Mage Network

Chapter 1466

The Devil Star and the rest of them are silent.

This phrase, “Killing you one last”, is not just hatred, but also another meaning: confidence.

The clouds have the confidence to do.

Since there is confidence.

At the very least, this represents the ability of Yunnan to match. Even if it is not truly possible, it must also have a very horrendous battle. Alternatively, the actions of natural erosion and marsh stars have been rampant. This is not the question of a hundred and a thousand generations, a generation that has nothing to do with “revenge”.

If nothing happens, the casters will never get away with it.

As a witness of the battle of the ‘clouds’, everyone here knows things are bad. In particular, those who are familiar with the casters, or are themselves members of the casters, do not like this kind of ‘fight’. Casters are growers, farmers, and they have no interest in war.


By the clouds, they decided to make things clear.

And then is war or peace, and that’s all you can do.

“Mage, outside the dust, is not all a caster, and the casters account for only a small portion of the sky. In the dust, the powerhouse that likes what works. It can also be said that whatever weird force powerhouse is. They’re all from different places, with magic and force, and you may not hear anything. Even, there are some weirdo, they make ‘law Artifact’ more powerful than any of you.” The Devil Star is not lying, it’s honest.

He didn’t want to say that.


In order to prevent possible disasters, he felt it necessary to say something.

“Does different places mean a different vacuum?” White wings have a force free from Great Perfection’s “borderless” and have gone to many different boundaries. But all have nothing to do with it. Around all, these areas are small spaces or more special space, all of which originate in endless space.

“Yes, it can be understood that way.”

“You all come from different endless emptiness?” The white winner asked again.

“A small part is, the vast majority is not. I have to explain that the dust is not like the general area, and the dust is not weak.” The magic clouds explain the way.

“Where’s the baby that just got born?”

“No, nor are there any people who are sheltered by powerhouse, and there are no low-force people outside the dust. If a life is naturally born out of dust, he usually has two possibilities: first, he will slip off a spatial crack and then fall into a vacuum. This is a natural phenomenon outside the dust, and there are no weaker members of the Force who can stay.”

“What about the other?” White winner gently nodded.

“If someone wants asylum, he or she can help. But not the sanctuary you imagined, but the direct supply of force to protect yourself. In a simpler way, it is to provide energy to turn him into” energy “or” life “. Then step forward in the cave, eventually getting the ability to” survive and live “outside the dust. If the request is not met, it can only remain in the cave and cannot come out.” The Devil Star said a very familiar example.

The Quest Phoenix.

Or Golden Crow, Tang Shidao experiment.

“Did you say the conditions of survival, the environment in which dust is bad?” The white man believes Tang Shidao must be interested in this information.

“No, there’s no environment outside the dust.”


“The dust is not the ‘environment’ you imagined, it was nothing. The rumors are that the original dust is empty, real blank. Because people later operated, they slowly built more planets or mechanical bases. Of course, our casters are also the dominance of ‘building’. Miss White, can you understand that?”

“Where is it empty I’ve seen no environment? That means there’s no way out of the dust to fix handsome.

“Theoretically, yes. There is no magic power and no material to provide infant cultivation. So, theoretically beyond dust, it’s impossible to fix. Unless power reaches our level, we can find ourselves a new path that can be promoted in our own little empty space. It was a good thing to say before that newborns would be taken away random.”

White win gently nodded.

A weak life is left outside the dust, and it’s useless even to live forever. He cannot make progress, and he will always be weak.

Casters built the planet, but not enough newborn cultivation.

Because planet construction has limited energy, the peak of cultivation is the ceiling of planet. Even breakthrough will not be useful unless the caster himself gives you another force, you will not be able to obtain it from the sky. Provided, the ceiling provided by casters is your ceiling.


The dust is not suitable for new people to rehearse.

“Have you not doubted?”

“Suspected what?”

“Mage’s cultivation has risen, and energy must come from outside. For example, in our cultivation, growth comes from endless space. But those with little vacuum can make progress outside of the dust. Who gives this energy?” It is only important to ask if you don’t want to rob a white winner.

“In that case, we all doubted. Even now there are a lot of Scholar’s research sources.” The Devil Cloud Avenue.

“No results?”

“No, at least not yet. We can only believe that there is one or more smaller energy units, or that the material modules are ‘nurturing’ us. But because they are different in nature, or there are different models, or too small to be able to discover. So there is still no source.” The clouds explain the suspicion of dust, but there is no answer.

Neither Yuan nor the White Winner heard nor asked.

Different in nature?

Different models?

Too small?

Mage, a little less powerful than himself, can’t see it. That’s unbelievable.

But that’s not crazy.

There are no limits to empty ‘big’ and ‘small’. The stronger the power, the more you can feel about ‘big’ and ‘smaller’. Even ordinary humankind, reliance on scientific means can be observed to a certain extent. Of course, this scientific tool is far worse than Mage, and Mage can “control” these small substances and energy not only.

On the other hand.

The magic stars deliberately say that the dust is not a reminder of goodwill.

The dust is strong, and his native indigenous people cannot understand it. No empty powerhouse has gone and naturally cannot be understood. Unknown enemies’ power and abilities, reckless action is a matter of death. By accident, against the casters, the blind view of the heavens and the earth as enemies is the act of death.

He thus suggests that he will also repay the grace of ‘rescue from hardship’.

“I have something strange to say.” The white man thought about talking again.

“Please say.”

“I have an infinite Great Perfection ‘borderless force, but I’ve never been to any other vacuum. Not me not looking, but not finding out. Why?” Nor does the white winner conceal his own forces, including things he can’t do.

“I guess… there is no other empty defense.”


“Yes, defense. I didn’t go too much empty, but I also know some information. Let me cite this empty example, and it all needs a ‘thing it doesn’t have’ as a road fee. Casters meet the conditions of ‘a new life’, come in or out, and deliver an empty life. For you, it’s probably just Forbidden Curse.”

“Orin did say he was going to fix Forbidden Curse as a road fee.” The white winner, gently nodded.

“In addition to this condition, in fact, there is no empty defence.”


“Yes, it has defense. Ms. White, you think that paying ‘road fees’ is just a means of entering peace, or a person who does not want to do so, or who tries to invade ‘barbaric’.” The Devil Star has again begun to explain the empty nature of the existence.

“Is it hard to break?” White win man listen.

“Yes, more precisely, it should not be found at all. There must be segregation of a special nature in addition to the Force’s defence. I cite the example of the World, rays of light and voices, which are of a different nature. So rays of light are stronger, and it’s hard to find ‘voice’. Of course, it’s not from our Mage perspective, from the human angle that these two things are difficult to meet.”

“What are the conditions for the outsider to find in vain?” White win, gently nodded.

“Having Forbidden Curse.”


“Each vacuum has different conditions and some are identical. In any event, they are all different. Unsurprisingly, some of the vacuums also have ‘conditions beyond certain limits that cannot be discovered’. For example, Paragon or the Lord of the Holy Spirit, they are destined to be unable to ’discover’ certain empties. Even if found, force beyond boundaries cannot be used after forcible break-in.”

“Similar to certain special boundaries that are empty.” White victors think of where they live.

“Yes, there may be similar rules of natural law. Just empty ‘conditions’ are more absolute. Because you don’t fit, you can’t find, discover or enter, and you can’t do it. Some Scholar, known as” subordinate segregation “, believe that there is one or more forces that are known to all.”

“A stronger presence than us?”

“Yes, there is a stronger presence than everyone knows and imagines. But what that is, or it’s not true, is not sure. It can only be said that it is now known that only guess. In turn, the empty conditions of forced break-in are Forbidden Curse, which means that… people who own Forbidden Curse may ‘force’ destruction.” The Devil Cloud finally pulled the subject back to the point of origin.

“That is to say,” Sky erosion? “White win man understands.

The Devil Star gently nodded.

He said two things: first, the erosion of the sky could be forced into emptiness and could undermine empty defense. Secondly, since the natural erosion had Forbidden Curse to do so, if he did not have Forbidden Curse, his threat to the empty is zero.

There is also a way to deal with the erosion: to deprive him of Forbidden Curse.

Or say.

Take his Forbidden Curse.

“Let me insert another word, the Devil Star, why are you helping us?” He is the perfect, and he does not believe in love and hatred for no reason.

Save them, yes.

But not to let the Devil Star do this.

“I’m a caster.”

Just one word, the devil clouds illustrate all the reasons.


Those who cultivate and cultivate a life environment… are destined to be the builders and the saboteurs. It’s like a farmer reminds another defender of the farmland that there are rats stealing rice. That doesn’t require reason, and as long as he’s really a farmer, he will naturally be alert.

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