Mage Network

Chapter 1426

The dust is high, and the gods have created a ’empty’ area, making the whole area a blank world, without one person.

Of course, it’s not true.

Because the field of God itself is a force, and its existence is one. I can’t see a single person now, just because of a lack of capacity or a lack of methodology. It’s like a miracle magic among humans, not what mortals see is true. There must be people in dust, gods, messengers, and Mage, who are qualified to live here.

“Don, do you need to be searched separately?” The sky looks forward to the dust of nothing and knows that the gods are not hiding, and they are waiting only for those who can find them.

“Here’s some ‘doors’.” Tang Shidao only indifferently said.

“Really?” “Nor does Maggie doubt.

“Yes, there is no substance and no capacity on the surface, actually, it’s more like a delusion. Sun sobbing can be ‘sad’, and there are similar methods here. I feel like there’s some doors here, but they don’t have fixed positions, they can move freely. I guess it’s useless to catch them, and there’s a way to get in.” Tang Shidao is not hiding.


This feeling is more than Tang Shidao has, and others have. There’s something here, just some kind of ‘feeling’ blurred them.

Nor can Jackie find out.

She’s now Kiki, she hasn’t used the real force of the mother, so it’s a little less reactive. Because challenging gods can be a challenge to the erosion, Kiki is more careful than ever before. She was not afraid of heaven eroding, but she feared that she would reveal her identity, and the gods would turn away from war. So, Jackie deliberately repressed his own forces.

Mage powerhouse is too many and too smart to hide itself.

“Mr. Emperor, do you have a way in?”

At this point.

The challenge is to whisper low in the crowd, but this is not a request, but rather a lazy smell. Like, he’s also capable of doing it, just lazy wasting time.

There was such a question that people also listened.

“Well, I personally feel that instead of looking for the door ourselves, find a way to open the door, get them over here and find us. We all have our own good methods, or we can force something to make ’em here. God has something to do with us. We are not guests, we do not need to act according to the pleasure of the owner.”


Hearing here, people not only look bright, but also feel dark in their hearts.

Not because of the weakness of capacity.

And because of fantasy.

The emperor’s word “what the gods have to do with us” is a different thought. Yeah, it was supposed to be like this. What does the dust look like, what does the gods have to do… what does this have to do with me?


No, it doesn’t matter!

We just came to slaughter God, not to be guests.

What do the gods put on us, what rules do we have to follow?


It’s not necessary!

This is not a chess plate, nor is there a rules of action for cars. The gods have created a challenge, and I don’t play anything, and one thought can turn around. God’s field and so on, do you have any formidable power? No. Okay. I don’t care about it.

“As you say…”


“Now the 201 floor of the gods is our land. The gods’ take ’em back, and they have to come to us.” The challengers are lowly speaking, and people agree.

At this point.

People don’t even think about it. They’re starting to do it.

There is no shortage of material and energy. If no one stops, the small extraction of a private Plane can organize a super space. There’s no need for people to do this here in the dust, to construct some array, or to pass the beacon, or the artificial craft. Even, call for a vibrant planet to be transformed into a temporary position.

It is impossible for the gods to allow foreigners to take over the land of ’dust’. And even if the gods ignore them, their messengers will not be seen.


No one’s waiting for people to start ‘mess’, a huge crowd’s coming up.

They have a very large number and have surrounded the challenged population from around four directions. All four directions are filled with human beings, except for the people’s feet and their heads. Moreover, these people are powerful and have no weak ones.

From their point of view.

These people are not all coming ‘to war’, and most of them are ‘watching the excitement’ attitude. They’re not like boarders, they’re more like audiences.

People show up, and their voices are ringing.


“Well, that’s funny.”

“To think of that year, we were all foolish, trying to find the gates to every little Void. I didn’t think that the challenge could be so much fun.”

“Great Curse? Good, good.”

“can be called Great Curse, naturally a good person. Unfortunately, so young to challenge the gods of the dust.”

“People can defeat the sun wheel.”

“Did that shield lose? Well, nice.”

“The shields aren’t sunshine?”

“Almost, almost.”


sound of the neighborhood rings, and they have not evaded anyone. It was learned from their statements that they were not only weak, but strong… no, super strong, strong. In the dust the gods are brave, and see their status and the force. In this group, in addition to the Apostle, more likely is Mage, who is qualified to stay here.

In other words, they all have their own gods.

Faced with such a battle.

No one retreats.

Dare to break through the dust and challenge the gods, there’s a fancy genius. The enemy is weak and has nothing to do with its own war.

People are not here to pray for life.

I’ll kneel, I’ll get on my knees.

It’s just because you don’t want to kneel.


Tang Shidao suddenly moved by feeling something special, and silhouette jumped in front of an old man who needed his clothes. This old man is not different from the ordinary old man, just a little stronger. Drawing pictures of Star Fight on his clothes, many, very complex, like some kind of special work suit.

“Oldmister, are you a caster?” Tang Shidao shouted.

“Oh? Have you ever seen a caster?” Old man was a little surprised, and asked.

“Not yet. But I have a friend of the possibility of promoting a caster, and I wonder what the caster looks like?” Tang Shidao said with a smile.

“What’s your friend’s name?” Old man indifferently said.

“No name, the foreigner calls her the Queen of the Star.”

“Oh, I’ve heard of it. Really, although I rarely leave dust high, I’ve heard it. If she’s not mistaken, she’s familiar with the Quebec girl, and she’s good friends with Arcane’s gods. Unfortunately, she may have become a caster, too.” Older people seem to be trapped in memories and reminded of some old things.

“Oldmister knows the Quebec?”

“I call it the Great Qur ‘an, what do you say?” “The old man who calls himself the Qur ‘an.

“So, no wonder how familiar you feel. So, is old mister a caster?” Tang Shidao returned to the original issue.

“Are you the king?”

“I’ve been in the dust and in the beginning of the day, and old mister can’t possibly know?”

“It’s hard to say. You’re like that White Beauty sensation, who knows you’re real or she’s real.” A big old man doesn’t believe you.

“She’s my wife.”

“And then?”

“I transferred another Forbidden Curse, the original moon erosion to her. So, feel like we’re almost together. Beautiful people are not good at rehearsing, and they are basically equivalent to humans. Because Forbidden Curse’s influence is higher than myself.” Tang Shidao explained. If there is no accident, this old man is the father of the Quebec, or grandfather.

So, you don’t need too much bronze for this one.

“Who are you lying to?”


“That little girl’s feelings are not more obvious than Forbidden Curse Force, but a different one. She’s not alone, she still has a strange coexistence.” The Great Queb also knows who Tang Shidao is. Because of the Quebec relationship, Mage Network thing he knows very well. So he didn’t think Tang Shidao was an enemy, and he was just watching it.

But Tang Shidao’s explanation was not convinced.

“The one? Well, the beauty is a little different.” Tang Shidao laughed.

“Do you admit to lying?”

“No, it’s just a Senior Heritage. The former owner of the original moon erosion was called the Moon God.” Tang Shidao has not yet been finished and suddenly found some change in his face. Not only did he, this moment, there was a slight change in the face of other older people and cultivator.

They were all audiences, and they didn’t fight.


Tang Shidao referred to the word “Moon God”, and they were all invisibly vigilant.

It’s not normal.

“Oldmister, did you hear the Moon God?” Tang Shidao doesn’t think they know about Snake Mage. Otherwise, with the knowledge of Mage Network, he would have been able to receive the legacy. They don’t know about Snake Mage and 72, but maybe one of them’s moon gods.

Because 72 people would have been famous.

Just no one knows that they’re united into a group that’s all.

Hear the question.

The Qur ‘an is just wrinkling, silent.

Looks like it slowed down.

A little while ago, Boss said, “Boy, have you ever heard of the moon forever?”

“Well… no.”

“Then you’ve heard of it now.” The Great Quebec fingered White Beauty.

“Related to ‘it’?” Tang Shidao isn’t responding at this time.

Bravo is just gently nodded.

No talking.

The sun and the moon… in the vision of the United Nations, there is probably only one person who can fight ‘alarm’: the eternal night of the gods. The moon in the sun and the moon will be able to imagine two things: one, the moon erosion. Two, Moon God.

These men know that the Moon God is the daughter of the night.


They don’t know that the Moon God owns the original moon erosion.

This cannot be construed, because the Dragon Fairy is what the hell itself is not clear. The mother was not sure, but only knew that she had the original Dragon Race’s blood of ‘Time Dragon’. So, the Dragon Fairy and the original erosion also figured it didn’t raise. These Forbidden Curse themselves are well known, but the foreigners are completely ignorant.

Who’s the eclipse?

Even if the gods are here, nobody knows who the heaven is.

Likewise, the mother of the earth does not tell himself on his own initiative, nor can she guess who the master of the earth is. So the dust is high and only the moon God knows that the moon is normal. What is Forbidden Curse, a scarecrow, and now one fog?

At this point Tang Shidao knew it was a little misunderstanding.

You can kill this place, your own ‘Mountain’ is not eternal.

Really not.

“Kid, don’t you know?” The old brave, too.

“Do you think I like to know?”


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