Mage Network

Chapter 1436

The dust is over, the towers of the gods are rehabilitated, and the race of the heavens is looking for a way. For a while, all races and all Mage are busy, none of them are idle. So far, without the gods, the mountain is completely relaxed, and it can really begin its own plans and development.

Another group.

For those Mage powerhouse, there are no more than two things left.

First, solving the problem of natural erosion.

Secondly, solving the problem of dust.

In order to address the erosion, it is necessary to have the capacity to ‘protect the incomplete Void’. This subject is too big, and Mage can’t do it at all, not even think about it.

Forbidden Curse must be owned in order to solve the problem of dust, which is also almost impossible.

More important.

Going outside the dust needs’ stay ‘for Forbidden Curse. And don’t say if you can fix it, even if it works, can you give up? With a Forbidden Curse exchange for a ticket, which pays who can cut off. The dust is not necessarily a friendly place. What if it’s dangerous? Without Forbidden Curse Force, how do you stand outside the dust?

So, both things are difficult and almost impossible.

This does not mean that it is impossible for ordinary man, nor is it possible for Mage to do so.

“What is the king doing?”

“Rehabilitation of the gods’ towers on the one hand, and meditation on the other.”


“No one’s been exploring, but definitely. Probably, that’s the difference between us. The Emperor owns Void bloodline, no bloodline and the creation of Divine Physique, and two Forbidden Curse. Countless an endless Void, no more than five of his opponents. At such a level, he was still trying to move forward. And we, the dwellers of the dust won’t win.”

“already hit, we have a chance.”

“The power of God is not that easy to defeat, and we have a chance, but not a chance. I don’t think so. Those descendants have been… the ‘s all, and they’re still looking at the front, and the 300 floor is not long. Once the emperor is rehabilitated, this place will be cleared sooner or later.” The only thing that comes across the world is to challenge people and dust people.

“It takes years, it’s too early.”

“hehe, for years this number was put before, just sleep a little.”

“There is a proposal to go back to Samsara World.”

“That’s not bad. Mage powerhouse is too bad to be involved in hegemony, and the gods are the opposite examples. They were defended for so long, or were crushed one day. We’re Mage, we shouldn’t have stayed in a position. Nor should we intervene in matters of race in the days. If you concentrate on cultivation, why are the gods so far, dying and not alive?”

“In any case, we now have only one goal.”

“The dust outside…”

Mage powerhouse is also negotiating its own new directions and objectives.

Where are you going, cultivation?

To that unknown area?

As we all know, the war of hegemony is outdated. Without the emperor, the mother may end all of this. Had it not been a natural erosion, the young scarecrow could have destroyed the gods. Or you can do it all night. It was wrong for the gods to have the highest hegemony, but that was just the result of people’s “affection”.

Mage’s road has no top point, nor has it stopped.

The gods who stop their feet are over, and that’s the best proof.

Move forward.

Go to high.

Go away.

Now that is what we all share.

At this point.

Tang Shidao also entered another World: Mountain Sea. It’s different from ordinary little Void, and it can’t get directly into it.

This special mechanism, Tang Shidao, envisages 39747;

She was honored as a genius who had lost her life and as a circular of native certification. It follows that the characteristics of the mountains are 39747; they are deliberately designed. She separates the mountains from endless Void, which is not exhaustive Void. Tang Shidao also has his own identity in that place. Not one, but instead of rotating a large group of people.

Tang Shidao has been living and practicing in the mountains because of Mage Innate Skill’s ‘derivatives’.

Too bad.

For so many years, you’ve never found anything. The mountains are also a world of high force, but it’s simpler and far from as complicated as an incapable Void. There was no prior understanding of 39747; there was also a lack of direction in the search for clues. As a result of exchanges and alliances with mother mothers, the mountains were better understood, but the results remained largely unchanged and there was no new discovery.

The only connection.

Reincarnation and Rebirth, Mage Innate Skill… 39747; this magic is also available.

After Great Perfection.

It has an unlimited ability to transform, and it can be perfect. However, its real strength is eight derivatives: the life of life, the life of the world, the strange life, the birth of the emperor, the birth of the gods, the creation of the weak, the creation of the world, the return of life… the eight derivatives, together with the body, the existence of nine kinds of techniques is the ‘cause of death’.

Think of this, Tang Shidao is also sceptical that Reincarnation and Rebirth magic will be 39747; stay?


She was too coincident to play the honor of dying.

Think about the top five of 72.

The Dragon Fairy, left Forbidden Curse’s original erosion. And guess to the outside of the dust, he left the same degree as Forbidden Curse, not the ordinary cargo.

Moon God, leave the original moon erosion.

The Emperor, leave the forbidden technology to be “demons”. Although not Forbidden Curse, there is no better physical skills.

Sky hub, leave the forbidden “mechanical eternal”. Similarly, it is not Forbidden Curse, but with regard to technology and summon, mechanical life can immediately establish an empire.

39747; nothing left.

She owns Reincarnation and Rebirth magic, but she owns this Mage Innate Skill. Besides, this kind of magic is not too good.

Compared to the other four, it’s nothing.

Second generation Goddess.

Play the genius of death.


There’s nothing like that. Is that possible?

Of course not!

“Shanghai must have something.” Tang Shidao thinks this kind of thing can’t be found, because ‘search’ is not in the right direction. Before yourself, there must be Mage inheriting life programming. Similarly, they could’ve been ‘looking’ in the mountains. As it should be by rights, they didn’t find anything good. So, it’s impossible to find it.

So, what is it?

The most troubling thing is that no one can talk about life making this skill. Mother knows, too. I don’t know.


Tang Shidao doesn’t want to be public.

“Snake Mage owns a large transmitter and a giant…”

One person’s hard thinking.


Think more, sometimes there are some harvests. And Aaron said, “Mage has no force but to think.”

Snake Mage was like 39747; like, nothing good left. Large transmission of doors is good, it’s very good to apply, but it’s not appropriate to be used publicly. It is only when it comes to dust that it will be made public, and it will not be hidden from anyone. Large-scale, the only passive Great Curse, ten thousand years of mutation, unprofessional fancy.

On the surface, snake Mage’s legacy is far worse than the Dragon Fairy and the others.


After knowing identity, the worst snake Mage and 39747; it’s the big guy. What they left behind must have some meaning.

Think of it here, Tang Shidao called a man.

“Xiao Jin.”

“Master, your orders.” Because the gods have fallen, Xiao Jin has left the cage. It also possesses the status of a member of the old age, but no longer takes care of it, entering the full range. The Queen of the Spirit and the Apostle of Devil Rosa, among others, are no longer in charge of ethnic matters. The head of the intelligence unit, Milosa, also resigned and was taken over by other excellent members.

“I need you to do me an experiment, a little dangerous. You’re not gonna die, but you might never be able to get out of it, just like the Quebec.”

“Master, I was just an ordinary little Magic Pet, and you led me to so high and gave me so much honor. So your orders are my mission.” Xiao Jin was just a Macaw, extremely weak bird beast. Because of the master’s relationship, it’s flying higher, and it’s almost on top.


Tang Shidao has nothing to say, and it never hesitates.


so many years, the main servant contract has never shaken… with Tang Shidao’s strength, the Mage Network contract cannot be regulated, but Xiao Jin remains committed to the contract. The relationship between the two parties has, in fact, exceeded the level of the contract.

“This is Undying Bird’s badge.” Tang Shidao called Undying Bird’s shirt.


“It has its own consciousness, and I can’t give it to you. Even, it’s not possible to give it to others. It’s temper, if I abandon it, it’d rather not have Master, alone floating everywhere. Now, I think of an experiment that might make you and it melt up together. So it is willing to accept this challenge.”

“I would, too.” Xiao Jin didn’t ask any experiments, Tang Shidao would do whatever it said.

“Thank you, I need an experiment. Details indicate that I will” kill “you through a special force and” turn back “as one. Life is with non-life, both. That kind of killing is not destroying anything, just a special cut. At that moment, neither you nor Undying Bird’s badge belonged to endless Void.” Tang Shidao explained.

“Yes, I would.” Xiao Jin still doesn’t ask, whatever you do.

“You listen. After you and Undying Bird’s feathers go back, you’ll be two together and enter a place called Mountain Sea. That’s a little Void, by one of my ‘elders’ inheritance to me. The forces of the Shanghai Sea do not threaten your existence, nor will they attack you. But you can’t leave the mountains. For some reason, you can’t go back to endless Void.”

Master, can you ask why it is not possible to come back? “Xiao Jin raised the first question.

“I don’t know yet. I need you and Undying Bird’s badge back, and then you might know why you can’t return.” Tang Shidao explained.

“Well, I’m willing to find answers for the master.” Xiao Jin knows about dust and sky erosion.

“After your turn of death, I’ll make a special life. It’s gonna help you change the elevation, and, like, it’s gonna trap you. If you can’t succeed, you’ll always be trapped in life until success. It’s like a layer of clothes that doesn’t affect your force and cultivation, just trapped you out of your freedom. So…”

“I would, I’d love to.”

“Don’t you think about it again? There’s no war now, Xiao Jin, you can do anything freely.” Tang Shidao asked again.

“Anything else, what’s the point? No, master. I would be very happy to try if I had access to the force of Undying Bird’s badge, to work together on a digging experiment. After all these years, Master, I didn’t do much to help. Now I have the opportunity, and I dedicate my life to life.” Xiao Jin is like a wish, no less serious.

“Well, then…” Tang Shidao started.


Tang Shidao was also unaware of the results.

Because for the first time, experimental success is not on its own, but on other people’s completion. Atmospheric surgery is passive, and its own use can only be ‘automatically upgraded once in 10,000 years’. Tang Shidao can’t wait so long, but only think about it. Since both Undying Bird’s clothes and Xiao Jin ‘belong’ to themselves, it is hardly possible to force the mechanics to work… This is also due to the guidance of Life and Death Bridge bloodline.


What happens, that’s only natural.

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