Mage Network

Chapter 1419

The sun wheel did not die, and he was alive. But he was really made ‘ice sculpture’ too.

He’s there, and the foreigners can’t save it.

Unless their abilities and limits go far beyond White Beauty’s original moon erosion. Otherwise, the touchers will be “frozen” when they rescue each other. In that small place, regardless of Inner Strength or external power, all those close to it will be slowed to the lowest, the harder the location of the nearby solar wheel. In this context, you have to wait for yourself to die.

To become such a presence, it must be made clear that the solar wheel still has the opportunity to get out of it.


Not for a trillion years.

During this period, unless the sun wheels have more strengthened breakthrough, he can only be an exhibition of statues that allow everyone to appreciate the gods’ gestures’. In some sense, it is more sad than death.

At that time, Tang Shidao did not follow the sun wheel or the response of the gods.

Go on.

Rehabilitation of the tower of God 100 layers and the last battlefield in the beginning of the day into space for a new order.

At the same time.

All the people of the outside world were surprised that the solar ship had failed, but it was the gods of the dust, and he had failed? Apart from eternal night, the gods of the dust have never lost to anyone. Why now? And that’s not the strongest emperor and Maggie of all imaginations, but the most invisible White Beauty.

“The gods of the dust have the power of God, and this is the king of the gods? They’re all the same as an intact section of Void?”

“Listen to what the Emperor just said, like this.”

“Won’t the sun wheels die?”

“It should be… probably not. Who knows. Even if the ’cause wheel’ failed, he was equal to the place of causation, and it was impossible for Void to destroy a section.”

“Not necessarily.”

“What are you talking about?”

“If the causation equals the solar wheel, the solar wheel is also due only to the existence of the ‘life’ of the place of origin. Like the first Ancestral God has the body of Void Soil, and they will not die. But defeat, destroy all energy, and they can be toy puppets. The causation will not be destroyed and does not mean that solar ships can live together. You know, the energy-efficient life of the devil and the devil is two concepts.”

“It seems to be reasonable.”

“Didn’t the night kill seven gods of dust? They’re gonna die. But they must be hard to die. Look at the emperor.”

“No, the emperor deliberately left the sun wheel as a declaration.”


“A deliberate display of the solar wheel, and the emperor’s actual meaning is that the gods can also kill or even act as a ‘sign’ exhibition. The Emperor is trying to tell everyone not to fear the gods, and there is an example here.”

“That’s what it is.”

“All, we seem to have a wrong focus. The question now is, the Emperor won.” The New Holy Alliance is one of the most concerned groups, because it was the first time in millions of years that the gods of dust had come out. However, this outcome is not as good as that.


The angels of the sky fall, and the new gods should be happy.

They’re dead enemies.


Because this is the victory of the Emperor, and they’re perfectly happy to do not raise.

In the eyes of the new gods, dust and dust should be taken over by them, and they are the ‘treasures’. Now, it is clear that there is no way forward for everyone. Challenges to the gods, failures, this is a normal script. However, after the sunshine of the sky, the sunships of the dust have also lost.

“Emergency report.”


“The 1st floor of the gods’ tower in dust, which is 101 layers, has been evacuated. They withdrew very clean, and no clansman left.”


The latest news came out of silence among the ruling chiefs of all forces.

The emperor is still on 100.

Theoretically, without 10 and a half days, he was unable to deal with the fragmentation of the environment. At this point, the early withdrawal of the natural race in the dust is undoubtedly a dangerous signal: the sky will not be beaten, and the Emperor will come, and they will acquiesce such changes and changes. 101 layers will be abandoned, not just 101 floors, but it represents “surrender” from 101 to 200 layers.

If the first 200 floors of the gods towers are transformed into a new order sector, the end is set.

The dust is always’ no matter ‘.

If the first 200 floors have formed order, then even if the Emperor loses, the powerful men of the dust will not change it. Because for the dust, the towers of the gods are just an experimental field. The solar wheels themselves admit ‘it’s changed’, which means that the gods also think so. In another angle, when this new order is formed, the Alliance will be fine.

Unless it goes to dust high, it will not be able to stay at the top 200 floors.

It’s on the surface.

Ethnic loss is the greatest in the days. But they don’t care. I can’t beat the Emperor. It doesn’t work. Secondly, they have their own land, and the interests of dust and dust have no basis for their original boundaries. More importantly, they have ‘sent’ their descendants into the gods’ towers, adapted to this new environment, and may also develop stronger descendants.

In such cases, they cannot support the Emperor only.

With support, that would certainly be in the best interest.

Speak of it.

The result is…

“We no longer want to do so, and the new divine coalition can be dissolved. Everyone, you’d better have an idea.” As the presiding officer of the Conference, he’s very humbled. Honestly, he owns the middle of the dust. But those big guys in the lobby are the big ones, who are the core pillars of the new gods.

Unfortunately, they have nothing to say.

“All, we are facing a great clean-up. Unlike other forces, the emperor did not want to occupy himself, and he wanted to rebuilt it empty. Everyone understands that we can’t convince him. A man with a desire must have a way to convince him. But the emperor has no desire, and he is not for himself.” Never tries to convince these people to do so, and he knows that they are not cowardly, but for other reasons.

“…”, however, these people remain silent.

“Everyone doesn’t understand? Our new divine alliance is over, and we are not working with all of us now. And as you all know, the backwards of the race of the sky are more terrifying. And none of those who have been able to survive is weak. They just don’t care about fighting, and if they do, the gods will have bad luck.”


“We still have a chance. Hit the Emperor and stop him from rehabilitating the gods’ towers. In that way, we have room for development.” Always yelling.

“And then?” The upper seat finally has a voice.


“I’m asking, and then what? Will we change? Actually, no, right?”

“We can…” forever want to explain, but it’s suffocating.

“You said the same thing a few years ago. Every time you have ‘change’, you feel it needs to be sealed, stable and controlled. But for many years, we’re still the same, nothing has changed. Honestly, God, we’re not with the gods, but to see what we can win.”

“Everyone, we…”

“You don’t understand what I mean, forever. For example, we won the gods, took control of the gods’ towers and took control of the dust. And then what?”


“It won’t change, will it? The only change that we’ve changed is that we have replaced” ancient gods “, and the dust world has replaced a man. But nothing else will change. In a few hundred million years, another new divine alliance emerged, ready to overthrow our old gods. Then it will be a victory and a failure, and then it will be a constant continuation.”

“…” is silent forever.

Is that what it is?



Why did you do that?

Because the ‘interests’ have been solidified, there is no way to change. Whoever wins, the best interests will eventually be harvested, and opposition and reform will only be excluded.


“The emperor has seen it from the beginning, and he starts with ‘all guilty’. Push everything down, re-establish it, step by step change the situation. Moreover, the Emperor did not take advantage of himself, and he returned everything to life itself. The Emperor can succeed, and we don’t even know, maybe he’s wrong. But at least, he’s doing different things, and he’s trying to make changes.”

“All wanted to” be a little anxious.

“We have nothing to think about, and we just don’t want to interrupt a plan ‘in progress’. No matter what it is, this plan is better than” never change “. Wrong, experienced. By the way, there’s an improvement.”

“But we…”

“If you’re so interested, you can do it. Efforts, efforts to upgrade, until the crown succeeds, defeat him, kill him and extract his victory. Now the Emperor is planting trees, and we don’t help you cut those little weeds off. After the flowers, we looked at the fruit to decide whether to do it or not.” The voices of the lobby say that all silhouette’s gone.

The rest of the world is permanent and the others, a sad face.

At this point.

The dust world has been divided into two groups after seeing the sun wheel’s “defeat”.

First group, not afraid, they keep watching, waiting for change.

The other group, scared, they can’t do anything. Because they’re worried that they can’t fight, so they don’t have the guts to do it, and they only pray to others to do it.

Whoever it is, the results are the same.

Today’s dust is not even spoken about the emperor, but it is silent to see this’ change ‘continue. Ethnic groups are no longer clandestine, but just, open and honorable, to the environment of a new order. At this juncture, it is also understood why the Emperor is so bold that four people are not hiding and are allowed to look at all races.

The reason is, in fact, simple: the emperor does not ignore all the major races.

Dare to fight, it’s already coming.

Don’t dare, give you a chance. You won’t dare come.


emperor is hidden or publicized, and there is no difference in practice. After the sunset defeat, the Emperor had only three left, and they still acted openly and did not distinguish from before. It also means that they are not only concerned with the early days of dust and in the middle of the dust, but also with the high sky… whoever challenges it, come here at any time, we wait here.

Zhang Zhang?



From the beginning, the emperor left himself on the stage. That’s what he did, but who dares to kill?

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