Mage Network

Chapter 1424

Everyone knows that the emperor cannot be but a bad heart and provide this valuable pool of sharing free of charge.


The Emperor has nothing to do with it, but people don’t understand.

In fact, not only do outsiders not understand why Tang Shidao did so. The benefits she understands are that black rays of light can monitor the environment, have access to information from various community trainers and may collect skills information. Apart from that, there is no other way to “finance” the great races of dust, so that they can grow rapidly from sharing.

I don’t think so, but I don’t ask much.


The gods are also relatively weakened if the races of the heavens become stronger. One day in the future, no matter whether they have joined Tang Shidao to defeat the “sky erosion”, the gods may be subjected to racial oppression, no longer threatening, and no longer manipulating Void and Failure World.

Another angle, it’s also a victory.

Tang Shidao also did not explain to Chu because it did so, on the one hand, to nurture ethnic growth and, on the other hand, to seek the breakthrough of the seventh legacy of the world. One of the biggest connections, all of them. That black rays of light is an indefinite sharing, but must have a source control. So, the whole eye is this control device.

Foreigners are able to upgrade themselves by sharing, as it should be by rights, and the full knowledge of the benefits.

Can this be promoted, and Tang Shidao doesn’t know.

But it’s worth trying.


towers of the gods have reshaped the new order, and indeed it is an experiment, and Tang Shidao is not boring to change the world. Learning, this is Mage’s eternal theme. Regardless of the level of capacity, Mage needs to learn. Because the new knowledge doesn’t matter, it’s retarded, not Mage. The real Mage doesn’t care if it doesn’t matter, just whether it’s new knowledge.


towers of the gods are new things, as if they were beyond exhaustion of Void.

So it deserves time to study.


As a result of this‘ black sun ’appearance, the surgery has once again upgraded the new altitude. Because Tang Shidao has no name, and because the first “gods” structure, the sun is brilliant, people don’t agree to call it the “mythology libraries”. There are currently only two of these “mystery libraries”, one on 100 floors and one eye on the solar wheel. The other one is on the 101 floor, shaped by the glorious arms of the sun.


The sun wheels belonged to the sky, and the sun was brilliant only in the dust, and the former were stronger and should be placed in higher positions.


In fact, it is not the case that people learn to find out.


Emperor is not ranked in the ‘low’ but in relation to ‘how much’ and ‘hard’. It was surprising that the solar wheel was less brilliant than the sun because it had the power of God. The sun is far higher than the solar wheel in this area. Everyone was surprised, and thought about it. The sun is more brilliant, because he fought more and went to more places.

And if he doesn’t name the sun, you don’t even know who he is.

You know that.

The solar wheel is less fighting… relatively little, even if it is fighting with the powerful men of the dust. Because the sun alone, he doesn’t sound like the sun.

On the other hand.

It’s hard to rank, the experience of the sun wheels is easier, and the sun’s brighter ‘hard’. This has nothing to do with boxing, but rather with the high size of the sun wheel, the more sophisticated experience and the more technical focus. So it’s easier to learn from the sun wheel. While the sun is brilliant, it is far less skilled than the sun’s wheels, and his knowledge and experience are more difficult to learn.

At first.

There are doubts as to whether it would be too early to expose the mighty men of the sky to the beginning of the dust.


People know they’re thinking more.

Yes, the knowledge and experience of the solar wheel came out. However, little can be learned. Learn, it’s rare. Excellent, less perfect. The solar wheel’s “mystery library” is indeed constantly teaching knowledge and experience, but it does not amount to learning as much as you can become a solar wheel. Like a scarecrow taught you an magic. Can you rehearse into a straw?


cultivation will always look at personal efforts.

It’s just a good Teacher.

Understand that after that.


There are some unknown people looking for the door. Not to challenge the Emperor, but to deliver. They sent some fingers, eyeball, sharp horn, wings, even a brain. For example, a snake head or a trigger thing, has something on the head.

They didn’t say who the ‘body parts’ belonged, nor did Tang Shidao ask.

What do you mean, everyone knows.

Half a day later.

Hundreds of ‘mythology’ have been transformed into black sunshine, and they have been placed at all levels of the gods’ towers in accordance with certain rules. Unlike the amount of knowledge, Tang Shidao defined a systemic definition, depending on the difficulty of knowledge experience. At that time, the gods towers, there were dozens of them, and there were none.

It is also not surprising that, if it is spontaneous, it is called an asshole practice.


Because everyone has actually benefited from the mysterious groups of people who sent ‘gifts’. Even mysterious humans are not, they are each and everyone who have just built, and they send them to find out where they are. These “gifts” cover the owner’s knowledge and believe that they themselves have a control.

After all, separating your body from Mage is with no difficulty.

Likewise, it is easy to divide some of its own knowledge.

The sun is brilliant and the sun wheels’ all ‘shared, because the sun is brilliant and has no choice. The sun wheels need‘ freedom ’, and he has to compromise. Those who have voluntarily sent themselves are all sent, and half of them are delivered. So they did it, and no one thought of who belongs to the “mythology libraries”.

During this period, the population of the gods towers has been more active.


There was no wanton slaughter, no malicious destruction, and everyone was silent in following the new order here.

For new races, everyone is happy to see their growth.

Because it contains its descendants.

For the sacred libraries, everyone is close to exposure, learning or providing knowledge.


Void and Virtual Mage are dating. However, they never affected foreigners at the time of the war, nor would they destroy the environment. Mage at this level, it’s easy to set a mirror of space war. Even, a group of Mage invited to come together to create a small stage contest. No one will be able to stay in this big rehearsal period.



Time seems to be fast and slow.


“The Emperor has stepped on 200 floors.” The new gods of eternity are the most interested in the situation, more concerned than the race of the days. Now, the race of the heavens is trying to nurture descendants, unlike the new divine coalition, only ‘overthrow’ can do.

“Yeah, the gods will stop it?”

“It’s hard to say.” It’s always dark, and he knows that the Emperor has done a lot and that power has progressed much.


The gods are the gods.

In their eyes, foreigners will always be chess, however great they can do. They will never change their intrinsic perceptions, and they will only treat everything as an experiment. Whether the emperor improves dust and has passed through genius, as long as it touches the edge of the delimitation of the boundaries of the gods.

The sun wheels illustrate the gods of the sky, and it is easier to understand.

Not part of Void.

It is certain that… they do not treat others as one thing.

“Yong-yo, do you want the king to win or lose?”

“I don’t know, Yongsha.”

“I thought you’d say you wanted them to die together.”

“In the past, I would think so. But it’s different now. Be selfish, I hope they don’t fight.”


“I feel that I have made much progress lately, but it is still impossible to defeat the Emperor. Deep inside, I really want them to wait. When I grow up, then I challenge both sides’ battalions on my own.” It’s like a fool, one side won’t win, and I want to fight both sides.


The eternity will be understood.

It is so sad that we have made progress and that our opponents are gone.

“As long as we knew, we should not have wasted time.”

“Yeah, it’s only time to move forward, it’s too late.” It’s always lamentable to know that you can’t catch this excitement. God’s stage, without enough force, is not eligible for entry. Maybe it’s a chance to try it in thousands of years, but now it’s no use.

This moment.

It is also deplorable that there are others, the New Divine Alliance and the various ethnic groups.

They’re almost like eternal.

Strong strength, but years of stagnation. Now it’s suddenly elevated and confidence comes back. Unfortunately, history will not stop because of them. When the stage is open, they don’t have enough capacity to climb up, so they can only miss it.


Tang Shidao followed the presence of countless silhouette when he stepped on 200 floors.

They all hide in the clouds.

Identity unknown.

But temperature pressure can be shown: they are absolutely eligible to go to this stage!

Some of these people are very familiar, almost certainly the strong people of the dust. At times they do not reveal the mountains without water, Murphy, silence. Now, they finally come out of the ‘temporary hug’ crowd. It has to be said, not that they knew it would be today, but that they were always‘ ready ’.

In the long river of history, there is occasionally something called “opportunity”.


At the time of the opportunity, those who do not have the capacity will not be able to seize.

These people are different.

They’ve been building their own capacity, just waiting for this opportunity to show up. So they never lack the capacity, and they only lack the opportunity. Yong-yo and the others are unable to get on stage because they’re not ready. During this period of surgery, they have made progress, and they have worked hard, but they are still insufficient to become qualified.

Seeing these familiar silhouette landed at 200 layers, permanently and within the others.

They used to be the same.

They used to be equal.

Just because of one more effort, someone else was on stage, and he was just an audience.

“Did the Emperor not expel them?”


“Isn’t it true that the Emperor is going to phase out all the old forces?”

“No, he didn’t say anything, he didn’t do anything.”

“The Emperor is clear.”

“Even if the Emperor wants to phase out all old forces, they are not old. Because they went forward, and they stayed ‘old forces’ were just us. strictly speaking, the emperor did not phase out who we themselves had.”


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