Mage Network

Chapter 1462

How powerful are the casters?

In the known context, the strongest presence is empty. There’s no empty strength, there’s nothing to be beautiful about. Although the empty sanctions did not kill Forbidden Curse, in turn Forbidden Curse could not be empty. In known areas, can there be any force that can ‘hurt’ empty?


No! No one!

Does it hurt the emptiness of the natural erosion to allow the emptiness to enter the chaos?

No, not at all.

The endless return to chaos is just the end of the race in the sky, and nothing to do with the emptiness itself. It’s confusion and order, and nothing will ever be empty, and it will not be compromised by this little thing. Like Mortal World, a country said it could be nuclear. In fact, sorry, the planet itself has nothing, itchy, nuclear equilibrium is just the life on the surface of planet.

The powerful thing that is empty is that whatever you do here, it can be borne by 100 per cent and without prejudice.

Another angle.

In fact, the emptiness is also ‘zero’ force.

Why do you say that?

Because there is no time to deliberately attack anyone, nor will it deliberately harm anyone. Even if the sky erodes such a presence, it tries to extinguish an empty creature, and the empty remains’ ignored ‘. It is not peace, nor courage, and nothing will be left in the eyes. Whatever you’re doing, it’s always a cradle of life.


long as it’s still there, life systems are forever extinct.

So, what does the power of the casters have to do with nothing?

Tang Shidao was not previously clear.

Now, the marsh stars are real: the casters are imitating empty forms. At least, the demon swamp, this group of casters, did this. This little vacuum, these stars, these sealed superlife bodies, are all imitative. There is no empty ‘strong’ cause there are countless creatures within empty space, and these creatures are no less powerful.

Similarly, the marsh stars are strong because his little empty space has countless extraordinary lives.

These exist on a voluntary basis and do not matter.

The marsh stars do not need their will, but only their role. From the state of seal, these super lives are likely to be developed by marsh stars, but only after they become stronger.

Because of having these extraordinary lives‘ help ’, the marsh stars are confident enough.

You can say that.

At this moment, the marsh stars, he already thought he could be empty and flowing. In fact, it’s not clear that he can’t be enemies at this moment in his own knowledge of the marsh.


The marsh’s ‘self-confidence’ won’t last for less than three seconds.

Forbidden Curse.

Nine colors.

Just ‘take’ this kind of self-confidence in a while.

What’s Forbidden Curse?

In the same environment, I am the only one, and I am the only one who uses it, and I am the only one who is unique… this is Forbidden Curse.

Forbidden Curse does not mean taboo.

It means “forbidden”.

What is forbidden?

This depends on what Master Forbidden Curse can prohibit and what he wants to ban. Those who possess the original natural erosion may prohibit all energy exchanges and applications. Those who possess the original erosion can prohibit all fires and energy. So the ‘clouds’, with nine colors of Forbidden Curse, can determine whether there are rays of light within a boundary.

Of course, not Forbidden Curse has such formidable power.

Little Fireball can flash.

But magicians in seabed can’t flash anything with little Fireball, and they just go out. In contrast, the community owner can use little Fireball ‘light’ a star. Forbidden Curse has the strength to see how powerful it is to use its owner. Whether the daily eclipse ‘forbids’ all the flames, it will be seen to erode the ability of the master on a daily basis. If the owner of daily erosion is a magician, he can’t even ‘forbid‘ Fireball of Sacred Domain Mage’s.


Forbidden Curse did give this kind of ‘competence’, and it was not possible to use this‘ competence ‘to look at you personally. If the sword is stuck in the baby’s hand, it’s definitely not even like a knife. The clouds forbidden the’ rays of light ‘of the marsh stars, proving that the clouds were not worse than the force of the marsh stars, and were at least equal.

“What did you do?” The marsh felt all the energy links were interrupted at a moment.


The marsh stars are just a dip, turning their eyes back on the norm.

This little vacuum belongs to him, and his will is the rule. No rays of light? It doesn’t matter. Even without rays of light, he could use a second method to regroup energy. Even, third Type, fourth, fifth, in a small empty air under control, there is nothing that the marsh can’t do. He couldn’t have left the enemy’s body and in the body’s energy, but he could have about everything that was empty.

“Nothing, just a test. But the natural erosion is not here.” Tang Shidao is the most powerful beast in the clouds.



The most arrogant.

But not brainless.

After a brief sentence, the whole space is “bright” again. However, this time, without starrays of light, only nine colored rays of light have been thrown in the wrong direction, making the space a miraculous world of sunshine. The casters are slight, and they know that the ‘clouds’ are serious. This fantastic world is not a sample, but a field effect.

“I don’t need any help from outside. This is my place, I’m in charge of everything.” The marsh waves.

In a moment.

The wrong nine colors began to distort, shape, fast-ranked, and form large and small different blocks. It’s like the game’s like the syringe, and these rays of light are ‘ranked’. No fantasy, no curiosity, these color blocks are forcibly staggered, creating a special battle field.

The marsh stars are cold in the face, each and everyone in the field.

A ‘darkness’ just interrupted energy linkages, but thousands of marsh stars were not affected.

He could really have that number.

And every force is the top.

As a caster, he has cultivated countless lives, simulated countless cultivation, and learned a lot more. The accumulation of the casters differs from those of the ancestors, and their accumulation doubles. It can be said that the marsh stars have made every effort, and he has confidence in a man fighting half an empty powerhouse. He has this‘ body ’, both in strength and in quantity.

Why can all casters work without fear or fear?

The force itself is a guarantee.

When the marsh stars fall into a bunch of ‘flying fights, the atmosphere erupts together, the feeling that such pressure alone can collapse, little by little crumbling and tear up one step further. He does not need to do it, and it can only be done with pressure from the air.


The clouds are slowly flowing, and the bodies are in ‘fragmentation’.

It seems that there is an unspeakable force that is destroying, that the body of the clouds cannot bear, and that its force is not enough to resist.

“No use, you’re dead, clouds.” The marsh doesn’t need to attack.

And when he whispered lightly, the body of the clouds broke faster.

At this point.

Nine colours of rays of light from the clouds are also repairing their bodies, instantaneous repairs. But it’s still useless. This collapse is like an insurmountable injury, an irrevocable injury. No matter how fast the Nine rays of light are repaired, the destruction is faster. In this little vacuum, the marsh stars are the ‘rules’, and he prescribes that his injury is faster than that of the clouds.

Do you need the best fight?

Do you need a fist to fight at the top?

No, no.

Maybe some people like this way, but the swamp doesn’t like it. In his land, under his control, he could kill the Emperor by any means. Even at the same level, the force is stronger than the force. As long as they are on their own territory, marsh stars do not need complex means to directly destroy their enemies in this space.

At this point.

The clouds have changed again: rays of light have changed.

Nine colours of rays of light are radioactivity, and now they bend… no, not just that. It can be said that these ‘rays of light’ were completely softened and slowly turned into a state of water. Similarly, the body of the clouds has been liquidated and transformed into a fluid.

A solidified body can’t bear pressure, so, what about liquidation?

The result is…

I can’t!

“Funny tricks, dead.” The marsh is a caster, and he has seen numerous talent gifts and numerous genius variations. Without exception, these people are phased out in the long river of history, and only they survive. The clouds are special, but they belong equally to the genius category and are destined to be phased out by themselves.

Speaking of phase-out is not due to the fact that the ceilings for the genius category are not sufficiently high.

On the contrary.

It’s their baselines that are not sufficiently high.

Casters are different.

In addition to their own forces of casters, there is usually a small vacuum, as well as a countless environment of life. In other words, casters have countless copies of ‘terrain’ and ‘life’. They can replace a land at any time, or a body of life. Even if they were killed, they could be reborn where they had been “backup”.

So, once they fail, they lose twice and lose 10,000 times, they recover 10,000 times.

Another group.

Those genius heterogens, they just fail once, and they’re done.

The solidified body can’t resist pressure, nor can it be liquidated. Even the spontaneous bodies that have become smoke will not be able to survive for too long, cultivate too much, see too much, and his knowledge can almost beam the cloud of creation. So the clouds’ cope ’he’d seen earlier and tried to extinguish himself. This “boring trick” has nothing to do with him.

In his little empty space, under his limits, no dead opponent was killed.

rays of light fluids.

The fog.

Ultimately, it’s empty.

Under the simple attack of Casters’ marsh, the clouds cannot resist and completely perish from this little vacuum.

“Oh, is he done?” “A little surprised.

“Theoretically dead.” White winner gently nodded.


“Yes, in theory, I’m dead too.” At the time of the war with the sun, the gods of the fraternal wheel kicked themselves to death. ”Is White Winner lying? No, no, she really kicked herself out. Because the wheel is an empty force, the white man kicks empty, and the bullet goes back and dies.

“So he hasn’t died yet?” Nor can he believe Tang Shidao was so easily killed.

“I don’t know, but there’s one thing I want to laugh at.” “The white man looks at the marsh, and there’s a piece of trick in his eyes.

“What’s so funny?”

“As far as I know, it is the most empty force, and its sanctions cannot be imposed even by the scarecrow and the Orange. But Forbidden Curse will not be killed in vain. I’m funny, this caster’s” little role “why is so confident that self-confidence can” erase “Forbidden Curse’s existence.”

Listen to that.

In a moment.

The marsh stars and the casters have changed their faces.


Why didn’t Forbidden Curse have the nine color light left?

The marsh may have killed the clouds, but it cannot destroy Forbidden Curse.

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