Mage Network

Chapter 1431

Things have evolved, and Tang Shidao has hesitated.

Neither the scarecrow nor the night killed the gods on the grounds that they were not worried about the resurgence of natural erosion, but about Void and the collapse of the world. Once Void and Failure World collapse, return to chaos, 99.9999999% of the creatures will not survive. The chaos in the environment, even the rule of law in general, cannot live in peace, let alone the weaker race.

Tang Shidao does not want to cause devastation, and that effect is, after all, too large. It would be meaningless to do what you did for everyone if Void was not exhausted.

At this point.

The gods with only natural erosion energy have ceased to do so.

They know one thing: the night will not lie, nor will the scarecrow be in love. So, the thing about natural erosion must be true. Moreover, there is no solution at this time. This is not the problem of losing and winning. Kill the gods alone, the sky will recreate. ‘It won, survived, and Void will be ruined.‘ It’s lost, dead, as if Void was exhausted.

Now this is the situation.

The Emperor won’t matter at all. As long as the sky is reborn, the endless Void collapses.

“Don, if I…” Jackie, slow down.

“No, not necessarily, it’s a gambling.” Tang Shidao doesn’t wait to finish, quickly interrupt his mouth, and says, “Kill the gods, and the sky rejects the process of ‘victory’ and ‘negative’. The angels have no memory of heaven, and we don’t know who it is. Half possible, he didn’t want Void to break up before he broke himself. Another possibility, he doesn’t care, just like sleeping and waiting for someone to wake him up.”

“We may join together…”

“Well, just maybe, definitely not that simple. If it is possible to seal it, I believe that the scarecrow has sacrificed one of his own Forbidden Curse to seal this collapse. The scarecrow didn’t do it, and it sure doesn’t work. Once Void collapsed, all races could be extinct. I have a rebirth with Technique of Samsara, but there’s not much to save.” Tang Shidao shakes his head and understands what Kiki means.

When I speak, I can’t stop thinking about life making.

Snake Mage and the others’ efforts

Niño is reborn, life is embedded, intelligent, spiritual, spiritual portrayal, energy shaping, life evolution, element evolution, space evolution, rotation. The nine types of skills‘ asylum ’and‘ rejuvenation ’are absolutely fine. Void, however, is too large, and nine skills are not enough to’ repair ‘all.

Life organization, it’s not Forbidden Curse… it’s still missing something.

At this point.

And the others listen.


did the Emperor say to Kiki? While the most outstanding Goddess, Ji Chi Chi is involved in the same thing as the sun’s balance, when they turn to their daughter. In the dust sky, anyone is stronger than Jackie. What’s the crown talking about?

“Who is she?” The sound of the night rings, and she doesn’t think a Goddess in the district is qualified to intervene.

This one.

Tang Shidao only turned his head on Jackie, suggesting that you don’t want to say anything.

“The people I’m looking for have found, it’s okay.”

Tang Shidao is also light nodded.

Indeed, things have come this way, and the road is suddenly ‘no’, and no one knows how to go ahead.

“Can you tell me who you are?”

“Mother of the earth.”


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

This term does not need to be guessed, nor does it need to be imagined that, except for the owner of ‘original erosion’, he can be called ‘mother’, no one else is eligible. Even say that others have no courage to use this name. Powerful Mage, paranoid self is not surprising. At this level, Mages must be self-informed.

In particular, knowing Forbidden Curse, knowing powerhouse, which is eroded and eroded, no one dares to desecrate.


Lord of the Community calls God.

And the gods call them gods.

But only true powerhouse knows that the “god” of the Lord of the world is just a master of Plane’s universe, which is not more than a billion times the same as the gods.

Maggie is Goddess.

She calls herself “mother of the land” only one possibility… she is a real mother.

This moment the gods are again colored.

They started to understand that more than one could kill their gods, and this‘ mother ’could do it. The original erosion of authority, Master, eroded the use of force and Void Soils, and her force was definitely not crowned. Otherwise, it is assumed in her capacity that the ancestral corpse of the ancient graves must be built by the mother, and that the Void soils of Ancestral God would certainly be provided by her.


unhappy attribute of Void Pyongyang can only be broken if it is eroded or eroded on a daily basis.

Replace it.

This‘ mother ’has been inviolable long ago.

The man she’s looking for is naturally only one: the sky erosion.

“You think the heaven is one of the gods, so you come together to kill him and end the limits of the gods?” It’s a good guess.

“Yes.” Nor does the mother deny it.

“Too bad.” It’s a shame that the night lasts and says, “I thought so, but I didn’t think that neither” victory “nor” failure “was the answer. If you don’t care about the collapse of Void, all genocide, you can do it. I can stop one of you, but I shouldn’t stop two. And, my baby, besides you, I don’t want to stop.”

A coma, a hidden focus on White Beauty.



should be said that the focus is on the ‘Moon God’ or ‘original moon erosion’.

“Is your daughter the Moon God or the original moon erosion?” Tang Shidao didn’t do it, and he didn’t think about it for the time being. The consequences will not be solved until the day of war is eroded. Failure to do Void collapsed, chaos relaunched, ethnic silence collapsed, and it won’t be meaningful. Besides, it doesn’t have to be so good.

“Is there a difference?” Always indifferently said.

“I just want to guess whether the eclipse is human or magic’s living organism.”

“Does it make any difference?” The same thing goes to night.

“Oh, yeah.” Tang Shidao understands. There’s no difference. In Void, the substance is the foundation of life. In a world of nowhere, energy is the foundation of life. Whether the eclipse is human magic, he’s not living in a world without life. magic is not just energy, but also a knowledge structure. But magic can be activated by Mage. Conversely, it may also proactively revitalize… there is no provision for thinking like humankind to call life.

If there was no definition at the outset, the stars of the sky could also be life.


The stars are just not like humans working and thinking about that’s all.

magic isn’t life, just like asking if robots are alive. You think so, don’t you think so. Likewise, it feels like it is, it feels like it’s not. Whether or not, the sky erosion is already in place and can affect endless Void.

What do we

do now?

At this juncture, we all share the same idea, including the gods.


The gods don’t want to fight, and they can’t beat the emperor, the Mother, the three of them in the night. Even one of them can’t fight.

Don’t fight?

Will the Emperor let go? And the potential ‘danger’ of erosion is still there.

“Mr. Emperor…”

At this point.

There were suddenly shouting and self-reporting among the challenged, saying, “As long as the gods remain, Void and the world will always have a crumbling stone. As long as the sky erodes, there will always be a possibility of collapse without Void. So why don’t you join hands with your mother to remove the natural erosion?”

“He died, and Void would be confused, and you didn’t know.” Tang Shidao deserved it.

“We can protect some races.”

“Just some?”

“Our capacity is limited.”

“So you’re going to decide on your own life and Death?” Tang Shidao interrupted and said, “I don’t know what you think. But I am not going to use everyone’s life to solve my own problems. I am the one who intends to kill the gods, and I am the one who intends to challenge the erosion. There’s no way to go on now, and I’m not going to fill it with everyone’s life.”


“In this matter, the reasons are not important, and the results are important. I came here to kill the gods in order to get everyone out of a roadblocking stone, and if it moves, it’ll kill everybody, why do I do it? There’s Guardian in the high dust, and force’s not enough to get in. In the same vein, I can leave Forbidden Curse, the gates of dust, and the gods are not allowed to go out.” Tang Shidao said his thoughts.

The thing about the erosion is irrelevant, how to solve it.

If you can.

When the scarecrow and the night were opened.


challenged people have listened, and they are also very comfortable. The Emperor’s force blockade is probably impossible for the gods to leave the dust.

Unless the identity of the clouds is restored.

“Sunshine, what do you think?” The Great Qur ‘an has also spoken at this time. In these years, they have been with the gods in high dust days for many years, as well as death and injury, as well as resurrection. According to the eternal night, they were not the powerhouse of the highest rank, but a tiger and lion in a cage.

“I don’t know who the sky is.” The sun’s heart is complicated.

“Really?” The Great Qur ‘an is invisible.

“Even if the night says, I still don’t know if I’m a natural erosion, I don’t feel anything. But I don’t want to change anything. Keep the status quo, or stay in the dust for ever. With you, neither do we grieve that the opponent will be able to…” The sun has yet to be finished, and suddenly, the dark ashes are gone.

It’s not the night move, it’s the other guy.


Seeing people, everyone broke out to protect themselves. They don’t know who they are, but they all have an unspeakable sense of chimney. As if a man met the gods, he could not even look straight.

And at this point, the gods can’t stop their bodies.

Only the eternal night, the mother and White Beauty, and Tang Shidao, who are familiar with each other.

“Don, you have time to coach me with a Forbidden Curse.” As soon as people say, Forbidden Curse, it’s rare, as if Forbidden Curse was the big white dish on the road.

She looks like a little Laurie.

Feels like a real little Laurie.


“Up there is a place, dust outside. But it has a very strange request: to dedicate a Forbidden Curse. Or leave a Forbidden Curse to infiltrate Void. Forbidden Curse needs to be owned by himself and left behind. It’s like giving it to someone else. Just leave it alone. I don’t want Forbidden Curse, but I need the keys.”

“Oh, and” dust outside “? I’ll give you a Forbidden Curse. Can you open the door and leave it to me?”

“I don’t think so. You can open the door for me, but it doesn’t seem to belong to you anymore. Probably, it’s going to be random for a master. I tried to crush it forcibly, but touch could trigger sanctions. I don’t want to die again, lazy enough to try, or learn Forbidden Curse easy.” Little Lori Road says I’m learning to open the door, and I don’t need it.

People listen stupid.

Little Brat…

“Did you find a man and a woman of the myth of the world?”

“No, it’s estimated to be related to the dust. I’ve been looking all over the place, just this place. Uh-huh? What are you doing? Who are these babies?”

“The gods.”

“That’s it?”

“The rest of their lives is a natural erosion, and now they are divided.”

“Oh, no wonder like a bunch of babies.”

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