Mage Network

Chapter 1447

Tang Shidao suddenly clear comprehension.

Looks like there’s a door open.

There is no real harvest, but it has become different in itself. At this point, it is felt that there are some ‘unknown’ and ‘necessarily’ answers. Not just an answer, but a lot. At this moment Tang Shidao himself did not know how many, but felt that a lot of things had the corresponding ‘answer’.

“Don? What’s wrong with you?”

“Big Star Star Therapy?” Tang Shidao tried to keep this “delicate” status.

“Uh-huh. This is a natural awareness, and I have never touched other casters, but I automatically know how to pursue it.” The Queen of the Star is the queen.

“Wait a minute.”

“en?” The Queen of the Star is strange, and that’s not what it means.

And then the Queen of the Star didn’t ask.

See only Tang Shidao light up right hand with a cloud in hand. Turn around, clouds, water, ice, ice crystals, crystallized stones… rocks and mud. Just ten of them couldn’t breathe, and a microplanet was born. It’s not a generic simulation, the size of this nuch planet is a living group.

It has a perfect ecological circle, a shorter version of life planet.


These ‘race of life’ are very small in size, and ordinary people can’t even see it. Nor are they bacteria, and they have normal natural ecologies, just like other ordinary world planes.


Queen of the Star is even more strange.

It’s the way to “create a life group”, like a caster.


That’s not enough.

Typical casters cannot do so in such a short period of time, only Tang Shidao, with the creation of Divine Physique, or Oren. However, other casters are not able to do so fast and do not represent their inability to complete. Except for this “God’s Fast Construction”, other casters can do the same. Therefore, this is not unique and does not meet the requirements of becoming a caster.

Casters, you need something different. Repeat someone else’s approach, not count slowly.


Queen of the Star is strange.

But don’t ask.

Tang Shidao can’t just show his god’s ability to build, and he doesn’t like to show up so much.

Next second.

The situation has changed, and the Queen of the Star has not seen a “way of thinking”. At this point, Tang Shidao personally ‘ends’ all his life. Not killing, but turning them into another status: the status of the energy ghost. If you don’t know nothing about the world, it’s death, it’s a bunch of ghosts.

Next, more amazing things happen.

Tang Shidao reinforces all energy ghosts and plastics create a special endogenous nuclear. This intrinsic nuclear is’ alive ‘and it has a model of millions of energy ghosts, with a total volume of billions of dollars. They all become a cardinal element of microplanet, using energy for self-breeding, spreading weak energy, affecting animals and plants on microplanet.

Another angle.

They are basic models… or, in other words, they turn into figures of one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight-nine. Because of their existence, their exchange breeding creates new models. And because of their existence, their impact has caused microplanet to produce a ‘similar’ life.

Three minutes less.

Once again on microplanet, there was a massive ‘biological zero’.

None of them died, just most of them.

These deaths are not real deaths, but are transformed into energy ghosts entering the heart of the earth and becoming part of them. Similarly, the newly acceded energy ghosts interact and derive from previous production and affect all flora and fauna on the ground. The impact is not necessarily the same, much more similar. Because of the effects of possessing internal nuclear weapons, the surface’s life ‘sample’ cannot be discontinued.

Unless this intrinsic nuclear is destroyed, these energy ghosts have been dispersed.


Queen of the Star is shocked.


“Big Star?” She saw that Tang Shidao only took a few minutes to get this‘ qualification ’and got it.


Tang Shidao is still not stopping.


‘s too easy to do a micro experiment because of the existence of large space technology. In turn, the eligibility to test casters is not dependent on force, but on unusual creativity. After qualification, the stars naturally need the indefinite possibility of ‘Great Perfection’ and the Star Force ‘beyond Great Perfection’.

At this point, the microplanet model was added.

It takes energy very quickly.

Energy is rapidly emerging after gasification, liquidization, solidification. At the same time, those ‘living bodies’ are growing at a very rapid pace. The Queen of the Star has no time, because it’s short. Not yet, a whole new life planet was born. This life group is very special, and all lives are different.

But that’s not enough, hidden as well as the smell of “familiarity”.

You can imagine.

These lives are not unique, but extinct. Because Tang Shidao owns the creative Divine Physique, he “extracted” these extinct life records from the creative cloud. Then come back to this whole new planet.


Queen of the Star is waiting.

This is not enough to become a ‘Cast Star’, but sufficient to qualify for the stars and the test casters.

At this point.

Little planet turned into a normal planet, Tang Shidao’s next move. Without any sophisticated method, only one action has been taken: to inject Forbidden Curse’s energy ‘original erosion’.

In just a moment, the Queen of the Star understood what Tang Shidao wanted to experiment with.

Forbidden Curse is the only one.


only thing is to have one.

Single is qualification.

Nor did the original eclipse “burn” a whole life planet be tested only… as long as the organisms cannot afford it, they automatically lose the energy of the original day of erosion and turn back to the original pattern. The original eclipse is like a dress, a dress, a dress, and it’s not fit to take it off right away. Even more, it’s not appropriate for a while in ‘wear’, and it’ll take it off.

Ultimately, winners who can always‘ wear ’will go the next step.

One step.

little by little melting and this force into a whole new ‘everyday erosion of life race’. It takes time, not a few minutes. Even if the energy of the original day erosion accelerates, it still takes time.


Casters’ ” qualifications’ do not need to wait, and it doesn’t need results.

You know, you have a qualification test.

You will, you will enter this level.

“Star technology… goes beyond Great Perfection…” The Queen of the Star has worked for many years, beginning before she knew Oren. For so many years, and even recently, it was only a reminder to become a member of the ‘Caster Star’. Right now, Lord Great Curse, Tang Shidao, he did it less than half an hour ago.

What Mage needs is the idea that the Queen of the Star will be reminded of at this time.


Tang Shidao has done so because of the creation of Divine Physique and Forbidden Curse, and countless knowledge.


This also proves that when you want to go further, thinking is more important than force.

“This is the Star…” Tang Shidao became a caster, naturally knows what this’ job ‘is. In principle, it is not an exhaustive Void worker, it is a creature cloud worker. At the same time, more advanced creatures are naturally indicative. That is the peak of the climbing after the Big Star.

“Well.” The Queen of the Star didn’t talk much.

Because she was also just a caster, and the first time came back to explain it. She knows, Tang Shidao knows.


At this point.

Tang Shidao remains inactive.

“Don, what do you want?” The Queen of the Star saw ‘day erosion of life planet’ split up like a creature.

“You just mentioned great creativity, and now I know, and I want to try to find it.”

“What? What, how do you try it?”

“I survived Planar Space a long time ago, and I used the creature Divine Physique to produce the” whole universe “and a wide range of ‘universe’. You mentioned big creativity, and I clear comprehension something. The concept of life, in fact, is attached to us.”

“So?” The Queen of the Star can’t keep up with this idea, and she doesn’t have ’comprehend’ anything.

“So there’s the concept of” unknown things “that we don’t know about life. Since I don’t know, that doesn’t require a pattern. This‘ everyday race ‘must not necessarily be animals and plants, or the planet itself. Its inner nuclear weapons are archived or brains. If you don’t understand, I’ll tell you what I want to do… I’m going to create a new little Void, eroding the world.”

“with Samsara World…”

“Similar, but not entirely different. Samsara World, a small Void, is mature and has countless ethnic residence. But it’s not alive. At least, it’s not what I’m imagining right now. Little Void is the foundation of ‘independence’ formation, and it’s more stable than Plane’s universe. I use it as a criterion to create ‘day erosion of the world’ more likely to succeed.”

“If it works…”

“That might be the source of great creativity. Not necessarily right, but that’s what I think.” Tang Shidao indifferently said.


Queen of the Star is silent.

She heard and understood, but she did not know how to “replicate” such experiments.

Little Void.

Beyond the infinite Void context, the special Void that comes from itself is difficult to create even creativity and how to do experiments. And Tang Shidao’s comprehend seems to be more than that, looking at him, seems to understand a lot. Nor was it excited to mention great creativity, as if it was just an ordinary thing.

What else did he get?


Queen of the Star is strange, but no more questions. At that point, she didn’t have much left, Tang Shidao needed experiments, and she would certainly leave without disturbance. She also needs to look for a rehearsal place on her own, and then harness the advice given by Tang Shidao.

Tang Shidao is not retained.

In fact.

At the heart of Tang Shidao, both casters and big creatures are not the focus.

Life is organized.

It’s important.

What day’s erosion of the world’s little Void, which is not a test purpose… is a new ‘life’ model, which Tang Shidao would like to know. If successful, that proves that the ‘life’ of life is still one-sided and has a more far-reaching future.

Replace it.

Life planning can also be promoted and further advanced.

Nerva rebirth, life embedded, wisdom inspired, souls portrayed, energy shaped, life evolved, elements evolved, space evolved, rotation dominated… The nine skills are not the end, and it has a much higher path.

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