Mage Network

Chapter 1399

Tang Shidao and the others have long talked to Wang Po about a lot of things, including the problem that ordinary people ‘saturation’ cannot guarantee. In fact, this is also related to the rules of the gods. Because the rules of living areas are basically perfect, there is no political or official here. Some ethnic and ethnic groups have their own governing groups, but ordinary people and ordinary families do not.

Even if there are any unforeseen problems, ordinary person can ask and ask the magic wives who are seeking ‘public service’ to resolve.

strictly speaking.

Individuals who can do 99 per cent through the “dust World Network” network have little access to and access to magic wives.

Because they have such facilities, people who have the capacity and property have a good life.


With low capacity, with no money, life is worse. Of course, the gods have established a world network of dust, which can provide financial and even material support. These “assistance” have different models, such as the need for money borrowers to repay some interest, but those who do not have property are free from interest and are not repatriated indefinitely.

The requests for assistance vary according to the differences in individual life.


The World Wide Network facilitates access to anyone, and never leaves one.

Wang Po is a more poor cause, on the one hand, of subconscious arrogance and, on the other hand, of reluctance to rely on dust networks as lazy habits. There are many of these people in the living zone who can only live on dust and get out of the world and become losers. Although poor, Wang Po still wants to live up, and then have a chance to learn magic and a chance to cure daughter’s eyes.

“In fact, Mage, a ‘Plant Growth’ magic, can be harvested, and no one does‘ good ‘?” The least thing is not clear to the white winner.

Mage World, there’s still hunger.


Mage’s entry into the holy land is a Demi-God presence, and the civilian population in the district can’t help?

“It’s not a good thing to do, nor is the dust World Network rewarded. While we are poor, we never pray for help from the Mage. I asked Lord Mage to heal the gracious eyes, but I couldn’t afford it too much. And I don’t want to give grace to Mages as a servant. We lived together in the fire, and in any case I would not have left her.”

“Will anyone else pay for it?” White win the male wrinkle.

“Yes, there is no one in the rules who can receive the blessing in vain and will need some rewards. Some are the dust networks that help you pay, and you pay slowly. Some are Mages’ claims for compensation, which is equal to private transactions. As if His Excellency Tang had helped us, there were others, but we had not met before.” Wang Bao thanks again, and Little Girl En followed the bow.

Tang Shidao suggested, and said, “This rule is also correct, and when ‘white acquisition’ becomes customary, there is only a bunch of lazy people here.”

Wang Po is also gently nodded, suggesting that this is also very much the case.

Benefits are used to catching pigs, and there is no future for the gods and for the people of dust.

Talk to me.

Slowly, people go back to the throne’s house.

This house is a private space, so much less of a ‘warning’. Tang Shidao and the others have nothing to do with the owner because of the royal authority. Wang Po says it’s the owner, and in fact this house is “rented”. Rented by the dust World Network, you can afford to pay the rent and live in the land. If you can’t afford it, it’s fine, because the Dusty World Network’s arrears can be recovered.

You’re dead, and it can revive you and keep working.

“Whatever you’re going to do, Your Excellency Don, there’s no surveillance here.” The King’s baby brought the guests home because he thinks the customers need to be kept confidential.


No, I don’t.

Don’t say Tang Shidao wants to ‘repair’ the Mage of the Holy Land 7, even if the owner of the same community Mage wants to fix him with no difficulty.

The Holy Land 7 is 10 times the same as the Holy Land, 9 hundred times the same.

This gap is not too easy to repair one person.

“Without such trouble, you agree. Don’t worry, life is definitely different after your response.” Tang Shidao stretches his hand on the head of the Crown. At this point, Eun-jun has been tightening father’s clothes, fearing that next moment father will be gone. She’s too small, she doesn’t understand what big people are doing.

Her thoughts, just don’t want to lose a man who lives with one another.

Magic energy injected.

Tang Shidao was not rehabilitating the royal treasure as a holy 7, but was directly elevated to the realm of Project 1. In that way, Wang Po could have a private Plane of his own to live in peace. Whether he stays out of the dust and keeps trying, or leaves the diving closed-door cultivation, he owns a place where daughter is placed. In addition, Tang Shidao used his life to organize a “optimization” of a crown’s treasure and a minor granny to make their bloodline upgrade a level.

Because the change is too big, the king’s baby won’t move for a while.

At this point.

Eun-jun’s been pulling the throne’s pants off, and he’s afraid Dad’s not waking up again.

Good for a while.

Wang Bao opened his eyes, and there was a microdivine light in his eyes. In this instant, Wang Po knows who “himself” is. Because Mana forced hundreds of times higher, he was able to take control of himself, and the rest of his soul Fragment was “voluntary” and integrated.


Lord of the Community is equal to the gods.

At this point, the King’s baby has become a god from the moment when he is mortal. But his first move, trying to make a smile, trying to use his most familiar voice, touching Eun’s head lightly: “Don’t worry, Father, it’s okay. Dad’s fine. Good, well, take a break. Father will take you to a big meal.”

“Well, um,” Jun heard nothing, and it’s okay to hear ‘big meal’ eyes shining again, heavy nodded.

Go to bed and lie down slowly.

Wang Po waved a sleeper and then lamented.

Back up.

“Thank you.”

This moment, the Crown Po has had the dominant force at the level of the community and has also remembered old things. So he knows how powerful people can break into dust. The average Mage is a billion times different from the Holy Mage, the Holy Land is a billion times different from the Lord of the Community, and the Lord of the Community is a billion times different from Paragon. On Paragon, the Lord of the Holy Spirit is another billion times different. And then, the Princess of Zurich, theoretically, has no top point in Void Mana’s class.

If you want to break the dust out of the world, the leader of the same ancestors can’t do it yet.


In a magic with a breakthrough that goes beyond Great Perfection. That would make it possible to win the first day of dust. So this kind of person is too far away from himself, not even the stars. Except for one word of thanks, I don’t even have the qualifications to be a little brother.

“You know who we are?”

“Yes, His Excellency Tang Shidao.” His Majesty’s name remains unchanged, but he has a full name to pay tribute. The Lord of the world is equal to God, but he is not even like weed in front of these four.

“Well, let’s just talk. Identity doesn’t mean anything.”

“Yes, as you wish.”

“Introduce again, my name is Tang Shidao, my wife, White Beauty. This is my friend, White Winner. This is my ally, Jackie. Wang Po, have you ever heard of us?” Tang Shidao introduced a question and said the last name was astonished.

“I’m sorry, I’ve only heard your name.”

“It’s okay, don’t apologize. We usually talk. Have you ever heard of Jackie, because she’s Goddess?” Tang Shidao is not in a hurry, and believe that the King has some information she can use. I’m sure there’s nothing to know about the gods’ towers.

“The First Battle of the Cleaner Sea, Your Honor Jackie, remember?”

“en? Remember.”

“I’m one of the mercenaries, one of the billionaires. On that occasion, His Excellency Jackie, a ‘clean bubble’ magic killed us all.”

“Oh, it sounds like we’re still enemies.”

“His Excellency Jackie laughed, and I am not eligible to be your enemies. It was also a burial death, and it was conceivable that the Lord of the Beast would have met a stronger one.” The king’s smile, and there’s no question of enemies.

“Surveillance is dead.” The white man suddenly said.

Wang Bao.

“The sun is also dead.” Tang Shidao answered and said, “The archaeological graves, you know? Well, okay. Once again, the archaeological graves are opened, there is no Mages defeat and there is no end to it. The sun is brilliant, but we’re working together to kill him.”

Wang Po is completely rocked.

Open your mouth, but you can’t say a word.

It feels like a mortal who hears his guest saying, ‘I’m throwing the sun out’, and I’m completely afraid to imagine what it is. The sun is brilliant like this, and the royal treasure never saw it. But I’m sure I’ve heard it. The dust is not like Void. Few people in Void know that the shadow and the sun are balanced, but the dust world knows the names of the gods.

Even some gods have the power to know.

“Yeah, we’re here to find God. If you can kill, you’ll do it. So, Wang Po, are you still going to provide information?”


Wang Bao is not silent, but he really can’t speak.

Challenge the gods?

Kill the gods?

I don’t even think about it. Somebody did it. Moreover, such a man came to the earth of the gods in dust.

Good for a while.

Wang Po is still hard to say, but, nonsense, wait.

Then get out of here.

Less than two minutes.

Wang Bao came back with a leaf crystal in his hand: “This is, um, a very rare video of fighting, about some of the gods’ battles… Well, I have to explain first. These elements may not be the full strength of the gods, but only part of the Force. H.E. Tang Shidao, Your Excellency Mr. Chu, you can look at it as a reference.”

“Where did you come from?” Tang Shidao took it, and sent it to Jackie first.

“Inner city, an anti-gods organization.”

“And this organization?” White win man sounds a little lousy. This is the territory of the gods, and the gods allow such organizations to exist?

“Yes, a lot. As long as you don’t violate the rules, you can do anything. There is no” no objection to the gods “rule here in dust. So you think the gods are bad enough to set up anti-gods organizations. And there’s a lot of Mage involved, some of them at the level of the Lord of the Pharaoh and the Prince of the Family.” The King’s baby says, “It’s okay, you’re not doing it. I can talk to you all.

The world of dust is more liberal than ever imagined… not the freedom to speak empty, but the freedom to act.

Not like ancient graves.

Said it was freedom, touching Goddess and giving you a good look.

Here I give you an opportunity to resist the empty declarations or actual actions of the gods fearless opponents.

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