Mage Network

Chapter 1444

“Really? Is that the emperor’s attitude? In any case, priority is given to protecting the incomplete Void or the first element, right?”

“From the cartoon move, yes.”

“That’s good, it’s good already.”


“No, but it’s hard for you. Future intelligence work, you try to work hard on ethnic development and technology. Mage Howard, you can’t listen anymore. Maybe you don’t get it. I’ll make it straight. Now, it is not the emperor’s attitude, but the other thing that the ancient generations of God can fight Mage powerhouse… they can’t win even the Emperor’s ‘ride’.”


“Do you understand? Force growth is now not a personal criterion, but rather a benchmark of exhaustion of Void. There’s one thing you probably don’t know: Kowloon is off, and she succeeded. Success is no one knows, but she can already challenge Arcane’s god. Do you understand that the angels are the babies, and she regained her opponent?”

“Has Mrs. Kowloon’s battle grown much stronger?”

“Yes, it is not just a matter of strength. My old men sent a message: Nine is dead. Her own Breaking Worlds upgraded and deliberately led to the exhaustion of Void’s sanctions. Then he was killed by an endless Void sanction. But the most terrifying thing is that she came back after her eyes.”

“The emperor, come back to mean?”

“She tore her hands apart and returned directly from another unknown place.”

“It’s impossible! This, too, was too much… Ms. O’Lin did not say that leaving the endless Void and returning to the inferior Void would have to pay a Forbidden Curse. If Ms. Kowloon was killed and expelled from endless Void, she would have to pay a Forbidden Curse back. It is not possible to tear the force apart. A man’s force is unlikely to be stronger than full Void.”

“I don’t know why.”

“The royal?”

“No, I really don’t know. I can’t understand, because I’m far from that level. Why does everyone have to comply with the rules? Why can only Forbidden Curse retain an endless Void sanction, while O’Lin can’t die? Why is it possible to create all the first casters and to die with the scarecrow? I don’t even know why.”

“The royal emperor…”

“Now you understand? Your intelligence, I don’t care anymore. The gods fall down, and the dome is nigh. But the dome line is passed away. First of all, Ms. O’Lin, and then the Emperor, they could all end up with the whole void. Now there’s another one, First Warrior Nine. If I continue to work with those old friends for rights resources, we will always be babies in their eyes.”


Similar dialogues are heard in the leadership meetings of the various communities in the days.

The news flow is very fast.

Apart from the top floor, Mages in the middle floor are paying attention. After O’Lin, there were other Mage found dust outside, confirming that ‘leave’ and ‘enter’ endless Void must leave a Forbidden Curse. O’Lin was not a liar nor a liar. Later, people found dust outside of the world, not to help O’Lin prove anything, just to find a new door that couldn’t be opened under Oren’s ‘reminder’.

This rule would have been an exception for only one group: Casters.

Just possible.

Not necessarily.

Now, you know a real example of ‘must be’. Nine, she didn’t pay anything and she’d come back.


Wasn’t it absolute that the ‘rules’ of the dust and the endless Void?

At this point.

Everyone wants to know the answer.

Now, this man in charge of the answer is standing in front of a man who never provoked monster.

“Rice, do you have time to fight?”

hu, you’ve… “


Not good, I don’t have time. Last time I fought the first caster, my body was gone. This time we fight again, it’s estimated that we have to lose something. The weather erosion is not over yet, and I have to keep my breath on Mage Network. Why don’t you go to O’Lin? “The scarecrow doesn’t look up, knows who the present is, and knows what the other side can do.

“O’Lin’s gone, it’s estimated to be rehearsing something. I can help you pull ‘it’ out of endless Void.” Naturally speaking is Nine.

No one dares to challenge the scarecrow except her.

Some have done so before, but one has been killed by all the scarecrow.

“In that case, I did it already.”

“Oh? There’s still trouble.”

“Sky erosion cannot live, nor can it die, much less leave the endless Void. Otherwise, chaos will resume, and the rest will die except for a small group of the top. I don’t know if it’s for cultivation or for Gandon, or both. Anyway, he’s connected to endless Void.” Don’t move. “He’s best, ‘as soon as he moves’ is all bad.” The scarecrow explains why.

“Is he like our abilities?”

“Even if not, it’s almost. Like Orange’s supporters, because integration of self-contained demons has actually been” transformed “, it’s just one positive name from us. Nine, you can go in and out without Void, and don’t mean your total energy is higher than that of endless Void. To solve the problem of natural erosion, unless it takes care of everything, it is necessary to find the right way to keep an endless Void.”

“No, O’Lin is no worse than us.” The Nine rejected one thing.

“Oh… did she have such a force?”

“No, she should have taken a different path. Anyway, the battle force is not worse than we are.” After Nine owns this force, she is certain that Orange’s force is different.

Strawberries are surprised.

It’s more surprised about the word “different roads”.

“Did you own this force that year?”


“When did you get it?”

“with the first caster after. Before I used Forbidden Curse Force, because the first Caster Force was different, and I learned ‘from it. Moreover, she may learn similar abilities to watch the war all night.”

“So, you don’t have this force, and you do it with the first caster?”

“Well, almost. Do you think Olyn could even fight us if Forbidden Curse didn’t?”

“Never hit, I don’t know. All I know is that I can’t fight Orange before, and now I have the force outside of the ‘dominant’. If it’s just Orange before death, I can win. She picked up Tang Shidao’s wheel, and I didn’t know she had any progress.”

“When she reaches her life, there must be progress in finding a man and a woman of the myth of the world.” Rice people remain a priority for ‘work’ and other things have to be sequenced.

Nine light nodded, and believe that that kind of person will not stop.


During the ‘Arcane God’, she was an adult.

After rebirth, she’s a little child.

People don’t change as much as they can. There must be any reason.

It’s not over yet.


The Mana barrier, which was interviewed outside, had a sound, as if it was knocking. Strawberries and Kowloons are all wrinkled and surprised. Their “shield” is not simple Mana isolation, and theoretically nothing can be seen by Void.

“Young man, is that you?”


“Well, come on in.” The scarecrow has lifted half the barrier, but it’s still confined to everyone, except for three or five people.

“Thank you.” Tang Shidao smiled and walked slowly.

“Why are you here?” The scarecrow doesn’t have a condom.

“I just felt a force breaking into Mage Network, so come and look at it. I didn’t think it was Ms. Tang Shidao.

“Don’t you believe I can keep this place safe?” Rice said with a smile.

“Believe. Just curious who dare to rush into Mage Network.”

“IX is also a member of Mage Network, not a force to break in here.” Rice adheres to Mage Network rules, and Mage Network is a member.

“Oh, I can’t remember. Can you say what you’re talking about?”

“With regard to fighting and erosion,” the scarecrow is also leisure, explaining it a little bit, and then saying, “Juvenile, did you find a solution?”

Tang Shidao shakes his head lightly: “There are ways, but not enough.”

Rice and Kowloon can also be understood.

Can do it.

However, it is not possible to respond appropriately.

For an endless Void, a little bit is about billions of Plane universe. Not 100 per cent of the guarantees, it’s an indirect killing of countless races. Now everyone is working, and if so, this “hatred” may be unlimited and, in the future, a war for generations to change.

“No rush, all these days of erosion is’ Answer ‘.” The scarecrow keeps Mage Network.

Force it’s got to be.

However, to solve the problem of natural erosion, it really didn’t find a way.

“I’m not in a hurry. This kind of thing won’t come. But listen to what you’re talking about,” What kind of force? “Tang Shidao suddenly asked.

This one.


scene is silent.

Tang Shidao is about to speak.

“Unborderless Great Perfection.” The scarecrow suddenly interrupted, with five words coming out quickly.

Tang Shidao astonished.

At this point.

“Unboundless, never permanently.” I saw the scarecrow say, and I knew that there was no need to hide: “Not to hide you, but just to fear that you knew that it would affect your judgment and lose that opportunity after that. If you really want to know, I can say it in detail.”

Tang Shidao light nodded.

The heart is a little weird… there is a sense of familiarity.

“magic has‘ Great Perfection ’and’ Beyond Great Perfection ‘. Great Perfection, we used‘ unlimited ‘as a criterion, for example, your extinguisher’ indefinite fragmentation ‘. Further… no, in fact, transcending Great Perfection is not a further, but a change. Anyway, beyond Great Perfection, we call it” people “, for example,” purifyers “of your extermination.”

“Well,” Tang Shidao knew the point was coming.

“Unborderless Great Perfection, a force that can be called” permanently “, can also be described as‘ indefinitely beyond ’. It is similar to Great Perfection’s indefinite image and is also close to the force that transcends Great Perfection. Therefore, the force of unlimited fragmentation and purification is essentially one of the same. The latter are stronger, but more far-reaching. If the indefinite fragmentation is equally expanded, it is not necessary to purify.”

“Great Perfection is a ‘dissolution’?”

“Yes, your consciousness is amazing. Unbounded Great Perfection is defined as” nil “, but not in the end, it is placed at the forefront. For example, my Force: Unpolar.”

Tang Shidao suddenly.

What a surprise.


“I’m” disorderly “, and it works as’ lawless disorder ’. If I wanted, no one could use normal law and skills in front of me.” Rice as an “anomaly” added, Paused said, “The first caster is’ irrelevant ‘and the role is’ invisible ‘. He can shape everything‘ known ’, including an attempt to create everything‘ unknown ’.”

Tang Shidao slowly found the rhythm.

“Almost, that’s what” power is unlimited. “All I see, feeling, or enduring force, I can be” polarized “, that is, replicating.”


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