Mage Network

Chapter 1473

The caster thing, countless Mage powerhouse, is watching.

Of this group, the vast majority are staff members of the ‘irrelevant’ model, who are simply doing their job and ignore foreign object affairs. Because there are no restrictions, there are some who can join this group and become one of them. Earlier Old Xing, the most recent galaxy queen, and Tang Shidao were one of them.

In this capacity, it is not difficult for groups of people who want to know about casters.


This‘ understanding ’has to add a line… you’ll never really know a caster.

The casters were the model of the Creative God at first, and each of them had the ability to stand out from the masses, and they had different personalities and tracks. There is communication and frequent communication between the casters and the casters. But they rarely really get along. It can be said that very few of the casters are inhibiting ‘water’ and ‘fire’, mostly ‘water’ and ‘soil’.


the water coming together?

It’s like melting, actually water is water, soil is soil, and even if it’s melted together, it’s basically two things.

There is communication and cooperation among casters.


They’re like water and soil, they can melt but they can’t really be integrated. Even in cooperation, there is little understanding between the casters and the casters, and even limited understanding. Likewise, the casters face their allies, and they don’t know if this‘ alliance ’is with themselves. It can only be said that everyone is doing the same thing, working in the same direction.

Following the war between the Mars and the clouds, a new operation was initiated with the group of casters working with the erosion.

Action to seize nine colours.

“Hard Star, that thing got easier.”

“Oh, yeah?”

“You can’t fix it, you don’t know what’s going on out there. In fact, we almost found a way.” There are genius in the caster group, distorted, strange, or inexperienced. What they’re good at is likely to be biased, and outsiders can’t understand or even use it. But they are definitely the people who are the best at a certain field.

Forbidden Curse, after nine colored lights were ‘open’, the fastest and most successful study must be the caster.

As seeds of the Creative Gods, their Innate Skill is definitely the highest level.

Explain the outside.

The bitter stars seem to be silent, but the waves in their hearts… are all too coincidental to be perfectly ‘synergetic’.

“Hard Star, about resurrecting the first caster, I think we can postpone it. As long as one of us has access to nine colors, there is no need for the first casting star to do the same. Instead, if he is resurrected, we may have more trouble.” The casters are equal and no one is higher, and the bitter stars are only leaders, not leaders of power.

“Is that what you all think?” The bitter stars are opposed, but they do not appear to speak.

“Yeah, we’ve talked about it.”

“That must be right.” The bitter stars say the answer they don’t want to say, and smile on their faces: “I keep closing cultivation, and I don’t know what’s going on out there right now, and you must know more about change. What magic Bloodline is it again?”

“A brand-new cultivation, is the ability to make magic ‘Bloodline’.” The casters are reassured to listen to the bitter stars.

“I don’t understand, but you feel good.”

“No, no, we can explain…” The casters also need a leader who doesn’t want to leave the bitter stars. On personal cultivation and force, bitter stars are well-known figure groups. If necessary, he can stand in the front, block wind and rain, or deal with danger for all.

magic Bloodline, it’s easy to explain.


magic’s Bloodline is a transformation of ‘instinct’. In the natural world, up to demonic beast, there are basically some powerful units. Of course, ‘fire’ is rare in animals, but very much in electrical currents, using toxins, using sound. At the demonic beast level, the use of elements force is a basic capability.

The meaning of instinct.

For example, some fire demons or fire giant dragon, even if they never learned magic, would have ‘Fireball’ or ‘Flame Spit’ these abilities. They do not need to be rehearsed, and they naturally know how to use them in the course of survival and fighting. And the longer they survive, the more they fight, the better they do. Fireball and inflammation are the force of instincts once you have the chance to rehabilitate magic.

Fire demonic beast, water wind, poison power, etc.

Bloodline Force and magic Force.

The former is born, and the latter is made of cultivation. Which is stronger, it depends on their own strength.

what’s the use of magic Bloodline?

It’s simple.

“… it can bring people into another state. It was inherently material, and it was in the energy sequence. It is energy in itself, and it is in the substance sequence. Virtual Mage and Virtual Mage, both of which were built in the same effect but in the opposite direction. More directly, magic Bloodline is what gives people ‘magic souls’. If you have such a force, you will die, and this vibrant magic Bloodline may survive.”

“Just maybe?” The stars of bitterness, too, listen, there’s someone who ‘openly shares’ such important things.

“Nor can it be said. Indeed, unless the magic soul is successfully pursued, it will be able to survive. It’s easy to escape, because it’s free to switch ‘life’ with ‘death’, and you can’t even find it. And as long as you put some of these magic souls away, where no one knows, there’s a back-up to how you die.”

“So it is.” The bitter stars understand why these ‘allies’ are so passionate in pursuit.

“Forbidden Curse’s nine colours are divided into nine types of cultivation, with no successful construction except black light Bloodline, and eight other examples of success. So it must be able to fix it. As we said before, the Red Blue War, in fact, happened again before we came here.”

“Who’s fighting with?” The bitter stars are also very concerned, and this is too much to influence their plans.

“It’s the Battle of the Purple, the Battle of the Ninth and the Tender. We came here after the battle, and we know more. The Ninth and Tender Wars, the Ninth and the Ninth, and the two of them are dead.”


“Yeah, not fake death, really dead. We thought they were in ‘Samsara World’ final war, and they had an early ‘Samsara Seal’ backup. No, it should be said that they did not ask for something like that.”

“What happened?” The bitter stars feel strange, as if there was another coincidence, hidden in line with their own strategy.

“They’re really dead, but they’re alive. Hard Star, you might be weird what that means. We are equally strange if we do not look at the results in person. Nine and nine, they were resurrected by other ‘rays of light’. It was mainly white and others in the Mage Network Team, who joined forces to revive Ninth Bridge using different rays of light.”


“A complete resurrection, like before, is just a low level of Mana.”

“That doesn’t matter.” The bitter sea star sighs.

“Yes, we all know that Mana grade doesn’t matter at all. Hard Star, now you understand what we need to do?”

“Know. If we can’t kill all the successful Mage, as long as there’s one left, he can revive all the other ‘war dead’ allies. At that time, they could have fought with us indefinitely.” It’s weird inside the bitter stars, these things are too ‘coincidence’. It’s like there’s a Force activation that keeps the casters from getting out of this pit.

“Yes. That’s why we need nine colours to be the owner of Forbidden Curse. Sovereignty can be easily won.”

“Well.” The bitter sea star nodded.


is no room for happiness or anxiety at this time.

These allies… all fell into the pit. Theoretically, he was going to avenge them, all of them. But it is disturbing that the plan is not implemented by itself.

The casters say, and the bitter stars also cast doubt on their hearts, endorsing and sending people away.

Return to your little vacuum.

Without waiting for thought, it was suddenly discovered that there were guests on ‘their own land’ … without asking the invaded villains. More terrifying, the villains are more than one person, but two. One of them is familiar, more familiar than anyone else.

“Night Star? Who are you?”

Because in their own land, the stars of bitterness are not too alarmed. It has proved, however, that each other can withhold its own little vacuum: it is beyond its reach.

In the face of this villain, it means death.

“I don’t know who he is, nor do I want to know. Now I just want to know one thing: Are you on my side?” Night stars slow down.

“What do you mean?” The Calamity Star has been carefully guarded and ready to do it.

“He gave me two things…” The night stars slowly took out a sword made of rays of light long sword. The other one, the ordinary password of the woods. And at this point, the Shadow Star said, “He also said,” You’re most likely to be my ally. If we are not allies, the first time I want to realize my wish must be to get rid of you. ”

“Is that a sword of eternal light? Yun Zheng’s weapon? It’s how… we’re allies now.” Do you have nothing to do with… ”

“Don’t say anything else, Hard Star, you know what I’m talking about.”

“Night Star, I…”

“I want to kill those casters! As long as it’s a harvest pattern, none is left. I’m sure I can’t do it myself, but I hope that someone will help and hope that there will be no room for anyone to kill them. Now is the best chance. Will you be my ally?” The night stars are very direct, stretching their hands and passing out that wooden spear.

The stars of bitterness.

Open your mouth and speechless.

He understands.


He knows exactly what the dark stars mean and why the night stars do it… because they think and do the same!

Received hatred.

A generation of accumulated generations has accumulated to places beyond the imagination of outsiders.

Right now.

“I’m the ‘spirits’.” The bitter sea star stretched his hand to the end of the woods, but there was no first time to draw it.

“Me, too.” The response of the Night Star is simpler.

He didn’t let go.

However, the body’s surface begins to change… There are numerous faces as if there were grievances, like waves rolling around, moving on the surface of the body of the dark stars. It was as if it were not a voice, but it was as if it could hear their cry and curse. Each of these faces is different and much more quantifiable. At this moment, dark stars seem to have erupted a fire of hatred that the Creative God cannot extinguish.


Just one brake, it’s all hidden again.

As if dark stars deliberately endured everything with their own bodies, purposely soaked themselves into this‘ torment ’so that they will never forget these hatred.

The bitter stars are perfectly understandable and perfectly understandable.

He hurts more.

He hates more.

He’s not a dark star, he’s a bitter ocean star.

“Who are you, please?” The bitter stars smoked the cliffs, and suddenly found that it ‘may’ be stronger than they are. But it will never belong to itself, but it just assists itself in its existence.

“I’m Yun Chun. In order for us to trust each other, you can call me Tang Shidao.”

“…” The Night Star.

“…” The bitter stars.

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