” The scarecrows make it quite clear.

God, I can't see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court (

Even if a man and a woman in the tale of the world might be stronger, they did not destroy empty heads. The erosion is different, and its‘ life and death ’can affect an endless vacuum. For the time being, eclipse’s‘ hazard ’is much greater. In other words, the scarecrow have remained unchanged and the‘ protection of Mage Network ’has always been the first priority.

“If we all lose, are you still the same?” The white man suddenly asks a little more.

“Of course.”


“As long as I keep Mage Network, you guys can grow slowly. Died a bunch, raised a bunch. Without Mage Network, we don’t even have a chance to climb again. strictly speaking, I don’t care if there’s nothing left to destroy me, I just need to keep Mage Network.” Rice people are honest enough to say nothing.

Only work in its eyes.

Guardianship of Mage Network.

The remainder will be taken into account only if the job is guaranteed. These words also indicate that the scarecrow have the confidence to protect Mage Network and that it has the confidence to hold Mage Network, whatever the enemy challenges come. Because of what Tang Shidao said about the ‘Mad God’, the white man believed that the scarecrow would really do that. It doesn’t move itself, but it builds talent from Mage Network.

In any case, the outside wind clouds have become illusory, and the scarecrow have always been sitting on the fishing table.

it’s time to ask.

The scarecrow probably doesn’t ask for themselves, and it has its friends. If entering the circulation world doesn’t have to leave an endless vacuum, it might ‘please’ some helpers. Alternatively, the scarecrow really ‘nurture’ fighters are less than teachers’ stars. But usually it doesn’t say, and no one knows what the scarecrow breeds monster.

Mage really killed out here, believing it wouldn’t stand by.

One day later.

“I’ve seen the scarecrow ‘friend’.” Führer also received a notification from the white winner, referring to the scarecrow in the conversation.

“Have you met?”

“And there was a fight, just recently.” The Yuan had fought with the scarecrow before either of them had grown.

“He challenged you?”

“They, not him.” The Führer corrected the number and said, “That’s a bunch of rude guys who don’t know what to say. And, of course, we’re not all fighting, just trying one or two. Feel like they’re much stronger than I used to be, and they’re all specializing in some kind of technology. It’s not a generic specialty, but it’s like you and Yu Nine, raising a capacity to the highest.”

“Physical?” White Wing Man hears his own example and understands what a group of people that is.

“There’s physical magic too. They’re just one of them, and they’re raising the limit. One of you might know that he was‘ missing ’a long time ago, and I almost thought he was gone.” Führer also knows that distant expatriation requires people, the better the numbers. Because the number of each other is uncertain, one or two must not be able to stop everyone.


“A silent man, dumb monk.”

The name “this man…” is also impressed by the white man. Dude monks had an appointment with Tang Shidao and fought in cases where friends had been abducted and injured. At that time, he fought Tang Shidao with Wu Moon. Although there were no results, the mute monks were definitely the top in terms of consciousness and Innate Skill.

If the scarecrow himself cultivated him, the mute would never grow low.

Everyone has a ceiling before it goes out of vain.

Within this ceiling, there is an endless amount of Mage powerhouse coming to this point and stopping. By grade, ordinary Mage, Mage of the Holy Land, Mage, the master of the community, Paragon Mage, the Lord of the Pharaoh, the master of the ancestors… theoretically the highest level of the ancestors. Of course, in terms of strength, those who have lost their ancestors in dust do not even qualify for ‘cleaning’ at the highest level.

After all these years, it’s normal for the monks to come to this step.

Now dare to challenge Yuan, which can only be given to him by the scarecrow… No, it should be said that the monks and a group of similar strangers have been given ‘nutrients’ to help them grow up. Forbidden Curse, a scarecrow, is confused, and it sounds the most unlikely to be able to develop talent.


Conversely, there is no order, there is no rule, there is no definition of confusion, and it is better suited to be ‘nutrients’.

“The White Victor men and women, the mute monks, have begun their activities to prove what the scarecrow have also noticed. You know, many of those people are casters.”


“Surprised. The scarecrow did not mention these things to anyone, but it carried out operations in secret. Even, it had been preventing external incursions a long time ago, not just recently. If it comes back to developing talent, it may be a little longer than Mage Network history. Now that human Sovereign did, the real scarecrow had already done it. Differently, human Sovereign has a better way.”

“Don’s a good way, the scarecrow is nurturing the Force.” The white winner knows the difference.

“This natural, human Sovereign grows much longer. Human Sovereign is a little Junior in Junior than the scarecrow. Even for you, the modern generation Late Stage, the genius isomers, for human Sovereign, is a senior. To that extent, Human Sovereign has been very difficult to deal with with with it. You know, none of these units are weak, whether they’re pawns or gods. If it wasn’t for this level of dust, the Force developed by Human Sovereign was already at its highest level.” The Führer doesn’t blow and say anything.

“I didn’t say Tang’s reinforcements were weak.” White Victor men do not agree with these words.

“Oh, human Sovereign and the bottom card?”

“It’s not a bottom card, Don doesn’t like old accumulations, he likes‘ innovations’ stuff more.”


“The original eclipse and the original moon erosion, the two Forbidden Curse, have been superseded. Not now, just after the nine colored light has been activated.”

“Then?” Yuan realized something.

“Then there was a group of people ‘shared’ and ‘self-cultivated’ these two Forbidden Curse. Aliens know only nine colors, and in fact the two Forbidden Curse is more terrifying. Now I’m not going to mention anyone who’s doing a good job, but one example can be given: Star Trek. In the use of the original eclipse and the raw moon erosion, the starfight is only second to Don, and it may even be flat.”

“So terrifying?” The Führer is also aware that the Innate Skill people are more concerned than the Force powerhouse.

“Yes. The Star Battle was already ‘dead’, and she belonged to a life without the world. For some reason, she entered into a covenant with Don and got some kind of promotion. In recent times, she had exceeded her physical limitations and had become a direct energy source of eclipse and moon erosion. In a way, she’s like the gods now. The bodies left by the gods are but one.”

“The galaxy has both eclipse and moon erosion?”

“Yeah, and she was magic Bloodline casting the superactive energy body. The gods are like corpses, but she is alive, twice as alive. You’re the perfect person, you must understand. Now the starfight, she’s the eclipse and the moon itself. She is Forbidden Curse herself unless Don vetoes her use by virtue of her authority.”

“…” Führer sounds a little silent.


appearance of the mute monk and the others was already an accident, caused by the scarecrow.

I didn’t realize.

In addition to rice breeding talent, human Sovereign has been helping allies to upgrade.

No wonder.

Some people have never been afraid of ‘outsiders’. It turns out that there are people who have long been prepared to cope with anything, no matter what. Unlike the celestial seeds, it was urgent to negotiate and find a solution.

“The Revolving World Vision, will you be involved, white man and woman?” The Führer suddenly felt that the biggest difference between himself and the scarecrow and human Sovereign was here.

“Yes, because there’s a lot of people there, not strong people. We’re not afraid of them fighting, they’re afraid of running.”

“Understand.” The Führer is excellent, and the Force is strong. However, rice and human Sovereign can also make people strong, even one race stronger. More terrifying, they’re not at all at all slowing down their progress because of ‘helping outsiders’. If they say they’re like Golden Carp in the river, they’re like the river… They can take a bunch of Golden Carp.

as it should be by rights.

When bad things happen, they can only solve their problems on their own, but they have the help of a group of people.

Human Sovereign started a “distant plan” that alone could not stop all invaders, and the other would see power far from good. Human Sovereign dares to do so, which means that he already has the assistance of a group of allies to intercept more people. Allies are now invited, just to increase the chances. Human Sovereign will begin regardless of whether or not there are foreigners.

There were preparers, so confident.

The erotic allies tried to wage a war, but his‘ war ’could only fall into the bowl of Human Sovereign… to determine the battle, and human Sovereign to decide the rules.

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