Mage Network

Chapter 1421

Have you ever come to the gods towers, why didn’t you ask the scarecrow directly?

Because it won’t say.

On the equation road, there are some “road” scarecrow people who will not be directly identified. Because that might not help you, but harm you. The spirit of aiming too high is not just a mediocrity, even a smart genius. For example, Great Curse attracted the greatest talent to the elite, but Forbidden Curse could induce all people to greed, including gods, to be immune.

Too early to know too many things, probably like Goddess. It’s good to be successful, but it’s not as successful as ordinary Mage.

The scarecrow guides Mage often because of people.

The more promising, the more stringent.

So Tang Shidao never intended to ask the scarecrow, just looking for answers. In fact, the answer is not far away and there are some miracles. The gods towers are not a secret place, just need to find ‘truth’ eyes.

At this point.

Because of the reaction of the forces of dust and dust, a special “calm period” is now in place, and everyone is waiting for the reconfiguration of the 200 floors of the gods’ towers to be completed. Next step, what do the gods of the sky react to, or what kind of ethnic reaction they have, is to look at the end of this‘ experiment ‘.

There’s no intention, quiet observation.

The heart has the intention, the dark effort cultivation.


“Everybody’s been stronger lately.”



Nouvelles Alliance meets once every other time, or will it be permanently presided over, but come here to be a companion in the dust and the beginning of the dust. The Protestant Alliance is the strongest group, and they have no interest in the Union’s activities, but only conceal tacit surgery and prepare a new round of ‘laundry’. This is often the case in these gatherings.

It’s not a joke.

In fact, progress has also been made, including in eternity itself.

It’s not just a new divine alliance, but it’s the same as Mage, who is a race. Nor is it a half-point progress, but a hundred times more progress in the past. Reasons? Everyone knows because of pressure!

The Emperor reshaped the towers of the gods and prepared to challenge the gods of the dust.

Replace it.

Everyone is at a point of history.

Is it God’s victory?

Or a crown victory?

No one knows, no one can be sure. The sun in the dust was killed, and the sunwheels in the dust were labelled ice sculpture… The Emperor was not the kind of cynical challenge in the past, and he was likely to succeed. More importantly, the Emperor is in cultivation every day, every day. On the ground of the enemy, under the eyes of the enemy, he still maintains such an impulse.

You know how terrifying such people are.


What do you think you’re doing? From a giant head to a background board, or to die, incarnation lightning in this storm, to print its own rays of light?

Two choices?


In fact, there’s only one choice!

“Turtle shrinking should not be the choice of the top Mage, and we have only one option: to yell at our names on the battlefield of the gods. It’s good for the emperor, and for the gods, we have to be qualified to” yell “. Except for hard work, we don’t have a second way. No effort today, no need to wait until tomorrow, you’re phased out today. Tell me, are you willing to be phased out?”

“No, never!”

“Okay, good! Well, according to time, for a maximum of three years, the emperor will be able to prostrate Great Sect, a tall dust. And then, there, I want to see everybody silhouette. Even on my side, I’d like to see everyone silhouette.”

A magic mirror is coming out.

A people of the sky, known as good fighters.

A bunch of special Mage who owns the Sunline.

They deliberately sent this message, and actually warned everyone that there was no waiting opportunity to change it. Even if the King fails, this storm will not disappear. A man who challenged the gods will continue to show up, one after one year, without an end. In this war, what role can it play, looking at its own choices.

Keep waiting. Undoubtedly, it’s a waiver.


Not enough qualifications for entry to the stage for the former Force alone.

The Emperor is moving.

Void Mages is also moving forward.

Those without progress, whatever the strength of the old days, will be phased out. A little more terrifying, friends around you, friends you know, they’re all making progress. If you don’t, you’ll take off the circle around, you’ll lag behind your friends, you can’t even keep ’yourself’.

“Did the big rehearsal age begin?” The race of the days is not just the Emperor of the Queb, but also a group of people of the ‘old ancestor’ class.

“Yes. But it should be called” Big Crazy Age “more correct.”

“That’s right.”

“Those days were too wasted, and now they’re like alive.”

“But maybe he’ll die soon.”

“Hahahaha, that doesn’t matter at all. Our lives are too long and inactive to live, just another ‘death’. It doesn’t matter if you have such an opportunity. Life is no longer our quest, and it is important that Void brand his name in an endless void. If things can be done all night, even once, I will die, and I will do it.”

“Now, the opportunity is right now.”


Tang Shidao reshaped the gods’ towers and worked hard on them. At the same time, the forces of the outside world are also trying to move forward, as if the “lazy bones” of billions of years had been dismantled. This is not a man, not a bicommune, but it’s what everyone does.


Medium- and lower-ranking Mage powerful people cannot participate in the war, but they also compete for it.

Between the average peers.


you don’t make progress, but the big people around here are slowly crossing you, do you still have any faces? Now the towers of the gods, King Tang Shidao’s whereabouts are open and progress is also visible. The man who challenged the gods was working hard, shouting the ideals all day, and you wouldn’t do anything.

To the emperor.

Objection, yes.

Silence, silence.

Wait, wait, wait.

Now, besides trying to catch up, is there a second way?


During this period, the dust was left with only a madly trained population, and none more bullshit. Or you want to find a bunch of empty people, you can’t find them. It has to be said that when Mage’s greatness in the dust world gets up, they can really move fast. It was like a bunch of beasts who had a good day, a fat body. When they return to the wilderness, they need to live, and their wildness comes back.

It was.

Mages who live in dust have a terrible ‘accumulation’.

Once this‘ accumulation ’erupts, even the energy generated by the chain reaction is intimidated.


“Although we have made great progress, these guys…” The magic hearings are open to all the activities of Tang Shidao and friends, and the surroundings of witches and summon are naturally gathered every moment. The forces look at these images, and there is a sense of powerlessness inside them.

It’s too fast, isn’t it?

Is that progress?

It’s called flying up.

Indeed, the Emperor alone triggered a surgery. But this lead sheep is running too fast, right? Those who chase behind, they can’t eat dust anymore. Moreover, the Mage Network team and the three swords, and the Mages from Void, whose progress is unreasonable.

The strong people of the world of dust had accumulated long ago, and it was only now that they erupted once.

Where are they?

They’re not outbreaks, they’re just a day of paradigm progress. More terrifying is, more and more Void Mage came in. They’re not like old cards, and they’re like a new show in the near future. Does this mean that Void can already make Mage strong by ‘volume’? If so, did the dust world fall behind Void as a whole?

For many years.

Because of the relationship between the gods’ towers, the dust has prevailed over all sectors. Although the average percentage is low due to the population of the living area. However, in dust extinction, a Mage strong person may be overpowered.

Even if God is not mentioned, the strength of the dust is “three times higher than before.”

For example.

In comparison with the middle world of the world and the next, dust is in the world, and dust is at least three levels higher than it is. You know, dust is already the ‘best‘ interface.

And now, there is a guess that the dust at the top of the point may be overtaken.

It’s not surprising.

One day.


Over time, those who strive to move into dust and dust have discovered that there is an increasing number of followers behind them and that footsteps are becoming closer.

They have obvious features, and they have ‘new show’ taste.

Sensitive and attitude, they’re not like old cards.


In terms of rehearsal and competition, they’re better than anyone else.

As if they were used to practicing and competing, they were used to eating and sleeping. After entering the gods’ towers, they still maintain this habit of integration in the bones. Moreover, many people have not affected their habits as a whole because they are more powerful than Mage, who are ethnic.

It feels like death in the competition is a habit, and they’re used to it.

“Are these people machines?”

“No, but more machines than machines. These people have their own goals, and when they are done, they will set up a new goal. No matter what stops the way, they will not stop. Fighting is a ‘food’ for them, and without ‘food’ is a real death.” The new divine alliance and the various ethnic groups have no refuge in these ‘new shows’ and often hit.

In this surgery, everyone can’t stop playing.

The winner of life and Death, no one deliberately took advantage of it, no one deliberately took care of it, no outcome.


Void Mage was killed and dust died.

Unlike the past, nobody cares about these things. All of us in the present era are trying to climb up, without progress and courage being the ‘focus’. In the depth of the heart, the dust world is also able to understand… The Mages of Void are now struggling.

Because the emperor is ready to challenge the gods.


he wins, the gods are all over.

At that time.

There is no opportunity to challenge the gods again. In accordance with the royal approach, the reorganisation of the gods’ towers has taken place. Obviously, the emperor will not become a giant stone on the head of the family. He may die, he may leave, and he will not leave it as repressive as the gods. In contrast, the new generation of the gods’ towers is born, and they will be the new show of ‘future generations’.

One day, they may also ‘challenge’ their own group of ‘old gods’.


What you want to do, it’s probably the last chance.

Or else.

Only the generations to come challenge themselves.

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