Mage Network

Chapter 1441

After the World War I of Dust, in fact, there are a lot of Mage working on the erosion.

Half of these people are knowledgeable and experienced and try to find a solution. The other half is the possession of force, trying to find solutions to the use of force. At the same time, there are countless people without self-confidence knowledge and force resolution, but they are also trying. Work hard on what? Try to find a way to “survive” at the time of confusion.

This is not only about preserving itself, but also about preserving its race and allies.

Even more.

Try to keep your original Plane.

Because of the potential threat of natural erosion, the race in the days would ask before choosing allies or migrating areas: is there any way or place to avoid any confusion? If so, this target will soon be a good target. So the powerhouse with little Void is much more concerned. And if the heaven is indeed returned, they are some kind of savior.

“Can you resist the chaos of formidable power?”


“Are you sure? It’s so big, if…”

“No, in case. (a) Internal ownership of the MAE consortium, but not just one person. If energy and material shocks erupt and chaos return, we can all join forces to resist it. In fact, our trade union of craftsmen has studied ’embryos’ and cultivated on a variety of fronts. On the other hand, in order to thank Mr. Pope for his assistance, the mother tried to help us upgrade. Now, the corn already has the” Void Soil “body, and it will never be eroded by chaos of energy.”

Say 10 million, it’s still not more useful than the word “Void’s body”.

At this point.

Ethnic inquiries into security issues in the days have nothing to do with: allies, or the most promising young people in their own country. Now, the Pope’s Samsara World has emerged. Samsara Seal is now a prize for the competition stage because of the fact that he has‘ Samsara Seal ‘that he is not afraid to die once. Of course, there are too few people who can help than the whole void.


Now, the competition for Samsara Seal is all about the British Crown brand of all communities, and none of them are foolish.

“The whole world is fine, everyone.”

At this point.

Security messages are being published by all sectors, but the world’s secrets are numerous enough to say that the whole area is “nil” only in the world.

Others, one or two small regions can be maintained.

Sky erosion won’t return.

Nobody knows.

However, no one in Mage World awaits miracles, but only face danger and seek solutions to it.

“All members of the population, relocation is a negative attitude only to preserve ethnic origins and technological civilization. We are curious to know if there are any other ways in the cave?” The race of the day is rare, and it is generally too early to be phased out. They care about security not because of themselves, but the people of the nation. When they know that safety is secure, they ask the others immediately.

“Yes.” Xiao Jin… No, after Golden Crow left the cave, the Staff Council also pushed the second person to the forefront.

But nobody remembers what his name is.

In the endless Void, the reputation was called out or did what major event was done. Otherwise, it is remembered that your name ‘position’ is already good.

“Please describe, Mr. Chief.” It is not the focus that representatives of all ethnic groups do not want to be famous.

“I have just mentioned that the Trades and Crafts Union is studying ’embryo‘ techniques. This is not just an enhanced force seed, but it can also be separated and turned into another little one. Now we need time to test, and there are some results that have not yet been completed.”

“Mr. Chief, would this be a waste of time, instead of studying the technology of scaling up?” Ethnic suspicions are all over the world.


Enlargement is the easiest, as long as it continues to grow.

The old people of the council are biased about embryos.

Isn’t that a waste of resources?


“That’s why. Well, please try, we very much look forward to your results.”


The members of the Commission heard nothing. He said he was in doubt about everything, and he was in a relationship with the Emperor, and he was given ‘trust’ right away. This is not just an issue of force, but the emperor’s technical ‘prestige’ is too high to doubt. Moreover, the King, who possesses the creation of Divine Physique, has no courage in terms of the total amount of knowledge.

During this period.

In addition to the powerhouse at the top of Murphy, various technologies also erupted.


All the technologies that could make people live from chaos, and all the races of the day, are highly developed.

Similarly, skills similar to those of a self-reliant nature have been studied by numerous people.

“Ms. witch, if the chaos kill your wizards’ fellows, how many can you” save “?” With regard to the question of self-rescue, no one can circumvent the ‘salvation’ witch. In addition to the Royal Return Force, the Witch’s Rescue Force ranked second and was better suited to mass rescuers.

“I can resist the chaos, one will not die. If there are other circumstances that lead them to death, I can save a lot of them.”

“Oh, is there a lot of one?”

“Yes. As long as I treated the body of life, I remember their prototype. And when they die, We can save their return unless they are voluntarily silent or beyond the boundaries of endless Void. My clansman fought every day, and there were countless people dying every day, and they were all alive. So, my clansman, I remember.”

“So, Ms. Witch, can we join in a union? We don’t need a lot of people. We just need to save a small part of the elite?”

“You talk to the witches’ old councils, but the number of hospitality will not be too high. Because I haven’t had time for the last time, I’m in cultivation and building my own little Void. No success has yet been achieved, but there have been some results.”

“Ms. Witch, why don’t you study how to be biologically activated and use your ability to rescue? Little Void is not easy.”

“It’s Tang who taught me that we’re all practicing.”

“Oh? Then wish you an early success, we all look forward to the ‘shelter’ you built.”


There are suspects in skill training, and there is no doubt that they are related to the Emperor.

In the field of cultivation.

The four words of the Great Curse have been insufficiently described. The extent to which the Emperor has Void bloodline, the virtual bloodline and the creation of Divine Physique is no longer imaginable. In the dark, O’Lin and Tang Shidao were referred to as “unfettered women” and “unfinished sons”. Of course, it’s just a private rumor, and it’s usually not coming up. The focus now is on weather erosion, which most needs to be confronted and addressed.



“magic doesn’t lag behind. If technology and skills are insufficient to shelter everyone, we have to do our part in magic.” People of all kinds live quietly, without anxiety, but the elders of the ancient generations are afraid to stop. They all know that the erosion is not irreversible, but that those people have not yet done so.

Rice, everyday night, Pope, Mother Mother.

They didn’t dare to fight, but they didn’t solve the endless Void crash, so they didn’t do it.

If we find a way.

The gods must not maintain the status quo.

In principle, the gods themselves do not want to keep doing so. The powerhouse, which is likely to solve the problem, is still in vain, Void, and it is best to resolve it earlier. In case, the Emperor went to the dust, and the powerhouse, which might fall apart, was called despair.

“Like what?”

“The towers of the gods are suitable for the repair of Forbidden Curse, and we must be integrated into it. The repair of Forbidden Curse has little to do with the size and size of the force, and we can suppress the force or send it into it. Remember, everybody don’t get into trouble, and there’s a cardiovascular crystal that we all have.”

“Of course, our best descendants are all inside.”

“If we succeed, with Forbidden Curse, we may also erode. By then, even if the emperor and the others leave to dust, we will have this opportunity. Moreover, there are rumours that the Emperor is working hard on a new Forbidden Curse, allegedly to repair to the maximum extent possible Void.”

“No, it’s impossible.”

“Now no one knows the truth, but the emperor cannot be leisure, and he must be experimenting with something. The same is true for the mother of the earth, and it is her wish to get rid of the natural erosion back to normal patterns, and it is impossible for her to wait for someone else to finish it. According to another information, the Pope and the Grandmother’s ancestral alliance formed a ‘life network’, which is known to be ‘archived’ all the natural ethnic origins of life.”


“Yeah, just rumors. At present, only grandparents are experimenting, and the emperor is not ready to do so. We believe, however, that the mother’s grandmother’s ‘pregnant’ abilities and the emperor who has a great life. If there is a life network, our ethnic group must select some people to join. We can resist chaos, but our ethnicity can’t, and we can’t shelter much.”

“Good.” The big people of all the races agree.

Possible ways to save yourself.

The better.

Although the gods did not intend to die, they returned to the prototype of the erosion. But it is not safe that no one will take the gods and wilfully destroy the entire world of Void.

You know.

There’s nothing crazy about Void like that.

So, any possible way to avoid or resist is needed.

It’s Mage.

I had to say that.

To some extent, the night’s ‘reminder’ saved a lot of people. If it is not known that this danger of erosion, blind war, the strongest layer of Mage can survive, but the hundreds of thousands of people are destroyed. And because of the awakening of the night, the danger of the erosion of the kind of “ignorance” is slowly being dismantled, studied and targeted.

Why does Mage need secrets?

That is also the reason.

There is a secret erosion of terrifying, and deterrence is far above God.


Once his secret is revealed, Mages will be able to study the methodology slowly.


In Mage World, there is a message: without brainless Mage, there is no brain Mage. There is no question of ignorance, only unbroken lazy people.

The presence of the sky erosion has allowed this to shock once again all Mage’s heart.

At this moment…

We’re thinking.

We’re changing.


Success is not important, it is important that we actively think about it and try to do it. The gods have fallen down, but not yet. What we need to do now is to do everything we can together to accomplish this impossible miracle.

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