Mage Network

Chapter 1482

After the night stars say it, all casters are in deep thinkers.


Simple two words illustrate many issues.


is doubtful whether the bitter stars are really betraying everyone at this moment, and if human Sovereign Tang Shidao can ‘force’ aliens to become material, it is likely that the bitter stars will have to choose. Of course, no one cares about the death of the stars. The reference by the Night Star to “material” has made it clear that as long as this experiment is successful, human Sovereign does not need the consent of anyone to participate, and he can do it directly ‘people’.

as it should be by rights, being treated as material would never be too good.

This moment.

There is no doubt that we all know that it is not appropriate to ‘disperse’ now. Because each other is not fighting, but fighting back. Human Sovereign Tang Shidao can control bitter stars for experiments, and naturally ‘control’ everyone. It is clear to you that a pair of pairs of human Sovereign, if the bitter stars are not hostile, will probably suffice.

In the past.

Amazing Mage was good at dealing with it, and now, it’s not like that.

“The night stars are done. What do you think?” Sky Star whispers, and attitude goes down a lot. In the face of that situation, he was naturally unhappy. However, the human Sovereign experiment changed the situation and he had to adapt to the impact of human Sovereign. You know, we used to need something to erode promises, and now, erosion promises are ‘worthless’.

Times have changed.

The way things go naturally. Now, while it is not appropriate to dissolve the coalition, the group can completely forge a new alliance alone.

“I have a question.” The magic dome is Chief Steward.

Without this alliance, he’s nothing. So the magic dome doesn’t want the alliance dissolved.



would be preferable to have an alliance centred on erosion in order to confirm its status.

“Who do you want to ask?” Sky Star wants someone to speak so that we can continue. After a small vacuum of creative gods experiment begins, the state of erosion will get worse, and this group of itself will have to do something to change the situation.

“Night stars.”

“Well, what is it?” The night stars are bleak, and only he knows what the truth is.

“Does that eternal light sword belong to you now?”

“can be used freely, but there’s still something that doesn’t belong to me.” Thousands of responses are in the heart of the dark night stars, which have been negotiated numerous times with Tang Shidao and the bitter stars and the others. It is not easy to fool a bunch of casters, and the use of ‘truth’ is most likely to succeed.

“I guess too. Well, gentlemen, the clouds are probably not dead.” The devil dome is very fond of playing the analytical expert’s ability, though not necessarily right.

At this time.

People don’t have to guess.

So, everybody’s not looking good. Clouds are not ordinary people, and the name of the strongest demonic beast is not fictitious. In this world, some people ‘die’ once and even fall directly. There are, however, very few heterogenes that differ, and they are powerful once every time they die. This is probably the kind of man Yunnai is fighting with Human Sovereign, and the result is not ‘dead’ completely, and there’s a high level of patience.

In the case of casters, Yunnan’s attitude is the same as Tang Shidao.

In the hearts of the people.

Both of them died together, best of all alive. Both of them were in trouble.

“Night Star, do you decide to keep a sword of eternal light?” The devil dome asks again.

“Do you want to go?” ”The Night Star asks.

“No, we’re allies now, and naturally we won’t touch your stuff. But I would like to remind you that it is not safe for you to hold a sword of eternal light if Yunnan is not dead. It’s the strongest demonic beast, a pair of you probably won.” Devil dome indifferently said.

“Magic dome, what do you want to say?”

“Nothing else, just a goodwill reminder. Before the situation is clear, you’d better go with the big team, and don’t run alone. The Calamity Star betrayed us, and he might provide us with information. By then, it’s easier for Tang Shidao or Yunnan to come to us. According to my estimate, Tang Shidao will not move until the experiment results, and he fought the clouds and he will not necessarily be ‘safe’.” Magic dome analyzes another wave.

“Well.” Night stars naturally ‘listen’.

The devil dome speaks with plot against the meaning that it actually tied the dark stars away from the alliance.

At this time.

Night stars must be ‘neutral’, because that’s the original plan, and dark stars need to be tied up with ‘big teams’. The more useful he sees himself as a chess. Tang Shidao gave him a sword of eternal light, which he had to carry with him a bomb. The clouds are still alive, and the darkness stars hold a sword of eternal light, and naturally he needs everyone’s ‘protection’.


night stars were persuaded, and others were more inclined to be ‘united’.

To see the eyes of the casters, the dark stars are grateful. In fact, the inside is smiling.


These people’s eyes are not just what ‘we protect you’, but what ‘we want to steal your eternal light sword’ means. Night stars‘ pretend to be dumb ’, because now he needs to put out the attitude of the’ afraid ’clouds. The eternal lightning sword is not only an excuse, but also a bait. Even if the night star‘ lost ’the sword of eternal light, it would fall into the hands of a suitable caster.

By then, it can play its original role as well.

Coalition ensures after.

Once again, the Star begins to act formally. Under the current circumstances, it is not possible to undermine open experiments. However, working together against the impeccable Mage strengths and destroying their experiments will certainly be fine.

“… more important, confronting the endless Mage powerhouse itself.” The last topic of astronomical stars is amazing.

“For example?” The magic dome is a little incapable of keeping up with this kind of brain hole.

“The biggest group of celebrities.” The words of the Sky Star are a little strange, not like the way the caster acts.

Caster groups prefer ‘research’ rather than ‘combat’.


The impeccable Mage is not good enough to deal with, and some of them can’t even know how strong they are. On the other hand, the strength of the casters is limited. The strength of the casters would be greatly discounted if they were not in their own regions of excellence or without the support of their own little vacuum. Because it’s Scholar, a living environment, and the casters are like the race of life.


example, people like the Eagle can’t play their full part in ‘water’.

Likewise, people like ‘fish’ are half-force in ‘ground’.

A clearer example.

Night stars.

He’s in a particularly strong environment in rays of light, or a luxury Plane, where the power of the dark stars will be much lower. Instead, if it were ‘unlight Plane’ or ‘permanently dark zone’, the power of the night stars could be increased. Normally, the optimal environment for the caster is its own little vacuum, and in its own ‘nest’, the caster has at least dozens of formidable power.

So it’s strange to say the words of the Sky Star… The casters are not good at offensive and better at building and defending.

Very few are good at attacking and not good at it.

Just say it.

They’re better suited to the way they attack than ordinary casters. The group of casters in the harvesting model is such people, but even if they are afraid to say “good”, at best they know better than other casters. Referring to attacks, they were not in favour.

“How? We can only take advantage of ourselves.” The devil dome will not object directly, but it will raise all objections in the language.

“Only we certainly are. But we can find some new allies.” The stars say with a smile.

“No one else likes trouble out there.” The devil dome gently shakes its head.

“What if they know that casters can become experimental material?”


“We can tell them about the dark stars. Some people out there don’t want ‘sacrifice’ to do experiments themselves, so they really need ‘material’. As long as the material is not on its own, the ultimate success or failure is not important. There is this advantage, not afraid that no one will join us. You know, there’s not a lot of casters out there.” The Sky Star’s head is fast, the dark star just said, and he’s already figured out how to use it.


“How can this material be used without a definition?” Devil dome again.

“Of course, this will require a certain outcome before it can begin. But early preparation is better than not ready. In the event of recent success in developing some of the benefits, early preparation can also begin to simulate. Moreover, as long as we are united by a sufficient number of people, we will naturally not have to worry about trouble. Don’t forget, we haven’t had a big creative technology, only a star.” Sky Star suddenly brings back old things.

The casters are silent again.

Human Sovereign Tang Shidao is successful and is likely to be associated with his masterpiece of creativity.

Possession and no.

Two levels.

The promise of eclipse is related to great creativity, and it is a commitment to divide the world’s clouds. The benefits of this‘ promise ’are also good for experiments, at least, better than not.

“The cost of going back to dust is not small.” The devil dome said that it was actually ‘agreed’.

That is what others think.


They were supposed to be ‘adulterers’ … like to rob more than nurturing.

After agreement, a group of people split up.

They don’t know anything.

Night stars use the eternal lightning sword ‘to pass’ a light: a special message. This message was received by more than Tang Shidao and others. They all have a common denominator: the participants in this plan, Mages, who prepare for ‘fight’. The only thing that surprises them is that it would have taken the dark stars to guide us in the direction of ‘Star of War’, and I didn’t think that Skyscrapers had done it.

“Sky Star has another plot, Don.”

“must be, but it doesn’t matter. And then, as we need, they’ll pull ’em on the dust and some pride against us. In order to collect the material, and to understand the battle power of the dust, things go as planned. Now, instead of thinking about the stars, it’s better to say that the sky erosion has an idea.”

“Does it have anything to do with that man and woman?”

“Yeah. Sky erosion probably wants to use us to fight them.”

“Okay, fine. It is unrealistic to ask the enemies for mercy, and we can do it ourselves. Don, let’s go. Prepare to fight. We don’t know much about anything else. We’ll be informed with new information.”

“Okay.” Tang Shidao opened thousands of passes and sent them away.

This group may not know each other.

However, there is all a common name: Mage, the most empty group of people.

And against the casters, they have no responsibility.

Guardianship is empty and everyone is responsible.

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