Mage Network

Chapter 1439

Tang Shidao learned a number of new things through talks with the Star Fight.

Hear, see, not as good as your own experience.


power and knowledge of the Star Fight were less powerful than herself, but she had experienced more than ever before, so she understood it more thoroughly. This is not about wisdom and knowledge, but about natural and natural experience. After one thing, you might be conscious of something. Smart people and fools are different from the fact that smart people are more deeply aware of the possibility that idiots may waste their chances in vain.


Whether there is a conscious gain or not, it is the same as the ‘association’ itself, and this’ experience ‘will be a tacit achievement for those who have experienced.

Like a war.

General and soldiers survived the war. General has received much more, but soldiers also have their own small small Accomplishment fruit.


The foreigners who heard and saw this war can never really ‘meet’ what they harvested.

Tang Shidao concluded talks with Star Fight and agreed to increase the membership of the Force Network and authorized her to recruit some trustworthy people. Of course, Tang Shidao is also blind to the full openness of the Force network, which can be divided into how many different types can be. It can only be said that this model is intended only to establish a inheritance chain, with the main purpose not to share the force.

And then.

Continue to rehabilitate the gods’ towers, while Tang Shidao has also begun new cultivation.

No one can compare Tang Shidao with that capacity because of the shadow of the dead and the shadow of the next life, together with the studies of the field of paradox. In order to study the ability of casters, Tang Shidao started maximizing its identity and sending it to different jurisdictions to start new developments. These ‘identities’ have not been borrowed in the name of the Emperor and have been reborn in the name of Void bloodline and false bloodline, with full new identities.

And then.

These “new identities” have begun to work with the task of creating a life sequence, with mixed seeds, to start different lives in all major areas.

Because of the birth of Void bloodline and the absence of bloodline.

There is no exception.

These new identities are the spirit of the emperor, and the general Mage powerhouse is more skeptical.


Tang Shidao is primarily intended to ‘cultivate’ life planet and civilized race, and others will not intervene even if they encounter. Too big, too many empty places. Some are willing to sacrifice their time and energy to expand the circle of life races for all, and others are happy to see. As with the repair of void crack and Void’s collapse, people willing to pay for the failure of Void are basically respected.

That’s it.

Tang Shidao started to be quiet, slowly, little by little to experience the birth and zero of a life race.

It’s not a bystander.

It was a very direct participant in becoming one of them.


birth of a new race.

Social formation.

powerhouse rise.

Mage is a hero, a war between civilizations, and everything is real and real. Tang Shidao 100 per cent is equal to its own experience because it is the skill of the past and the next. Also because of the creation of the clouds and the knowledge of the relationship, such experience has gained more than anyone. Tang Shidao has been living and dying millions of times over the years of the alteration of the gods’ towers.

Tang Shidao was not rescued or revived when the vulnerable were at risk.

Death was part of life.

Death is also part of life.


few years later.

The 300 floors of the gods’ towers have been resettled, and Mage powerhouse of the various races has not started fighting, leaving directly to places where they feel that they can continue to “compete more”. Most of them went to Samsara World, and some of them went to the snake of life, and some more went to the dust. At this moment, the endless Void, a year more calm than a year.

The divine effects are too large, and some races have not stopped celebrating yet.

In this case, no one has thought about anything.

More important.

The emperor owns Void bloodline, no bloodline and the creation of Divine Physique… is as desperate as the Lord of Arcane, who has the power of self-reliance and dominant force. Mage, whose race is strong, though confident, has not been arrogant enough to defeat the king of a man who has the power to suppress God. We can’t do anything without winning the king.

For their own sake, and for the sake of race as well, no one wants to jump out to cause trouble to everyone… Everyone now wants calm, and whoever disturbs is angry.

“Did the Emperor leave?”

“Yes, Your Excellency. The Emperor has returned, and a greeting with the Allies disappeared. At present, the emperor’s journey is unknown and the allies do not know. Guess, the emperor must have avoided cultivation because of the erosion of the sky and the things that lie outside the earth.”

The new divine coalition has yet to be dissolved.

They don’t dare to live either.

Their goal would have been to go through the gods. Now, this goal has been accomplished by the Emperor, and they cannot oppose anyone else. The Emperor, Mother Mother, is not allowed to have a ceiling and power pressure at night, nor can the new divine coalition jump out against the Tripartite Force. Most importantly, in the New Holy Alliance, the real possession of force is the powerhouse of the ancients of God, the “heaven in dust” level, and the attempt to overthrow the flowers.

“It’s hard, you don’t have to track, our ideals‘ come true.” And then I want to be alone, Void, and that depends on my hands. ”

“Your Excellency,”

“The Emperor has everything, and he has nothing to do with it. Force, which can make him work hard, is probably something that we can’t understand. That’s it. I think the race is the same, and now it’s all right.”


“We were all afraid that the Emperor would stay. And if the emperor stays outside the dust, it is a great sign. With the Emperor’s Force and the mother’s relationship, he will replace the gods as a new dome, and no one will be prevented from doing so. Moreover, the forces of the Allies are no less powerful. Individuals, groups, and even technology, we don’t have the advantage.”

“The departure of the Emperor is not tantamount to not coming back.”

“No, you force is too weak to feel that kind of emotion. If the emperor really wants to do so, he doesn’t need to hide and hide. It was like the gods before them who had the power of ‘God’, and they never concealed their hegemony ‘over everything’. The Emperor has a stronger force, and he doesn’t need to whisper who. He doesn’t do it, he doesn’t do it, there’s no conspiracy.”

“That’s why.”

“The new divine alliance can be dissolved. Maybe our old friends can form a new group. Develop technology to repair Void and transform stars, such as this. The rehearsal thing, slow down. It is no longer possible to rely on accumulation to reach that level. Thinking, our own ideas are more important.” The last summon new gods meeting ever again.

Because of the Emperor’s departure, the new gods also decided to disband this group.

That’s it.

The last force in the dust world has also been separated.

The highest dust has become the most common force ladder and a new order experiment site. Ethnic groups are investing in the largest amount of resources and talent here, but the powerhouse of the various races is not here.

There is another competition here: competition for the development of descendants.

No hegemony.

No war.

Just to see whose descendants bloodline are better and more likely than themselves.

Tang Shidao left.

Since then, the last concerns of the race in the days have also disappeared. The only remaining problem: the erosion… is also a matter of concern. Without fighting the gods’ forces, the erosion is’ none of your business’. At heart, it is only the wish of the emperor, the mother of the maid, the night, or the scarecrow and the god of Arcane, one of whom has the means to solve this problem.

There’s really no way… what everyone should eat, what to drink, what to drink… the whole thing that has nothing to do with Void being confused, you’re worried about.

People are worried about being such a fool, and everyone is not shy.

At this point.

Mountain Sea.

Golden Crow also sends a special message.

“What are you afraid of?”

“Yes, master. I don’t know what it is, but it hides me scared. I’m sure it’s not a living body, it’s not a device, it’s just like a mysterious energy.” Golden Crow, whatever happens, notifies Tang Shidao beyond his own knowledge.

“Is it in the mountains?” Tang Shidao is also strange. They own a lot of them in the mountains, but they never met.

“Yes, I’m sure.”

“Golden Crow, have you ever touched it?” Tang Shidao asked again.

“Not yet. I don’t know why, I shouldn’t have touched it.” Golden Crow deserves it.

“Your reasons?”

“It seems incomplete and has a very unstable feeling. If I venture to contact, I’m afraid of having a bad impact. Even say it’s possible to destroy the entire mountain sea. Maybe not ruin this little Void, but everything is possible here.” Golden Crow says the most true feeling.

“Like the consequences of the erosion?”

“Master, you seem to say so.”

“The mountains are 39747; built and assisted by her friends. If they had been confronted with the problem of ‘eclipse’, then they might leave a solution. It is not necessarily a result, but it may be a clue.” Tang Shidao is also sinking.

Master, do they have a solution?

“39747; called ‘Cycle’. Do you know the ability of the cyclists, Golden Crow? You may not understand, but Jackie came from that experimental area.”

Golden Crow is also Xiao Jin, naturally aware of Jackie’s history.

“Yes.” Tang Shidao does not have the capacity to ‘circular’ because he does not want to destroy this place in the mountains. In order to understand 39747; capacity must be ‘seized’ of the mountain sea. Take it, actually it’s a sabotage. Tang Shidao does not want to do so, so it is not well understood for the time being.

Now look.

Without forcible capture of the mountain sea, the result is more “fortunate” … this’ clue ‘, probably’ 5 per cent ‘of snakes Mage and 72.

Except for life programming, this is the second gift.

(Fellas, I’m sorry, there’s only one chapter. The author also needs to cook and make a new book.

(The end is a certain, never tigers head, snakes tail.

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