Mage Network

Chapter 1458

“This is like a fight against foreign object, right?” Tang Shidao has a little understanding of what it means and a little understanding of what it means.

“Probably.” Feel Tang Shidao had fighting intent, nor was it an accident.

The Emperor has four Forbidden Curse types, such as daily erosion, monthly erosion, nine colour light and cycles, and Void bloodline, no bloodline and the creation of Divine Physique, who are fearless and dauntless. Similarly, he is the perfect person and has the ‘indispensable’ force of Great Perfection. If the emperor really wants to fight, he doesn’t need to hesitate, he will be escorted.

Mage, who was able to climb on the top of the roof, no one would lack confidence in fighting.

A abandoned little Void.

An area that does not belong to endless Void.

When the fight against foreign object is not disturbed, it is natural that it is best suited. In the absence of the Void battle, even if mirror space is used for confrontation, beyond certain boundaries it is possible to undermine incomplete Void space. No, no, no, no, no, no. Regardless of the intensity of fighting, it does not affect other boundaries. And most seriously, it’s broken, and it won’t affect anyone.

The erosion left such a place, which, if deliberately, proved… that he did not mind the challenges of others.


has confidence in accepting any challenges.



I don’t know.

But leave this abandoned little Void, and the sky erosion certainly means “to be used as a platform”. Maybe he left himself with a bar, maybe he left someone else. In any case, this is really the best place to start war.

“We seem to be finished.” Tang Shidao suddenly said that there was a seven-style luxury around.

“Not yet.” The yen knows what it means, but it’s not moving.

“What do you know?”

“With regard to balancing and balancing the sun, they are the ancestors of my people, so I’ve been looking into it in detail.” He is well aware that the current man has fought intent since he heard that ‘this is not an exhaustive Void’. Neither hostility nor hatred, nor purely a measure of meaning.

“What did you find?” Tang Shidao slowly changed, and the appearance was slightly different, becoming the ‘clouds’ model.

“The shadow and the sun balance are the ‘creator’ rather than the ‘creator’. It’s strange, isn’t it? It’s clearly at this level of creativity, and it’s done in the first place, preferring the name of the creator. I’m not sure there’s no big creativity in the balancing and balancing of the sun, but I’m sure they can learn. As a result, they still don’t have the name of the creator.” A little strange, is the emperor only planning to use a Forbidden Curse?

“Maybe someone had this name before. For example, a man and a woman of the myth of the world.”

“beyond Great Perfection’s name is not the only one. I’m called the perfect person, and you can actually get the name.”

“But I won’t do it.”

“Yes, I doubt that the vague balance and the sun balance are just ‘not doing this’ instead of ‘unable to do’. On this basis, it is assumed that the vague balance and the sun may know who the creator is. But they won’t say. Now the shadow and sunbalance have been integrated into Void, and they’re more unlikely to be” messing with things “. Unless they speak to us on their own initiative, no one is forced to ask them.”

“Needless to ask, if there is a creator, that must be a man and a woman of the Word of the Hereafter.”

“That’s what I think. The shadow and sunbalance know the name of that man and woman, so they don’t get the same name. Moreover, the first casters may be the same. There must have been something that happened before a man and woman of the Word of the Word of the Words of the Words of the Word had left. That history is gone, and it is likely that it will be rejuvenated.” The metaphor explains, on the one hand, to upgrade its own forces.

At this point.

On the other hand, Tang Shidao is ready to do it.

“Still related to the erosion?” Tang Shidao did not attack, and still asked.

“Probably. Or maybe the eclipse knows that kind of destruction, so learning. Or the heaven is the rest of it after it, and He knows what was then. The chaos can’t kill people like us, less than one or two levels, and others will remain normal. The only strange thing that never heard of the legacy of powerhouse before the myth of the world. As we know, the oldest is the old Lord of the Hereafter.”

“There are two possibilities.”

“Yes.” This moment is also relevant to Tang Shidao and says, “First, the chaos are more serious, and the only man and woman left behind. The second, there was a lot left, but then they were killed. As if it were dust, its former people were gone. If it were the latter, the sky erosion was the most likely of the ‘killer’.”

“As you said, it was possible that there were three left, not two.” Tang Shidao started walking.

The subject is almost over.

This war has no reputation and no grievance.

It is clear to Tang Shidao that this is the “Forbidden Curse” and “Great Perfection without Border”. Tang Shidao said that “three people” were also difficult to understand, and that a man and woman of the myth of the world, together with the erosion of the sky, were a man and a woman. Of course it’s just possible, not necessarily the answer. Whatever the truth is, the sky has definitely played the role of “destruction” in this middle.

Previously, the word “quarry” referred to by Yuan was an answer. Sky erosion treats infinite Void as a slot.

What’s he looking for?

There’s no head at all.

But Tang Shidao implicitly speculates that what the natural erosion is looking for may not be one, but seven.

The conversation is over.


The two men were shattered, and they disappeared, silhouette. Because there is Book Collection Pavilion near here, and there is also a relatively vulnerable group environment, where both people do not intend to wage war. The abandoned little Void is huge, and there are too many empty places to fight. Moreover, it would be difficult for both people to work together to build a mirror space. It really broke the mirror space beyond the perimeter, and there was a layer of protection outside, and never compromised Void.

Two men fly at the same time.

Tang Shidao is flying at the speed of nine colours of Forbidden Curse, and theoretically transcends anyone.

But the yen didn’t lag behind.

His perfect force is probably less than Forbidden Curse nine colours, but the “no one” of Great Perfection’s borderless means everything. Force and speed are perfect and without blemish. At the same time, as a monster, who had fought hundreds of times with the scarecrow, it was absolutely not the same as anyone.

So, at this point, the dollar flew steadily, not at Tang Shidao’s halfway.

I had to say that.

Tang Shidao chose to compare the amount with the plutonium, first testing Forbidden Curse against Great Perfection, and, secondly, with the straw.

Now the scarecrow is much stronger than ever before.

But that was an increase in force and a change in the Great Perfection.

Now, the yen has the same intangible Great Perfection Force, and he must be very little different from the scarecrow. With the exception of Forbidden Curse, there is basically no difference between the clouds and the scarecrow. In addition, the scarecrow had fought with the first caster before there was no place for Great Perfection to do. At that time, the scarecrow had only Forbidden Curse’s ‘chaos’ in the face of the first caster who had no borders with Great Perfection’s ‘irrelevant’.

Although the result was a two-pronged death, the scarecrowers who had Forbidden Curse might have predicted that they would not easily disappear earlier.

Strategically, the scarecrowers are somewhat more than half a dozen.

Calculate it.

The scarecrow beat up with Yuan, and it hit Forbidden Curse again with Great Perfection. Now, once in battle, it has two kinds of experience: right, right, right, Great Perfection.

“You’re fast.” Tang Shidao has a little bit of a sigh, and now the “volume” has begun.

“Your Forbidden Curse is terrifying. I thought I was’ perfect and without blemish ‘after having a borderless Great Perfection Force. Now it seems that I’m still in a special perfect limit.” And there’s a little surprise.

He’s really surprised.

Because of the power of Great Perfection, the yen would have thought that he was almost invincible. Faced with Mage without Great Perfection Force, no matter who he thinks can easily win. That’s not delusional. It’s weird to fight a kid like a big man.

I didn’t think that without Great Perfection would be better than myself.

You don’t think it’s bloodline Force.


must be Forbidden Curse who has no borders with Great Perfection.

“Knowing that you have limitations, you can break through it.” Tang Shidao tried the speed, suddenly stopped, one hand, and one colored mirror was created.

This mirror has no physical space, all colored.

Or… rays of light.

Seven colors of rays of light.

“Accept.” It’s not ordinary Mage, he won’t be arrogant to the land of the ‘enemy’. The same wave of hands, with a ‘indispensable’ force, simulates the world of seven colored rays of light. At the same time, put this mirror in the world ‘Tang Shidao mirror World.

It’s just a brake, and it’s a success.


It’s the first time I saw ‘nine colored light mirrors. Similarly, it is definitely the first time‘ access’ to nine colored mirrors.


Just one eye, the “perfect” model.

More terrifying.

In just one moment, the “perfect” integration is not a mistake… This is not an easy thing. For other Mage, even at the level of the ancestors, they spent 100 million years without necessarily being able to simulate. Wanted to be integrated into the Nine Lights Image World, which could not be done for the rest of my life.

Now, the dollar that owns the “indispensable” force has been done in a moment.

Second comparisons.

Techniques show, the yen is still “perfect”.

“Awesome.” Tang Shidao was praised, while waving out all rays of light.

Nine lights have leakage, floating shadows and wandering chaos, etc., derivative magic. Just one, and Mage in general is already difficult to identify and defend. Now, these three types of ‘attacks’ and ‘effects’ take place together. In that brainstorming, the whole space was filled with chaotic rays of light. They did not attack the target, completely random. Even when they attack, they turn the pathways.

Theoretically, no one can defend such attacks because no one knows where these rays of light will attack.


With your hands up, there are countless equally colored mirrors around you. These mirrors are amazing, and each one is just blocking the wrong rays of light rays. No one would have been able to confirm this‘ random ’target, but it’s all blocked and empty.

There was a mistake at this moment.

Rather than knowing the target, it was when it was blocked, all of ‘random‘ naturally cooperated with him and became his shield in random life.

He changed ‘random’.

It feels like the world of the yen has no mistakes, everything is perfect… even if “random” is a sort of perfect and without blemish order.

Nine light is not just fast.

And strong.

One after another is in a position to prove that his’ defense ‘is also perfect and without blemish. Even if Forbidden Curse’s nine colored lights were attacked, he could be defended without harm.



Attacks and defense.

There is no weakness at all, everything perfect and without blemish.

At this point.

“We seem to have guests.” Tang Shidao suddenly stopped.

“Excellent guests, and evil guests.” The metabolism also stops, and his senses are perfect and without blemish.

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